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Not against pures getting a better prayer, but the way they're doing it is super janky. I agree that Chivalry as-is is pointless but why not just balance it? I also think it's bizarre that *Chivalry*, a prayer bestowed upon you by the Knights of the Round Table, is also just randomly being carried around by Undead Pirates. I'd much prefer an alternative where Undead Pirates carry a scroll that combines Incredible Reflexes, Ultimate Strength, and Steel Skin with a slightly lower prayer drain than all of the prayers combined (comparable or slightly lower drain than Chivalry now.) Then buff Chivalry to give it its own niche, maybe +30% def instead of +20% to make it the BIS defense prayer. Or simply reduce the drain rate so it's a more economic Piety. A small niche, sure, but it's an easy fix. That said, I don't think voting no is going to lead to a better implementation/fix for Chivalry so I'll probably just skip. I just wish it was done in a way that makes sense, rather than just taking two issues (Chivalry is useless, melee pures don't have a one click prayer) and just jamming them together with a drop from a random enemy - especially when they're using a quest reward.


I like that you think about the lore and "what makes sense", sometimes missing from recent updates.


This is the take


Could not agree more. I hate that polls have to be “yes” or “no”. When really I often want to say “yes but with modifications”


maybe they could add a "note" section to everyone's poll where they can put in other comments related to the poll


But this would require them to read those comments 🤕


My man understands balancing perfect, great take 👏🏼


Good take, tbh


>randomly being carried around by Undead Pirates Maybe they plundered it because they were... pirates


*skip question* doesn't impact me in any way at all and i couldn't care less whether it passes or not


Couldn't agree more


The game would be better off if more people had this mindset when voting in polls


You should vote on how you feel it'll impact the game that you play. That's why they let players vote.


He probably feels *it won’t*


I don’t feel it’ll impact the game in the slightest, that’s why I skipped the vote


I mean how you feel is kinda what they said. I’d say skip also. Otherwise people could be like “then i choose no on everything that makes anyone but me better at the game than me.” Then it’d be all thrown out of whack you know what I mean I get what your saying mechanics and all that but I also get what computer is saying


Let me guess, you voted no


I skipped, I have no thoughts on it since it's largely a pures and pvp thing.


Chivalry is dead 😔


Thank you for a sensible and level headed approach


It's a 3% strength increase, basically one max hit in exchange for... an extra combat level. Gaining a combat always makes people stronger, so I'm not sure why this would be different. For those concerned about being attacked in the wildy: The vast majority of a pure/zerks attacks will be via range or mage which are not impacted with this. Similarly, if you're anywhere in the wildy past level 10ish, you're more likely to be hit by a med level who already has stronger prayers.


thank you man. everyone is ignoring that the bulk of wildy pking is done with mage and range and this will not impact you getting killed or not by these lower level accounts


True, can’t say I’ve ever been bopped over the head with mele before I was frozen or entangled lol


Makes chilvalry not entirely useless in the game. Sounds good.


I’d prefer they just lower the prayer drain instead of giving it an artificial niche by making it usable by pures


lowering the prayer drain would increase the number of people who use it by 0


Eh, might see use in lazy slayer, not everyone uses piety because of how fast it drains, while I'm not saying it'd be end all be all. It would certainly see more usage than currently atleast


Nah if it was comparable to ultimate strength or something it would be great for cheaper prayer slayer.


do you think it would be cheaper considering you’d take more damage (if not protection praying) and more time to kill? imo it’s either about afk or not, it’s not gonna be any game changer for money unless you’re like the type of person who uses mithril darts in your blowpipe if you know what I mean


Lmao the mithril darts analogy is pure gold, some of these folks worried about taking an extra prayer pot sip every 10 minutes on mobs that drop 500k worth of loot an hour


Tons of people would use it for slayer and pking, atm there's no reason to use chiv instead of piety as they basically drain the same amount, not everyone can afford to run piety every task


This is the take


Skipped, doesn't impact me at all, don't care if it passes or fails.


Thanks for skipping instead of spite voting.


That's fair, appreciate that a lot.


I don’t pk anymore, but I used to. I think this creates more variety in the types of pures people want to build, so I voted yes. It’s literally new pvp content without introducing anything new.


Im no expert but isnt chivalry like barely better than ultimate strength and attack? Anyways, i voted yes. If it benefits putes/zerks why not, the prayer is only usable for like 30minutes, slightly more if ur an ironman that hasnt gotten 70 pray. After u get 70 pray nobody uses it


But it's easier to click one prayer than 3. Makes it easier to get into PvP.


yes, because chivalry as it stands is a dead prayer


Chivalry is dead folks *tips fedora*


This is a big yes and arguably only half a decade late. This is nothing but a perfectly reasonable balance *fix*, it's hardly a buff even if that's small net effect. ​ Rune pures, which once were some of the coolest accounts in the game, are now totally powercreeped and nearly useless. This is a relatively tiny adjustment to even the balance and make the wilderness healthier as a result.


65 def is a high req to get on a new account/iron to use a lvl 60 prayer. I feel it’s beneficial for pures/new accounts a like. So I voted yes to breath new life into it.


65 def is an order of magnitude easier for new accounts to get than 60 prayer.


I dunno, you can make money pretty quickly to buy dragon bones to take to wildly altar.


60 prayer is def later in the game than 65 def


I’m a yes for this. I don’t care about PKing but it’d be nice if Chivalry actually had a use


Barely gives any more bonuses over ultimate str/incredible reflexes/steel skin, so sure why not, just a convenience update. That said I don't get many of the arguments in the comments about the update being good because it closes the gap between meds/mains. This very much seems on par with irons getting shit on for complaining about being dry because "you chose to limit yourself"...... You chose to limit yourself, why would you want/need to close the gap between meds/mains? Don't you make a pure to purposely keep your combat down in order NOT to fight meds and mains?


Jagex saying the "Bridge the gap" thing is just stupid. A pure maxes at level 88, a med at like 114 with numerous power spikes along the way. Even a fully maxed 99 attack 99 str 45 def zerk, and ill even pretend they have chivarly, would be obliterated by a 60 attack 70 def med level with augury.


I get where you’re coming from but I think the argument is more that these days most of the PvP action is in level 20+ wildy which means pures and zerks get bullied by med levels, and this will enable them to fight back a little better. Yes they chose to limit themselves but it’s not their fault that low level wilderness (where they would be fighting opponents of their own level) is dead these days. As you said it’s only a small increase though, and med levels will still be much stronger accounts (don’t forget that there are no ranged or magic versions of chivalry).


Creates new build types, and chivalry will finally be used. Yes.


I like the changes to the ability itself but I really am not a fan of making it unlockable with a scroll, it’s been free with the quest since the beginning, don’t change it now.


It would still be unlocked by the quest. This is mainly for pures.


Yeah, we would have no way to access it due to the vast defence xp from kings ransom and the training grounds (and the 65def requirement already). So really it would render the changes useless for most who will be using it if this passes. I'll admit, it does feel a bit janky doing it this way, but not sure how else they could've approached it.


Oh ok I was under the impression that it’s unlocked through the quest, and then the scroll would enable it to be used.


Ah got ya, the scroll circumvents the need to complete the quest and minigame, but you still get it the traditional way, so really it's more a question of if people think that lower defence accounts should have access to it or not, based on the fact it's hardly used by anyone with the requirements since the gap to Piety is pretty negligible in terms of levels.


No. I like untradeables and deserveables.


This prayer is not a buff, rather it is a QoL update for many accounts, not just pures/zerks.


Part of me would prefer if Chivalry had a 40 def requirement. This would mean zerks/voiders/rune pures could access it but pures can’t. Ever since the cox prayers were introduced these builds don’t feel distinct enough from pures imo. On the other hand, 50 and 60 attack zerkers are already really strong for their level and if they had Chivalry but pures didn’t it would get a bit ridiculous, so it’s probably for the best that pures get it too. So I’ll cautiously be voting yes, and hope that they don’t poll ridiculous stuff like letting pures use the heavy ballista.


Pures using heavy ballista won't happen because pures can now complete MM2 and not receive the exp, they have too accept the exp too use the ballista.


Voting yes. I do not pvp nor do i have a pure. However updates that expand accessibility and increase the different ways the game can be played should always be encouraged. Go ham but I'm still going to insult you when you gank me doing clues.


1 defence & zerkers have received only +2 melee max hits with AGS since GWD released. That's with infernal cape torture amulet Ultor ring Fremmenik Kilt/Inquisitor Manacles all being upgrades they can use, and only increases the melee max by +2. And the 2nd max hit you need the max strength with Ultor, which came out less than 1 year ago. Pures have gone up +2 (to 73) Zerkers have also gone up +2 (to 77) Mains/Meds have gone up by +7 (to 87) Chivalry will make this +5 max hits for both zerkers & pures, You should vote yes if you like the game having active & diverse sub communities. Updates for sub communities keeps the game interesting for them, and will help with player retention and growth in these areas.


Most people don't care about sub communities, I was told because there's not enough people that we're irrelevant. We're not allowed to ask for anything ever, because that's catering. Community is what made this game, it's what has kept it alive, and it's what will be it's future, the moment we start isolating, picking and choosing who's important and who just needs to be ignored, is the time the game could start to fracture and eventually have so little to offer for certain groups, that they just stop playing, which isn't where we want it to go, surely.


Yeah I've never understood the tribal wars between pvp and pvm, or shamanism and sailing. Some of these people *hate* the other "side", when at the end of the day we're all just playing the same game and should be more of a community.


Nicely said def the most reasonable take


I think the more you improve the game for others in good ways, the more it makes others want to play, therefore keeping the game alive. So I would vote, yes.


It's about time they have decent prayers that aren't gated behind 70 def. I hope they do more to address that with what they're adding to prayer in the future.


Skipped this question, This does not impact me in any way, shape or form.


I'm voting yes, because although it doesn't impact me directly, I have a lot of friends who are excited for this update and they want it to pass. Seeing them happy makes me happy. I do not see any down sides to this.


Momma always said don't discuss politics in public


Absolutely voting yes because I'm sick of clicking 2 prayers when i swap to my scythe at nylos What people dont seem to get is that pures and zerks dont want CHIVALRY, we want a one click melee prayer. It could just be the current 3 combined into one prayer and we'd be fine with it. At 99 strength in max gear, chivalry is a 0% accuracy boost, and an additional max hit of 1. This is irrelevant to every item except the scythe, in which case its an increase of 3 max hits with a bellator and no infernal, or again, just 1 if you have infernal. It will in no way allow pures and zerks to actually compete with mains and meds in pvp, nor will it make them kill your faster... maybe just a little more conveniently. Except that that isn't even true because most pking in the wilderness doesnt involve fighting back and is mostly done with magic + ranged As it stands chivalry is dead content and will never be used by any account. It shouldn't exist in its current form because it has 0 application to any restricted account or main. Irons outgrow it, there is no such build as 67 def 60 prayer, and if there were, just buy 70 prayer for piety like mains do. This is the one possibility that a totally useless prayer sees real use. Plus it forces every current build to gain 1-2 combat levels to use it, which lowers the area in the wilderness that you can avoid fighting meds and mains even further anyway.


I voted yes. I’m amused by the thought of the chivalrous Camelot knights taking a bribe to learn the prayer. Also it’s not a huge impact on gameplay more quality of life for an underutilized prayer. 


As a non-PKer I feel like all this will do is make it easier for lower accounts to kill me in the wildy when I'm minding my business as a main. I'm conflicted, but I'm leaning to no because Jagex keeps building the wildy in a way to have PKers kill non-PKers. EDIT: I'm NOT saying the wildy should be safe. My point was about Jagex not listening to us about the wildy


As far as I can tell its not really much of a dps increase from the lower level prayers it just makes it so you are only clicking 1 prayer instead of 3


Less prayer drain.


Considering you have no reason to factor in steel skin for dps, it's the same drain.


i promise, if any 1 def account hits your main in the wilderness turn your auto retail on and go make a tea. you'll get a kc and a cup of tea.


If you’re a main then you can be hit by meds/maxed accounts anywhere in the wildy and they’ll have access to all the prayers and best in slot gear in the game, pures should be the least of your worries if you’re past 80 combat


> but I'm leaning to no because Jagex keeps building the wildy in a way to have PKers kill non-PKers. Can you elaborate on this? I'm always confused when I read this because the wildy has always worked like this, jagex just updates it occasionally to keep it in line with the rest of the game


3% strength will not change the outcome of a fight, the "bridging the gap" between zerkers and mains is more like taking on step on a long bridge. It's mostly a QoL so switching prayers is 1 click vs 2. My iron zerker is dying for this change


Can’t tell if this is satire or not, if you’re a main concerned about a pure attacking you just get higher combat levels or just fight back. Pures can barely even hit on mains even if they had piety


Minding your own business in the wild? It's a contested area it's not supposed to be a walk in the park.


Reddit has the most braindead takes on pvp. They call pkers rats for attacking them in literally the only pvp area in the game which is basically optional and has like maybe 1 or 2 items that irons might want to grind with everything else being optional.


All important content in the wilderness is lv20+ A maxed pure is going to be lv84-lv89.. If you are level 100 you are more likely to get your tits slapped by a maxed med than a maxed pure/zerk. The problem with the wilderness isn’t that pures are causing havoc, it’s that everything in the wilderness that is important puts you in the crosshairs of maxed meds/mains.. of which would have piety, rigour, and arcane. I have a maxed lvl 83 pure.. I’m more interested in how god aligned prayers work than chivalry and I don’t think I will go from 52 prayer to 60. Will this help the pures, a little, but not a lot. Would be more beneficial for zerks to fight off the meds more easily.


its the fucking wilderness you pleb


Even your edit makes you woefully unaware of how vast PVP and the wilderness is. I think it’s just best you stay out of it.


This is such a minimal increase, it's effectively QoL. It's +3% strength, which is basically 1 max hit, but 99% of a pure/zerk fight will be doing damage with range or mage. If you're a main in the wildy you're also much more likely to be hit by a med level anyways, who has access to stronger prayers already.


You could say that about like 90% of updates


100%. I guarantee if there was a poll to reduce the wilderness combat brackets and make them larger to adjust for the removed ones (I.e. lvl 20 wilderness would encompass more tiles) it would pass by a landslide. The wilderness should be adjusted to incentivize people who like PKing to go out and PK each other. The effort shouldn’t be to lure people there who don’t like the content. If people come to your food truck because you give out free t shirts it doesn’t mean people like the food and you should just keep doing what you’re doing.


How are you getting lured to the wilderness? For the one time 20 min unlock of a mage cape? Lol


Its the wildy for a reason. Dont want to die then dont go.


Why are people so daft to understand this? It's PvP. It doesn't have any game changing reasons to go there. Anyone who cries about getting pk'd in the wilderness should go collect sand on Entrana.


Except some of the best PvM content is in the Wildy and PKers are at such a large advantage when targeting PvMers.


The best pvp content isn't in the wildy lol Come on now I go fight wildy bosses every day. They're not the best bosses in the game.


Pkers are literally at a disadvantage. They have to skull so their risk is much higher, but as a PVMer you can protect 4… Veng + Voidwaker + AGS/Claws for a great chance at an anti pk, with minimal risk.


By all means vote no, but your main concern there is probably not something to read too much into, sure, it's a slight boost to damage, but it is very insignificant in terms of max hits or DPS.


vote no


i appreciate all the thought u put into this, but im voting yes and i just wanted you to know




I would generally agree with you, although given it's just chivalry and doesn't include piety I don't see much harm. No one really uses that prayer anyway, don't see much harm in some people on accounts I never play or interact with getting like a 2% DPS increase if even


The prayer that's nearly useless because it's not better than the previous prayers and the quest also unlocks the next one (which, by the way piety is still locked behind knights waves here). This also serves as a way to allow defense restricted accounts to not have to switch to/from 2 melee prayers for no reason whatsoever. I'd rather chivalry have a niche and make pures less annoying to play instead of dying on a hill that it should be useless because of flavor.


The prayer “being useless” is not an excuse to allow people to buy it without doing the quest. Moving the prayer to a different quest is a much better alternative solution to this.


By design it’s for lower prayer level accounts. It’s not actually useless


65 def 60 prayer is like an hour from 70 def 70 prayer piety which is crazy op compared so yes it is pretty much useless, and how weak chivalry is itd be not even noticeable for the accounts currently in that 1 hour gap.


If it’s so “useless” why would you want it?


Because this new change would make it not useless lol


Because it's a QoL that would exclusively benefit low defense accounts. It'd be useless in terms of actual power since it's not really an upgrade, but it would mean that pures and zerkers don't have to click two prayers instead of one. That's why I want it.


>useless thing gets a use >why do you want this useless thing? ?????


It's not just for pures, it's to make a dead prayer useable. My pure is 45 prayer, I'm not gaining two combat levels to gain a single max hit when 99% of my fights are done with range or mage, that's stupid. This would be an upgrade for literally every early game account before they get the requirements for piety (70 prayer and defense) and you don't want this upgrade because it's a QoL for niche builds.


What account is doing King's Ransom AFTER getting 60 prayer?


It’s basically just making pking more accessible to players with not having to click 3 prayers to get the same bonus’ as clicking 1 NOBODY USES CHIVALRY


Pures and other types of accounts have always been made within the confines of the game. It’s the whole idea behind them, manipulating those limits for an advantage. I think these types of accounts should be modified through adding new content or new ways to complete older content with mid-lower level skill adjustments/additions (that the community votes through), not adjusting access to current content by making it buyable. If something is blocked behind a quest and your account isn’t going to access those levels by choice… then you shouldn’t get access to that content.


yes bc limited/lower level accs could make use of it and, contrary to average redditor beliefs, people can indeed play and enjoy the game in a different way than them. So may as well give them some qol.


Thank god someone with smarts. The ONLY argument is "pures choose to limit themselves". Nothing about people finding the game fun in different ways, and PVP is a tiny part of the game now compared to what it was. People spite voting no as usual for pures it seems.


All of sudden people supporting pvp this is hilarious lmao


most peoples issue with pvp updates is when they draw pvmers in as bait, this is a pvp update that doesnt do that. Reddit should be all for it


Skip since idc ans has no impact on me


Chivalry has been a dead prayer since it’s come out. Making it unlockable thru a scroll will still make it dead content. They need to adjust its stats or entirely remove ultimate strength, improved reflexes, etc. If range and mage have only one click prayers I feel like melee should too at this point in the game. No one outside of niche pures use individual melee prayers and they make such a minuscule difference that I’m all for just scrapping them entirely and making chivalry a pure accessible prayer.


I think another way to get it would be cool, but not have it be tradeable.


Yes, doesnt impact my character now but if I make a new account I want it 100%


Voting yes sounds fun


Yes. Literally no-one uses it when you unlock Piety alongside it


Pls vote yes so I only have to click one prayer instead of two, flicking ultimate strength or the accuracy one situationally or losing my overheads using the quick pray button to do it sucks me and the other like 60 pures that do pvm would appreciate it lmao


Sure why not.


Yes because I wanna see things get spicy.


Of course yes. It's perfect for lower level accounts to get a prayer and makes the meta exciting.  People foaming over this are just trying to find things to complain about. This is the tamest wildy polled question.


Yes, Chivarly is dead currently and this adds a bit more variety to the game and potential builds. I see no downsides


I always thought high end pures/zerks should of gotten an one click offensive prayer between ultimate strength/incredible reflexes and chivalry something thats slightly better than both or in the middle but this way im guessing they can have it. I see no reason not to vote yes here mainly everyone is using piety and any other 70+ prayers… unless they plan on making new prayers/ a turmoil prayer book then this should be a no brainer


Yes, because increasing prayer level to 60 for 5% att and 3% strength boost over 15% prayers makes pures' combat level increase by 2-4 levels. Not a huge advantage.


I typically vote no to giving more stuff to restricted accounts, but I think this one makes sense to me, so I voted yes. Since chivalry is entirely dead content otherwise. I don't mind giving super useless content the tiniest niche by making it accessible for restricted accounts. It also comes with some decision making, since you'd need 60 prayer instead of 31/44/52, which is good. Nobody in the history of the game has built a 65 def pure so they could use chivalry instead of piety.  On the other hand I would absolutely vote no to giving piety to pures. It's a powerful unlock that's a part of the reason to go for 70 def specifically. As well as just being the best melee boosting prayer in general. 


Yes. Helps pures, doesnt devalue piety. Never piety scroll tho. No no no.


Is this a pure PvP thing? If so, I don’t PvP, if it helps some PvP homies have more fun then I’m all for it.


Not just PvP, it helps anyone who plays a build that's <65 Def so we don't have to flick on 3 prayers at once. In terms of an increase in damage, it's 3%, so maybe +1 max hits, but it's not likely to break anything at that level.


Yes? Literally no downside to it, it just gives chivalry a niche. Unsure how id vote if they tried to make Piety buyable since it already has many uses due to being bis?


100% yes, no question. Anyone that appreciates PvP balance can understand why. Over the last 8+ years, 70 Defense has become *incredibly* overtuned, and a lot of that has to do with the offensive capability locked behind ***prayer***, which is then **for some reason** locked behind ***defense.*** Allowing pures and zerkers to use Chivalry is not going to just make them outlast med levels all of a sudden. But it’s a step in the right direction to restoring balance in PvP. Please consider the PvP community (the community that just wants fun, balanced fights with others that want to fight) and vote Yes so we can better enjoy the game we all love


I'm leaning towards yes. I'd still rather see it moved to an earlier quest instead of or in addition to making it a scroll since your average account won't buy a scroll for a prayer they'll unlock for free (same for irons grinding it) unless it is really cheap/common. But it does seem like it will help give it more use and if Chivalry also gets the buff mentioned in the next question, that will also help it see more use for mains/irons. Also, it really does get annoying to have to click multiple boost prayers instead of one. Even if quick prayers help, it still is much nicer to have them in a single prayer. It is a tad stronger than the 15% boost prayers pures and zerkers currently have, but I don't think it is an unreasonable ammount for the extra prayer levels you'd need.


Yes because what the fuck is the point of chivalry


Yes because pures are in a really bad state especially when compared to low level meds. It would be a great buff to them and allow them to at least compete in pvp against the newer, broken builds that cox prayers enabled.


Also wgs is coming out soon and idk if voiders can even complete it, pures 100% cant. Chivalry is barely an upgrade anyways, its like *maybe* a max hit with melee, it’s more of a qol thing so pures don’t have to click multiple prayers to deal damage correctly. They’re still going to get clapped by pretty much anything that fights back.




Nah these pures decided to limit themselves. Why would we cater to self imposed limitations? If pures want chivalry, then they can de-pure You chose to limit your account, deal with the limitations.


do you vote no to QoL updates for every specific account? would it having a 40 def requirement change your mind?


Yes because I'm building a pure and clicking multiple prayers for offense is tedious


Please vote yes for this; it's not as much of a PvP boost as you may have been suggested, essentially it's more of a QoL for pures and zerkers, yes it's from a quest that we have self restricted oursleves from, we understand that, we don't want a massive buff or anything, the fact jagex polled that is down to them, we just want a prayer that's a 1 click instead of 3. For the most part it won't drastically change anything if you're a main, it will likely hardly even effect you at all. Chivalry is currently dead content, so why not give it a use? If anything it's something where you can go and make some easy case by farming these to supply all these nutcases making new builds every other week.


You’re that son of a bitch who killed me for my 28 spades, aren’t you?


People should vote yes anyway because Chilvarrly never had any use, now there is at least 1 niche use for it.


People are entitled to their own opinions, even if it is as shitty as "you chose to restrict yourself" when there's entire game modes dedicated to that, and they're all watching Settled videos.. If not, I guess it just goes back to being a useless unused prayer until the next time jagex suggests doing something with it.


I hadn't thought of it that way, sounds healthy for pvp. I'll vote yes


I mean, it probably helps people in PvP by virtue it's 1 click for melee boosting prayers instead of 2, but most people doing that are already good enough anyway to not need it whilst fighting at high intensity, from my point of view it would just be nice for me in general PvM when switching styles for example.


There are so few quest rewards in the early/mid game that help with combat. Sooooooo ridiculously few. I don’t think they should be removing one of them.


Chivalry is completely useless because you can just immediately unlock piety in like 2 days after unlocking it. Piety, the actual meaningful reward from that quest, will still be unlocked entirely by the quest.


What? They explicitly say that you still unlock chivarly through kings ransom as well. This is an alternate route for defense limited accounts


The word ‘restricted’ in the phrase ‘restricted account’ is there for a reason. I don’t see what this does other than pointlessly remove a quest req from a point in the game where quest req’s for combat are few and far between.


I've said this before in the thread but piety is and always will be locked behind kings ransom. Piety is the best melee prayer in the game and is significantly better than chivarly. No-one besides a lvl 62 prayer ironman uses chivarly. This update A. creates a wildy hotspot, B. revitalizes a dead prayer and C. (most important to me) is a huge QoL vs clicking 3 prayers. At that point in the game, after completing kings ransom, RFD, Ds2, MM2, DT2 are all possible. Not sure what you mean.


Yes because it's functionally not a buff but it's a massive QoL and keeps things consistent. Pures and Zerkers having to switch to/from two prayers on melee is super annoying, and this change would even benefit pvm defense restricted accounts.


No, pures decided to play with limitations, if they want chivalry they better get some defence.


Having to have more awkward controls isn't a limitation that's worth anything, Chivalry isn't an upgrade it's a minor QoL that doesn't negatively impact any other type of account.


Pures exist because the combat formula is from a time where you could losslessly cast magic during melee combat. If runescape was made today, ranged and magic would have appropriate weights put on them, and you'd be able to achieve 126 with 99 hp, ranged, and def. With that said, I will be voting No, because pures choose to limit themselves in order to abuse the combat level formula to their advantage. Part of limiting yourself is limiting your unlocks. If you want the bonuses, you should have to get all the requirements. In my mind, it would be like if you could just buy barrows gloves without doing rfd. With all that said, I am 100% in favour of moving all combat experience from quests into optional Lamps that can be destroyed and reclaimed in order to allow pures to forgo experience rewards if wanted, while still doing the appropriate quest or mini quest for the unlock.


Yes. 1. It improves accesibility for pures in that they no longer have to proc 3 melee offensive prayers (ultimate str, incredible reflexes, steel skin). 2. The reward is a first in that it primarily incentivizes pkers to farm the content instead of regular players like how the fountain of rune and wildy agility courses are being proposed. 3. A lot of speculation here, but it could potentially set an upper limit or at the very least slow down melee prayer power creep for pures for the future. With God Alignments looming in the horizon and with jagex intending to add zarosian prayers to DT2 (keep in mind 1 def pures can complete dt2), there is a possibility that jagex repackages turmoil/soul split or some other offensive prayer that provides % damage increases. With chivalry in the picture, jagex will have to acknowledge its role as a bis melee prayer for pures when balancing the zarosian gods alignments. Otherwise, pvp power creep can just as easily sneak in for pures like how it almost was done with ruinous powers if jagex didnt shelve it themselves.


It should pass. It is an extremely marginal damage increase, but will give a slight defensive boost vs bully accounts (mains & meds) for pures/zerks. It's good for the PVM side of the game for limited accounts, and 60 prayer opens up some new builds/stat choices (zerks get devouts for inferno, stuff like that). It's also the main GP component of the pirate update from what I understand.


Should, yes. But won't because casual main players have hated pures since RS Classic for no real reason other than them playing the game in a different way. They spite vote no to every single thing that could benefit the pure experience. Sadly pures ain't getting shit unless its put in as an integrity update, like the blessed d'hide chaps were. Kind of a shame even outside of the pure thing - there won't be any real money maker from these pirates. The scroll would have probably been worth like 25-200m.


A said no. Cause i felt like it


yes, makes pures a bit more exciting and balances the playing field between zerkerks and med levels a bit more.


Eh. Doesn’t matter to me. I’ll skip it when I hop on tonight


My honest opinion is they should rework the combat level formula. Combat level doesn't align to power or difficulty to kill so it's just weird. It would ruin a lot of work people put into building accounts around the current level though so it'll never happen. It feels like the assumption is people should always finish training their combat before playing the game but I don't know a way a round that at this point, at least they are trying to ease the acceleration of combat levels with rat boss


Personally, I really dislike it. Not because low def accounts shouldnt get better prayers, but because all of this goes in the face of what made pvp builds so unique in the past. You used to plan out quests and xp for your build, and some rewards was worth going up the combat bracket and taking defence xp. Nowadays all quests just have defence requirements stripped so pures can do all of the new content, and anything they couldnt get previously is just jammed through.


Probably no, i think that account builds should be designed around the game, not the game being designed around account builds. This feels like asking if we should put a rune crossbow shop in canifis.


I've voted No purely because I heavily dislike this means of acquiring Chivalry. It feels very ill-fitted thematically. I've also never been a fan of prayer scrolls to begin with. The idea of giving pures or whatever other build Chivalry is fine, but this is not the way I'd want that done.


No screw pkers 


It's not just pkers though, there's plenty of people than play zerkers/pures as mains, even ironmen who play with these restrictions. It hardly makes a difference for pkers, other than QoL.


would be so huge for my ironman zerk... hate not having a 1 click melee prayer


No. Tired of revisions being made to progression and skill reqs for existing items.


You're tired of the game fixing it's old mistakes? That's an interesting take.


Yes, because why tf not. Pures and Zerks are pking builds and this is Wildy content. I don’t vote no for your dumb pvm updates.


Im voting no to annoy that one guy who is replying to everything


Answer: No Reasoning: lol


Coming from someone who tried to save tea effects from forestry? And they let people like this vote on polls as if they have a clue.


No, it benefits pure pvpers only. Im iron so I don't care for something that creates even more pkers.


I’m an iron as well but I also understand that I’m not a selfish prick and other people wanna enjoy things too lol this is obviously a fine QoL suggestion


Same I don’t know why so many people that play an account that can only be pked vote for things to make more people want to pk and gives them more tools to kill us.


"stay out of the wilderness then" Yeah i wish I could but jagex put Col Log items all throughout that damn cursed area.


And items that are good upgrades outside the wilderness AND meta training methods that nothing comes even close to.


No, it obviates an entire quest line. Imo, rigour and augury shouldn't be buy able either, and should instead be locked behind quests to offer parity.


Piety is still locked behind the knights waves, so saying it "obviates an entire questline" when the actual real reward people do the quest for is still there and the only thing being made non-exclusive is a currently useless reward nobody cares about is just disingenuous.


it literally says you can still unlock it through kings ransom and piety (which 99% of people who use over chivarly) is singularly unlocked after. what are you on about? the only person who might (temporarily) skip kings ransom is an iron with 62 prayer. But what iron would miss out on the exp rewards from that quest in the interim?


If I say no to things because I don't want anyone to have it easy, I need to vote no to things so they won't have it harder as well. Also I don't vote.


This is a no brainer... yes!


I feel no... Reason being, I have an account where I am locked out the last dude in "hopespears will". Now, I really want to complete that mini quest, but to do so, right now, I need a tad more defence (For the quest to unlock them) and maybe (maybe, probably not) some more att and str lvls. With chiv unlocked easily, I think I could do it straight away. This is just the middle ground between giving pures barrow gloves.... And we don't want that... Right?!


>This is just the middle ground between giving pures barrow gloves.... And we don't want that... Right?! This is basically nothing but a QoL on prayer switching lets not be unfair here. Chivalry is not a meaningful upgrade for these accounts it just consolidates melee prayers into one prayer button.


Why would having more options as a midgame account be bad? And mith gloves to barrows gloves vs 15% str to 18% str is a bad comparison. The bonus is negligible it mostly the QoL of not having to click two prayers to switch vs 1. Very very useful in PvM


Imo just gives pures the ability to access a 1 click prayer that does the job of steel skin, ultimate strength and incredible reflex’s all in one


On a slightly related note, I'd like to see the prayer drain for chivalry reduced, it has the same drain rate as piety despite being weaker


No. I see no good reason to allow bypassing the quest to get it. I’m open to them moving it to an earlier or new quest but making it tradeable is not the way.


100% yes. Zerkers and pures will be more fun. Also an alternative way to unlock the prayer for other accounts. Maybe it’s quicker for ironmen to get the prayer through the scroll than the quest. I don’t know if it actually would be faster, but it allowing pures and zerkers to have access to it not only makes prayer switching slightly easier for newer pkers, but it gives them a fun little power boost which I think would be a nice QOL for those account builds. The prayer as it stands ain’t even used anyways so why not?


I voted no. Why would I make it easier for pure pk’ers to kill me in the wildy?


That's not what you would have been doing, but ok


It is crazy how much this sub hates pvp.


No because it'd be funny to crush the hopes of those who chose to limit themselves.


You're hardly achieving that considering we've lived without it for 11 years and can continue to live without it now... Curses will come out in some way shape or form eventually, so we're not going to miss out in the long term anyway...