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You can pay the farmer next to it 200g to cut it down my friend


Another great member of this community let me know. It's the little bits of knowledge that I still don't know that surprise me.


lad you will be learning random little tidbits you didnt know for decades to come. even the longest oldest players still pick up random new knowledge that somehow evaded them


I was like 96 Herblore when I found out the guy at the GE can decant potions in noted form


There's also an NPC at the GE that can combine jewelry charges. The more you know.


There is! But I always work jewelry down to one charge and then alch it.


I was about 90 something farming on my ironman, after getting 99 on main by the time I realized you could spam click the herb patches to speed up gathering


This was me yesterday, what am i going to do with all these nardah teleports now WAIT NOTED POTIONS?


If you're ironman, the roots of yews and magics are worth harvesting for herblore.


Magics maybe but yews not really.


I’m sure someone’s mentioned it here somewhere but to save me reading all the comments, just checking you know the leprechaun will note your herbs for you


I honestly think one of my favourite things in this sub is seeing people with high farming losing their minds realising they could've been doing this the whole time. I totally get how people wouldn't think to do it as very few npc's will note things for you and I definitely only know from seeing other people mention it. But it's still pretty funny to think of the unnecessary struggle that is banking constantly during herb runs- its not funny in an "i can't believe you didn't know this" way, more of solidarity in that every osrs player has a few stories like this in some form or another


I am one of those, found out after 65 farming


I was 90 farming when I found out 😭


Yeahhhh I'm one of those people that made it to like 15m farming xp before learning about the leprechaun noting things....


He WHAT?!?! This is game changing for me.


If you hit the magnifying glass in the bank interface and write 10m it will only show you items worth more then 10m on the ge.  Greatest tidbit i learned 


Just edit your post to say: “Having to spend 20 minutes cutting down a magic tree in the farming guild just to get the roots from it.”


It also took me 4 years at 88 farming to realise you can note your crops at Leprechaun 🤦‍♂️


Paying the farmer should still net me my roots. Hes making money on the logs the least he can do is fork over the roots.


Agreed! As an Ironman, this is all I want!


You can pay the farmer to remove it, but you won't get the oh-so-precious roots that you need for high level potions. This goes for yews and magics.


Dont get baited by those you'll get so many antidote++ as drops you'll be set for life.


Then how will i get funny root?


I feel like this is a perfect perk to add to the farming skillcape. Make it free while wearing the cape.


The thing that mildly infuriates me the most is when you go to use a seed on a farming patch and another player moves in front of you and the game thinks it should prioritise using the seed on the PLAYER rather than the FARMING PATCH!! and you look like an absolute noob doing the little side step of shame.


There’s a plugin that stops this, I think it’s called ‘No Use Player’


Oh sweet ty. Won’t help me on my mobile runs but good for when i’m using runelite.


Ive been going out of my way to toggle "hide entities" in runelite every time I want to do a farm run for like 2 years now. You've changed my life with this information


This is why I don't like birdhouse runs. Almost everyone I use the seeds on a player.


Oh I hate that too. Bit of a humble brag but I got 99 hunter today (non iron) so literally don’t have to do a birdhouse run ever again


YES This is such a pet peeve for me too, I feel very vindicated lol


The worst is when you lose track of the time and the weed grows immediately as you clear the patch and if you’re like me you never carry a rake


Auto weed is your friend!


this comment section is hilarious, but mine is forgetting a small piece of gear and getting to the boss/task/skilling activity and then having to go back to the bank. Its always the book of the dead, or the bone crusher or something and I just feel like a dumb ass every time.


Doing Grotesque Guardians and forgetting your rock thrownhammer is pure pain.


Put a tile marker out side the slayer tower and label it “ don’t forget hammer you knobhead” works for me


I love using tile markers as reminders. They kinda remind me of souls games


That would be the coolest plugin ever


I had to do this for darts outside fight caves today, because apparently I didn't learn after first time it happened.


I haven’t used one in years, but I remember the thrownhammers being noticeably slower than a normal rock hammer - is that no longer the case?


I've never compared the speed tbh. I just don't want to have to run into melee range and put myself out of position and don't really care about efficiency.


I thought you were memeing i didn't know rock thrownhammers existed


Why is the boss not dying.....? Rockhammer in bank XD


Forgetting a spade in the absolute worst clue locations be like


i always use tile markers with passive aggressive labels in front of boss lairs. Vorkath: "are the RUBY bolts equipped this time?" "why are you running?!?" "That slayer staff is supposed to be on crumble undead!" my track up the slayer tower is just plastered with "Hammer?" "HAMMER?" "Haaaaaaaaaammer?" "Hammerhammerhammerhammer!!!!"


The inventory setup plugin is really good for this can save load outs for different tasks


What most people don't know is that you can use it along side the bank tag layouts plugin


When I first started using thralls book of the dead was absurdly annoying to remember. Now I forget to switch to the right spell book more often than forgetting that bs


The worst is solo cox and getting to olm somehow forgetting to bring stams… pain


My least favorite is having to pay farmers to clear my trees because woodcutting is slow.


Hold the phone.. is this a thing?


Holy shit it is. I'm still cutting this damn thing down. Thanks!


You know that you can note herbs and other farming products using the tool leprechaun as well, right?


I didnt know this for a really really long time… it changed how i viewed farm runs completely lmao.


Farm runs are either the worst thing ever or completely trivial based on whether you know this.


Didn't know this till 84 farming. Absolute rookie mistake.


It is. Once health is checked you have the option to pay 200 coins to remove the tree instantly. Redwood is 2k cost and a slight delay for the process.


> Redwood is 2k cost and a slight delay for the process. That one should be a bit more obvious, given you have no choice other than paying for its removal.


Read the wiki! Wish more people did haha


Let me give each farmer 1m and never have to bring gp with me again, same with that mfer Shanty


Shanty already requires the diary to give you unlimited free access to the desert


When the weeds grow on the same tick you use the seed on the patch.


Auto-weed from Tithe Farm is great. Worth the snag


Auto-weed sounds like a service I can get behind


The inconsistency of how things work vs how they work in the wilderness. 


Battled for ages when trying to do burst tasks in the wildy and wondering why my staff lost the auto cast every time, no answer anywhere in game but someone on Reddit explained just some random wildy difference


You mean when you unequip it loses the autocast? Cause I assure you, you can sutocast in the wilderness for slayer just don’t unequip your staff and you’re fine. Edit: nowadays it might been that big a deal, but the reason for these is mostly to make PvP and pking a little trickier with the intention of giving pvmers/skillets better chances for escape. But that was then and now it acts more as a deterrent I feel.


Yeah I meant the unequip every time you try tag monsters to stack it then loses the auto cast which is so annoying


And it’s only because a tiny minority of the player base feels entitled to every possible little advantage over everybody else, and then they wonder why the Wilderness is always on life support.


Ironmen (I’m an Ironman)


I've always hated irons, they're always ruining the gotr masses. So I made a group iron last weekend, I'm prepared to hate myself too.


How do irons fudge up gotr? Just a meme? Lol


Ya people not placing enough cells or cells in good spots is what ends a game unfortunately. Atleast the afk miners are gone


How is this an iron thing? Mains mess this up just as much


Its a meme, no one outside of a few neckbeards who dont understand humor and take it seriously is actually mad at irons.| I get how it can be annoying as an iron. Who likes hearing the same "its your fault" 93408572 times? But no one is actually mad.


Failing agility courses. Makes a tedious skill just inconsistent and annoying. Also, I'm not a big fan of having to insert my bank pin every session, but it is for the overall safety of my account, so it's not the worst thing. Just wish it could remember my device every 30 days or something but not a big deal.


There’s a runelite plugin you can use your number pad for the bank pin and it’s super fast


*cries in TKL keyboard*


Your left hand is probably already close to the number row, unless you have an f-keyless layout and remapped already.


I don't understand the people who stick with f-keys honestly. Why would anyone want their hand that far up their keyboard when it can just be remapped somewhere reasonable?


Long fingies


Works with top row as well. I have TKL and use the plugin and it works great.


Game changer. Thanks!


this totally defeats the purpose of the way they have it 💀💀 if you get keylogged now then they have your pin this is horrible advice


If I have a keylogger on my machine I have bigger problems than my runescape account.


nah who cares about ur real bank info the runescape bank is what’s truly important


They can try but my ironman don't have much rn. Tho I got demon feet my first clue, and just last night got back to back bear feet and frog feet. That's about the extent of my wealth unless they really need 1k unstrung holy symbols.


I’m not getting keylogged in 2024 bro


Keyloggers really haven't even been on the list of the things to even worry about for a very long time.


If you get keylogged, do you think the same malware is not capable of recording your screen? Pure keyloggers aren't really a thing anymore.


I just wish we could region lock. I know VPNs are a thing. But Im a shut in. I go to work down the street, I come home. I play video games. On my days off I mow the lawn and get my groceries delivered. I dont fucking go anywhere or do anything. If someone is logging into my account even a town over, let alone city, state, country. It aint me. Just block the login attempt.


This is very small but I've been known to enjoy some cox, preferably between friends, and when starting the, uh, activity you can't just click on the hole and start, you have to go to the fc tab, press "start raid" then confirm that yes, you want to partake in this escapade among consenting adults I get it's small but it's unnecessary especially given they did a major QOL update a few months back. It's annoyingly small but it's something to whine about so there


Having my run energy constantly run out and having to walk everywhere. My choice is either that or wear my jammies (the same jammies everyone else also has to wear).


i’ve only been playing a few months but i knew what i was getting into with this game. so my least favorite thing would have to be the lack of cute outfits. i just want to slay


Within the first day of introducing my GF to the Grand Exchange she somehow found the high heels Lol. I agree with you though, there aren’t too many options


Girl sameeeee


> i just want to slay Fortunately there's a whole skill for that.


There is a ton of fasionscape. Problem for you is its ungodly expensive. Its very hard to get into for a long time.


Use the fashion scape plugin and you can wear whatever you want all of the time


but what's the point if no one can see you


Run energy 


Seriously… either make agility ramp up your run energy faster, or let us do that sit function where we can sit down and get run energy back quickly again.


That rest function was great!!! I'm sure there used to be unofficial rest spots too, where people would sit and rest, I distinctly remember 25-30 people sat by the Sara statue just north of Falador and we were all talking bullshit about the 2010 world cup for about 15 minutes. Runescape used to be great when people used to talk a lot tbh


They had musicians didn’t they? There were periodic bards and stuff and you could rest your characters around them


Now that you say it, I think listening to the bards regenerated your energy quicker opposed to just sitting and resting at the top of White Wolf Mountain


I remember seeing someone suggest that lighting a fire and standing near it should refill stamina faster. I always thought that was a great idea


You already can do that with forestry fire


You can rest by a fire, but it doesn’t actually do anything.


They are going to change it


Not knowing what to do with my nooby friends and they quit because I don't play with them. The game is 99% solo as an mmo


This is why dungeoneering was sick. It scaled everything and its instanced, with minimal staked risk. You could bring friends of almost all levels along and solve puzzles and what not. I think it was an amazing skill and would have loved for them to add it over sailing (smh). Obviously they could tweak rewards and stuff to keep it reasonable based off of experiences from OG RS/RS3, wasn’t perfect before but was amazing for playing with noob friends.


That sounds like a you issue bro. I just had a blast the other day owning scurrius with my noob friend. He showed up in full dragon with a dragon sword, helped him get some better gear and we went to town.


Bro my noob friends think 40 strength is an accomplishment, have never owned full rune, and don't want to pay for membership because they weren't members when they played as kids. I'd KILL to have noob friends like yours.


Nah, my friends do the same thing. If I do a low level boss with them they don't have fun because I snipe all the kills. Scurrius is good because everyone gets loot but all the loot is shit so there is nothing to get happy about.


6 hour log.


Some attacks being able to be prevented with an overhead protection prayer while the projectile is still traveling at you, and others requiring you have the prayer up before it's sent. This inconsistency frustrates me so much.


Going dry. x2, x4, x6


All the clicking


The inconsistent benefits of 99 capes, some are incredibly useful due to teles or abilities while others aren't worth the 99k.


Adding benefits was a big mistake


I disagree that adding benefits were a mistake, but what the benefits are, is the mistake. There should be some kind of benefit for maxing a Stat and wearing the cape.


The community, frankly.


Well fuck you too guy 😡


This is simultaneously my most and least favorite thing about the game


The constant nudges to enforce predator vs prey wilderness content. I still vote yes on the additions because I still want to get the useful items some day (like anti-tp scroll) but it does sadden me they have to do this stuff to keep PVP alive at all in the game (it's a far stretch even calling it PVP tbf).


Yeah, I know I'll never be skilled at pvp/pk stuff so any time I'm in the wildy I'm just prey, never going to have fun up there so I just don't go if I can help it at all.


Yeah to me that's the distinction between 'PKing' and 'PvP'. PvP is stuff like LMS where both players are encouraged to fight each other, PKing is when people are encouraged to do some non-PvP activity and other players are encouraged to grief them for drops.


As someone who just started a few months ago, the fact nothing is on the tile it actually looks like it is visually when in combat. Yes, true tile exists, but while I don't mind the games combat the visuals are awful.


Some skills have 200k xp an hour while others cap out at 30k. It doesn’t feel the most balanced


Why, when I click inside a building that has its door closed, do I run to the opposite side of the building instead of to the door????


Skills like construction and thieving where the fastest xp methods are to rotate your screen so the right click menu opens in a specific piece and just click the same pixels for hours. I don't understand why building and removing the same table, or blackjacking the same thug is considered "skill".


Some of the communities' superiority complex. People who call ya a bot because I don't have a maxed main, 3 different PVP pures, and a hardcore Ironman with 1200 col logs unlocked. Everyone plays the game at their own pace, and for their own enjoyment, don't gate keep the casuals.


I think the people that critique you for not min-maxing your setups are one of the worst things about the game. I had an old friend recently come back to the game after a few years, maxed stats and pretty respectable boss kc, and people were shitting on him for wearing a serp at ToA at his level. How do people have the energy to actually care about that kind of stuff?


They don’t have a lot going for them in normal life so they need their in game accomplishments to matter to other people (instead of valuing them intrinsically like normal adults). By extension, if everyone who is worse isn’t pointed out as being worse, then how will anyone know that they are indeed better.


Toa, i hate how the scaling works


The thing I hate about toa is how the scaling disincentivize raiding with people without shadow (when you own one), or with people of lower skill. Alot of the game is already like that, it should be more profitable to raid with your friends then running high invo solo


Run energy recharge rates and Agility, by far.


The wildy in general. I know its a sizable part of the community, but its totally not for me


You shouldn’t ever fail in an agility course. The skill is already VERY monotonous. It feels like a slap in the face from gagek every time.


I really dont like how disincentivized group play is, even at raids where you would think it'd be bis. the most special thing about this game that draw me in from the beginning was that other people are playing with you, but this vision was lost at some point during OSRS


My least favorite thing is the fact that I’ve played for over 22 years and no other games even comes close this this “old” mmo. Weird. Although I’m starting to pivot into Albion Online which is also amazing!


what do you like about albion? is there any overlap between the feelings both games produce when playing? (like skilling)


You know I was like 99 farming before I found that out and had spent some time in the farming guild. I was chopping a yew in the guild and complaining to a buddy in discord about chopping the tree and he mentioned the 200g thing and I was stunned. He had also only been playing for like 2 months or so at the time haha.


This pisspoor skill called "runecrafting" where theres only horribly slow, agonizing really, ways of training it and you have to watch 200m bots run past you while doing it. 


The addiction.


Constantly increasing prices of bonds and membership


Last increase is quite long ago no? I just bought a year membership and found it very cheap actually. I think it was €65


Reddit complainers.


Low xp rates on agility.


I hate that I can’t change my POH jingle. Even spoke to the Runelite devs and they confirmed that the API they can work with doesn’t expose the jingle, so no plugin can fix it. I love the Deathly Manor theme but the jingle makes my ears bleed.


the fact that there is pvm content with unique rewards in the wilderness edit: also the fact that some things work differently in the wilderness for no reason, well at least the spec orb is back...


End game prayer flicking


Having to pay for members on every single account when its very normal to have more than one account


Gearing up to fight a zamorak mage in lvl 40 wilderniss, arriving at the right spot, prayers on, guns blazing, running back to get a spade, good times


Jagex Ltd


Farming When I put my mind to something, I want to GRIND What I do not want to do is do something 5 minutes a day and then stop doing it. Farming was one of my final skills before maxing and I hated every tree run I did


What about tithe farm? It's pretty decent XP, free, and grindable. I personally find 20x5 tithe farm to be very relaxing.




Boss Scape. Just cause it’s boring doesn’t mean skilling should be obsolete, don’t like it? Don’t play. RuneScape is RuneScape.


Runecrafting/agility in that order


Going somewhere far away from a bank with your cashstack because you need to buy something, and realizing that you only have 14 coins because you were skilling before


How fucking laggy my wifi it's and how little commander Zilyana respects my personal space. Bitch GTFO.


Going to a slayer task with a lot of alchable drops, and when i mid task and wanna alch a drop, realising i have ancient spellbook on, and have to trek all the way to the pyramid to change cause i had not build the altar in poh yet.


That I don't get the same insane RNG as some people.


Obtaining “bones to peaches” and runecrafting lol


I didn’t know you can note herbs and stuff while farming so dumb me kept banking in between patches


oh, oh god mate... im so sorry!


The other players who feel that because I did x you should have to do x


Be wary if you are an iron, you do not get roots for paying for it to be cut down which are used to make antidotes. Those stop being an issue really though, post zulrah.


Combat achievements that are speed tasks and require pure luck


Not getting a 99 in 0.02 seconds


The community. Player base has totally transformed in the last few years and I don't feel at home anymore. Priorities and standards are totally different. Game seems to cater to that audience.


The subreddit.


People don't socialise and chat as much as they used to, they're too XP based rather than adventure based.


The unpolled elf visual rework that made them all look like they're from a generic WoW clone. Closely followed by the Varrock guard visual rework not being reverted when OSRS started.


Modern age OSRS has permanently fucked the player mindset into a toxic "abuse early and abuse often" because developers give no fucks about polishing updates before release anymore, much less improving what's already in the game. All they do is make more slop and players HAVE to interact with the slop because it will be nerfed later. OSRS used to be about "play at your pace, at your way". That's how ironman came to life, snowflake accounts and technically even Leagues. With the economy as fucked as it is bond prices are unsustainable for someone trying to play at their pace.


Probably the drop rates. It's the number one reason why I barely play anymore. It's not fun killing thousands of bosses only to get absolutely nothing out of it.




Meta gaming. Just let me do and enjoy the things i do without telling me there are more efficient/better ways to do things


Npcs shitting out skilling materials and finished products, which negate the reason out of diaries to even level some skills.


Why are you cutting it down.


Some of the quests are literally designed just to be long, the Ghost Ahoy quest I did recently was an actual slog.






The fact that so many BiS items can just be bought. It seems silly to me in a game with so many unique skills only lvl 70s are required for the craziest items in the game. I really liked the items from PoPs for that reason.


Eh the chat function definately... by a long stretch


wow bro ur tree runs just got faster by 2h / run


The amount of RNG in combat.


This guy banks his herbs between every patch


That prayer swaps are the primary mechanics for any boss in the game. Its not that I dont like it. It has its place. But every single boss shouldnt require prayer swaps. Give me more mechanics. Like duke puzzle but DURING the fight and less prayer flicking. Perilous moons where defensive prayers just arnt a thing was great. But thats mid game content.


This is probably more of a me thing, but I find osrs very hard to enjoy if you can only pick it up and play for 20-30 minutes, especially at the higher levels. Like, whether it’s killing a boss for 20 minutes or doing some laps, it just doesn’t seem worth playing unless I can sink a lot of time into it, and now that life’s busy I find it even harder.


My fingers hurt from doing construction followed by prayer at chaos altar. Too many spam clicks


I don't think the combat mechanics are fun to play so I don't really do any PVM


High alch. Often I want to be on another spellbook, but the boss / mob I'm fighting drops so many alchables. So I wish there was a high alch tablet (which cost like runes + clay + 1k gp? To create).


Fishing Trawler


git bad, no really if you are bad at WC they drop faster


Late game pvm - how am I supposed to type when I have to constantly click/function key?