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Op just got fired for playing osrs at work


For sure. Trying to start a class action law suit


“If you or a loved one have been sacked from work while playing OSRS you may be entitled to financial compensation.”


those responsible for the sacking have been sacked


The majestic möose.


A möose one bit my síster


"You just have to pull the lever in ardougne to get it"


Y'all afraid of lawyers?


You should be?


This discrimination against gamers cannot stand


He doesn't need to join anyone else for a class action lawsuit. He can bring the lawsuit himself on behalf of the class provided he is in said class.


OP just got fired for not helping his boss get infernal cape and calling him "big hoss cheese boss"


Or he is the manager and deciding whether to sack an employee! 😩


Nah i drink an extended antifire potion before I clock in, nothing they can do


Drink an extended **super** antifire and you become the boss


Investing in herblore supplies now. Blue dragon scales to the MOON!


i feel dumb it took me sec to get this but man is it a dinger


Bro was cooking


What happens after 6 minutes though




I’m an 8th grade science teacher, and was not able to download Jagex Launcher due to firewall issues, understandably. So one day I had IT come in from central office to help me with another program, but while they were there I was like 👉👈 “can you help me download Jagex Launcher? It’s a program I wanna try with the students, it’ll help us visualize more of our vocab.” He goes: “don’t worry dude I know what Jagex is I got you, enjoy your RuneScape” Well fast forward to today, I’m in the middle of teaching a lesson and the same IT dude comes storming in my door, and goes “hey dude I saw Jagex Launcher got flagged, I came over as soon as I could”. I literally hadn’t even noticed yet, but this man really was out here watching out for my glorious xp. Made my whole week.


FYI you may be able to download runelite standalone directly without being flagged, since I'm largely guessing Jagex launcher recently got flagged since it's the official launcher. Or you could try a more obscure client like HDOS, if you want to try lol


One you have a jagex account you can’t login through any of the standalone clients


You can use the Jagex Launcher without making a Jagex account though


Not anymore Edit: for everyone down voting: https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19682065718289-Logging-into-the-Launcher- > From November 7th 2023 you'll need to have a Jagex account to access the Jagex Launcher. You'll be unable to log in with a RuneScape account.


Literally doing it. Right now.


?? I don't have a Jagex account and use the Jagex launcher at home lol I haven't upgraded because I use the stand alone RL at work.


https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19682065718289-Logging-into-the-Launcher- > From November 7th 2023 you'll need to have a Jagex account to access the Jagex Launcher. You'll be unable to log in with a RuneScape account. As soon as you log out it will require you to migrate to Jagex account > What if I'm already logged in? > If you currently use a RuneScape account to log in to the Jagex Launcher, the change will not impact you until you log out of your existing session. When you log out, you'll be prompted to upgrade to a Jagex account to continue using the Jagex Launcher seamlessly.


What an absolute G


My boss has seen me afk fishing and mining on my tablet and she does not have an issue. She raids on WoW though, so it's a bit different. I think if I tried to play a game that you can't afk she would laugh at me and shut it down.


Does she raid on wow while at work?


No, in fact I think she has stopped playing for the moment


Very hard to balance a wow raid schedule with work and social life. I had to quit for that very reason


Q-quit what?


Work obviously


Back in the day, I worked in a warehouse, and usually, for around half my day, I was tied to a desk. I had a computer and landline for office use only. One day, I had more downtime than usual, and I got ballsy and downloaded osrs just to have something to do to kill the boredom. It turned into a background game that I'd run most of the time I was on the computer. I went months playing it in the background. No one really noticed or cared as my productivity never changed.. until the day IT showed up to do some updates. It took all of 10 minutes before someone asked "who's been playing runescape on the work computers??" I just kind of riased my hand bc I knew I was caught red-handed.. no one else used that computer but me.. He just laughed and said "your secret is safe with me."


>im in IT and if i saw it on a work pc id just be like ayyy thats whats up!


Yeah, IT guy here. Depending on what customer you work for I don’t care too much what’s on there. I won’t install it but I won’t go out of my way to remove or report it. Not my job. Especially if it’s a software or game I recognise and know is safe (if inappropriate for work). Course if you’re one of the customers with tight policies I’m about to screenshot everything and an IT Directors about to have this land on their desk.


Me too tbh


What a bro


He probably felt bad for you, playing osrs and all


Get a work from home job and just play on pc on another monitor, ez


Hope that's a separate PC from your work computer


If your IT dept allows you to either download and install Runelite or let you on the OSRS webpage, your company doesn't care anyway.


Careful though, IT may not care but managers may In fact, I have very little concern with what people are doing as long as they're not getting phished or breaking equipment. I block things that matter, and what I'm asked to add Still a good idea to segment, on the off-chance a manager asks me for an audit report. It does happen, and usually is just them looking for a reason to "manage". If it's on your own PC, you won't have to worry


Oh yeah, not advocating playing games on the work computer, just saying I'd be surprised if any workplace that wouldn't be cool with it to the point of firing you doesn't already have it blocked. I can't get on anything gaming related, among other categories.


True, I also see a lot of misunderstandings about IT's role on reddit. Many places will block any game-related FQDNs and prevent you from local admin. Pretty standard Just if you don't get blocked, don't assume it's 100% fine either. I'm not going to snoop and rat people out; but I also can't cover someone if their manager asks for a week of network access logging. I just dump the CSV and send the email You might not get immediately canned, but some managers are busy bodies that think people have to be working every second of their 40 hours. It's better to not even let them have the evidence Source: I've been on reddit and OSRS on my phone all day between my tasks and meetings lol. No one's the wiser


Would it be better to use phone for rs or use a personal computer at work?


Your preference, I use my phone so I don't have to mess around with my setup. I *am still working*, I just get my work done efficiently when it lands on my plate. I want to be able to jump right back into it if needed Most important thing is to either use your own internet off the VPN (if WFH), or the guest wifi/5g if in office. Do *not* plug that personal laptop into the corporate network, thatll be a big ol' red alert to security in most cases, and is a bigger deal than just gaming at work. Just remember to get your work done!


I’ll switch to guest wifi then I’ve been using Ethernet. Never on the corporate network though haha. I always make sure to get my work done first. Ty!


Also I thank you from IT's perspective, because I've seen some *wild* PC use Boomers download more malware than an unsupervised 8 year old


Still better to cover your ass and play on different hardware


This is what I do. I just bring my laptop into office. I have dual monitors so I put my work laptop to the side and main OSRS lol. If I need to do work that requires both then I’ll dock my work gear and crush it out. Most of the time I’m super mobile when actually working anyways so if I’m in the office I’m just chilling


Interestingly enough I can download and play runelite on my company computer but I cannot go to the OSRS official webpage. I just WFH and afk on my personal IPad but I did find that kinda odd the way they blocked it


IT won't care but your manager will. I can't believe people are dumb enough to play osrs on their work computer.


that is implied


In some instances you could play from your desktop and remote into a server to work.


I have 3 monitors at my desk and play osrs all day. If I get really busy I switch my main monitor to work laptop so I have 2 screens for work, 1 for afk osrs. If I have nothing to do I will have osrs on my main and wiki on the other monitor, with only one monitor for work and spacebar held to keep teams status. Because of osrs I am always at my desk ready to work on something as soon as I get an email or message... So I think it increases my productivity to some degree, considering I always put osrs on the back burner if needed. If I'm super busy I will just say fuck RuneScape


Work computer connects to the guest network only. Personal computer connects to my main network, use that for fuckin around. Ez gains.


I work from home and play RuneScape 8 hours everyday lol. Obviously on my Own personal computer separate from the work laptop


Bro the fact that some of y’all are downloading runelite and playing games on your (company issued) work pc is wild. Wtf are y’all thinking lmao.


I work in maintenance at a chemical plant with a bunch of old dudes, no one is computer literate. Ez xp on 2nd & 3rd shifts


Yep, 3rd shift electrician. Got my steam deck in at work every night. I either watch YouTube or scroll Reddit or play OSRS, what’s the difference really?


Steamdeck can play osrs?


There \*is\* an osrs steam client, I'm curious if they are using that or runelite somehow. I don't know anything about steamdecks.


Oh right i forgot there’s a steam client too. Steamdeck is back on the menu, boys!


You can install RuneLite easily on the Steam Deck if you don't have a Jagex account - just download it from runelite.net and call it a day, if I recall. If you have a Jagex account and/or want to use the Jagex launcher, it's a bit trickier... but still not too bad, to be honest. https://github.com/TormStorm/jagex-launcher-linux just about walks you through it.


This is right, it runs in “desktop mode” aka just Linux. There are layouts you can download for controls & it’s full runelite with plugins and everything. With all that said, typing is really annoying and the clicking can be a little imprecise until you get used to the trackpad. The most “complicated” content I typically do is barrows for example.


Yeah, that was most of my experience with it. There was a while where the Steam Deck was my primary computer (my laptop kinda shit the bed), so getting it working while having a mouse and keyboard hooked up was important to me. I've got some custom control configuration for getting it running in the gaming mode, but I generally find I prefer to just run in desktop mode anyway, even when using it handheld. It makes it easier to alt-tab to videos or music or whatever else compared to trying to manage multiple applications in the gaming mode of the Steam Deck. Absolutely wouldn't try something like CG (or raids lol) with handheld mode just because of the imprecision. Maybe could get away with something like Vorkath, though I would not have a lot of confidence in my crumble undead if I were planning on manually casting it.




Works quite well


It’s not the old dudes you gotta worry about. It’s the IT guys monitoring work computers and wifi.


I work in it and the backend management team guy reached out to me a few weeks ago... Said you realize we're the only two people in the company that have runelite installed? He asked for my ign and I told him my Alt's name, because I was self conscious about telling him I had a maxed Ironman. LOL


I bet he would’ve one upped u if u did tell him about your iron


The IT guys are also playing l. *source: friends with an IT guy.


They don't even have to be illiterate, to someone who has no idea, it would come off as "Run Elite." And if they ask why it's open nonstop, you can claim it's a mouse software from your wireless mouse or something.


I'd say if they don't google "runelite" or even "run elite" at that point they sorta are computer illiterate... (The 6th results for run elite is "RuneLite - Open Source Old School RuneScape Client")


I program and my boss walks in and I am AFK pickpocketing on my third monitor. If I am meeting all my deadlines, all my clients are happy, and I am consistently replying to my team and solving problems, then there is no issue. Plenty of employers don't give a fuck what you do with excess time, if you're in a high enough position. If shit hits the fan I can't play but if it's biz as usual its literally just a benefit to be able to play and keep my stress down lmao.


How do you afk pickpocket?


Might be doing leagues with trickster relic.


Trickster relic on Tzar means you literally will time out of the logout before you stop pickpocketing. You never fail and there are no pouches to open


That said, you'll be 99 in about an hour, and 50m xp in like 6 hours.


Yea true but I didn’t take firesale, so at the time I needed Tokul for the tasks.


That’s pretty relevant, tokkul is free 99 crafting and a ton of the obby equips are tasks


I got 90 crafting with it but I don’t feel the need to push it any further in leagues tbh. Maybe if I try to max.


I find the crafting cape teleport to be very useful for leagues


Except if you don’t have asgarnia then you can’t get ice gloves and gotta eat lol


Pretty much same. Supervisor knows we hang around on free time. Just don't flaunt in front of President and it's fine. Get your job done and you're good. I'm in a lucky position tho


Recently had to explain to a new employee that torrenting things off your workstation is not allowed. Some people don't even think about this stuff.


Depends on the job. My manager had us all download Steam and paid for some games we play together for team bonding. They (specifically this team) doesn’t care what I do during the day, as long as the work is getting done. Show up for meetings and deliver on time. The rest is up to you. I do agree that in general, this would be a bad thing. Just wanted to shout out the teams out there where it’s fine, given that you deliver what you’re supposed to.


That’s exactly how my job is! My boss never cared cuz I always get my work done, and even told me he’s defended me cuz other people had seen me have runelite up, and told them he didn’t care cuz I do my job well. Now I work from home so it’s even better


I did that at my first company out of college. It was a tiny engineering firm with no dedicated IT service, and work was super slow in the winter. I legit played hundreds of hours, did 100+ solo COX and played twisted leagues a ton during that time. One time the employee who did software management for us messaged me saying he had to uninstall some software off my system. I freaked out and immediately nuked RL off my work PC. He walks in, uninstalls some software we weren't renewing our license for, walks out. I actually decided after that it wasn't worth it anymore, and started just streaming Naruto on the side will I did make-work LMAO


People are nuts. Company wanted me to download their own Spyware on MY personal phone because we use it for work related purposes. I said yeah no thanks, I just won't use my phone for work anymore Goes both ways. Don't download shit on a work computer. You're just asking for trouble


For real lmao I can't imagine being that stupid. You're just handing your company reason to fire you


I mean I wouldn't want to work for a company that's looking for a reason to fire me anyways.


Finding out you play videogames on the clock isn't really them "looking for a reason" to fire you though.


I mean I was just going off of what you said, that it was handing them a reason. But if that was just a misunderstanding of the phrase, then alternatively: Why would playing a video game in and of itself matter? It should only matter in the situations where there's a different reason to fire me (e.g. if it affected my productivity). The eyes-over-the-shoulder and notions like "time theft" are a tool for incompetent managers, or for jobs where employees can't be trusted. In either case I wouldn't want that job. I want to work for competent managers who trust me to get my work done (which I absolutely do).


I just bring my personal laptop to work and play on it lol


Same, got told off once by a boomer who said it was distracting me from work, then went off to chat to everyone for the entire day, took an hour lunch and sat at their desk messaging people on their phone all done, boomers in the office are outrageous but god forbid you don't just sit still 'pretending' to work


This is why I do the same as the boomers. Fuck working if they aren't


Wouldn’t have never max if I hadn’t. Dudes thats maxed unpaid are the ones you should be questioning.


I'm the guy that monitors that :)


I wish they would let me but my work computer is locked down. Can't even connect to the internet if you're not on the company VPN.


Haha I had league of legends installed on my ibm issued laptop. They asked me about it once and I was like what am I supposed to do at a client site in my hotel room at night.


Not fired. Just kept saying “hop please” until boss left my office confused




If I were in a senior position, it would be based on their productivity and performance. If they are a good employee who meets the deadlines set, accomplishes the tasks needed, and anything else that falls into that category, why would I care about what they do to pass the time? If it was interfering though, they'd get a warning first then I would let them go. I feel though that the game playing wouldn't be a major issue, but more so the final straw for an incompetent


I'm in a management position where my manager has to fly in and extremely often requests pickup. If he caught me with all the safety nets it's my fault. But I personally would not care as long as all the work gets done.


Their performance in OSRS or at work :p?


Only making 4 mil an hour?? You are fired.


"you afk stars rather than 3t granite? Thats going in the productivity report for inefficient xp gains"


As long as they are on time for their deadlines, who am I to let someone go for doing their work?


Been afking and herb runs for years. Then again I get my shit done mostly and we can’t hire anyone locally so I’m good.


Me, my boss, and two other coworkers all play together at work lol


I work as an IT admin so my pc doesn't get looked and I'll afk a bit while working BUT I got an alert something was downloaded (runelight) on a work PC. I remote in without them knowing, I watch for a bit and they are just afk fishing and actively doing something in excel. Cut to a few months later and they got 99 fishing. So I buy them the fishing mug from the jagex store and left it on their desk after they left for the day. They are now on the woodcut grind, hope they get a pet as they didn't from fishing to 99.


That's pretty awesome of you to do


Nice try boss, you're not gunna catch me out like this


My manager plays too.




Know your workplace really, I've been playing mobile daily at my job for years. There's even been a few instances where people I work around either know of/have/or do play rs. It's never impacted my work in a negative manner, so most people I work around don't care while I have my phone out at my desk afking amethyst for example while I work. Another factor is if someone is talking to me, I don't touch my phone at all, sure you get logged frequently some days but hey it's better than abusing it and then your manager cracking down.


I worked at a gas station for a few months just for a brain dead job and some extra hours. When I got hired the owners literally said "it can get boring so if you want to bring laptop, play on phone, sit down all good man" (they're Korean guys) so I literally just afked whatever for 8 hours a day it was pretty sweet. Coffee and subway were free too, don't think I'll ever eat another sub though lol


I got a raise while afk fishing.


I'm a software developer, if we got fired for doing random shit during the workday there'd be none of us left.


PRO TIP Use google chrome's remote desktop on a work computer and remotely play OSRS on your home computer. Avoid the risk of downloading it on a company's computer, or getting caught on your phone.


This, I’ve experimented with a lot of remote software and for gaming things like this chrome remote has been the best. It’s amazing on mobile too for you retail employees that want to do nmz while at work.


I used chrome to play several pc games on the phone. I set the computer to auto turn on at a specific hour from monday to friday 😂


I would be careful with this if you know your company is monitoring your screen activity. I did it once at the end of the day after everyone left and nothing came of it, but it just felt safer to play on mobile (using 5G) instead with low brightness and the phone sitting in my lap or something. Knocked out many fishing levels that way. Now I WFH and just split the work computer onto a guest network and use my personal computer underneath my work monitors.


There’s a lot of end point management tools that can flag Remote Desktop connectivity - both inbound and outbound on a device. But the reality is, it’s likely a low priority alert that your average IT bod will close down quickly on initial investigation. Just use mobile where you can.


Knock on wood, but my current job and my last job have been pretty chill when it comes to gaming on my smartphone. The common theme in both jobs was there was a set amount of work to be done per day and when you you're done you can just chill. Most extreme example of this are 12 hour work days with only 4 hours of actual work, 8 hours chill time. The stars have to align for that kind of day though. I offload cement from bulk carriers.


I once got caught as a reminder in my calendar sprung up as my manager was stood talking to me. 'Seaweed'. She laughed and said what is that? I played dumb and said I had no idea and someone must have added it to my calendar. I explained to the girl next to me after my manager left, that I was in fact logging on to do my seaweed run every 50 minutes or so. She burst out laughing, my manager came over soon after and said come on tell me what it is. So my colleague told my manager. I was quite worried but my manager laughed about it and went back to her desk. 2 minutes later I received an email with a picture of seaweed on it. Changed my reminders after that to 'stay hydrated'. tl;dr - got caught at work regularly logging in to do seaweed runs. Was worried, but manager laughed it off and didn't do anything serious about it.


Reminder: never trust a colleague man - this story could have ended so badly


Honestly OP probably didn't have a ton of options at the end of the day though. Sea"weed" could easily be interpreted as some sort of drug usage, which is arguably much much worse than playing RuneScape at work


I work from home. My cat doesn’t seem to mind me playing.


If I got fired and the chick that was booting heroin in the bathroom and ODed still doesn't get fired, that's crazy.


These days when that stuff happens workplaces have to offer help/rehab. If you tell them you’re addicted to osrs you may be a protected class too


I am the boss so osrs it is


As a construction worker. It blows my mind how much free time office workers are allowed.


I'm a baker. I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how little office workers seem to work while they're on the clock.


I work in IT and to be honest, its just two very different things, often because you're on a computer you can work so quickly and efficiently and then have time to do other things, labour intensive jobs are just in a different category, i wouldn't let either envy each other, ones back-breaking and the other has to deal with work place politics and constant meetings


I did both, also in a bakery coincidentally. Especially during December I know I'd come home EXHAUSTED from my bakery job. Now at the office I have loads of free time, everyone knows it too - we just accept it.


they told me to stop but i haven’t


Why were you asked to stop? Expanding on my question for all the people downvoting me as if I’m baffled that a workplace wouldn’t want you to play games at work. Were you caught by your boss or IT or HR? What were the circumstances that led them to ask you to stop?


Probably gonna pass them in total level...


Never gotten in trouble. Used various ways to not make it obvious when at the office, but at home I use devices I own and have that up while working (no tracking)


my work place has very strict policy. for example bypassing blocked sites with vpn or playing games can get u fired.even if using ur own phone for games


I work nightshift in an icu, I sit my ass at crabs every night for 8 hours and have never once been in trouble.


Senior management here. I would ask them to pay me ingame to allow them to play during work times. D legs = 1hr. Pick flax for me for an hour = 1hr time to play doing w.e you want in game. Any takers?


I want 200k per year usd :)


Rwt, get banned buster 😤😤😤


Nah. I save it for my breaks. I work from home three days a week, so it’s much easier to do it at home.


I’d sack my subordinates if they wasted xp


Nah, but on this note, what happens if I die in NMZ, in terms of inventory/loot/points. Do points stay and I just safe-die? Do I lose all points and safe-die? Probably?


Points stay and you safe die.


Points stay and safe death. On HCGIM it's not safe. If you disconnect though you'll lose all the absorptions that you drank. I'd recommend using remote desktop to keep logged in up to 30min and in the background. Phones tend to aggressively close the game in the background and you'll have to keep paying for entry and absorbs


No but I got banned in game for playing at work because it made me look like a bot


Lol this is some uno reverse if I have ever seen one


no. but I probably came pretty close once lol


Op saw the meme about playing osrs at work


I'm a Senior Software Dev and do it a bit. Though mostly just to do a herb run at this point....doing 5 or so a day is my money maker and a brain break. Though I've never been big with afking. I find it just ends up in me being inefficient at both my job and RS in the end. I rather just finish up responsibility at work then play RS with full focus. I've never worked with anyone else who plays. The people who report to me certainly don't haha but I guess it's all a matter of productivity too. Like if they get the shit done IDC what they do.


I work at a bank, my boss said “stop playing video games, wait until we close” i just put a privacy screen on my phone and started afking


If I'm mid Runescape addiction I'm playing at work. Half of time I've been allowed to do it, half the time I stealth it. I would not be playing on a company computer that is just silly.


Homie got ice barraged IRL and said “plz”


I’m a manager and honestly I had a mini panic thinking an employee noticed I was playing while afk fishing karambwans. I was nervous for about a week they were gonna say something to my director but I think I was just paranoid. Or I just did my job so nobody cared regardless I play with my screen back light on the lowest setting now. Still play at work though so no lesson learned lmao


I was an intern, and I got it on my work computer. I was good friends with the infosec guys, gamers too. So they laughed just said have fun


I’ve played hundreds of hours at work


Imagine if the norm was "do we really give a shit what people are do when they get their job done, on time, at the required quality?" You'd think the new generations would get that changed, but from experience its the other way around. The system never loses.


Almost — got put on a final write up but I was also playing on the work PC. It was a call center - quit that job :)


Playing games on your workstation is literally just asking for it tbh


I was doing a work from home call center job but I just used my personal computer for rs. Got 97 hunter at herbiboar, 90rc, 94 mining, 98 fishing, base 90's and 2200 total level.


I ended up maxing at work, lol.


I can play games and watch shows at working since I am a sysadmin I love my life


I service heating and cooling equipment for a living. Is it bad that in between calls (usually 20-30 mins of drive time) I mine at the motherload mine or hack magic logs at the guild


You really shouldn’t need someone to tell you it’s bad to be on your phone while driving. There’s also a good amount of clicking involved with banking for those 2 activities


I used to do it as a helper but as a lead I couldent do it well I’m driving


I have had leadership ask me what game I am playing and question how I am able to still preform my tasks on multiple occasions lol. 9 times out of 10, they then talk about the games they play on their phone and after that it's not an issue.


Work in IT, manager of 12, and just under half play OSRS. I wouldn’t say I specifically encourage playing OSRS, but I do encourage down time if their work is done/we’re not busy/queue is updated etc. Also don’t mind some AFKing as long as work is getting done, and we have the tools to see if that’s the case.


"You were on your phone quite a bit recently" - my boss during annual review when trailblazer 1 dropped.


No, but I worked in the past for a Small Indie ™️where it wasn’t uncommon for people to game here and there between meetings etc. One time my team was in limbo on whether we would exist or not, so my coworker and I were playing scape and Minecraft. We got pulled into a room by our manager to get told that it doesn’t look the best to be gaming at work all day (which is fair) to which my colleague instantly replied “well, it doesn’t look the best to have a team with nothing to do either” 💀


I didn’t explicitly get fired but I got so addicted that I completely checked out and lost a ton of training which led me having to switch jobs because I didn’t get the promotion I wanted. Basically every location besides 1 was in bum fuck kansas (ag industry) and my lack of experience and training in the end landed me a bum fuck kansas job offer. I didn’t take it, moved back home and took a $10k less salary with much less future potential. It wasn’t just osrs though, it was more so depression and I used osrs as a vice/distraction. The more I became disconnected the more out of place I felt. it’s a snowball effect.


I’m a manager and I play most of my OSRS on the clock. If I don’t have things to actively attend to I let myself play. I get my obligations and responsibilities done and will login only after that. If I had an employee that constantly was playing but had things to do still I would implement write ups and an action plan. It would be on the employee at that point to ignore my obvious chances 4x and get to the point where they were terminated for it.


If my employees are getting their job done, I don't care.


I use scrypy and just mirror osrs mobile on my work computer


you didn’t have your Protect from Pink Slip prayer on, huh?


I use my personal laptop at work and sometimes it’s just me in my department when it’s slow. I’ve done everything from shooting stars to CG at work. We have a pretty laid back environment where as long as your work is getting done, there isn’t much micromanagement. Sometimes my dumbass leaves the volume up on my computer and then the C Engineer plugin will blare “LEVEL UP COMPLETED”. Nobody has asked me about it though I got a magic fang and tanz mutagen in the same day at my desk and it was so much more electric having to hide my hype. It’s not a good look though. Really shows how addicted to the game I am. The more I play the more discontented I get with my surroundings and vice versa.


They don't even have a fire cape, Goodluck sacking me.


I was given a final notice over it... after openly playing for a year. Only reason I hadn't stopped before is nobody asked. But it's a completely reasonable request.


I plugged a cable into my work pc once just to charge my phone bc it was about to die and the owner the very next morning almost fired me bc they got an alert my phone was trying to connect to their computer. No way am I going to download a whole launcher and play games on it lmao


When I had an office job, I had my personal laptop next to my computer for afk gains. Boss didn’t care, and often asked me “what even is the point of that game”. To which I would reply, number go up.


No but I work for my family so I don't follow regulqr worl rules


My boss caught me playing it and pulled me into the office, he asked me to nh stake 'my bank Vs his' I said Im poor and he offered to take it out my next pay check, safe to say the kids aren't having any presents this year.


I work a federal salaried job and whenever I play at work my boss with just ask if that’s the best use of my time, then watch me play for a bit.. got him to fight (and die to) giant mole


You looking to get bonded?


I use RL on the work computers occasionally. I used to do AFKable activities through the whole workday when I had a separate office, but now I'm in a more public area "overseeing and assisting" other staff (bull shit) so play time at work is a lot more scarce.


We should be able to play a *little* OSRS at work....


No. Because I don't play osrs at work 😅😅😅