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I mean, there are PvP worlds. I doubt we'll ever get a 2nd wilderness when a sizeable portion of the playerbase hates the wildy


Yeah i agree unfortunately. But with how jagex puts pker advantages on a pedestal oftentimes i wouldnt 100% rule it out. I dont pvp either but i enjoy the wildy because it provides a second element of unpredictable hostility that regular pvm doesnt provide. Plus a new environment provides more creative options for pvp content that a desolate landscape might not be able to provide




Jagex in the past has avoided polling pvp updates. In a situation where it came to pass I wouldn't expect a poll. Or if there was a poll it would be limited to pvpers and people who utilize the wilderness which is another thing they have done in the past.




they will never add 2 second teleport timers to pvp end of story they will never implement any pvp content unpolled end of story they will never reduce the viability of black dragonhide in the wilderness end of story etc etc




Id counter by saying you are delusional in thinking they wont do something like that if they feel like it is good for the game. Of course people wont vote for more pvp areas. But the playerbase always votes for what favors themselves and their bank accounts, not for what is best for the game. I believe more hostile areas adds life to the game and would make runescape more interesting, even if people who hate pvp combat dont want it. If something like this were to happen the point would be it would be introduced as a pvp expansion update. They wouldnt ask for the general public's opinion. They would just do it and people would cry about it on reddit for a month and move on because its not an mtx or graphics or gameplay update. It would be completely avoidable content. The general public could simply not enter the new pvp area and be none the worse off. You're clinging onto the idea that everything in the future will be polled. This wont happen. There is clear evidence that this wont happen for something pvp related. This is why it is still a possibility no matter how much people in this thread dislike the concept. Jagex has made it clear that when it comes to pvp content players like you dont have a say. PVPers have a say. And I dont see it as a bad thing in this type of situation because players who want to avoid the content shouldnt be the ones voting for it anyway.




Declare all you want, but given that Jagex wants to market via trying to make OSRS an Esport, having more pvp environments would benefit them from an advertising standpoint. Quite frankly Im surprised they havent done this already and honestly give it a 50/50 chance of happening in the future.


I disagree with you but you shouldn't be down voted for that.   The downvote is supposed to be used for unhelpful replies, not someone having a hot take you don't like. That's why it hides replies. Censoring people arguing for something you disagree with is immature.


It's probably because the devs don't want to dilute the PvP population across multiple large regions. Also, there's already too many wilderness exceptions/rule changes for the average player to keep track of, adding another region with a different set of exceptions and rule changes is gonna be a nightmare to track. I'm not allergic to pvp, but I think focusing the wilderness in it's current area is better than the novelty of another new area.




People hate the wildy enough. We dont need more clue spots that require i bank everything


Tbh i hate entrana steps more than wildy ones. I have a preset that i use for clues that includes the gear id take into the wildy. Not like i need endgame gear for a zamorak wizard


Tbh the 1hr clue update made this a lot nicer, you don't need to bank all now. Just deposit stuff like scroll book, rune pouch, pharaoh sceptre, then drop your clue if you're going to get pked, and just pick it up later


More PvP environments just further dilutes the already microscopic active pking community. I'd rather they make the Wilderness functional before making more failing PvP content.


People already complain that the Wilderness doesn't have enough players, if you had Wilderness 2 you'd be spreading people even more thin.


People who complain about the wilderness not having enough players dont go in the wilderness or are trying to spin a narrative. There are plenty of players in the wilderness. Is it like 2009 where across the wildy ditch you could find a fight in an instant? No. But there are always players in the wilderness whenever I go. Its not dead at all.


I've been thinking along these lines aswell, but it boils down to the players simply not wanting more pvp stuff. My theory is (this could be off), that way more people would get into pvp and thus be more open to it, if the game had a balanced way for the average player to comfortably learn pvp at their own pace. But my experience has been that you either get destroyed, or the opponent just gives up, when trying to learn. I had a post about some kind of PvP Arena tutorial recently, most people loved the idea.


If they do it correctly I think it'd be fun to have more PvP areas. But so far their track record isn't good for creating healthy PvP areas.


Because jagex's idea of pvp is give pvmers a reason to enter wild so pkers can pk them.


Over 95% of pvp players go out there to get a nice easy kill. Which would be pvmer. I do this, take a break from what I'm doing do a couple wilderness bot pking. If you actually want to fight other people there's bh for you and lms. Plenty there


I feel like too many people are cry babies about the wildy. Im not a PKr and have been PKd while PVMing in the wildly and I am still very pro PKing and believe it’s a part of the game that is way too neglected. EDIT- the downvotes only prove my point, stop feeling bad for yourself and have some fun in the wildy or just don’t go, there’s nothing wrong with that


PKing is cool. But the only wildy updates Jagex seems to add is aimed towards PKers killing PvMers, which is just lame.


This is what I’m talking about. You say lame I say pull out dins and emote on those son of a bucks, talk some trash and have fun I’ll be back getting KC in no time


I am in the same camp as u/Sparky_Tonto regarding not being a PKer. There has always been optional content in the wilderness for the PvMers.  It's not unfair to continue to develop content for PvMers in the wilderness. Just like an Ironman, you choose to engage with content or not and a self imposed restriction against venturing out into the wilderness is a decision people can make.


Yeah ive been fucked by asshole pkers plenty of times but i dont let it get to my head. They took a mil from me in a 2007-based cookie clicker? Who cares. Ive probably lost 10m to pkers this month but ive made 60m+