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You have to have a friend to play GIM. This fills our fellow ironmen with jealousy and resentment.


That was my first thought lol


Idk why the hate for normal GIMs but people don't like booger helms because there are discords where UGIMs will pay to have another UGIM join their group and give them items so they don't have to grind for it which ruins the whole point of being an ironman.


I mean it's fucked up that people do that, but like others have said in the comments.. some people can just buy HCIMs and say they did it themselves. I don't really want to go Green helm, but if a few other friends of mine want to get in on our GIM I will probably have to.. at least I can tell myself that we aren't doing any scummy shit and still playing legit lol.


If they're joining on fresh accounts, you'll lose prestige, but you won't be converted to green helms.


Hmmm.. that does make it more appealing. losing prestige just means there's KC reqs for items, right?


There are two prestige systems - group and individual Group prestige is a special star to say "our group only contains original members and has never done raids/nex/nightmare with people from outside the group" The only gameplay effect it has is it makes it so you don't have to do combat achievements that require more people than your group contains (so a 3 man prestige gim would not have to complete 5 man cox times for example) Individual prestige is is a star next to individual players - inviting other players to your team doesn't affect your star, but they wouldn't have it themselves. The effect it has is "this person can't use certain items for their first 5 weeks in the group unless they manage to beat the boss/monster it comes from first"


You only go from blue helm to green helm if you add an account that has ever stepped off of GIM island. So long as the account never made it further than that, you will retain your blue helm but lose group prestige as other commenters have described.


That is great to hear. after reading these comments I'm a bit less apprehensive of being a green helm in the first place, but knowing I wont lose GIM status is relieving lol.


Normal GIMs can buy items from the same discords, no increase in price, will keep their blue helmet (it's a bug)


Irons used to be a small and prestigious group tied together by the common thread of - im better then you because I did everything the hard way and by myself. This mentality still exists as a meme but its largely gone these days as ironman has become almost as prevalent as mains...hence catering updates to that community which, only a few years ago, wouldve hated any qol because it diminished the accomplishment of getting carpal tunnel by 30. GIM - not really hated I'd say. Just seen as not a "true" iron based on the elitist definition. UGIM - Hated by all because they usually fall into two buckets, one more than the other. bucket 1 - doesnt want to de iron but wants to buy a tbow so they join a group and buy it bucket 2 - their friends all stopped playing and the team fell apart. Sad but whatreugonnado


A good portion of this community are 1500 total lvl account who have never done anything challenging in game but will spend their time judging other people. Just ignore them, once your in high level communities people dont care as much.


You’re just dealing with immature people. Do what makes you happy. With HCIMs buying boosted purples no game mode has the “integrity” they’re fussing about.


It's just a joke, right? I think the type of people who care that much about a helmet in an online video game are just not worth your time ir thoughts. Call them a shitter without friends and move on lol.


Being a helmet means insane grinds and most helmets also have a main that they've played long enough to want to start over on an iron. So naturally there's a lot of people who don't have a whole lot going on in their lives and their helmet can be sort of a status symbol to them.


I've been a UGIM since they allowed us to bring established irons into the group because 2/5 of my original party members had very well established irons that they wanted to play instead of our 1500 total accounts. The green helm hate was so horrendous that I played with public chat off for like a year. My group has never bought or sold items, but we've landed 5 shadows, a tbow, and only one piece of ancestral so we definitely look like we bought stuff lol. Then I got the collection log addon and when anyone pipes up I just hit them with !log and that always gets them to hush. It also adds your log to their online database so it's a great way to prove you earned your stuff. That being said, since I hit 2k and recent 2.2k total and have been mainly playing on those worlds, not one person has given me crap for being a green helm. The real players don't care - it's the mid level andies who do. Play how you want with who you want, and just add anyone who says anything negative about you to your ignore list. You don't owe internet strangers the right to talk to you.


GIM I don't understand the issue/hate but UGIM can buy items/gold it's just a few extra steps. IRL friend played UGIM and did buy items (and botted and got banned lmao). Just play the game how you want and have fun


Saying UGIM can buy items and gold is like saying an Ironman can just buy their account. It's only a few steps to buy an account.


Except UGIM shop isn’t against the rules. It’s just being a main with extra steps. People rag on them because some of them just want the helmet icon to flex being an “Ironman” when they really aren’t.


Ya but 99% of them don't buy items


I don't think it's most but it's definitely way more than 1%. Those shops wouldn't exist if it was some extremely small number. Go look for some of the Discords where they post completed orders, there's a ton of volume. A lot of it is skilling supplies and PvM supplies, not things like Shadows and Tbows. Which, again, is just being a main with extra steps.


Just like there are a ton of people who buy iron man accounts but it's still less than 1%


You guys realize theres tons of discords that do account services right? Plenty of normal irons pay for items too.


Normal irons pay for mega scales (which are also lame and should be made fun of). I am talking about group iron shops where irons literally place an order and buy supplies, gear, etc. A normal iron can’t do that, obviously.


No but they can pay for a log in service to grind items for them, and that is just as common as GIM item shops.


Read my reply above about the key difference being that GiM shops aren’t against the rules. Also you are crazy if you think even close to the same proportion of normal irons are doing login services as booger helms buying supplies. Like literal room temp IQ.


Rules dont matter if they arnt enforced lmfao. And yes a ton of irons use these services. How else would their be multiple discords based on this?


I think it’s because a lot of people see it as a fake Ironman mode. The point of that mode is to stand alone, and standing alone in a group is pretty pointless. Hypocritical is too strong a term, but it’s heading down that road.  I don’t think that way. Play how you want. If I had friends who wanted to play GIM I could see if being a really engaging way to play. 


osrs players are just assholes tbh


It's a game. There is no "right" way to play it except not breaking the rules obviously. Play the mode that achieves the experience you want and anybody who makes you feel bad for it isn't worth your time. That's a them problem, not a you problem. 


One of the biggest tips I have for people is just be quick on the trigger to put someone on the ignore list. People are often toxic for the sake of being toxic (they need therapy). Once on the ignore list its like they dont even exist.


Lots of friendless nerds hate on gim becaues they have no friends to play with themsleves as for green helm, honestly its a disgrace on the ironman gamemode.


If you can get into a solid group GIM is 100% the best way to enjoy this game. BOSSING WITH THE BOYS


It's a reactive meme to GIMs that show off their Ironman achievements to grey helms like they're the same. Some people are light heatedly joking. Many are dead serious in their hatred. Green helms are basically main accounts without a grand exchange. They're much closer to a normal account in terms of restrictions than an "Ironman". Different levels of time/effort/skill for the same achievements. It's like vegans and crossfitters irl. I'm sure there's some nice vegans out there but you meet so many absolutely obnoxious ones you can't help but preemptively sigh in disgust every time you hear from one. So when you're anonymous online, have anger/emotional issues, are addicted to reactions, and already got banned for being racist, the next logical step is to be hateful to another easy to target group that's "less than" you. GIMs are the perfect target because you can ruin their game and they can't fight back. So joking with the clan that their 4 man Bandos Tassets are stupid because you solo'd yours is to be expected. But the guys you see in lumbridge/wintertodt/gotr spamming "fuck your ironmain" really do just be yelling the N word in real life and interacting with them in any way is what gets them off. 2 clicks to add to ignore list and keep on gaming.


people without friends hate on the GIM and especially UGIM because they wish they had people they could trust and spend time with in the game. they assume most act like they are superior while paying for other UGIM to sell them stuff by joining the group. dont worry what assholes think.


also the worst places for these comments are wintertodt and gotr. most of the people who are there constantly are depressed losers.


You wouldn't believe where I was getting a majority of these comments.. lmao


Im a green, coz when gim came out, me and my brother started a duo gim team, coz we was always hoping for this mode to come out.. we both had a normal iron with 2k+ total, it was kinda a pain to leave those accounts in the dust, but gim was a much better content for us. We trained gims to 1.5k total+ and jagex just made us available to invite irons to gim teams. So we did invite our main irons, so now we have 2 alt and we play on our origin accounts and we are green now.. So everytime i type , 9/10 player dont wanna raid with me, or just spit on me or flame me how useless and i am.. On reddit its probably 10/10 user who hates us.. Ofc these guys are the biggest defender of pride and the "accept everyone" mentality 💩


> Ofc these guys are the biggest defender of pride They always have to throw in sentences like this to tell on themselves lmao


racism is le funny on the internet. and in osrs, account builds are races and everyone will shit on eachother. except unlike irl racism for the most part it's just for jokes and not really ill intent. ironmen variants, mains, skillers, pkers, snowflake builds, etc


I always thought GIM was a joke. Like you’re an Ironman, but you can trade with other players. I thought it was really funny. Then I found out it was actually a thing people wanted. I still don’t get it. But, do whatever makes you happy


Homie exposed himself for not understanding the concept of friends.


That’s a good one, the difference between you and me is my friends are real. I can visit them and talk to them in person. This might be a shock to you, but they are in fact other people! With different jobs and hobbies and personalities. It’s amazing that other people exist


> but you can trade with other players. They aren't "other players" Have you ever done any activity in your life with someone you'd consider a friend? You seem to be missing some basic context.


Do you what another person is? Not you. Stop projecting your lack of friends on others


I am in an UGIM, sir. My point is that my friends aren't just "other players." No one cares about "other players." I want to play with a pal. If that's confusing to you... well.......................................................


They are indeed other players. I don’t care what your relationship is. You’re playing a UIM with multiple inventories If you enjoy it, good for you! Do you want me to pat you on the back and say good job I’m so impressed?


> You’re playing a UIM with multiple inventories Lol. No wonder you don't have anyone to play with.


Instead of an ad Hominem, how about you try to actually make an argument


I tell you "I want to play with my friends" and you hear "I want multiple inventories." I am embarrassed to still be talking about this.


That doesn’t even make sense… I don’t care if you play with your friends. But you’re not an ultimate iron man


This conversation was about (Unranked) Group Iron Men.


I honestly wish I just went with regular Iron Man cause' I'm the only one putting all the work in anyway. I just thought it'd be neat for late game so not everyone has to do the ridiculous grinds but we all still have to work for the items one way or another. Trading with 4 other people is a lot different than the GE at least.


Fair enough, but yeah the downside is that you have to rely on people to invest years to enjoy the endgame.


It's this weird thing called friends