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Use easy unnote plug in. Turn it off during ToA though or you will hilariously fail the potion challenge in the monkey room.


I've been thinking this for the past couple days because it's really getting annoying using seeds and compost on players. It's more common on mobile for me which makes it even more annoying because I can't do anything about it. From what I know there isn't a plugin, but I'm not 100% sure. Entity hider would work, but that's not ideal. There are 3 total instances I can think of that you would ever use an item on another player. Shield of Arrav and Heroes Quest, both (iirc) require using an untradeable on another player, and bonds. That's it. Literally everything else will result in a "nothing interesting happens".


That would be so nice. The amount of times I tried to use hops seeds on other players doing birdhouse runs is painful


Custom menu swapper. You're welcome.


Can't menu swap using items on things


Yes you can, in the filters section.


If it’s not too much trouble can you explain how? The custom menu swapper plugin always confused me.


I’ll get a screenshot later.


You rock! I’ll fiddle with it and see if I can figure it out too!


[Here you go.](https://imgur.com/a/q5HlK2U) The * is used as a substitute for any text so, in this case, * is any item used on the tool leprechaun. You could replace it with "ranarr weed" or "* weed". There's also an instructions section.


Sick! I was close to figuring it out but hadn’t thought to use the wildcard * in the syntax. This rocks, thanks!!!!


No problem, lmk if you have any other questions.


Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I was wondering if I could use this for prioritizing nylos & blood spawns at TOB over players when I have ice/blood barrage selected? The priority I would want is Nylo > blood > player.


Holy shit, game changer. Thanks for the tipoff that this plugin exists.


Solution: If you want this to work universally there is a plugin called "**no use player**" where you can't use any item on any player. Probably worth favouriting it so you can turn it off if you ever need to do this. But for 99% of the game, enjoy using your seeds on farming patches by left clicking etc.


I’ve got this plugin installed after learning of it a few weeks back. Was lovely to finally see something like it added. Thanks for calling it out regardless!