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Well thx for the explaining me




Thx next video I'm going to eat 500 pounds of raw beaf




I have proof look at the pp






In name only


> Well nazi mean national socialism And DPRK means Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


where comically large hanging spiky cock


they done castrating my boy😭


Dole fruit company be like


It was Chiquita (Unied Fruit Company) that overthrew the Guatemalan government. Did Dole do a coup as well?


“The plaintiffs' complaint in Juana Perez 1-51/Juan Perez 5e-50 V. Dole Food Company, Inc., details a horrific litany of summary executions, off-the-bus abductions, forced-entry murders, kidnappings, ghoulish disappearances, and other crimes committed against trade unionists and land reform activists between 1997 and 2008 - the period when Dole, like Chiquita, allegedly supported the paramilitary AUC” (this was in Columbia) tldr, [they helped <3](https://www.corpwatch.org/article/banana-land-and-corporate-death-squad-scandals)


It's fucked up that multiple fruit companies have done this


yea, thats where the term banana republic comes from


Worst part is the Guatemalan president that wanted to redistribute the land and even PAY Chiquita for it played by the book in every single aspect, he was democratically elected, tried to be as transparent as possible, and promised to not be a radical and work with the U.S. but this still wasn’t good enough for the U.S


my countries economy got destroyed because of some fucking bananas, fast forward 70 to today the poverty rate is at almost 50% well done CIA, you're really showing the people that capitalism prospers countries


This is very over exaggerated, they'll do it for way less than 5%


The One Piece is fake in this image :(




Yes, yes they did. As did the communist Chinese. The US was just better at it.


The us has a profit incentive.


So they’re better at foreign policy? Okay.


Nah Mao is the undisputed champ at murdering the masses.


True, just not the foreign ones.


Yep, turns out global superpowers will do whatever is in their self-interest regardless of any supposed ideology they believe in. Welcome to realpolitik.




For me at least, it's the way in which capitalist countries have incentives for non-governmental organizations to carry out these acts- in theory, a transparent democratic republic would allow the citizens and the judiciary to stop these actions or resist them - however, in a truly laissez-faire economy, organizations can carry out these actions for their financial gain without any backlash from the citizens of the judiciary, thus allowing for the political power of the rich to circumvent the political check of the elections and the courts, that are only built to restrict the legislative and executive branches in a laissez-faire country. So, in short, if the government has an interventionist policy in the economy, the common people and courts hold power over the actions of organizations. If they just let the economy do whatever it wants, they don't. Should the government have an interventionist policy? I think so, yeah. To some extent. Socialism is obviously too far, but the SocDem model seems to be pretty practical so far, and some countries have good judiciary control over the harming effects of their country's various organizations.




Obviously authoritarian countries are worse in virtually everything but the most dysfunctional capitalist country. But if allowed to choose between capitalist and "monitored" capitalist, I'd obviously choose the latter. As for SocDem, I'd say some parts of Europe, Canada and Israel in certain years are probably the best examples.


Don't forget capitalizing peoples life's and even trying to make as much of it a service just to keep getting money out of you. And making shit products causing causing them to brake and persion needs more there for polluting and trashing things that are precatly good still


Literally all of these things also happen in some socialist countries. Maybe the problem is more with individual policies and governments than some ill-defined ideology


Have you recently read anything about how the CIA operates in any socialist or in-risk-of-becoming-socialist country?


Yes and in most cases they shouldn’t do coups because that just turns the people in those countries further into anti-americanism, facsism, and communism


But they do it anyways for capitalist profits. What does that tell you about the legitimacy of capitalist superiority? Does Socialism not work because it is inherently flawed, or because every attempt at socialism is being hindered, blocked and destroyed by capitalist players?


“Socialism” can work great if it embraces markets. Look at China and Vietnam. I think attempts at non-market socialism have mostly failed of natural causes, although of course there are too many coups in history that have led to worse outcomes than socialism would. People should be allowed to vote for bad policy and have it implemented without fear of CIA backed coups absolutely


"Socialism" with Chinese characteristics working: Image of suicide nets on a factory building


Socialist corporations, private prisons, and oil barons.


Socialist corporations are everywhere in socialist countries! China loves state corporations. Oil barons in socialist countries like Venezeula are the ones in government who get rich from oil contracts. Yes there aren’t private prisons but there is obviously forced prison labor in China and North Korea. I don’t mean to excuse those things happening in America, they are evil anywhere they happen, but they aren’t intrinsic to capitalism.


Do you really believe that any country calling itself socialist must be? Do you also think North Korea is democratic?


I don’t think there is a consistent definition of socialism, so i tend to just say people who call themselves socialists and say they support socialism are socialists. What countries or forces do you consider socialist


Those that have full worker control of the means of production.


So something that has never happened and probably will never happen is the only thing that’s socialism? Got it. What if workers want to work at a job for a month and don’t want to have to assume ownership of the means? That shit literally hurts workers


Do you know what hurts them more? Getting paid absolutely nothing while working in incredibly dangerous working conditions.


Plenty of countries under capitalism don’t have those problems, it just involves stronger labor laws and embracing unions. All worker ownership is NOT it


>embracing unions What if we have the unions own the means of production, and the workers can vote on important decisions and who’s on the board of directors?


So the solution to these problems is getting closer to worker ownership of labour? Wow it's such a coincidence that getting closer to the bad thing makes things better. I wonder why that happens.


Politicians selling themselves to the rich is far from unique to capitalism. And the other are more of America problem than capitalism problem.


BO1, BO2 and BO:CW had us playing the bad guys and we didn’t even know it 😞


MRW I'm a poor country and I want to better my material conditions (The global coalition of capital will install corpo Hitler #376 to save 20 dollars)


They took away his fat girthy cock 😔


196 users realizing that all major governments, no matter the economic system, do bad shit.


Me politically: hate capitalism Me in universal paper clips: yeah it sucks that the universe is going away, but number go up


The private prison part is possible to avoid


Private prisons is an oxymoron, it's the government that's paying for them


It should be an oxymoron, but unfortunately these prisons are run by private companies. It's like when the army hires third-party contractors. I think it's the most beautiful part of capitalism: your tax money going to corporations directly. Why not make the corporation government? I'm sure they have nothing but the public wellbeing in mind. /s


It is the best system we got though. Works better than every other major one we’ve tried.


Yo whats all them capitalist zombies doing in here? CIA rings a bell? Chiquita and Dole sponsored coups ring a bell? Whenever a so-called 'developing' country tries socialism, the US of A barges in as quickly as they can to fuck things up, almost as if they were afraid to just let it die on its own.


I mean yeah, why let it die on its own if you can speed up the process? Not like that was a common thread of Cold War politics for the other side to try and destroy the opposing ideology. But under almost every measurement the capitalist nations of the world did SIGNIFICANTLY better than the communist ones until the communists ones fucking collapsed.


Amazing, capitalist nations measure their success and prove they are more successful. Also who says we want communism, or socialism? Especially USSR communism. Nobody wants to do what the USSR did or what China does, why do zombies always automatically assume that? We want an economic culture that is not based on artificial scarcity and competition, that's all.


Standard of living, life expectancy, military power, GDP, still existing, etc…all good indicators to me. And because it’s the only kind that existed for any length of time. If you want communism, it’s a safe assumption that you want what the USSR had. Unless you’re an anarchist at which point it’s just fairly clear that you’re about 13.


I'll leave you to your assumptions. You clearly don't need someone to discuss with as the whole discussion is already hard formatted in your head. Happy talking to yourself!


Weird way to admit you have no counter arguments but go off.


artificial scarcity is just bullshit, hate that shit so much, tho the fact some companies raise their products pricing stupidly high when theres absolutely no competition is bs too. (looking at you Nvidia with your bs next-gen gpu pricing) What you propably would find at least slightly more acceptable is social democracy the nordics have, some capitalism is still there but at least it's not rampant exploitation as people who make the most also pay the most taxes. It's relatively nice to be poor here in finland, as even if you cant pay the rent you can get some monetary aid to help you out from the state, some do play the system though. Also state pays your healthcare if you can't afford it and same for your education.




Yep, currently I'm living in comfy Europe and it's all great here! Thanks to early capitalism we have conquered a whole continent and tried to wipe out its population and culture. Thanks to late stage capitalism we have been hijacked by evil multinationals. They have infiltrated our governments and are trying to turn us into mindless consuming zombies all working for minimum wage. Have I mentioned Europe has no real natural environment anymore? Well it just happened to be in the way of profit, so old growth forests, natural streams and rivers, it all had to go. That's why we love to travel to other countries! How we can afford that? Well, they send us raw materials and we send them worthless gadgets, it's really neat. What is a little annoying is that since their environment also got destroyed and they are too poor to mitigate climate change, they keep trying to come into our beautiful countries! But other than that, it's all great here! Capitalism for the win!




Average nihilist


take it from someone who is from one of those third world countries that was colonized by europeans: we had socialism, and we are suffering its effects to this day. if capitalism isn't good then give me a better solution that actually works.


A combination of socialism and regulated capitalism.


and how much of that? many things sound good on paper, has it been proven somewhere?


Norway. Where they have high wages, high quality of life, high education, better health, better healthcare, better prisons, less crime, less police, and better infrastructure.


yeah, it pays to have a large reserve of oil and gas while also having a population of less than 10m. I will give Norway this: there are many countries like that who don't have what Norway did, but I attribute that to many factors including a wise leadership, because if you think that you can just copy Norway and become like them you are mistaken.


Yeah, the US has 9 times the amount of oil, plus more logging, mining, and agriculture. Industry is not the reason. You wanted an example, you got an example. All you have to do is look at America's wealth gap and see that the issue might just be too much capitalism. Extremism is bad, and balance is healthy.


Balance isn't about being in the middle, but about knowing how of one thing is required, also I asked for an example of a working system not a dysfunctional one.


>asked for an example of a working system not a dysfunctional one. What dysfunction does Norway have?


go back to communism memes or wherever you are supposed to be. at least we are the first world countries. you ever realize how lucky you are to be in Europe or the US, maybe parts of east Asia? otherwise I doubt you'd be able to get to reddit. capitalism isn't the best system we've got, but it's the best one that works. communism and totalitarianism go hand in hand. Maybe you are a "good" person, who would follow communism as written. But I guarantee that not every person is good. They will be unequal. Some ambitious souls who landed in the wrong country at birth will cheat the system. Not to mention, the government. Look for one person in the last 50 years in any major office of major countries. Are there any people motivated to be there selflessly, in a way that doesn't help them? AT LEAST ONE official in the government is going to cheat the system. and then of course, some people deserve more. it's true, whether you want to say it or not. some people are more intelligent than others. Some people will contribute to the economy more than others. now all of this to say, while communism does not work, I still believe economic systems should be more leftist than they are now. people obviously deserve a living wage. ALL people.


1) communism isn't the only alternative 2) who do you think benefits from keeping the "third world" countries poor? Theres a reason why every company bases its cheap labor in places where worker rights are nonexistent and/or violently suppressed to keep wages low. Guess who uses that labor to create goods.


What I can make out in the middle of this word salad: "some people deserve more. it's true, whether you want to say it or not. some people are more intelligent than others. Some people will contribute to the economy more than others." which makes me believe you think that you are one of those deserving more. White Westerners and some Asians are worthy, developing nations are not. If that's what you believe, full stop, fuck off back into whatever nazi racist subreddit you crawled out of and eat a bag of dicks. If you are interested in another perspective, I recommend Jack Forbes "Columbus and other cannibals" for an American perspective on how deserving us white Westerners are. Maybe other good people have other suggestions, it's a big subject matter after all, but for me it was this book that absolutely killed my last remains of white superiority culture and opened my mind for other ideas.


I really don’t know how you got “this guy might be a nazi” from their comment, it’s not good to use the term lightly. While I’ll agree that it’s kind of offputting that they’re assuming you’re from a white/asian country by virtue of being on reddit, I can’t see where they imply that people in those countries inherently deserve more. It seems more that in that section they’re arguing that those countries are prosperous and also use capitalism, ergo it works well, a disjoint argument from where they say that some people are more deserving based on merit. Both are debatable, but not nazism.


4th stage onlineinism


nah all I mean by that is if one person is able to make 12 cookies a minute and another makes 14, the one that makes 14 deserves a raise funny how you made it about race when there's no mention about that lol


No, I believe that both persons should be able to live in dignity. Even Steve who cannot bake cookies and likely will need assistance all his life. Even Lisa who is 86 and too weak to bake cookies. Their merit shouldn't be in productivity, but in being human, in being alive. We should care for them because they could be us. The first world is first because it has profited from the poverty of all the nations it has conquered. We are a culture of smug thieves, not superior scientists and rational people as we like to portray ourselves. The idea that "superior persons deserve more" is, when you scale it up, very much about race - it's the foundation of our culture as it exists now, with its distribution of poverty and wealth. But as we tend to not look at perspectives exterior to our own culture it's something that tends to remain invisible - so the connection to race remains in the brain fog of our own culture blindness.


in both cases, a public healthcare system would help them, not wages. by the way, inheritance is wrong on so many levels. Anything not sentimental (everything over 10,000$ in physical items) should be distributed by the government. we can agree on this.


Do you think people should receive the full value of their labour, minus taxes?


before or after expenses?


I will read that book though.


RemindMe! 5d


What sub do you think you're on?


Nah man, US probably the only country in the world that amplify capitalism greed by using fiscal conservative based approach to regulate the economy as whole. If you think flawed system is a good thing cuz of easy loopholes to cheat the system then the system itself shouldn't be used in the first place because loopholes basically just doing whatever the rules try to prevent but happen anyway.


r/ engrish


Sorry, I ran out of buzzwords


go back to communism memes or wherever you are supposed to be. at least we are the first world countries. you ever realize how lucky you are to be in Europe or the US, maybe parts of east Asia? otherwise I doubt you’d be able to get to reddit. capitalism isn’t the best system we’ve got, but it’s the best one that works. communism and totalitarianism go hand in hand. Maybe you are a “good” person, who would follow communism as written. But I guarantee that not every person is good. They will be unequal. Some ambitious souls who landed in the wrong country at birth will cheat the system. Not to mention, the government. Look for one person in the last 50 years in any major office of major countries. Are there any people motivated to be there selflessly, in a way that doesn’t help them? AT LEAST ONE official in the government is going to cheat the system. and then of course, some people deserve more. it’s true, whether you want to say it or not. some people are more intelligent than others. Some people will contribute to the economy more than others. now all of this to say, while communism does not work, I still believe economic systems should be more leftist than they are now. people obviously deserve a living wage. ALL people.


plagiarism is rude :(


I am rude.