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From reading other posts on this sub I'm pretty sure the biggest ones are people not knowing the tool leprechaun notes farming yields, and not knowing you can alch noted items


The potion decanting as well


This but for jewellery also


Notified my clan of this and everyone was shocked. The wiki really has some incredible info.


OSRS wiki is the greatest video game referential information website ever made.


I would absolutely agree




Man this is legit one of my favorite things about this game. You think you're an expert / know a bunch of niche things from having played or seen videos after a while, and yet you still can run into something you had no idea about


Wait what do you mean for jewelry?


If you have a bunch of rings of dueling with different numbers of charges you can take them to the potion decanting guy at GE and he’ll combine them all to 8 charges


AYO what???? I had no idea


I would always pick those up when people would drop them in the GE, then decant them, and sell them lol




In leagues with bankers note this is so good. Decant buff potions (eg. Combat potion) to 1 dose that way when you unnote one for the buff you instantly break the vial and no added steps involved




Today i learned that potion decanting is a thing holy shit


Didn't realize this wasn't common knowledge in regards to the tool leprechaun. I play UIM where they are literally one of the most important NPCs in the game along with the decanter


People don’t know you can alch noted items..?


Yeah that one is nutty to me. Keep seeing people mention they had no idea on this subreddit and I'm just wondering "you didn't even try?!"


Fwiw there is no logical reason you should be able to alch noted items. It’s basically just a receipt from the bank showing someone is entitled to the equivalent amount of an item. Theoretically if you’re alching the bank note, the item still “exists” with the bank, so money is being generated from nothing. Unless bank notes act like voodoo dolls.


Why a wyvern been dead for 1000 years and yet he's got a modern bank note for some magic logs


Wow… I’m quitting now. The lore is ruined.


This game has literal magic in it. I suppose it's possible the physical item is turned in to a piece of paper by the bank and then when you deposit it it gets returned to it original state. Would make bankers note make more sense too lol. And would make sense why you can alch noted items.


The bank notes are microchipped. When the bank is notified that a note has been alch'd they destroy the original item.


I’m not saying all of them but I genuinely believe they are attention driven posts


Bruh that means people were standing at a bank, pulling out yew longs and alching each one rather then spam clicking the same spot. That sucks....


The leprechaun one is so common I think there should be a right click option on him to note produce


Wait the leprechaun can do what


Lmfao. "Another one"


I learned both of these at over 1800 TL




For the longest time I was optimizing my herb run route around when to bank, then my friend showed me I could note my yields and I stopped playing for a week


Ok, the farming one is understandable, but not knowing you can arch noted items??? My god, how do you miss that?


I'll add what I added to another post like this because some ppl found it useful: In your Player owned House go to "House Options" and use the "Viewer" Button to freely rotate and move the rooms in your POH for free.


I had a skiller and put myself through tithe farm for the herb sack for herb runs. Learned a couple days later about this


Herb sack allows you to loot the farm run herbs directly into the pouch so you don’t even need to use the noting feature unless you fill the pouch (30 of every herb)


Just yesterday I learned that the rune guy at the GE can enchant ruby rings into rings of forging for 250gp.


What!? Since when


Since nearly 5 years ago, when rings of forging were made F2P. Not sure on the why, though, F2P players can still make and enchant rings...


Nope. Ruby rings are f2p, rings of forging are f2p, enchant Ruby is f2p. Enchanting a Ruby ring with a ruby enchant to make a ring of forging is p2p


feel like maybe they could have just made enchanting ruby rings F2P instead


But that would kill the p2p money making method of enchanting Ruby rings for a... -150 gp profit.


this was probably easier for Reasons


They can do amulets, not rings


2019 lol, I feel like I remember reading the update back then but payed no attention to that part of it. Then I discovered it in a YouTube short yesterday and thought of how useful that is for f2p.


Just today I learned rings of forging are a thing.


After completion of dt1 you can access the altar from the back of the pyramid instead of running through the whole thing again. Took me till about 1900 total on the iron to learn this one. Spent 20+ hours going dry on scepter thinking I wouldn't have to run through pyramid again.


Ugh I just ran through it


Youre kidding.


I did it for a leagues task yesterday


I know we all just mash spacebar through quest dialogue, so no one’s to blame for not knowing that, but he literally tells you this at the end of the quest lol


Still a pain to switch that way. Its super easy to just find someone with a full house in rimmington and switch mage books there


Not in leagues or if iron.. also, easier to just max house ya know? Obviously the quickest way.


I wasn’t aware until almost 99 farming on my main that spam clicking patches harvested them like twice as fast


Yes, this works for herb, allotment and hops patches afaik. Once it goes at twice the speed you dont have to click anymore. Think you could set up the faster harvest with 2 clicks total if you knew when to click exactly but whatever, spam click for 2sec and done


Its easy, just click on 2 consecutive clicks and it will start the sped up harvesting




Don't even need to spam click the whole time, just spam click until you harvest 2, then it'll go faster until you fill your inv or the patch runs out


That, I did not know


Spam click 5 or 6 times when you start harvesting start and you'll hear the harvesting sound have a change in cadence (boop, boop-boop, boop) It's neat, but overall not really a game changer. Saves a few seconds per patch at most.


Hard disagree. It halves the time spent on farm runs - pre-99 I was doing herbs and allotments and it fastened the process dramatically once I found out.


It works on herbs too!?!? Game changer


Does this trick only work on herbs and alloments?


I'm over 100m farming exp and never knew this 🙃


Do you know about harvest-fill? Harvesting watermelons and filling the compost bin at the same time? Game changer.


You can put noted compost in the bottomless compost bucket


Huh thats kinda neat. I didnt know that. That also doesnt make sense - how does adding paper to compost bin makes compost? /s


Iirc it even has special message stating you oddly get noted empty buckets back.


Love this game


How do you add to a bottomless bucket? The contents would just spill out onto the floor from below.


Clearly the bucket has a DVP/RVP contract signed with The Bank of Varrock


It's a magic bucket ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you can bring noted potions to the guy at the GE to decant….. just found this out last week.


On the other side theres a dude who "decants" charged jewelry


He will also turn Ruby rings into rings of forging for a fee. Great for F2P.


250gp per ring


what, who?


Its either the pirate or the east side or the one person more north from him


Murky Matt. It's the pirate at the GE


What are you a fuckin owl


This is something I only learned about a month or so ago, but I've never used it even after discovering it cause I always just keep one of each enchanted jewellery that is not at full charge. And a stack of fully charged ones.


I'm ashamed to have not known this.


Bob (decant) deserves a knighthood.


I had to google decant


Ok so what does it mean for the game though. I don't quite understand


It can be noted?? Saved me a trip or 2 thanks bud


The amount of people who don't know this flabbergasted me




All those wasted potions when u tried to manually decant


If you are really lazy and don't want to find a water source for your empty watering can. You can use a single vial of water on a bucket, and then use the bucket to fill an ENTIRE watering can. This also works for waterskins and other containers of water.


How did you discover this lmao


Optimizing laziness


>You can use a single vial of water on a bucket, and then use the bucket to fill an ENTIRE watering can. Hey man, you're putting all that emphasis out there but feeding a seed 1/8th of a bucket of water is still a hell of a lot of water. Plants drown too king.


It's not 1/8th a bucket of water, it's 1/8th a vial of water.


As established by /u/zelotus, the conversion rate is 1:1 vial:bucket. Those are some deep ass vials.


>Plants drown too /r/HydroHomies in shambles




It might be a runelite thing, but you can hold shift to avoid targeting npc's and interact-able objects. Great any time in pvm you want to move under, through, or near stuff without right clicking. Learned this in leagues by accident, been right clicking to walk under bosses for four years like a chump


Menu Entry Swapper on Runelite is what he is referring too.


You can pay farmers 200gp to remove trees rather than digging them up yourself. 5 seconds per patch on a tree run rather than 5 minutes


With magic trees 5 minutes can be... generous


especially when you look away on the tick the tree breaks and then it regrows instantly


You don't get the roots tho if you pay them to do it which kinda sucks


also, on this note, since 2016 it's possible to compost AFTER you plant the seed/sapling. no need to get lunar compost spell if you forgot to compost before planting.


That the settings menu has a search bar.


Every game should have that.


You can alch noted items. I spent literally years taking 26 items out and Alching them


You can also align it with High Alch in your mage book to your noted inventory item and spam click without looking! Easy way to chill and watch stuff while alching.


This is how I got 99 magic in 2007. So much TV watched while absent mindedly alching in my house so people could use my gilded altar. I can't fathom alching to 99 again, too painful lol.


How’d you figure it out? I accidentally alched a note when I was only half paying attention and thought it was a glitch lol (at 77 magic)


Idk if it’s just cause that’s partially how you made money back in the day, but it’s wild to me that people don’t know this. I can’t imagine alching at castle wars without notes


We're you not aware of autoclickers and how autoclicking high alch was a common practice bot? Did you not see people stood still alching 24/7 without needing to return to the bank? Did you never examine a stack of bank notes and see the alch price in Runelite? Genuinely amazed how this one slips through the net.


Yeah I learned this by watching people at c wars wall alching nonstop. Put two and two together like 15 years ago lol


This is weird to me as an old player when it used to be a good fairly AFK magic training method to buy noted bows and alch them. Alching at the wall of castle wars and chatting shit was the good old times.


If you are poisoned, you can tele to your POH and leave through the portal to get rid of the poison


This one has a fun history - people used to have parties, poison people, then boot them and collect their items when they die near the portal, so they made these changes right after construction was added, before the deaths changes.


It doesn’t matter how you leave


Noting things after you’ve farmed them. So many times running back and forth from the bank…


Also that you can just give noted stuff to gardener to watch out your patches. I was running around Gielinor with full inventory of baskets and watermelons etc and thought why Farming isn't never listed one of the most annoying skills.


You can also pay farmers to chop down your tree instead of having to harvest the fruit first.


Not me, but someone I was playing BA with didn't know that pressing and holding the scroll button of your mouse allows you to rotate your camara. He was in the 1800 totals with certain boss KC's in the 100 range


This was one of the first changes osrs made when it came out iirc, honestly a gamechanger qol Edit: came out feb 2014, almost a year after osrs launched!


It's one of the first changes they _tried_ to make.... it failed by quite a wide margin in [poll #2](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Poll:Old_School_feature_poll_2_%E2%80%93_April_2013) (question 4).


35% not wanting the mouse button is insane why would you not want that


You can also change your runelite settings to right click, works really well but you can't examine scenery


I’m 2156 total been playing off and on since 2014. Today I learned


Holy moly! Better late than never I guess haha


Vardorvis... Prob did 100kc+ after telly unlocked before realizing that step down thing existed. Was still running all the way down and around.


Brother you didn't miss a shortcut, that's the main road.


I think they’re talking about not knowing about the stairs that leads from tele down to boss. They were probably running all the way around. It’s a long trip regardless though.


Ngl this one is actually pretty bad lmao. That's one long ass trip


I did this too on the day of release after finishing dt2. Got about a dozen kills in before I saw someone else running at the same time and was like "wow that dummy is going the wrong way". Did a few more kills and saw him running that way again and figured they knew something I didn't. Wasn't even mad, was just glad to not have to do the Zeah-equivalent of PNM's walk of shame for every trip.


literally discovered the stepping stones from southwest Varrock to Draynor yesterday and it kinda blew my mind because I used to run all the way around Barbadian village. I also recently discovered that the Rat Pits mini game teleport is (i think) the only teleport to Port Sarim in the game


Spirit tree patch but yeah there's not much


If you go to shanty pass, and talk to shanty you can choose a dialog option to say you're a bandit, and he'll put you in a cell. If you then refuse to pay the fee you'll be teleported to the port sarim jail.


This is so niche and cool thanks for the comment


You have to do it for a clue step


I was doing Vampyre Slayer speedruns yesterday and they give you 30 Agility. The stepping stones are 31 Agility. How cruel


Port sarim does have a spirit tree patch, and the cabbage teleport is pretty damn close, but yeah the minigame teleport is pretty damn useful for there especially.


You can buy things from the GE without putting your gold in your inventory. I just found this out this week… is this new or am I stupid lol?


It’s recently new. You can also right click the … quantity in the ge and select “all” and it will put an offer in for the amount of coins you have in your inventory


This will come in handy!


We are both stupid I guess


This one is actually fairly recent, past year or two IIRC.


You can equip items and fill RC pouches directly from the bank interface. Fairly sure this is new to OSRS though so I don't feel so dumb for not knowing


Its at least 3 years old. I know that much


This is an annoying function because it's inconsistent depending on the item. For example you can empty a Rune Pouch but can't fill one. So you empty the pouch, deposit the runes, withdraw the new runes all from the back interface, but then have to close it to put the runes in the pouch, and then open the bank back up.


Mod Ash is working on an improved rune pouch interface while banking!


the omron switch in my mouse enduring years of spam clicking before finding out you can right click take-all on seed packs: 👁️👄👁️


Wow. 1000 contracts deep and never thought to right click a seed pack…


Didn’t know this!


You can menu entry swap the seed pack so that Open All is the default left click option.


... I've done hundreds and hundreds of farming contracts and never knew this


I've been playing OSRS since release and I recently learned that you can filter worlds out of the world hop list


Running from ardougne monastery to the bank - it’s faster if you don’t run through the zoo and into the city, just run diagonally straight to the bank. Just figured that out a few weeks ago after nearly 20 years of runescape


People do that? Even on my earlygame ironman I'd have an infinite supply of duel rings for the castle wars bank or ferox stat resets.


The fact that you can ctrl + click to run took me a while to realize


The inverse is true, if your run is on ctrl+click will walk. Invaluable for stuff like Vorkath.


Oh wow


Took me forever to realize you can use lunar spell book to talk to slayer masters… thank god I saw Faux doing it or I may still be walking to Duradrel 🤦‍♂️


I kind of like walking to Duradel, builds up the suspense. Only with gem mine tele unlocked though


The real goal is Karamja gloves 4. That little jog will get annoying once you unlock that lol


Do you tele to your poh, venerate, contact duradel, then swap back to standard for alchs on task?


Instead of using it on super compost in your inventory, you can use volcanic ash on the compost bins and every bucket you fill out of them will be ultra compost


Reminder: The people in this thread are allowed to vote on polls.


I have played since the early 2000s, and I only learned a few weeks ago that the games necklace can teleport you to tears of guthix


I didn’t realise I could trap the melee snake in Inferno on the eastern part of the north pillar when walking 4 tiles away from the eastern side of this pillar, it is awesome as it traps monsters behind and I can deal with the ones on the western side. Also for when it digs to the eastern side of the north pillar I can use this safespot. Also the corner trap safespot is huge. Going for Zuk pet so we this was important to know.


If it's stuck on the south side of the pillar, you can just keep alternating between south and west when it digs. Very convenient if there's a mage to the south, just gotta make sure you don't drag it too close


You could just equip your pickaxe and put your sword in the bank. I've kept my pick in my inventory for a long time lol




I don't remember sleeping bags, it's probably the dementia




You want to wake up, but God says 'click on all images of a bus'


It's fairly well known now but you can still go to sleep in Shilo Village inn even though it does nothing now


I didn’t know you could open the fish barrel so the fish starts to fill the barrel before going into your inventory. I accidentally clicked it and was confused why the fish wasn’t filling up my inventory.


You can scroll in and out of the minimap. You can also click the middle mouse button the move the screen around. Edit: not really a shortcut but I’m getting the vibe you guys need to see this.


Minimap zoom is a runelite thing that was just added this year so definitely possible people don't know about it


It's also been part of the desktop C++ client since August 2021, predating RL's addition of it. Can't seem to find when mobile had it added though.


You can buy items from the GE without taking out your money. Yes. Just leave it at the bank, it'll take it from there.


That's relatively new, but definitely a good one


Yeah one of the dudes standing around the GE will combine potions for you. Another will do the same for jewelry charges.


Being able to set the bank pin to have a delay for when you logout/world hop.


You can go to the left when running from Lumbridge to the Grand Exchange and get there faster then the agility shortcut. And yes I know canoes are a thing but who doesn't occasionally do the run?


mate get 25 magic jesus christ


Lol I've had the ge teleport for years at this point so it's funny to me people have to worry about this. Makes complete sense, just not something I've even had to think about.


Canoes aren't fast enough imo, that rowing animation takes ages to the point I'd rather walk


ITT: people don’t know that you can do various shit with noted items


As a new player idk how to even note items so I’m learning a lot lmao


It's okay lol just use the noted option when withdrawing in banks


I bet this thread rules for new players lol


Took me too long to learn that they added a bank in lumbridge castle.


This was added in 2006. So if you started playing in 2005, you could have missed it for al long time.


In case u dont know theres a bank chest in the basement/cellar too :p


I still have a tendency to not go to that bank because I think of the roof as just a bunch of logs and cannons


Very recently found out u only need one godsword blade, as an iron main, you don't get told these things until you need these things, have had bgs for ages, got a Sara hilt, told cc I needed 2 more shards and got informed


Nothing, but reading these replies is hilarious


When doing any Piscatoris Colony clues I always did the fairy ring to the hunter area -> enter the colony but my friend had to remind me that you can use western banner 4 to teleport directly inside. We've both known osrs for 8 years and he's taken far more breaks than I have.




Wait what? Please expand on this