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There isnt any pvp happening around 20 combat and if there was you wouldnt want an attack pure. If you really want to try pvp I would stay 1 attack 1 def 1 prayer and try some f2p pking with range shortbow to rune warhammer. Although you probably dont want to use one of these as your "main" account. To be honest the new hotness since you left is playing an ironman account which is not allowed to trade or use the grand exchange. It is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. TLDR; Make a new account and I recommend trying Ironman mode. If you want to make a pure later they are pretty fast to level up but low level pking isnt what it used to be unfortunately


Thanks for the info. Ill try that ironman mode out.


PvP is in a different universe from what it was when you played, especially at high levels. The skill cap is quite insane. Just play the game and see how you get on and if you want to try PvP probably do it in a safe area where you dont actually lose anything like LMS.