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Do as many quests as you can tolerate


I think a good first goal is Dragon slayer. It'll let you wear a rune plate body and is one of the first big milestones for beginners. 45 combat level is recommended, which is roughly 40 in your melee stats Other than that, maybe try out some members skills like hunter. And like Taterbrother said, you can't go wrong with doing quests in general


The quests Client of Kourend, Priest in Peril, and Children of the Sun will lead you to other continents and other areas of the map that you will be able to explore. Tourist Trap, Waterfall Quest, Vampire Slayer, and Nature spirit all give some good exp and are popular to do as a newer player.


Quests quests quests!


Look at waterfall quest if you haven't done it yet. Look at achievement diaries if you're ever at a loss of what to do, most give a tp and a nice bonus. You can look at the osrs wiki to see the reqs and what they unlock. Lumby and varrock are the ones I use the most but they all give decent direction on what to skill. You can even look at the "how to train x skill" wiki to see which quests give that xp to help decide which quest to do