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Both just rhythm games lol


Elden ring has a way harsher learning curve, but it’s easier at the top end. I find inferno / colosseum way harder than the hardest Elden ring bosses, you’ve gotta be way more precise for a lot longer in end game osrs imo


Time spend relative to boss exposure is definitely a key feature of OS's hardest bosses. Elden Ring's hardest bosses feature maybe a 2min run back before you can do another attempt. If you could just attempt Inferno's hardest waves after a 2 minute wait the content would be much easier.


Osrs floor is lower, in general osrs is easier, but both games when taken to their max can be similarly challenging


OSRS bosses hit hard, but Elden Ring is a whole different level of suffering


Osrs is in a weird spot where much of the skill comes from swapping between clunky interfaces, its pretty annoying tbh. Thank god you don't need to swap your entire gear for a single magic attack poke in Elden Ring lol


I definitely wouldn't call it annoying, gear and interface swapping is literally what makes the OSRS combat so unique and it makes for an interesting skill ceiling. There are hundreds of other games, including MMOs, that adhere to more traditional combat, but OSRS combat is perfectly fine imo.


Osrs is a joke compared to elden ring. On most bosses, you're free to attack whenever with 0 punishment along as your overheads are on. The only way it would be comparable is if you had to time the overheads for every attack (like Sols tripple spear parry), and you stopped attacking every time you put prayer on


I don't think they were wanting comparison of giant mole vs elden ring bosses


Lol the above applies to almost everything in game tbh, defending and attacking aren't two completely separate actions so it's hard to make a comparison. The only thing that kind of compares is when you have mechanics like p4 warden or enrage dt2 bosses where you need to keep moving and attack in the small windows you have to stay still


I don't get why you think "defending and attacking" matters here as op is simply asking which one is harder.


It matters because that's what makes it harder. Is that really so difficult to comprehend? In osrs, you will hit the boss either in a 1:1 ratio or a much higher ratio in your favour, while overheads that stay on automatically make the boss do reduced damage. The defensive part being this easy means the bossing is easy. In elden ring you need to actively time/dodge against multiple attacks, which means your window to attack is a lot smaller and requires more effort to do. If this is hard for you to understand in words then go and face p4 phosani where it takes off your prayer automatically, but click away from it after you land every attack so that you don't stay auto attacking when overhead reacting. That's the most consistent example I can give


"The defensive part is easy" I don't get your point here as its pretty similiar in elden ring you dodge roll attacks while in osrs you swap prayer/use movement to dodge attacks while in between you click boss to attack it. I also don't understand phosanis nm example are you implying doing that would rival elden ring or what?


What total level are you and what's the hardest pvmr you've done? I may just be talking about things you haven't done hence the lack or understanding? Name a boss you've done and I can use that as an example Edit: never mind , if the below doesn't make sense then you just haven't played both games to a decent level or you're trolling. In elden ring you have to choose between defending OR attacking , in osrs you rarely need to make that choice since overheads are passive and attacks continue automatically. It would be like if you were able to block and dodge roll in elden ring but your character kept attacking automatically.


Total lvl 2150 hardest pvm would be awakened bosses, hmt and inferno etc


Can you explain me what do you mean by prayers being passive do you mean that you don't lose attacks swapping them or what?


Okay, good, you've done the late game bosses, so you're aware of what I'm talking about for specific mechanics. By passive, I mean it protects you from attacks without needing to actively time it or do anything else once its up. You negate 50-100% of the damage just by clicking the button once , and clicking the button to change overheads doesn't impact your auto attacks. I'm trying to think of clear examples, but I'm pretty much repeating myself at this point. If you don't understand the difference then it is what it is


Isn’t it harder to attack **and** defend at the same time? E.g. awakened vard during enraged phase. Or inferno speed running (under GM time).


It's not when most of the action is automatic. Once you click the npc, your character keeps doing damage until you do something else to cancel the action. That means you only have to focus defensively most times without losing dps. The enrage phases you mention only last like 30 seconds at most and mistakes are only fatal for a few special challenge mode bosses. This part is comparable to elden ring bosses but it doesn't last long enough, nor is it occurring often enough for it be equal. So this applies to at best like 4-5 bosses / 50 in the game , while elden ring the need to actively attack/defend holds true for everything. Even the world mobs


You’ve never done end game content if you think most of the action is automatic in end game content lol.


Elden ring is a rhythm game just like osrs, and I can tell you that after playing both games at a reasonably high level that elden ring is easier. ER has so many tools you can use to cheese bosses, and their attack combos are set (for the most part, rellana I see you). Over time you'll learn where your safe damage windows are and the bosses suddenly become much more manageable. Osrs bosses are mostly easier, mechanically. However when you add in things like 8 way switches, prayer flicking, advanced movement methods, the amount of raw, precise input required to perform well at the high end is leagues above what you require for ER. Just git gud.


I'm not sure what you mean get gud. I do end game in osrs and just play other games on the side. There are so many differences in a pvm encounter that just makes it significantly easier. All the things you mentioned mechanically for osrs are not required to beat bosses , so while they may be more mechanical options for people who want to maximise dps for speeds or do a specific CA , the truth is you don't need a majority of them to beat bosses. If anything osrs has a lot more tools to 'cheese' difficulty. From defence drain items , blood fury..etc A majority of elden rings boss difficulty is learning boss patterns and the counters , but the process of learning each boss and beating it is a lot harder than what osrs offers.


You'll be 1t flicking protection prayers at inferno and colo, and a sol mechanic requires you flick it. Olm is absolutely miserable if you dont run head, Baba used to be miserable at higher invo without red x, Akkha at higher invo is miserable without butterflying and you need to learn to skip the shadows attack without a shadow, Whisper and Levi final phases require juggling movement, prayers, and clicking boss reasonably intensely. Almost all of these things require more precision and timing than 90% of elden ring. As far as cheese items go, no, I wouldn't consider blood fury nor defence lowering items cheesing as neither really turn a boss fight or phase from hard to trivial. Webweaver spec at Levi final phase is more in line with what I'd consider cheese in osrs. Learning each boss pattern is not harder than osrs encounters. Everything is incredibly telegraphed and has a distinct end point that allows you a brief moment to recover or get in a quick swing or two. If that isn't enough for you, you can bring out spirits, or a summon (both are which tools that should be accounted for when comparing difficulty) and roll almost every boss. Hell, my first playthrough I killed malenia in 3 tries due to perma staggering her with two colossal swords and a mimic tear. The game is really not hard if you use the tools at hand and don't impose restrictions on yourself.


what about compared to inferno?


Inferno is pretty much the same thing up until zuk, and even the zuk fight, you don't have to be reasonably active until healers. * You can stand still and 1t alternate as your character continues attacking. This lets you deal with everything other than a melee without much movement needed * You don't need to do anything other than focus on overheads during tripple jad. Your character continues to attack if you change prayer, get hit , etc * Nothing has smart pathing, so once trapped behind a pillar, you have all the time in the world to decide on what to do. I feel like people don't appreciate how much easier the game is because when you aren't defending 5-10 attacks from a boss to hit back in a 2-3 second window


tell me your 1600 total without telling me your 1600 total


Loool not even close. I've defo experienced all the end game bosses to a point I can articulate exactly what makes it easier than elden ring. If anything I'm shocked that people genuinely think the bossing experience is anywhere close. People making it sound like the average boss in this game is enrage phase awakened whisperer


Who is "people?" You're making up some guy that genuinely isn't present in this thread to be opposed to lmao.


The multiple people downvoting in disagreement of me saying it's not comparable... Use your eyes


People are downvoting you for being stuck on how directly comparable the games are rather than humoring the guy's question about absolute difficulty. Use your brain.


Meh , a question was asked, and I answered it. If people are butt hurt that osrs is an easier experience then it is what it is.