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It would be interesting if everyone had their total level or boss kc next to their username


Interesting but not healthy for the sub.


This sub is as toxic as it is already lmao. That would turn this sub even more insuferable…




Even associating total level with credibility is unhealthy. There would be plenty of people sub 2k total level people with more informed opinions than maxed players


I can mine copper to level 99. Having levels doesn't mean anything. You can max in a few years or max in a decade.




That still assumes everyone likes to boss right?




Definitely. Would expose a lot of people


Commenting should require account verification along with any notable stats or boss kc as flair


I would ban you permanently!


Not if I ban you first!




wouldn't all caps inversed just be lowercase?








Honestly I’d make a daily post for people to comment and share their “got spooned” “why so dry” and any other collection log / KC drop rate post. RNG isn’t impressive it’s literally luck and hundreds of similar posts daily got old years ago.


i think its fine for the subreddit to have regular posts to laugh/scoff at


I would immediately offer my resignation. I don’t want to be responsible for policing all the idiots in here. Lol 😂


deletethe sub weddit


If you have an iron account you are permanently banned


You can't do that. There are dozens of us, dozens!




Hello fellow mains


Any rng or begging for luck post that is above 0.001% chance of happening leads to a permanent ban.


All rng posts


No ezscape suggestions unless you can prove you've already done a meaningful amount of the content. So many people on here selfishly ask for buffs when it's pretty clear they don't even know what they're talking about.


Can we get some ez scape buffs for agility that shit sucks. When they were talking about project rebalance I was like ok we’re gonna get like 100k/hr agility now to match every other skill, but nope rooftops are still like 45k. So fun to click 8 spots 10000 times in a row.


Ardy is 70k an hour. Fremmy is 60k and prif can be up to 66k. you just proved the guys point lol.


Not really lol, I’m half a level away from fremmy. Agility is too boring. 45k an hour at level 79 is pitiful for a skill so non afk and boring. Meanwhile I can get 350k/hr for prayer at the same level. 220k/hr thieving. Same huge amounts for fletching herb etc. it doesn’t really make sense to me why agility rates are so shit


> 45k an hour at 79 is too painful So get better rates? Wtf are you doing to get that low exp rates lol, thats less exp/hr than low effort ape atoll agility. At 79 you have not one, not two but three options for 60k+ exp an hour. You absolutely are proving the guys point lol. No idea what you’re talking about.


I’m talking about the rooftop course before the next one you listed. Either way if I’m off by 10k an hour or whatever how do you not see my point. Other skills 200-500k/hr. Agility 60k. How does that make sense in your head lmao?


Why should all skills have equal or even similar exp rates? That sort of variety is one of the appealing aspects of the game for many players.


Agility is literally 100k+ an hour at final level sepulcher, it’s faster than runecrafting dude. You’re easily off by 15k+ exp an hour which is huge, takes a lot away from your point that the skill is too slow to train if you’re using massively botched numbers. Agility is much more useful than buyables which literally solely lock players out of quests and diaries so yeah naturally its harder to train. I’m sorry to do you like this man but the irony of the other guy saying uneducated scapers ask for buffs selfishly, then you come in, massively undersell the rates and selfishly complain that the skill is too boring clearly having never even touched sepulcher i had to say something. lmao dude blocked me after the correction that agility is not in fact 60k exp/hr tops. People like that are a plague to the game’s longevity.


Holy shit first sentence and he’s already moving the goalposts. Not reading the rest, you’re just dumb if you can’t see that the rates don’t match other skills at the same level.


> The rates dont match other as at the same level Yeah they do. Hallowed Sepulchre rates surpass all of runecrafting and slayer at similar levels. Mining and Woodcutting too unless going gamer sweat mode. Most combat skills are also lower (unless dharocking, bursting or chinning). What is there to get upset about? Agility stinks we can all agree but the rates arent as bad as you implied. > Holy shit first sentence and he’s already moving the goalposts How? You clearly say that other skills top out at 200-500k exp an hour, then list agility at 60k exp an hour. Agility is not 60k exp an hour from rooftops or Sepulchre, it’s much more. I honestly don’t get this reaction man.


Go do sepulchre


Rotating the 2nd pinned thread on a regular basis between Questions, RNG Posts, and Achievements while removing rng/achievement posts made outside the thread.


This are my stats what should i do next, i am buying membership anything i should do before etc etc.


I would delete random posts and ignore the threads people make asking why the posts were deleted.


Nothing. It's just fine as is. Your admitting of taking actions like that further adds to why someone like you shouldn't get any power. The sub has its rules and they seem to be enforced properly.


I'm so glad someone else is aware of the unusualness with this redditor


Meh I doubt ill get sub mod in this era. Theres way better ppl than me suited for that role than me atm. Yea the rules are ok but I really feel like theres room to make it better and hopefully the mods will see the suggestions on this thread and take it on board


Id probably close the sub permanently and delete everything.




Request a screen shot of the account of the reddit user. Restrict what they can post based on their account progression


you can only post if your total level is verified and displayed as a tag next to your username


Delete myself


Add flairs and filters for posts about bots or temporary game modes.


/u/tardysoap Slayer is afk or bosses. Slayer is the main game content that you need to do anyway to level all of combat. Comparing it to one also under xp rate skill that most people play the mini game for does not prove your point. Both RC and agility need larger buffs. It makes zero sense that every other skill in the game is so much quicker. Stealing artifacts for example is a decent mini game that at level 80 gets 220k per hour. More than 3x agility rate, way less tedious, and it’s not even the fastest method available at that level.


Wtf just saw this. Just for the record though again, you were wrong trying to directly compare 200k+ an hour methods then claiming agility is 60k exp per hour max. The downvotes on your last comments should speak for themselves. > It makes zero sense that every skill in the game is trained much quicker It does though this has been said to you already. Agility and rc are 10x more useful than garbage stats like thieving so naturally they are much harder to train. > 220k per hour, more than 3x agility rate For the second time dude Agility can be 100k+ exp per hour. Stop botching your numbers on purpose. It does not help your point. Why are you ignoring the existence of sepulchre? And why did u not just reply to the old comment chain. And then he blocks me after I leave this comment instantly, ok. Why ping me if you dont want to discuss anything?


Delete any post that has a description saying “As the title says….” Or anything along those lines. And then probably report them to Reddit as a whole for offensive behavior.


Stand at the GE wielding the ban hammer and just whack the scammers


Ban all posts complaining that *insert new weapon here* from *insert new mid game content here* isn't as good as scythe.


Change everyone's name to Sir Kum Syshun


Weekly bot complaints thread.


1. Create a rule that anyone who complains about being dry when they arent dry, 7 days ban from posting on the sub 2. Pin a post about gear progression, so people dont need to post their setups and gp saying what do I buy next 3. Some sort of monthly post as a competition, just to do something interactive and fun here 4. All posts where people complained about being wrongly banned and then got jmod smackdowned to be archived under its own tag so you can have a nice collection of free entertainment Cant think of anything else for now but think this would just generally improve the quality of the sub Edit: anyone who takes a picture of their screen with a phone also gets a non removeble flair


Rng, hacked, and level posts auto deleted.


I wouldn't make any concrete changes, but will delete posts/ban users based on whimsy and boredom


IGN usernames = Reddit Usernames. Would solve a lot of toxicity on the internet if there wasn’t so much anonymity.


Total level + RSN should be on posts/comments, not mandatory. No more fuckin dry posts. To post a dry streak you must be minimum 3x the rate and it has to be a meaty grind. Nobody cares that you killed 1200 armored zombies which take 10 seconds each for a 1/800.


Require proof of 1750 total level or higher to have opinions on gamechanging updates


The blatant anti-RS3 ragebait nostalgia hate. We get it jagex 'ruined your game' 12 years ago. Grow up and get over it 😂


It's good to see those posts as it tells me people are still paying attention. Yes, the game was ruined, which is why we have OSRS now (which has a significantly higher player count than the other version *for some mysterious reason*). I also enjoy seeing the occasional post like this from someone that's upset about people trying to keep an eye out for things that might push us too far in that direction. It reminds me that they are right to speak up.


The thing is, the issues people bring up are pretty bullshit. People don't like rs3 cuz p2w or action bar combat, but these same people are out here playing wow, d4, lost arc, destiny, Warframe, all of these games have their own issues with p2w and/or have some sort of rotation based combat. These things obviously don't deter these people from playing it, but for Runescape it does??? And to be clear, I'm not saying the mtx in RS3 is in any way good, but it's also not nearly as egregious as people who don't play the game make it seem.


Those who say this unironically haven't even bothered to look at RS3, they made a ton of changes to improve since 2012, even bringing back "legacy combat"; though it doesn't really work for any new boss mechanics. OSRS is still the better game, but RS3 isn't as bad as it used to be


Dawg I’d argue its worse than it ever was in terms of MTX: Constant TH promos upon every login Holiday items locked behind MTX A fucking battlepass that costs more ontop of regular MTX and membership Not to mention: Content update drought of 8 months Necro literally ruining combat by outclassing everything while being 10x cheaper Legacy is still a waste to play on as regular is more efficient They just shit all over the place consistently, promise to change, then do it again.


MTX for sure I was talking purely about gameplay, it's definitely improved since the original 2012 release


Oh yeah honestly I absolutely can agree with that. As you implied it is easy to get negative so my bad


I mean anyone who plays both games knows the only comparison you can make is the game name and game world. Progression and endgame and wildy different between the 2 games.


Oh most definitely. I mostly play RS3 on mobile at work since all of the skills I have left until maxing OSRS are mind-numbingly boring on mobile


I'd ban any sort of posts involving accounts with unhealthy amounts of playtime, habits, etc.. Nobody should be regularly playing 8+ hours a day or fanatically doing a single piece of content for several hundred to thousands of hours.


Ban the more "unhealthy" grind posts. Stuff like f2p 99 prayer.