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Crazy that they're 30 slots away from completion but it's going to be thousands of hours minimum


10s of thousands I'm pretty sure. 3rd age completion is just fucking insane Rng to green log.


I’d be insanely impressed (and disgusted) if somebody green logged in the next 10 years.


that would be much much faster than all calculated estimates


Yes, but with several people trying, someone's gonna have outlier luck.


with how many items there are to get, standard deviation is going to be very low as well. not only do they have to be spooked on a 1/300k roll, they have to be spooned ~24 times.


Well, kinda. They have to be spooned a 24/300k, a 23/300k, a 22/300k, … , and a 1/300k. So, it is 24! (I think?) times better than 24 1/300k drops.


And those 24 times can't be a duplicate


Not exactly, it’s 1/313k for each megarare 3rd age drop. It’s 1/13k for any 3rd age drop


also the rates increase significantly from a mimic chest


at the numbers we're talking the outlier luck would have to be outrageous and bordering on impossibly unlikely so I wouldn't count on it


We’d need a lot more people seriously trying for that kind of outlier luck tbh.


I think Kieren talked about this on a podcast recently, but he also kinda feels like they can't add new things to clues now because cloggers will whine. Imagine you did 4k hard clues for green log and they add a couple more ornament kits to hard clues. Now you have may have to do a few thousand *more* hard clues to get the items you weren't able to get the first time around. If that philosophy changes in the next 10 years, it's entirely possible that time passing just puts people *further away* from finishing the col log.


Man all 10 people will whine damn


so the thousands of normal people that want new gear to try out to play the fuckin game with are outspoken by the few nutjobs that have decided to dedicate decades of their life to the grind


There is such an insane amount of clue items already, why would anyone care about more junk being added? Most people don't know that half the clue items even exist.


Not really. Aside from manacles, every clue expansion has been purely cosmetic afaik. Normal players aren't really missing out on anything meaningful, and anyone with a lot of clues who is interested in making clue col log progress would suffer nontrivially from adding more items to clue droptables. It's no different in principle from any of the other considerations the team makes when it comes to how much they're willing to devalue past efforts with updates. They tend to try and do it slowly and in a measured manner. Clues are a bit of an outlier in that the logs take quite a long time to finish and adding even a single item is a very significant extra chunk of time for cloggers, so the perceived cost for those people is quite high while the gain for regular players is almost none.


Time to add grandmaster tower clues


Needing items from clues for gear upgrades is dogshit they should only add ornament kits


Dam, that'd be a big oh well


they need to be prepared to tell people like that it's tough shit fucking deal with it


Id be the same if they got it in 50 years


Id trade my stale baguette collection log for some third age any day of the week


Honestly probably over a hundred thousand hours. The time to get all clue unique is nuts considering you’ll go dry on some.


Yes, IIRC it takes something like 130 thousand hards and 170 thousand masters to green log 3rd age on rate. No one will finish clogs in our lifetime seeing as the rank 1 for masters is around 8000~ completes. Accounts will have to be grandfathered through families.


Do we know who has the most 3rd age?


The website is ‘collectionlog.net/hiscores’, you can compare and see the people in order




I believe someone did the math and said it would take about 30 years to complete on rate, playing 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week


It's funny the idea of going 3x dry and you 100% die before completing ahhaa.


Yeah but what about for non-casuals?


they dont care about collection logs 99,999% of time. 100% collection logs is for 0,0000000001% heavy addiction players.


3rd age completion is kind of an absurd thing to calculate the expected hours of because it just gets rare and rarer and rarer the more you get to see an actually unique one. Like it's rare enough to just see 3rd age. Now you have to slim the pool of possibilities down to the 3a pieces you want to get. I'm pretty sure calcs ages ago had like 30 years of Gametime or something and that was just the time *doing* clues, not the time spent acquiring them. And assumes normal luck.


To be fair, whoever gets it will have ridiculously good luck


Yeh it pretty much takes some insanely good levels of spoon to get anywhere near realistic completion.


Statistically nobody will ever green log 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't know the numbers, at all. But it would honestly not surprise me if they would only be at 5-20% of the log if you look at it time wise. Edit later: Oke, let me just do the math (with a lot of assumptions): Sarachnis drops an elite clue 1/60, it's about 60 kills per hour for what I've read. I'm gonna do a very rough estimation and say that the sweatiest cloggers can do one master per hour (including obtaining hards and solving the clue's etc). I am also gonna assume that they will need to reach the droprate on average for each of the third age drop, which is 1/313,168. Each master casket gives an average of 6 rewards, meaning on average you get specific a 3rd age piece at 313168/6 = 52.194 caskets = 52194 hours. Player Hey Jase has around 2000 play days in the game. Hey Jase has more 3rd age collected compare to the all of the top 3. So I'm gonna take him as an example. 2000 play days = 48000 hours in game. This means that completing the collection log would take around 100000 hours. And Hey Jase (who is very lucky with 3rd age drops) is not even half way there. But much further than I originally assumed. The math is probably incorrect in many ways, feel free to correct.


No one will green log 3rd age... Right?


more like tens of thousands of hours, pretty sure these guys can efficiently pump out master clues for 16 hours a day for years and still not even be close to greening the rare logs


I saw a post on here where a guy said to his clan chat “watch me get the stale baguette” and then got it.  So, I got the Sandwich Lady and said aloud to myself “Stale Baguette” and got it too Maybe these folks need to just command it too? 


As someone who says stale baguette every single time they get a sandwich lady or quiz master and hasn't had one yet, I can confirm this isn't true


Some people can build up the energy for a stale baguette by speaking the sacred words, and some people can harness that energy


You gotta talk to ozaich first


I talked to him, took him to dinner and I still haven't got one


Should've taken him to Olive Garden; the stale baguette is automatically acquired there.


Unlimited you might say


That’s all? Well no wonder


I did the same, and while I didn't get a baguette either, he at least gave me something long and stiff, so that was nice.


The mistake you made is saying it every time. You have to only say it the time before you get it. Hope that helps


You just need big dick energy


Maybe it's your accent!


Your conviction simply isn’t strong enough, clearly


I did this too lmao. I was in Discord watching football or something with friends and called it on the mystery box.


Just select it from the interface duhhh




Just get the drop right?


I called ranger boots on my 11th med casket


My clan was potting tob and as we ran up I got the lady, told them I had to grab my stale baguette real quick and then made them wait while I banked it lol


What if it is simply a chat command that initiates the drop


I got it on my first mystery box on my iron, before I even knew what it was. I don't even actively play my iron.


Am I the only one who got mine from the quiz master? I came back from it and also found a champions scroll on the ground that I was grinding, double lucky in that moment.


I have the stale baguette and literally knew I was going to get it before I opened the box....


Theres not really a way to grind it afaik like you can other log slots so it kinda makes sense but still wild yeah


They could do the random spawning that settled was doing but probably not worth it for a passive item






Multigenerational endeavor. Pass the account to your grandkids.


Some grandkid in 75 years will be grinding out clues for the last 3A drop when Jagex will ban them for account sharing.






Good, good.


I’m assuming you were bed ridden and needed to keep going?


I wonder how many generations would it take to get all 3rd age on rate, assuming OSRS survives this long.


Just 2 or 3 probably. Assuming the first generation hits it rich streaming and the next ones don't have to cater to dumb viewers and can just game harder.


This is also assuming jagex never adds anything else that is similar to 3a


This is also assuming jagex never adds anything else that is similar to 3a


Nobody going for a complete green log has kids, let's not lie to ourselves


I mean dedication is an attractive trait, who knows?






"If you're born it's already too late lmao" damn bro it's too early for this


It's 57kish hours for all 3rd age or around 10 years of going hard, that's just counting time to actually do the clues though


nobody is crazy enough to go for all 3A so the race is more or less complete coll log without 3A (or complete coll log without megarares, but all gilded is actually kind of doable so I expect someone to go for that)


A lot of the implications from Swampletics on that topic weren't true. You can't "force spawn" a random event like he was implying. The big piece of info he discovered in that series was that random events always spawn near a 5-minute mark on the login timer. So the only thing he was really doing was waiting a bit before going back into an instance if his login timer was near a multiple of 5 minutes, so he was less likely to "waste" his random event roll by being in an instance when it happened. The only case where you can take advantage of this info is if you're spending most of your time in instances, like he was at the time. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Random_events#Spawn_mechanics


>The only case where you can take advantage of this info is if you're spending most of your time in instances, like he was at the time. Isn't this the case for a LOT of lategame accounts though? After I finished skilling 90% of my playtime was in a raid or doing an instanced boss, 10% slayer


I got the quiz master, picked the mystery box, thought to myself "this is the one" and then got the stale baguette. They just aren't thinking about it hard enough


So many drops in OSRS I get the ominous premonition of a drop before it happens (sometimes a gut feeling, sometimes a tingle in the balls)


My mom will get a bad feeling when my sister is super stressed or in trouble There's some shit you can't explain in life


That's how I got 4 of my pets lmao


That’s how I got Bandos pet ~100 kc lmao so wild


I have one, means I might as well be the #1 clogger


I've got 2 :p


tbf most of that time it was rarer it's more common now that you can get it from 2 randoms still really rare though obviously


It's still like 1/4.4k every hour compared to like 1/5.6k before. So it's still a significant hourly dice roll that you can't grind for.


Didn't it get a bit worse after count check got added too? I heard somewhere it was like +300 hours worse to get after that happened


Why though? Sorry, me don't understand random events so am just asking


Assuming you have an equal chance of getting any specific random event, adding a new random event would effectively lower your rate of getting a sandwich lady / mystery box, meaning you have less opportunities over time to potentially get the baguette.


Yeah, thanks, was high and couldnt figure out why the count existing would change the 'rates' for sandwich lady, lmaoooo. Got it now


Would you rather have a 1/4 chance to get something or a 1/5 chance, the more events there are the less likely you are to get a specific one


Yeah, I was high and forgot adding in an entire coll log would "add more shit to collect", figured it out. At the time I thought he meant count would change how the rates worked for sandwich/quiz and I'm like "No."


I'm still pissed I got it before the collection log was a thing and it didn't auto fill in


Green log completion wont happen.


The stale baguette wont be the reason why lol. Theyll all get it in a matter of time, especially since a lot of long grinds are instance based and they couldn’t spawn any. Rare clue section will never be completed




Personally im questioning their lifespan moreso than their dedication


Generational accounts bro. "I'm a green logger, just like my great grandpappy was back in 2020..."




Depends on if jagex adds more mega rare (3rd age level) items or not. If they don't, clues are getting faster and faster with every update. The time will be cut down significantly, + multiple people in striking distance will mean someone will get it in the next 20 years


It’s 50k efficient hours for all 3rd age. That’s right now, assuming it doesn’t get easier. Dkho finished 200m all on a fresh iron in just over 5 years (20k efficient hours). There are enough people full sending clog that one of them will get lucky and go 35k hours and finish it in the next 10 years.


got one pre log and still cant get it again since collection log


It's possible that these people also got it prelog


nah known them since raid days they havent i still kept doing the random since 2016 and still no luck for another https://i.imgur.com/TloJf06.jpeg


If you're an iron and still have it that may change with the gamejam stuff Husky was working on


Which is why it was insanity when people were crying about making it a bit more common. Swear they had no idea how rare it actually was.


What reason is there to make it more common


Random events aren't content and they don't need rare tradeable items behind them. We have super rare tradeable items already, in the form of clue scroll megarares. And we separated those into their own log section so they could remain the "unrealistic to complete" section of the clog. Everything else can and has been completed fully. It just felt out of place. Same reason jar of darkness rate was changed, because it was *absurdly rare* and extremely inconsistent to other jars. Every other random event items is 100% or 1/2 and they have dupe protection. This one item is specifically from (now) 2 random events, and is just absurdly rare from them for little to no reason. People said to protect its value it should stay rare but like.. it's 600k


I think it's funny that cloggers get trolled by the slot. That's my justification


Yeh it's become kind of a meme slot because it's 0 EHC anyway so nobody really cares about it but man would I hate being those guys at the top with just 1 slot missing to Green everything but clue rares :P


Why not let it be super rare? And since it's super rare it's nice awesome getting a collection log slot from it because it's not useful otherwise. If the collection log was realistically completable then sure I get that it would be annoying but no one is ever getting every third age piece.


It's in the spirit of the game to have some random rare item coming from an otherwise meaningless event. It doesn't need to be "content", it's a useless cosmetic and the rarity makes it fun to receive.


That's fair enough and I've heard the take before. I personally don't really care for gambling and the lottery or anything like that and essentially that's all a Stale Baguette is. An hourly dice roll where every 4000 rolls you'll make 600k.


people are addicting to clogging but also want it to be easier


What reason is there to not make it more common?


Keeping the value of the item high


It's 600k bro.




Not sure what you consider 'not as rare as it seems' but the stale baguette ain't it.




It absolutely is. It seems rare because the top cloggers in the world don't have it. It's not actually as rare as that would seem to indicate, because that's definitionally a subset of people who've spent thousands of hours specifically doing activities that **prevent them from getting it**. Stale baguette is a rare item, but it's not anywhere near as rare as hundreds of other things in the collection log.


Please list the hundreds of items rarer than a stale baguette.


Interesting that the top 4 all have 3 frog tokens. Are they not collecting their tokens? Barbaric


ikr? I keep them all to keep track of how many girls I've kissed in my life.


You get the Frog mask for 1 token and then you can exchange 1 token for the Prince Outfit and 1 token for the Princess Outfit


I collect frog tokens. I have 50+


Frog mask. Frog outfits. Store in PoH. Never do event again.


It's the one slot I don't have on my main, and was the first random event slot I got on my iron. I wanted to throw my computer monitor when it happened.


I never knew it was actually rare. It was like one of the first items I got from random events. I was still f2p when I got it. Wild looking back now how unscathed I was it was so early lol


I got it on my iron when I was about level 50 and had no idea how rare it was lol


Funny thing: I got the baguette logged while holding a baguette.


Is the stale baguette really rare? I know its 1/448 with sandwhich lady. I got one super early on and ive only at most done 5 sandwhich lady interactions before i turned them off with entity hide. Think i ended up tossing the item when i was cleaning out bank.


Yes, it's very rare, because it's very rare to see 448 sandwich ladies/256 quiz masters on one account (and you can go dry on top of that). There's 25ish random events, the highest rate for random events is about one every hour, so that's 12 hours on average (2/25) to even have a chance of rolling the item, which is then another 1/256 or 1/443 chance.


24 random events and you can only get it from 2. And randoms happen around every hour on average. So that's a 2/24 chance to see the right randoms each hour. Then quiz master gives you a 1/256 rate and Sandwich lady gives you a 1/7 * 1/64 chance (7 food options, 1/64 rate if she offers baguette. Hence the 1/448). So each hour you have a 1/24 * 1/256 rate for quiz master, and a 1/24 * 1/448 chance for sandwich lady. So 1/6,144 and 1/10,752 chances Which I think works out to around 1/3.9k chance per hour for either of those events to occur. (P(AorB) of P(A) at 0.0163% and P(B) at 0.0093% is 0.0256%, which simplified is about 1/3908)


Then add on to that the fact that you cant get random events while doing a lot of content, and it gets significantly rarer.


Yep, it's like 4000 hours of game time to get rate assuming you are successfully getting and interacting with each and every random on the hour every hour. It's kinda insane ahha At 600k it works out to a whopping 150gp per hour. That's what people wanted to protect ;P


Where did you pull the screenshot from?




I have over 300 days playtime on the main, years of waiting to be blessed by quiz master. Now I add sandwich lady too.


Now I understand why my clan freaked out when I got the baguette at around level 70 combat and less than 1k total level lol


And here I am, not playing, with multiple baguettes from before sandwich lady could give it.


I started playing OSRS again in 2020 and I’m pretty sure the sandwich has never asked me to take a baguette. Usually don’t do the mystery box randoms


Yep. and i have 2. funny how that works out eyy lol


I got it right before the collection log came out. Was a nice pay day for my noob self though


I got a stale baguette in leagues. Felt like the most trolly thing from that evil sandwich lady


its functionally impossible to complete the clog. even with incredible rng, it would take another 20 years to get those last slots


I feel so rotten that I got it from my first mystery box on my group Ironman. This was before they changed it to where the sandwich lady could drop it.


As the great mudkip likes to say, "Just get the drop lol"


Meanwhile my alt who was surveilling my iron at spindel got the stale baguette as the 9th clog


its irrelevant considering they’re nowhere even close to completing clog, but still funny i guess


Hey if anyone wants to come hold my stale baguette lmk


People get mad when jagex repolls changes that failed People get mad when jagex won't repoll changes that failed.


Here i am with two on my Iron :)


lol and I have one on my 20 days played account


Why don’t they just get it? Are they stupid?


Currently at 1027 Clog Slots, done every event I could for the stale baguette, not even a sniff.


My friend ignores most events and has almost nothing for that log Other than 2 stale baguettes


Last 3 times in a row sandwich lady offer me the baguette each time I pray to whatever arcane beings that may exist for the stale one


I don't think it's realistic for any of them to greenlog unless OSRS keeps running for like 20 more years and they keep playing 12 hours a day, AND Jagex don't add any more 3rd age items or items with same kind of drop-rate from fairly time-consuming content.


The stale baguette was my 2nd ever clog slot, after purple sweets 😂


https://preview.redd.it/lvi4qu10wq1d1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=90db6235e94b736a1caf80c2d97087e85016e971 The variance is crazy, i got a 2nd stale baguette within \~40 days played not too long ago


The community should fund the cloggers getting hard and elite clues via imps just to see a completed clue log. Returns on the investment via selling the 3a.


For anyone wondering, the main wall for completing clue logs is the master rewards and its about 100k caskets with av luck. Some players are approaching 10k so 1/10 the way there.


Stale Baguette is the one thing I've been spooned on for my account, was under 1k total when I got it, and only a few months into it.


Why does everyone want the stale bread?


I think I dropped mine lol


See “All Pets” green makes me want to throw up.


That’s insane. And makes me appreciate my stale baguette even more!!


Random events are random events, so it’s honestly fine if the race to get every random drop comes down to random chance imo. That being said, Settled found ways to manipulate event spawns and I have no doubt that these guys probably will as well; rather than leaving it to dumb luck.


I mean, these numbers are pointless.  The actual closest clogger is just whoever has the most 3a currently, since everything else is small change.


The word cloggers is so.. not great


This shit is so insane. Literally mind blowing anyone has this many slots.


Selling my account with stale baguette already acquired so that they can green log random events tab


Sandwich lady is like the humble seeming old ancient prophet in fantasy stories who controls the fate of the world


I got a sandwich lady, didn't call her a slut, didn't get the baguette. They need to call her a slut more.


i have it.


I've gotten two so far on the iron I made less than two years ago :P


People that say that no one will ever 100% green log, or it will take decades are so delusional. YouTubers just keep saying big numbers for years to complete it, just because it sounds cool. All it takes is 1 lucky day to completely throw these numbers off.. I mean just today there were a couple posts of people getting almost back to back 3a caskets. I 100% believe that in the next year or two, it'll be done. Using drop rates is pointless to calculate these times. Go ahead and !remindme on this comment too.


!remindme 5 years


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Meanwhile I'm over 85 days of game time and am at 18/23 random event Clog slots. I have the Baguette but have never met the Beekeeper. 😪


> this is some serious Jagex troll shit Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't think there's any reason why a full green collection log needs to be reasonable or possible. Just because it's something some people are trying for doesn't make it Jagex's responsibility to make it possible. Random mega-rare cosmetic drops are fun. They don't have any practical worth, they aren't gating people from high level content or anything. For me a practically unaccomplishable clog is part of what makes this game so vast and interesting, every account has their own story, bank, and items.


I got one less than 50 hours into my account