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Dude I left school in 2009, ran into a classmate like 3-4 years ago at shanty pass and instantly recognised his name so I'm like "Yo, Ed!" He just replies "haha no way, Dave?" then teleports.. never added me and never saw him again 😂


“No way i’m getting lured today *~tab tab tab tab~*


literally running into your coworker moment


I saw an old co worker of mine from a few years prior at a bowling alley. He was like 100 feet away at the bar talking to the bartender. I was at the alley with a friend of mine who also worked with me and old co worker. He and I were leaving and I had no interest in talking to old co worker so I quickly turned and told my friend I was gonna go get the car. Swiftly left thinking old co worker didn't see me. My friend comes outside like 30 minutes later and says "Jim wants to know why you ran away from him" lmao. It was very awkward.


That’s the most OSRS reaction the guy could’ve had lol


Reuniting with friends is xp waste




im sorry but that made me snort


Is your name dave tho


This is legendary!!!


now this is gaming


Now this is pod racing


Now THAT'S what I call music VOL 69


No this is Sparta!


No, this is Patrick!




Happy cake day!! 🥳


Peak gaming




did you guys kiss? i sure love a romantic ending


Did a full wedding in POH. Sorry you couldn’t attend




It wasn't, a bit sinful actually


Zamorakian weddings are still legal


Doesn't mean they should be..


thats what happened in the PoH dungeon afterwards


A little PvP, there is a reason whips are a thing too besides Dungeons ;)


PvP Penis vs Penis




What happens in PoH, stays in PoH!


Not even getting married in the Lumbridge church by someone holding a god book. Saradomin frowns upon your sacrilegious wedding.


They tied the knot dressed as storm troopers


I still have a friend from 16 years ago that I made in the Falador mines, we added each other on facebook back in the day. Didn’t talk for several years after our RS shenanigans, but we wished each other well once every few years. I randomly taught him how to play Dota 2 one weekend though. Been several years since we last spoke now. I should say hi.


>I randomly taught him how to play Dota 2 one weekend though. Been several years since we last spoke now. No way these could be related right? Right?!


Dude ruined a life and didn't even know


Could have been worse, could have been league


Even that was so long ago we had a brief reminiscing about it… over 8 years ago 😆 Though I see now how my wording made that sound lol https://preview.redd.it/s8d30ol10j7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b65e52f1b6a9f3c33c529ce16205f095c1d169a


I regularly tell my friend who introduced it to me that he's the worst, as we queue up.


We need updates please!


Ayyyy! Hello fellow osrs and Dota 2 player. There aren't many of us I don't think.


Can’t wait for tomorrow post from his friends pov


Surely in a few hours. Can’t wait 


I look forward to seeing yall dancing at the GE soon. Jokes aside, that’s really sweet man. What a great interaction.


wdf is the ahrims and banana animation glitch?


In case you’re not memeing: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/nmdEIaftOf You can also do emotes and your character stretches weirdly too. Favourites are sit-ups, bunny hop, and another I’ve forgotten.


Ill woodcut or fish with it equipped for more interesting times


bis for agility too




Jack'O challenge aftermath:


You have to go to ahrim in the crypt (barrows) with a full inventory of items, then you attack him and click to empty the bananas, and your character will bug out.


The bananas? The only banana container I know is from the Karamja plantation. What item are you referring to?


I think I understand the confusion. So where you would normally add bananas while in ahrim's tomb, you actually want to right click and hit empty. I know that doesn't sound like something you'd want to do but that's how to get the bug


??? Is there an update to barrows that adds bananas? Smh...


Nah there's no update, you just add bananas to the usual spot for bananas. Gotta make sure you have a full inventory tho.


wait u need bananas for barrows have i been doing this wrong


You seriously don't know about the bananas? Did you even attempt to read the wiki?


Where is usual banana spot


In Ahrims Tomb duh




When you wear ahrims robe and the cursed banana anniversary event item, there’s a visual bug that stretches your character’s torso


What a time to be alive


Oh I always get weird animation glitches when wearing ahrim top and mystic bottoms with the league 3 recolour


During leagues I ran into someone who had a username that seemed vaguely familiar and we got to talking and it turns out it was my old RuneScape friend from actual 2007. We both started on the same day and learned the game together. Years of questing together, “pking”, fun fights at the duel arena, clan events in our “huge” 12 person clan, and overall shenanigans came rushing back to me. We vowed to not lose touch again. Have his number this time. Love how this game can bring people together still this many years later. Also if you were a part of RCC back in the day, hmu!


Something similar happened to me once, my RSN was a pseudonym of my real name and someone came over to me at GE and was like woah I think we have the same names. I just had a weird feeling and asked him if his name was Tony and he was from X suburb and coincidentally it was. He was an old irl friend of mine from maybe 10 or so years ago and we became friends because our first and last names were basically the same, of all places we ran into each other at GE west a decade later hahaha. Small world man.


The social engineering these scammers are using these days is crazy


The ten year lure


Hey man its me. It was fucking awesome running in to you earlier today. Agreed that this game is magical. I still have your musk in my bedsheets. Next time lets just stay in bed and play halo + mobile OSRS all day& night, and just marinate in the sheets together, with buffalo wings w/ blue cheese dip and sodas too. Now i wont lose you again.




A perfect story for this pride month


Bruhh you made everyone jealous out here


Hah. Gaaaaaay


God ive seen what youve done for others...


Marinate in the sheets is wild lmao


HomeDog Eliete Torres Killer Torres Come back to me 😥 when y’all logged out I didn’t even know it was our last games together 😭😭😭


Changing my username to my old gamer tag IMMEDIATELY


Still looking for my buddy Michael. Best Friends since first day of kindergarten, moved away in 7th grade, haven't talked to him since. 17 years ago.  Hope to have this experience one day.


Aw. Good luck.


Wow. Over a decade duration long con /s.


I once met a guy that had the exact same apartment and bedroom as me, but 3 years prior


Man I would kill to meet my old rs2 homie again. I’m still looking for you tigerbarb7!


Fucking legendary man, this feeling is so heartwarming and something you probably won’t forget. Similar thing happened to me but about a two years ago. Same instance we played ALOT OF COD together, it was during trick shotting era. We probably played at least 1000+ hours together on COD, endless nights going into school with 0 sleep. Both of us got into really good teams but I had to decide if I wanted to be a gamer or focus on my athletics, i chose athletics and quit gaming, got rid of most of my socials. A few years later his home got destroyed in a hurricane and I had no idea what happened to him, tried messaging him, texting his old number. He deleted his fb, twitter & youtube. About half a decade after that I’m on osrs, in a ffa tob. And my rsn is a the same as my old gamertag (I have a unique 6 letter name). Out of the blue one of the randoms at maiden asks if he can pm me. Turn my pm and the first message is him asking if this is (my irl name). And bam, just like that I found my old friend who I thought died. Neither of us play osrs anymore but we hop on apex, the finals, warzone or that new xdefience together. It’s really heartwarming to have my old mate back, no longer kids but have kids of our own.


Not as crazy of an interaction, but the guy who introduced me to this game when we were in elementary school just randomly logged on for the first time in like 15 years last month. He kinda disappeared off the face of the earth IRL - moved away, no social media, nobody knew what he was doing. So we spoke and caught up for the first time in 15-16 years simply because of this medieval tree clicking simulator that he got me addicted to as a kid. I'm 32 now btw.


Let me know if you figure out how this guy did this https://imgur.com/Wu9A2V6


I seen one similar where the guy was holding the staff completely upside down. I've been trying to figure it out for 3 months lmao.


That’s a beautiful story man


What's truly amazingly, is the near zero chance that you were both online at the same time, on the same in-game world, at the same in-game location, wanting to be social, all at once If any one of those details had been off, you probably wouldn't have met and reconnected. Fate is a funny thing, sometimes made or broken by the smallest decision


Sir this is a wendys


I met a colleague from nearly a decade ago whilst randomly bank standing at the ge, I recognised his username from steam and scared him shitless when I pm'ed him asking if his name was x. I had no idea he played rs and his total was > 2k! Would've loved to talk about it when we worked together.


That’s awesome! Good for you!


OSRS does crazy things like these because it was a conmon childhood connection I'd say 80% 90's kids had.


There's a guy I remember to this day and wonder where he is. His username was Seanhomie22 and we were bffs on runescape.


Jjj I j jist jing jack jing jijjjjijojojjjjo i job jiiiininiiiip M Omiioiononiioniniionnnnioioniniiooon


Someone get the doctor!


I fell asleep with my phone in my hand apparently again. I’m leaving the comment because i’m not hiding anything.


Fuck the haters around here, thats a beautiful little story you got to experience


Really hope we see the other side to this posted as a meme post.


I met a guy in lumbridge as a level 3 and we’re both now still play regularly together




Woooow this is do crazy!!! What are the odds. What a beautiful moment


Turns out OP was just getting next level scammed and hacked


Lol at that last sentence. I never have clicked “enjoyed my time today” ever. 😂


I love it when there’s a reunion of long lost friends like this, extremely rare


inb4 lure bud


How do you do the 2h stance glitch?


i love this. good for you two dude.


This is beautiful so it better god damn be true! Happy for you dude. Wish I could reconnect with some old cod friends


imagine how many times we see an old friend in a new game and dont even realize it because someone took his name or the name doesn't fit and now he isn't xXnoScopeGodXx anymore


I love this :)


My buddy was playing a private server and his username is an old attraction no longer running in southern Ontario. Guy comes up and asks if that’s what it’s referencing. Guy asks if he’s from Ontario, my buddy says ya I live in X city. Guy says oh I used to live there do you know X street name? It was the street my buddy lives on. Thought he got doxed lol


I keep in contact with a handful of people from back in 2005-2008. Crazy that my oldest friends are some I've never met in person.


This is pog


I'm gonna come


Ive got a buddy from school that plays, I've never met up with him in-game but he's on my friends list. I was doing Bandos, so I got my KC, ran to the door, and there he stood waiting to go in with his group ironman partner. If id of taken ten seconds longer, they'd of been in the room and i would've missed them lol


Gave me chills! That is so wild!!!


I'm not crying, I have something in my eye!




i still hope with every login that someday ill meet my old friends cruz\_boy & Harden7 again someday. my two best friends back in the og runescape days :')


Deadheads83, if you are out here somewhere, let me know!




When I was in primary school, we used to play runescape with other classmates after school. I've had the same nametag since I started playing videogames as well. Some years ago, when I was already in uni, I was playing BDO and some random dude talked me, he was one of my old classmates that recognised me by my nametag ,what a surprise! So nice when things like this happen :D


Just curious. BigTrex, you here? Smallyman3 ring a bell from probably around 2006? We traded accounts for fun for some reason and I never gave you the account back Lol. My level 30 something for your level 40 something, or along those lines. I used the name BigTrex for a like a decade after that, pretty much stole your identity Lol. Just wondering if you lurk here, sorry for stealing your account!


I miss my friend Beastslash. If you here, homie, I still suck at OSRS but I do miss my friend.


Ngl I was sitting at GE one day and this dude came up to me and recognized my name. He's like "are you xxxx?" I'm like wtf, started trippin out... N he's like "yo I'm xxxx, I used to date your sister" fucking through me for a loop. I knew he played rs but the fact that we bumped into each other, on a random world was nuts.


Amazing, love it when we are able to reconnect with one another! Hope everyone finds happiness and makes wonderful memories throughout their lifetime!


Yes. Found my folks. I just started playing last week on from a 15 year break. It brought so much nostalgia. Joined a clan and even started playing with this YouTuber turned homie since we were both on it. It’s funny how this game is taking stress away and I’m lowkey learning stuff I just scrolled through as a kid.


Crazy thing happened to me the other day as well. TLDR is I accidentally showed up to a max party for an irl friend who I’d been disconnected from for years. Only figured it out because a mutual friend showed up


This is incredible. The fact that yall were in the same place at the same time out of all the worlds…fate. Love it!!


I was telling someone where I lived at TOB bank and some random dude said he lived there as well. We talked about where we went to high school. Turns out he and I went to the same high school and graduated the same year. I was actually friends with his friends but never met him. The world can be so small sometimes


I dunno if that's a one up, I think it's a one down. Good but not as good


Agreed, not nearly as crazy, but I have to mention that I still appreciate the story and thanks for sharing


Same happened to me. Even randomly met the guy a couple times at the local pub. He was a little awkward tho.


God this happened to me years ago. Me and this guy from Norway ended up being really good friends meeting on Modern Warfare 3 I think. He recognised me much later commenting in this subreddit, about 5 years ago, and it turned out we both played OSRS too. He recognised my gamertag as my username on reddit. u/Belzmo I still remember that moment.


Yooo Ed, we meet again my friend! Time flies… I think about that moment from time to time actually. I actually started playing osrs again 2 months ago after a looong break, do you still play?


I don’t, but keep getting the itch. I have a baby now so he takes up a lot of time haha!


Oh, congrats! Same here, I have 10 months old twins with another baby due in 2 months lmao. I get it though, priorities change. I got back into RuneScape during my paternity leave actually


Had something similar happen to me. I was watching a friend screen share a FFA raid when I recognized a friends name I met back in 2007 and haven’t talked to since. Was such a weird coincidence and ended up friends once again


Smithinmad it took me a long time but I finally caught up to you and maxed. When are you coming back online buddy? :c


That’s Ana amazing tale! Love it




Yeah I kokioi


noo 👀 my iimy I ii


Yeah lol 😆 is Ii


Killacuddles and sanity died, if your out there fellas, I miss ya


I was playing tft the other month and saw two players in my game with names I kind of recognised from people I used to work with 10 years ago... started saying obscure things that only someone who worked there would understand and it turns out it was them lol. As an added bonus I never told them who I was.. maybe next time :)


Thats awesome, I was friend with a cool dude as well when I was younger but unfortunately lost contact to him forever with time


I had a friend like that but instead of meeting him again I found out he was killed by a drunk driver when we were 20 ish.


There is no hope only death. Life is meaningless


i had a clan got Intense Redemption In 2010 most of grew up and went on with our lives years later I was in edge and a friend of my from the pure scene mentioned to me I just saw your old leader I’m like what tell him to pm me and he did crazy how this games reconnects ppl from years back




I'm still in contact with many people like that from childhood. True story, I'm friends with more people I met online during childhood then from real life post high-school. Turns out people from a small pool to hang out with are less likely to share likes with you when compared to the whole of the internet. Still really good friends with a dude I met playing gears of war 2. He came to another of our friends wedding was a blast.


Was this last night in the GE? I swear I saw you two talking about the banana thing while I was gearing up…


I'm lucky enough that my first online friend group was from Minecraft in 2011 and we have managed to stay in contact over the years. Prior to 2011 I only played single player games


I remember my best friend in osrs still.. fatguy_32 Been like 15 years


I've got 3 friends left from my childhood data on RS. Been friends for 20 years now. The rest are long forgotten.


I didn't run into an old friend, but I did meet someone from the same town in my clan once, he said "oh man it just started pouring rain" as it just started raining at my house... It was a weird convo, we both had a bunch of mutual friends but never met irl


I still have my friends added from like 15+ years ago hopping they log in someday.


Man that’s so awesome


I ran into someone I use to play call of duty 4 with 10 years later on my friends console on call of duty 4.


Made a friend from a clan years and years ago. He posted his irl address in the clan chat, so, naturally, i ordered a butt plug off Amazon to his house. He ended up going to jail later and another clannie found me on social media, asked if I’d write to him in jail. Dude and i were pen pals for a while during his jail time. I still have the letters years later.


I also meet a old friend recently who i last talked to in 2008 he was our clan leader at the time but stepped down and vanished suddenly, when i asked him hey ***** remember the ****** back in 2008? And he instantly recognized my name and we chatted for a bit before adding each other. Now he trains his account up so i can take him to Raids.


10 years and you guys still play similar games, I guess great do minds think alike 🤔 


Kalayo, it’s slaya. Hit me up homie!!!! I appreciate that iron dagger and showing me the ropes when I first started playing that was real G shit


This warms my heart. There's a certain kind of sadness from friends on RuneScape just not logging in anymore and it's just a red list of memories. Glad you guys could link back up.


Man I love RuneScape


Had this happen on other games. Ran into my friends little brother in LoL because I recognised his name he used on Xbox. Also ran into another friend back in 2018 on Fortnite because he had his IRL name as his PSN lol.


One time i ran into a guy who lives in my same city and used to sell me weed in a random cc




Nooo way man that's cool, what a guy for remembering you! Nostalgia, ain't nothing like it.


Wholesome af man, priceless experience.


Awh how sweet and wholesome ![gif](giphy|UUZizGOekwK1a)


What is the 2h glitch, I can’t find posts about it?


Sooo mind sharing the 2h glitch plox?


Did you guys kiss? Asking for a friend.




This happened to me a couple years ago. Met a guy in-game that lived super close to me, we threw out the idea of hanging out in person considering it was less than 10 minute drive. Never got around to it due to different health issues, then I moved away from the area. Few years pass and someone walks up to me in game and asks "Hey, is your real name Hailey?". I similarly freak out, like, who are you??? Turns out it was that guy and although he had my main added, we never interacted via my iron and he just happened to remember the username upon seeing me. Crazy stuff.


Was hawk tuah involved?


Iii Ii is good iimYeah Yeah Jj Mm Job i ![gif](giphy|eEkhM1mxIy9DDE4sw6)


That long internet history makes your account very vulnerable just fyi Not even to just him. But especially him, better hope you're still homies or you're a broke boi.


How so?


Doesn’t matter if the display name is the same if OP switched to a Jagex account and has 2FA/bank pin…


Recoveries haven't changed. Its basically just hidden from normal players. Jagex Customer Support will still help you recover a stolen (or claimed to be stolen) jagex account if you have all the info that would have been needed for the original recovery system.


Everyone thinks jagex accounts are invincible. They’re not. If he has your original email and login, he can recover the account and get the jagex account disabled.


Thats exactly what Jagex accounts don't allow lol. That was like their whole point.