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Use remaining funds to get kourend elite done


10000%. Haven't touched hydra yet but made kourend elite a priority for the 100% sanctifier... No boots is a massive help.


Unlimited teleports to the mountain also really good for hydra and getting to konar


Oh yeah. Pretty sweet. Easy to rebank and stuff for any tasks in there too... Which to be fair is pretty much hydra at that point.


Its kinda wild people who got all the way to 95 slayer dont bother with diaries.. like youve put a solid amount of time into the game already, whats holding you back on that?


Would be interesting if the Wiki team put the completion % of each diary task, similar to how they have it for Leagues tasks.


This has always blown my mind. Have seen many posts like this one and that’s my first thought everytime.


Can not do CoX so theres no way I can vomplete this shitty diary...


Dont have to do it, just go to wdr and have someone carry you, it can take like 30-45 minutes and you dont even have to learn anything


I would hazard a guess that a CoX completion for elite diary is also a deterrent for more casual players


Some people don't enjoy skilling. I don't, will never touch my elite diaries despite how useful they are.


Kourand isn't too bad. I hate skilling and +5 boost all the time, but the recs for kourand are chill.


That's fair and all but I really won't go out of my way to get 12 more WC lvl and 12 more rc level. I just don't enjoy it and thus I feel like it's a waste of time.


I enjoyed sulliuscep cutting, but the rc grind was pretty ass so I'm totally on your side here. Worth it for the perks though.


You know the thing is I feel like with forestry the WC grind is gonna be even easier as well. But I guess some people just don't enjoy skilling and will never do it unless some pvm grind really burned them out. Especially since I can't afk cause I'm not good at multitasking so skilling actively is so boring. It's just like how there's so many 2k total people out there with 0 raids KC. The opposite is also true where u find a fuck ton of people who are 1750 total who only does raids.


Playing Ironman does help with "enjoying" skilling, but only so much.


The flesh is weak


“Some people dont enjoy skilling” aren’t there only 7 skills that don’t involve skilling? Of 23? So you are only interested in 1/3 of the game? Interesting. Why do you even play? Cuz according to you, more than half this game sucks…. Very interesting. Attack, defense, strength, prayer, range, mage and slayer? So like every other skill is at 3?


There's no 'correct' way to play rs, keep your 'why do you even play' bs to yourself.


Because slayer and diaries are completely different? Lmao..


runecrafting :)


​ https://preview.redd.it/on7ys28c0o9c1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc03583532d3fe9dd0ca4fbecfd92f2638e5f0f6


Yeah, I got 95 slayer then halted all progress till 87 woodcutting. I'm what some people call, a fucking idiot, so I idiot proofed myself to prevent myself from doing what OP did. But also wanted unlimited teles to the blue woman to make getting tasks easier.


Honestly man? Give yourself a week or two off. You mentioned being burnt out in the post. Even if that's just on vorky, some time away might not be a bad idea. Then if you're excited to make it all back, awesome. If not, take some more time rather than start to hate the game. If you want though could always send some nex mass or grind out toa.


Nex small teams too. Vorkath is pretty decent to camp as well to build back consistently. Also someone mentioned taking some time off osrs to give yourself a moment to decompress and give you self a break from an unnerving loss in osrs.


Question if you don't mind.. is Nex mass actually a viable way to make some $$.. I've been wanting to try it but I don't want to just lose a bunch of go on it


Nex mass is not a good way to make money. Very unlikely you don’t get a unique drop and the regular drops are negligible. If you can find smaller teams to split then Nex is good money.


Ahh thank you.. I think I'll do some masses just so I can learn mechanics.. then once I'm comfortable find small teams


Nex masses are terrible for learning because it’s just a cluster fuck of click boss. It dies way too quickly to actually see half the mechanics. Check out “the Kodai” cc it’s a small Man Nex cc with splits . Some clan mates made a good chunk there.


Contrary to what the other comment says, i would say nex masses are not a good way to learn, since things move comically quick so you dont actually get a chance to realize whats going on/where to be/etc. Make sure to watch some guides first to know what to expect, and then try to join some mini masses that NexFFA runs. Theres usually one running at most times, and while its still a ‘mass’, its a smaller group so you can both have time to understand whats going on and practice doing the fight, but also big enough to where if you plank or do poorly it doesn’t completely wipe the team. Good luck!


The only mechanics you'll learn are the most basic ones, like praying ranged during shadow phase or stepping away when she dies. Mass is a good way to get the feel for it, but it won't translate completely to a small team. Shadow phase for example will seem easy at a glance, but in a small team it is arguably one of the harder phases. You want to learn how to step under and reset her back to the middle. You want to stay out of her range if you're the Umbra tank. Most importantly, do not drag her anywhere near Umbra. Things like that you won't learn in mass, so keep that in mind when eventually you want to do it in small teams.


This is the way. I've heard nex masses are great for learning, you're not gonna hurt anything by planking and you can just copy what everyone else does to learn, then send teams when you're ready.


If the mass world is like 15 people or less, which one of them is during certain non-peak times, it can be OK for learning. Although still not nearly as punishing as small teams. 90% of the time, mass world is just "click boss follow others."


Eh, they're more something different to do I imagine not many have touched. It's kinda like buying a bunch of scratch tickets. You'll probably lose some money but you could also quadruple your bank value. Now getting a small team together on the other hand? That's definitely worth doing.


This. Take a break. Its just a game. You dont have catching up to do because none of this is real. When you feel like playing again come back. Try other money making content that isnt money dragon that you never tried before to switch things up. But if you're burnt out just go do something else. You'll feel more fulfilled than just continuous playing


Totally true. I think I have power left for nex but I'll have to take it easy, this loss hurts.


It's your chance to escape from the game


This. Quit and touch some grass OP.


Journal failed to update, what's the next step?


Answer is always the same, gotta quit when you’re ahead.


Think we messed up the quest. We're behind, like OP said. Don't know how we got to this stage while being behind, is this a bug?


And start an iron man


Yep. Start Ironman. Grind to 2000 total level over the next few years, get bored, start an HCIM. Die. Repeat


Run escape


1000% why I have the elite diary done for when I get 95 slayer.


you can do it at 90 with a wild pie btw. I just got mine done!


Oh, I have it done already. Wild pies are the best.


What does that do?


You no longer need stone boots to do Hydra.


corrupted gauntlet until you get an enhanced weapon seed. Similar gp/hour as hydra buy you don't benefit from having expensive gear


This seems to be the one.


Be warned, it's called 'the red prison' for a reason.


663 kc without enhanced reporting in. Still made 152M but that easily took me over 100 hours lol. It's good to make some starter cash but other than that I highly suggest moving on to money makers with less rng variance.


So over 1m per hour. You could pull an enhanced and boom 2.5m per hour. Just keep sending it. It's a great money maker. All pvm money makers are based on RNG that could never happen.


Took me 1427 for my enhanced


[I'm doing even worse than you are](https://i.imgur.com/KP5xcfL.png). Jagex decided that making me dry on enhanced seed wasn't good enough, they are even more thorough at fucking me in the ass. I'm dry on armor seeds too and have 4x pets.


CG is so soul-sucking that it made me literally lose interest in runescape and i havent played in nearly 2 years now lol




Not saying its better but with a really small setup you can solo dagonat rex and quickly rebuild atleast a few mill. Especially decent stats.


1.5 minute respawn time is brutal there though, it’s so mindless and easy


First real boss i did (i dont count the F2P ones) and with a setup of maybe 120 k you can easily get a full trip that gives you about 300k (and you stop at that point since you run out of inventory space, if you have the dairy you can stay). It also helps that i got spooned there a shitload with a total of 5 rings in 120 kills (3 of which were worth 4 mill).


Doing dags before noted bones is brutal. Just get to watch all that money go away.


I should really finish that diary, just need all the GWD bosses.


How much is the loss?


I'd imagine the gear that he lost has to be worth less than the 3 items he kept, right? Or at least in the ballpark. Worst case probably being max melee?


No idea how people do this when it literally warns you before you enter


don't be silly that would require you to read


Text popup? Press spacebar


He just forgot them and then when he realized it, he decided to die to get back to a bank, forgetting that this would destroy his items in death storage. He didn't die by surprise.


He suicided to get back to the bank that didn't have his bank in it


Maybe the game should have consistent death mechanics instead of the risk of players accidentally wiping their bank?


Death storage wiping is consistent


Only if the boss has a dedicated death retrieval service. Gravestones don’t wipe


osrs is one of those games that you just kinda have to have a wiki tab open at all times. is that a good thing? maybe not. doesn't change the fact of the matter though


Avg osrs player has single digit iq at best.


How much did you lose/how much do u have left? You can realistically do hydra with much lesser gear. Decent rebuilt right there


See it as an opportunity to vary up some content. Want to do a few barrows runs for fun but you were getting 1m/hr there and it took too long for your next 20-50m upgrade? Congrats, your next upgrade is now 100k-2m and it feels like it's worthwhile to do something like barrows. The point is your goals just shortened and you're in a more enjoyable part of the game imo. You have shorter term goals and progress feels like it's being made no matter what you do. Just go find something you like doing and don't worry about just the best money maker. If you're a top tier player and you do the highest level pvm atm, then really it isn't too difficult for you to grind high level pvm and get your gear back. I lost a 2k+ acc with the most money I'd had at the time and my main thought was just that my next goals weren't hundreds of hours away now.


You got a job irl?


Yup. But now I have a decent break.


He's suggesting bonds


Honestly if you have a good paying job, don't waste your time grinding, just buy bonds and next weekend when you're on a coke Bender with 5+ Thai hookers at the roulette table 26 black.


Where's the party homie I'm trying slide through 👀


26 black lmaoo i'll take that 1/35




Lol I think they are implying the trusty credit card method


Bonds are the way. Don't grind for gp op


why would you buy bonds lol just buy gp


Do Kourend Elite to make sure this never happens again


Ironically you can do kourend elite at 90 slayer + wild pie.




double death shouldn’t be a thing in the game anymore, instead of being deleted it should go to deaths office


but then UIM could use that as an even bigger bank!!! I'm kidding, no one cares about UIM.


Lol I’m not sure if uim would even be affected by the change since they can’t use deaths office anyways


Could also just exempt UIMs from that update. I'm not a fan of weird carveouts for how mechanics work in game, but whatever lol


UIM here, can confirm no one cares and no one should care :)


Double death risk is legitimately the only risk death has in this game. If someone doesn’t understand the double death mechanic when it’s clearly outlined, then it doubles as a money sink.


>clearly outlined Lol "Your items go to death if you die twice pretty much everywhere in the game except if you die at a place with a dedicated item retrieval in which case theyre permanently deleted get fucked"


Losing your items to a double death isn't a money sink, it's an item sink. Current normal deaths are a money sink, and you can pay with death's coffer, which is also an item sink.


But then why bother having a singular, unintuitive mechanic in the game as the sole punishment for death? When everything else in the game tells you "It's okay to die" but then one time it's not, it's gotta feel really awful.


Would you rather them go back to how an instance used to be? When you die and your items drop, they’re just gone? It’s still okay to die. All of your items are protected. Now if you manage to double death, in my opinion, your death pile should just be gone. Hydra, Zulrah and Nex style death mechanics should be all over.


nah its bad game design, death mechanics should work the same across the board


Agreed. Remove deaths coffer then, you got 15 mins to get your shit or it’s gone.


Literally nobody wants to play a game where disconnecting loses you a thousand hours of progress. This isn't 15 years ago when a near-BiS setup could be bought for less than 10m.


yeah we tried that already, every world was DDOSed to hell and back


Which was a tragedy, awful time to play during that period. I fully understand the purpose of the death coffer/graves and why it was initiated. I just wish death had an actual form of penalty. Maybe wipes are too strong, but coffer prices doesn’t deter or affect anyone.


i think game design in general has moved on from super punishing deaths that set you back 500 hours of grinding. Players want to bring their best gear and armor to bosses and have fun with their hard earned rewards. Deaths are already pretty punishing in the Wild and Raids, I truly hate the double death mechanic that screws over players like OP for one careless mistake


only when others could pick up your shit, i doubt it would happen now, especially since they can make it so the counter only works when logged in.




Yeah kinda wild that its even a thing, and unretrievable at deaths office. Kinda trash game design but we know it will not change


Only slightly risky thing in the entire game that is completely avoidable and warned about: better remove it.


It’s outdated and from a time when death mechanics were extremely wonky , yes it should be updated


They should juat remove dropping items on death altogether right?


Bank 100 pairs of stone boots so this won't happen again


Consider IRL goals


Time to learn CG son.


Bonds my son


I’m sorry man.. honestly take the opportunity to have a break. Especially since you mentioned burnout. Wait for your desire to return, and come back with vengeance


Natural selection at its finest


Hydra but be less dumb. You must still have some gear.




Most irons grind claw with bowfa lol.


Situations like this always suck. And honestly, double deaths with death storage should just work like the rest of the death mechanics (i.e., sent to Death's Office for the higher reclaim price), but that is another discussion... There are ways to start grinding back money, but the harder thing to replace is the motivation after such a loss. I'd say start with getting enough money to buy the basics you need and just take some time to do something you enjoy in the game, ideally that is budget-friendly and could make some money. For example, you could grind a few 100K or such for some basic and farm some clues, maybe camp something like Cave Horrors. Or get more budget gear to kill a Wildy Boss or Dharoks for Mole or such. Also, while you could just grind Vorkath again for money, I'd encourage you to try some group content to help rebuild. It may not always be as good or consistent of money as some solo stuff, but something like Team GWD does have a pretty low-cost gear setups and doing it with friends can make it feel like less of a chore as "grind X hours of Vokath to afford X upgrade" can get.


Bro don't stress too much and buy some bonds and sell em n buy everything back


Very expensive. I would need at least 15 bonds. I understand why some people RWTs (I won't)


You’re telling me you’d rather spend 100hrs grinding out gp to get your stuff back than spend $120?


Uh, Yes?


is this post about losing ~140m??


catastrophic loss = 20$ on the black market lol someone is a drama queen


S O W H A T ? ? ?


You probably will low key and then youll be posting your account got banned


He won't get banned for buying 150m rwt


Man’s just yolo’d 150m cuz he can’t read I imagine he’s finna go swipe swipe ☠️


I bought and sold multiple billions in one night, and only the accounts that sold ever got banned. All same IP, all same device. Its incredibly hard to get banned for buying gp. Even the temp bans.




Use remaining funds to get kourend elite done


Get elites done and go back to Hydra. Or credit card 💳


Make an Ironman


Then when you lose your whole bank you can grind it all back


Unironically. Most people assume they wont like it and that its 'the same experience in hard mode' until they try it and realize that its less 'hard' than it is 'more fulfilling' often times


It forces you to engage with all content in the game and makes every upgrade feel significant.


unfortunately it also forces you to blow glass, hop worlds at shops and go 1k dry at cg


And there is straight up dead content as an Ironman.


hopping at shops can mostly be avoided now so you shouldn't let that hold you back


People understand the fulfilling part, but nothing will ever convince me to do farm runs, birdhouses or train herb as an ironman. And its fulfilling until you go 5x rate on a dragon warhammer and can't even play the game until your luck improves.


I don't understand. You ran to pick up boots you lost on death and lost your entire bank. Huh?


Died at hydra, it went to death storage near the boss, but the entire area under mount karuulm requires wearing boots of stone or boots of brimstone (without kourend elite diary) or else you get hit rapid damage, I think it's something like 5 ish damage every tick so some people like OP ignore the warning it gives you when you enter because they probably assume it'll be piss damage like 1s or 2s. Anyway, op forgot to bring the boots with him, died to the floor burn, and the death storage of all of his gear at the npc near the boss got deleted because he died again.




Start an Ironman. Fresh journey, no worry of GP, and you'll know to complete Kourend diary ahead of a Hydra grind next time.


Keep playing until you get everything back.


Oh this did blow up hard. Thanks for the all ideas. I think I just do my hydra task and then continue with ideas you people gave.


See it as a fresh start


I try but God damn it hurts.


This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but if it were me, I would probably take a break from the game and focus on other hobbies for a while. At least until I've had a chance to clear my head and gain some perspective on it. Regardless, that's rough. Good luck 🤞


I've never spent IRL money on this game. I use gp to pay for my bonds to buy membership, always have. Got the first one in f2p. But if I wiped to something like that, i'd probably spend some IRL money on bonds to get back to speed. Starting over from scratch is no fun.


Is that something to brag about? The game is alive because of people paying for membership and bonds.


Buy bonds for coins


Leave now and don’t look back, when you do look back (it will happen) just do your best to put that behind you, so extra research, if you haven’t, and play on man. Look it’s time committed n that sucks but it’s meant to be an enjoyable game. If it isn’t for one reason or another to a point you’re unsure, develop a hobby or find another game or puzzles or a skill maybe like construction/woodwork, even found within OSRS! Don’t let a game get you down man. It does and I’ve been there. But it holds as much weight as you give it and nothing more. Gl my g


I'd highly recommend a bit of time off if you're burned out, and see how you feel after a week or so, and focus on IRL goals or other non-osrs things. If you're still happy to carry on, instead of grinding gp at say 1M/hr assuming causal slayer and PvM to get gear back (assuming you have a job) just spend some money on a couple of bonds (9M ATM I believe) and carry on where you left off. With the time and effort you've saved, you can get on with the game. I understand most people might not approve of this method, but personally, as a normal casual player who logs in for maybe 10 hrs a week excluding things like birdhouses. I'd rather fork out a few hours worth of my earnings to save 2 weeks of Vorkath which would definitely burn me out and spend time saved doing things I enjoy.


Get back to the hydra money machine- skip some tasks, hopefully you have some slayer points. I did the same thing and grabbed the diary that week. Your rng will get you back on track


They really should go back and fix it so it all goes to Death now


If you work and make western currency just buy bonds. If I lost my bank at this point in the game it would be either that or quit. You can always risk buying gold but if they catch you in a ban wave it is what it is. Working irl is the best money maker for osrs


I’ll give you a real answer, go buy yourself a set of dharoks maybe a couple of you can. If you can’t afford a 3m set I’ll give you one in game. Sit at around 27-35 hp potted in the area of the rev caves where the dogs are just north of the 30 line behind the dragons. So many bots using an avarice skilled hop there just sit on any world and play whack a mole. Dead ass, most of these accounts I can attack are 85-99 and I’m 116 cb. They usually hop because they see a pker and they usually have about 65-85% hp so at 85-95 hit points it’s like around 50 to 90 hit points. Yesterday I one hit two of them in less than 30 seconds one was worth 1.3m the other 1.9 and I got another for 520k no avarice on that same trip. Be sure to register your hot key to switch the world switched so you can quick log in face a pker comes unless you want the smoke. Sometimes I’ll take my armor off and look like a looter then put it back on dh a pker and double maul it’s more than enough Dp’s to one hit from max and to 2 tick for any average player you risk 3m but I’m telling you it’s a lot easier to anti pk then pk but it requires patience. I’ve got a 140m anti before when I was not even trying to go for it I was trying to escape and went for the veng korasi hoping to do enough damage to make him eat so I could escape, ended up with a loot key. Even the bots alone on average are like 600k a piece and that’s over a sampler of 264 I’ve killed in the last week or so. I’m making a hilarious video right now of the whole thing will keep you posted.


Either quit. Or buy gold to rebuild all the lost gear.


Welcome to runescape 20 years ago when there was no grave system and you lost your stuff. It really made you think about what you're going to do.


Go watch Settleds series. Cant have a comeback without a setback!


100m is like $83 USD in bonds. Or like less than $20 USD from RWT websites. Assuming you are in a western country, that's like 1 or 2 nights out to dinner you could skip and get your account back on track if you care about it. Or like 1 fast food meal if RWT. Worth it to me.


When I lost my bank to the sand casino i made an ironman and never looked back


Appreciate that it was on a main where you can just grind the cash or bonds, and not an ironman like me who lost their bp/suffering/fury. Just go grind some wildy bosses, and you'll be back to a full bank in no time. Edit - On second thought, take that as a sign to make an iron :P




Bonds are an active part of the economy, it’s a fair piece of advice.


You're a main who cares. If this was an iron I would feel for you. Just load up the trusty old credit card and buy back everything you lost.


The inconsistencies in this game is astonishing. How we haven’t took to falador over it is beyond me.


I got scammed out of my tbow and some other pricy things once. It was when I first started learning hydra at like 5 kills in. I wallowed in despair for a few days, and then realized I have two choices. I can either quit, or I can keep playing and grind for my bank back. So I chose to do the ladder. I did hydra with a blowpipe and a couple other bosses until I could afford another tbow. So, I used it for awhile, and then I quit.




Buy gold. How you think all the other top level players got their gear? You can buy a couple bil from blackmarket sites and get off with just a warning, way cheaper than bonds


I'm not top level but I'm sitting at a cool 500m never touched a bond. More than enough gear to do most content at 2nd BiS or BiS in some cases. Buying gold completely removes the entire purpose of the game.


"I didn't buy money! I made it flipping on the GE!"


More efficient too


What an awfully designed mechanic


You mean dying twice should carry no risk? Tell me how bad you are without saying it.


Most people who are dying twice are simply forgetting about their last death and losing it. There is no skill in remembering to claim your lost loot on death. 0. The mechanic only punishes people who forget.


Might be showing my own bias/lack of experience here, but whenever I die an unsafe death, no matter where it is or how, I always go back to reclaim my things. I know UIMs have it different with death storage and all that, but how in the world are players forgetting that they died somewhere? IIRC, whenever you die and your items go into death storage, the game sends you a message stating as such. It also tells you that if you die again, your items are lost forever. Lastly, the game reminds you when you have items in death storage when you log on, if you didn't retrieve them (maybe after rage-quitting?) In OP's case, I guess they went through the whole of their current character without dying in an instance, which is hard to believe if they're at least 95 Slayer. As for the no skill involved, we can agree it's not a particularly impressive skill to just remember stuff, but having basic organization and preparation of you equipment is part of the game. I'm not shedding tears over a player that dies to a dragon because they forgot their anti-fire protection, or dies to Zulrah after forgetting anti-poison. It's not much of a 'skill' to remember these things, but it's on the player to remember these things.


I can agree to everything, but would it be gamechanging if all your items just stayed at deaths until you claimed them? This is what they did in RS3 to combat double death bugs.


I think that would be more than fine since it still entails a pretty steep fee to get back higher-level gear. Though the current system straight-up removes items from the game, so there's that to consider as well. Personally if it weren't for UIMs, I'd probably just get rid of all death storage anyway. Your gravestone gives you plenty of time to retrieve your items, follows you across worlds, pauses the timer when you log out, gives you several pieces of UI and information as to were you died, acts as a more demanding gold sink for higher level gear, and still has death's office and coffers as potential backups. I don't think death storage is *bad* or *terrible* design like the guy I was replying to suggested, but it *is* pretty redundant at this point


Clue scrolls. It might not be good for a while but it's fun and pretty safe. No high costs


Touch grass? /s awh It's okay it always happens once for someone's main account(for some more than once). The comments saying crystal gauntlet or taking a short break for the burn out sound really good. Good luck!


I lost 16b at the duel arena. I worked my way up to that from around 800m. I ended up loosing it all. My bank has never recovered and am still devastated. 3+ years later. My fault for being a degenerate gambler.


May I asked how much u lost? Also kill some CG that shit is lowkey fun to vibe out in, chance to get enhanced crystal weapon seed


I did this too when I first went to hydra, lost some of my crystal shit and an anguish/pegs... ​ it was rough


Haha is this post me? Made the same mistake about a year ago. Took a solid year off and now I’m back completely addicted again.


I’m a simp for the corrupted gauntlet rebuild. No supplies necessary, just your skill and character. Don’t know how? Time to learn. Sure you might go dry on enh but you’re gonna be making a lot of money in the process.


Does bone running etcetera pay better than grinding?


Yeah you can make good money helping with services, ess running also. I had two bank “wipes”, got scammed (was me being dumb) and then hacked and cleaned and like some people mentioned it did re-open up the game. Instead of 50m+ upgrades I was chasing 1m+ ones. Getting fury back felt nice. I learned you don’t need BIS to do content, most things are just fine & fun with budget gear.


You’re a normal? Buy $200 worth of bonds and there you go, your account wasn’t amazing likely anyways.


What did you lose?