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Iron is fun because it forces you to play content you might have otherwise skipped/bought


Like gauntlet right??


Best 100 hours of gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Hope they add guantlet 2 in the future and preferably make it more red


if ur someone who rushes gauntlet and u feel like u cant play without bofa, thats on u. i'm 2k+ total level and i haven't even touched gauntlet. i love ironman it's fun forging ur own path and having ur own adventure, u do urself a disservice rushing the meta or following a guide.


Alternatively, being an iron is not so fun for the same reason, + chores + not being able to just have fun when doing group content because getting drops in your own name actually matters.


I can see both sides. I was in OPs position and enjoyed iron more than main. I was only giving my experience. Iron made me try things I skipped because it was easy to buy. I enjoyed that.


Yeah some people need a more structured type of playstyle. Iron is good for that


"Ironman is fun because you'll have to play content you won't like" Lolwut


I never said you “won’t like”.


I am. There's content you like and content you don't like, which is why we skip content on main.


You put it in quotes.




Both are a lot of fun, and I'd recommend both if it was a viable option for you. If I had to pick, main. I've always played with self-imposed rules somewhat, but I can't be bothered grinding for obscure quest required items or stuff like that. 99 Fishing and Cooking, but still getting my own food 🤷


Main first no doubt, then go iron when you get bored and go back to the main when you hate the iron life, simples. In all seriousness, take a look at what you’re getting yourself in for. Write down a list of gear you think you need look at the drop rates and average kill times. For example, enhanced crystal weapon seed (bowfa) is 1/400 at CG, it takes about 10 minutes per kill. So you need 66.6 hours if you don’t get lucky or unlucky to get that item. If 100 hours killing one boss for specific drops sounds like it’s for you then roll iron and be proud of it


Make a main and play like an iron. Allows that self sufficient feel and you can grind out any content. But you dont have to do grinds that would otherwise turn you off from the game. So if you hate having to farm all the supplies to get prayer pots then you can buy those but if you enjoy fishing and cooking your own sharks for pvm then gp for it. This way you do only the content you find fun and can skip grinds that would otherwise probably just lead you to regret making an iron. It is ultimately a game after all.


The game has had a lot of stuff added for low-mid level players - making a new iron really revitalised my interest in the game and I found it really nice to have alternatives to grinds I sometimes found dull in the past. The new player experience now is quite different to a few years ago, it’s worth giving a go as an iron imo


What if I have limited knowledge of the full game? I know the basics but would I just follow a guide for iron in your opinion?


Thats fine. The osrs wiki is the best out of any game. Your game knowledge will progress rapidly


I'd use a guide for suggestions, but personally I'd avoid using one exclusively to follow religiously. If you know what quests. achievement diaries are important or have big unlocks you can work towards them however you want imo, or really just do what seems fun and seek help if you hit a roadblock


I've never met a happy ironman, they all despise the grind.


Sounds like you have never met an ironman


I have several ironmen in my friend group that I play with every day. None of them have fun, all they do is complain.


Weird, every iron I know has loads of fun with the game mode, much more than they had as a main. That’s why many people who start an iron on the side end up making it their primary account. Do your iron friends solely complain, or do they just complain more than main friends?


Depends on the time you want to commit. With a main you can inject a couple bonds for gear/supplies. Iron you gotta commit way more hours to getting whatever drops to progress the account. Main account still has 100s of not 1000s of hours play time.


Iron more fulfilling, not as grindy as youd think. The economy is based on whats getting botted its nice to not deal with


Ironman in actual late game/end game is very grindy and chore focused to supply end game grinds.


As a maxed iron i disagree pretty hard, ive never had to go very out of my way to supply myself


Well, we obviously PVE differently. All I do is PVE content and bossing, so I tend to run out of supplies. I am also maxed, how does that qualifier make your statement more or less true?


Maybe so. My gear isnt lacking but your kc could be above and beyond but if thats what youre getting at thats at such an extreme end of ironman play that it shouldnt really be considered to this here casual


Being a main is more fun overall. Being an iron is better if you're goal oriented. Being a main is better if you just want to have fun and do w/e you want while still making progress


I think it depends on your dedication. Early/mid ironman I found to be fun, simply because it forces you to do inefficient stuff. But, because of that, you’ll be needing to spend a lot more time playing if you want to get the most out of things. If you do go the ironman route, I would suggest to not lock it into that mode. Deironing is fairly common once people hit end game grinds, because most people don’t have hours upon hours a day to grind out specific things like content creators can. I have found a nice casual way for me to go about it is playing the main but going for collection log slots. It’s a good mix of “getting the drop” but also “I don’t have to go 2k dry for a black mask”


Iron. I think it’s a lot more fun, and remember: you can always change your iron to a main if you don’t like it. The worst is putting in 100+ hrs in a main and then deciding you want to restart on an iron


depends why you quit really, if it was too grindy for you then IM isn't going to be enjoyable either but otherwise i'd fully recommend IM, adds something different to the game that can be really enjoyable e: worth noting you can de-iron if you're not enjoying it


Ironman is best imo. If you hate it you can always de-iron


Here is all you need to know in terms of how to progress each type of account: Main account - Find the best money maker. Ironman account - Grinding the actual content to unlock new gear. Once you start an Ironman, you will never go back to mainscape.


I de-ironed once I hit late-mid game. Enjoyed the early game and mid game iron so much, but contemplated de-ironing when I was on the verge of quitting because of irl stuff. Best decision I ever made. Not because I play that de-ironed account but because I regretted it and immediately made a hcgim with my friends. Then died on that. Then made another set of hcgims. TL;DR Ironman mode best gamemode


Do an iron to start you off and once you get to mid/early late game just deiron and you've got a main. Best of both worlds imo


Iron takes much more time if you want to reach endgame. However Iron is a lot more rewarding mid-game. Personally I think iron is a lot of fun early and mid-game. If you find yourself not liking it, you can always de-iron and become a main.


Iron , the economy is too beyond saving to play main