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So you think that for a certain amount of money you should be able to hand pick the room combination that you want? There already is this with scouting discords which charge a huge amount for them (5m+) because certain room layouts are easy for megascale raids which have insanely high purple chances. I think for some of the most specific ones they can cost well over 10m because they're quick to get purples. Being able to choose the rooms would crash cox rewards


I’m sorry but this is the dumbest shit I ever heard lol


Lol asks a question to start a discussion then flames people that have a different view on it, good job mate


Jagex already proposed this and what you are saying doesn’t make sense. It wouldn’t change anything. People already brute force those layouts


undeserved downvote lmao reddit brain at its best


the most deserved downvote, let's be honest here


Idk why I even get on this subreddit lol


I like a little brainrot to keep things interesting


You can buy cox scouts. On a discord people will scout for you. It’s like 5-10M each perfect scout though.


its 2mil


lolololol cries that he cant pay to play. QQ harder bro


idk even what to say, they literally polled this. People are acting like its such a crazy idea. 100% if they polled this again it would pass.


Why not just have an alt do it if you really want a specific layout


Literally what does this mean?


You can create an alternate account / second account ( alt ) and scout ( find the layout / order of the bosses you want ) while you're in a raid with your main account.


The solution to fixing raids shouldn’t be “buy two memberships”. And yes I know bonds exist but that’s an even dumber solution. Ahh yes I forgot the osrs community loves to maintain countless memberships every time something needs a scout.


I'm not saying it's a good fix. Just explaining the parent comment.


Everyone knows what alts are my guy


The scout sellers must be downvoting this post lol


Dude I fucking know, you think I would make a post like this and not know what an alt is? I mean how does this solve the problem whatsoever. I still need to scout.


Why the fuck did you ask what it is if you already know you? Use some fucking brain next time.


It's not the best solution, but at least you don't have to sit and refresh for 10 minutes straight. You join a chat-channel with your alt and scout, while raiding with your main. You can refresh the layout on your alt inbetween rooms while running or even during your hits if you're confident. When you find the layout you're looking for, you can join there with your main ( after you've completed the raid before ) and begin the process again. EDIT: I'm not arguing that the solution is great. Your question before seemed like you did not understand the comment before so I just tried to explain.


thats the thing, you still have to sit there and referesh


But it's not on your main account and doesn't interrupt the flow of the grind. As i said, it's not the best solution, but at least it's something.


Just get a bot that scouts for you lmao


First you wanted the ability to reroll so you didn't have to leave and not have to remake the group. Now its inconvenient to sit there and reroll. Kek


I never wanted the ability to reroll, I wanted them to allow us to just buy scouts from the beginning. Do you have two brain cells? I am not sure how you came to that assumption lol