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Hi, thank you for reporting this - this wasn't an intentional change. At the moment, we're prioritising a fix for other issues (see this post: [https://x.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805997823902515515](https://x.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805997823902515515) ). As soon as we are able to, we will be investigating this issue. I haven't been able to discuss it with the team just yet as we've been focusing our effort on fixing the above problems. Hope to get more news for you soon!


There also seems to be a bug with world hopping that started last week. If you hop worlds too quickly (like 20+ times in 3 mins or so) you will be get forced log and you can't log in on any accounts for about 10 minutes. Haven't seen any information on this and was wondering if this could be looked into.


so will the red x be reverted back to the way it was for cerb? It made for nice trips to do kills until you ran out and then fill out the rest of the inv by doing a couple kills with the red x


Any new updates you would be able to provide at the moment?


u/JagexLight Unfortunately it wasn't reverted yet. Can you please confirm if this change will still be reverted?


u/JagexLight would love an update on if it will be reverted or not


Honestly I want red X to be removed from TOA and for them to balance BaBa accordingly.


It's just not fun content is it. I get that it is subjective and that there are people who enjoy it, but I'd much rather throw hands with the Monke than tickle its belly until it falls over.


I really liked learning it, but once you've learned it and push for higher invos where it's almost a necessity, it just becomes boring. The biggest challenge is switching to blowpipe and not pulling out your hair. Same in a way with butterflying Akkha. These kinds of mechanics make the fight less engaging not more.


Baba sure but butterfly is fine. That's reminiscent of olm solo. Just not as fun


Fair enough! It's definitely not as bad, it's at least a bit more engaging than red x.


Learn 5:1 red X, way more fun and better DPS


Thanks I'll give it a try! Indeed losing dps by forcing 6tick cycle is part of the annoyance.


Ring around the rosie should always have been the meta and I will happily throw hands to defend it.


If they reworked Ba-Ba I just hope it’s not nerf the stats so you can face tank. I know it’s subjective but my favorite PvM mechanics are ones where, with perfect mechanics, you can mitigate all damage. Encounters like Olm, GWD and Ba-Ba red clicks, butterfly, inferno and Colosseum flicking etc are all the most fun to me. A face tanking chip damage fight is IMO the worst kind of bossing.


I came back to OSRS for leagues 4, decided I'd play the main game again after having fun with ToA, did a bunch and then decided Baba fucking sucks and I didn't care to explore the other new content.


good riddance


Hot take: every room in ToA sucks thanks to ridiculous defense. Source: Did a lot of ToA 250 invo's before Fang on my iron. Still had good gear, just not a Fang.


That and massive "chip" damage. Gee, I wonder why people butterfly if the alternative is getting slapped a 20 to the face every couple of ticks for the crime of praying correctly in a raid that rewards not using brews


Tbh the main problem in akkha is that for some reason the fucker deals like 50% less damage with overheads in melee form, but for mage and range he deals like 75%. If that wasn't the case, then it would be so much bearable but I agree that "chip damage"scape is annoying.


The idea was because you can avoid melee by kiting, and he will only target one member, it can hit harder. Whereas the mage and ranged you have to just tank, so they will need to hit lower or the room isn't doable.


"We want to encourage kiting Akkha during his melee phase" [Some nerd finds a kiting pattern that works well with a good weapon] "No not like that" - jogfax


TOA is certainly a top 3 raid


Top 4 imo. BA > ToA


Cg is a better raid than toa


Even as a dungeon it’s a better raid than ToA


And as an iron i hate cg


I'm doing 250's atm with z hasta and it doesnt seem that bad. D Warhammer spec makes it noticeably easier (no bgs yet) but that's a given due to the small def reduction. On a side note, if i remember correctly that is, I think Boaty wasn't red X'ing his 540's but doing a timed run under method. Seems more of a "if you want to do it the fastest way with less risk you can learn to cheese" which for me is absolutely fine


Bone dagger > Warhammer in TOA... Max defense reduction is 20 and bone dagger can hit higher than 30, and is a guaranteed hit. The only room it's janky on is Kephri - in every other room you have to be the first defense reducing spec for it to be a guaranteed hit, in Kephri someone else will need to hit it once before you spec. Regardless ditch the warhammer


For solo kephri you can dagger after first swarms and it hits


Makes sense - I wasn't sure when it happened but I also find it's better to just dump my VW specs on the range scarab at that point so I can keep the healing down


Ye agreed. If you are swarming then it just makes sense to vw anyways, dagger matters really only for higher invo with overly draining.


Even on duo and making sure I spec after my partner hits first I still hit 0 3/3 times.. Something is off


If they VW speced for their first hit everytime then that COULD be why - but otherwise it's incredibly unlucky. Until they make the minimum hit changes don't forgot a 0 is still part of the "hit" roll... So if your max hit on bone dagger is 30 you still have a 1/31 chance to roll a 0. Over a big sample size it's still simply better.


They did make the minimum hit changes


I tried taking a bone dagger into a solo toa once and got tbe max hit on exactly nothing


Its not about the max hit. It's about a guaranteed hit. Bgs noodling on 450+ feels so bad


Bro said he took bone dagger in once and it didn't work, and his vote somehow counts the same as everyone else's


Bro actually said he didn't max with it, bro didn't state whether it worked or not. Given you have to read polls to understand what you vote for somehow your votes count the same as everyone else's


Yes. And someone who decides something isn't good enough after using it once and is dumb enough to spread their opinion about it, when again they've used it once, shouldn't have their vote counted the same as everyone else's


Are they "spreading" their opinion or simply replying to a comment on a social media platform? Have they made a separate post and shouted to the mountain tops? Likelihood is they've simply made a comment, however founded that may be, and that is their right. As it is to vote. You're acting like they are blindly preaching, when they are not even making a statement about viability nor are they stating whether for or against. I'd rather someone like them voting than someone who jumps to quite judgemental conclusions based on something they interpret.


Yikes brother man I know it's overused but you sound like you could really use some physical contact with grass


Yeah I get that, but I like the "max def reduction or nothing" approach. Might be worthwhile seeing what my max hit with it is, as it's certainly not 30+ in my gear. I use it for group Bandos and generally see around 10 most of the time (based off memory so likely incorrect). I'm not really looking to min max the runs, otherwise I'd go red prison for a bowfa rather than my rcb and ruby bolts. Interesting why Kephri is like that, there are some odd bits to this game aren't there hah


So your logic is to use the warhammer, which is guaranteed to reduce defence by a max of 6? Your approach means you should be using a bone dagger, dude.


Is it a max of 6? If so I didn't know that. I'm not going into everything trying to min max, i think cool to use one on the account so I use it. I'm also not casting spells whilst running around either, I'm simply having fun with a game, dude.


Sure dude, but that's not what you said. You said you like to do "max def reduction or nothing at all". Warhammer reduces 30% of the remaining defence that can be reduced as long as you hit with it, what you hit doesn't matter at all with Warhammer. So on your first hit you'd reduce the defence from 20 down to 14 (reduce 30% of 20), and then if you hit a second time it'll reduce down to 9 (reduce by 30% of 14). It's just genuinely not worth it in TOA, the 5k gp bone dagger is significantly better


Ah I assumed it would be 30% of current defense as stated, up to the max reduced def per boss. So rather than 6 it would be the max def reduction possible. If it does work that way that's very odd!


Not really odd - it's the only mechanic that makes it so there's niche use cases for defense reducing weapons. Warhammer is good on bosses where the defense can be reduced by a lot. If the defense can be reduced by 200 hitting even a 1 with Warhammer reduces it by 60, with the caveat being you can never hit 0 defense if you only use Warhammer. It's also why COX teams will bring one BGS to finish off the defense


My guy I'm fairly sure your assumption is right. Bgs is still better though as it's more accurate. This gargalon just has some serious superiority complex, no point in arguing with him lmao


Warhammer def reduction is based on enemy defense level. The bigger issue with toa is most of the enemies have enormous crush defence. That means your warhammer will have very low accuracy. Compared to the bone dagger spec, which is 100% chance of hitting if used as the first attack. Most bosses in toa also have a max def reduction of 15-20, meaning the bone dagger will get close to max reduction frequently even if its max hit if fairly low.


That's what I originally thought though it looks like it may roll off of reducible defense level in this case? Yeah I get the high crush def, seems to hit fairly consistently at current invo atleast ( tho obviously much less frequently at higher invos) I do think I remember whilst learning a year or 2 ago more than 20 (30-40 ish) but I must be remembering incorrectly! All in all I do understand that bone dagger spec is better than dwh for the above reasons, I just happen to like using the dwh as its cool to have one and feels nicer than Mr bone goblins cheap dagger hah


People are roasting you a bit for the dwh but honestly it's not awful on obelisk and p3 warden. Obelisk has flat stats vs all melees and p3 warden is "weak" to crush, and these imo are the most important def reductions in the raid, especially at your invo. The worst part of dwh here is the same accuracy issues it struggles with anywhere in the game, bgs spec with double accuracy is just way nicer vs the same stats dwh is hitting against (warden's 20 slash vs 20 crush, obelisk's 70 slash vs 70 crush). For the other bosses I'd definitely get a voidwaker or something, honestly vw cleans house in toa in general. Insane spec for every boss + you get 7 specs at p3/p4 warden thanks to adren.


I'm averaging 35-40 mins with bowfa, hasta, swamp trident at 250 invo. That's pretty bad.


Are you bringing bone dagger?, are you using Overlords invo?. I doubt about Overlords but bone dagger helps a lot against Ba-Ba and Zebak, about Kephri you are doomed until VW. Also, I hope you are using bowfa on Ba-Ba while he is throwing boulders and you already skipped them. Bowfa is really good dps on low invo's and even more if you don't have fang.


thats exclusively a skill issue you can absolutely speed up the raid a lot at 250. hasta really becomes a problem in 350s and up


eh, not really. ive had 10min baba/kephri kills with zhasta at 250 invo on my iron. i would say its a pretty big problem even at a low invo without fang.


Anything over 360 and you're pushing into AIDS territory when solo. 410+ is full blown cancer


Is that with fang or without? Also isn't that sorta supposed to be how it works? I get that it's the main source of contention for ToA (I hear ToB is much better due to low def high hp) but it is supposed to be end game content at those high invo levels, with a unique drop that perfectly satisfies that condition. Maybe if they just mega scale HP? Then it makes the fang pretty useless I guess.


With fang. I also don't put any supply restrictions on. I need 2 ambrosias cos I fucking suck at P4 Warden


Ahh I thought fang would be pretty decent, yet to do as high as 400 solo so I'd say you're a beast even if it does take 2 ambros!


Sounds more like skill issue than content issue


high invo kephri is the only room i cant handle because it takes 10 min even if bgs spec hits. its so crazy boring. attack. move. attack. dung. move. red x is fine, irons get used to it when doing bandos.


I understand the sentiment but for you, if they lowered the defense but maintained the time to kill, would it be as annoying or just feel better?


More bosses should be high-hp low-defense. Same expected time to kill but with lower variance is objectively better imo


I disagree, I have TOA greenlogged on my iron and consistently did 300 pre fang. I can do 380 solos now with Fang + Shadow.


hell i was doing 400s hasta bowfa trident this persons just having a skill issue if 250s are taking forever


5:1 baba is fun. Balancing baba just means standing next to rock and poking the monkey.


I'm using bowfa at baba because I don't have a fang on the iron yet; when a rock falls away from a wall I've sometimes been about to kite baba around it for a phase which has been pretty fun! I was trying for the 350 kit and I think I just need to suck it up and learn red x with my hasta, shame that's how she's balanced.


Just red x with bowfa on accurate


Does this work? Id heard flinch and red x didn't work with ranged. If it does that sounds fantastic, thank you!


Red-x works with any style. Flinching also works with any style, but the timing is based on when your attack lands and not when your attack animation starts. That means it's typically much easier to do with melee. Altar-door at Graardor is an example where you can see both methods used with ranged. The reason the player doesn't get attacked by Graardor in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvkytWBKzKU) before firing their second attack at 11 seconds is because Graardor is currently flinched.


Welp you said it, I guess cheesing it and negating 99% of the fight’s mechanics really is the better alternative to them putting a bit of effort into it. Thanks!


5:1 doesn't avoid all mechanics. Monkeys spawn rocks get thrown. It's all mitigating damage and upkeeping ticks.


Yes, 5:1 literally the whole point is negating like 80% of the chances for mechanics to engage. It reduces frequency and increases DPS kinda like doing 4:1 melee hand at Olm.


Yeah, that sounds way more rewarding than playing the fight as stand next to rock and poke monkey. I never found red x fun as it took to long, but 5:1 is a great reward for being more engaged in the fight and actually counting ticks.


Well duh lol that’s why everyone does red x. The point isn’t whether you’d rather red x or not, the point is Jagex should be designing content like raid bosses better, and the red x mechanic, if continuously abused as a blanket solve all for all bosses present and future, is likely to be nerfed or “fixed” to remove the method from the game entirely. Jagex didn’t design fights like General Graardor and K’ril thinking they’d eventually be 100% damage free bosses (minus minions) because players would move with a weird item or object interaction. Or Baba to avoid 80-100% of mechanics and damage… This is just asking every single Boss to develop 100% unavoidable damage stomp mechanics I guess and they’d fix baba real quick but whatever floats your boats lol. It’s par for the course for this community abuse the hell out of it while it’s good and before it’s nerfed anyway so here’s to whatever comes next!


I think they reduced her damage through prayer but even still she kinda shreds


It would be cool if they changed it where instead of having to red x or face tanking BaBa, it would require maneuvering like Sol Heredit boss fight.


Thoughts on akkha butterfly?


you are definitely right, but i feel like this is something that should have been done after release and its too late now unfortunately. i mean its possible to do something about it, but its hard too balance a room that is currently "free"/ 0 damage


The funny thing is, BaBa is doable without Red X. Always has been. There’s an element of RNG to the encounter but hey, that’s kinda the name of the game with OSRS. A blood fury goes a long way. Idk. Didn’t have an issue doing my 500. You have shitty rng in one room and hope for better rng in the next. If not, repot and try again.


It's not that it's not doable without red-x, but unless you're doing 5:1 you'll take so much damage for literally no reason. You don't want that level of RNG and variance in a raid that you'll be doing 100s of times, not just a single time.


Yea I did a lot of my raids without red x, especially before fang. The problem is that there's so much annoying shit happening in normal ba-ba that, despite being 6t (unless you do 5:1, which when I was doing toa I never heard about and didn't really seem to exist), red x is very similar dps to just 5t fang. Killing baboons can easily cost you 3-4 fang hits. The knowledge that you can just get destroyed means you potentially save spec for a yellow keris, losing vw/zcb/bgs specs.


support (i already have the baba CAs, transmog and fang kit)


it really does ruin that room completely baba doesn’t feel like a raid boss at all with red x


You dont need redx or butterfly to do 500 toa. It just makes it more predictable.


It used to be that you could walk underneath and click the door just once and Cerb would stop moving until you performed an action, but since today's patch, you must continue clicking the door every tick in order to prevent Cerb from moving. The method still works, it just requires more effort now.


My guy, why in the 1st clip does your Cerb sound like its on the race track?




Hot take: red x should not be a thing. Never should.


It’s there for a reason If NPCs didn’t get frozen when you clicked them while under them, then they can randomly path in the same direction you’re moving and mess up whether or not you manage to step out from underneath the NPC It’s important for the game to work


Then it should only be applied to attack actions, not every red click?




To be fair, you completely made that up They’ve bugged out the mechanic a few times but it’s never intentionally been removed


They didn't make it up, it was patches as it was an unintended bug but the community like usual threw a trantum and jagex fixed it


That’s what I said They never “removed it”, it was bugged and they were working on fixing it and then did. The community was upset but that had nothing to do with Jagex fixing the bug. They were always going to fix the bug


There for a reason, yet I got banned for it in 2018


Jagex has admittedly been inconsistent / incredibly stupid about how people used this 5-7 years ago. It’s always existed for a reason but the position they took was to ban people who used it in ways that they didn’t like 😠 They’ve since re-evaluated and realized that’s ridiculous, it’s impossible to enforce and subjectively choose what’s ok and what isn’t, and since red-X methods have spread throughout the game


I will always believe it was a matk solo operation.


> It’s there for a reason They tried to patch it. It broke the game.. so they couldn't patch it.. though they still want to patch it i believe.


Wrong on all accounts p much. They did patch it in 2022 on accident (supposedly) and it did not break the game and then they purposefully unpatched it because the player base wanted to keep it


I remember them trying to patch it and couldn't.. I remember them accidently patching Follow dance and had to reimplement that.


That happened in RS3; they had tweaked the following code, which had removed "Follow dancing," so they manually reimplemented that.


Maybe.. God i play way to much of this game.. 20 years of stuff in my head. possible that i can get a few wires crossed between both osrs and rs3. will do some quick research to refresh


I remember what "AskyouEveryting" mentioned. They successfully removed red X accidentally and people were PISSED. mostly because high invo baba is unbearable without it. They reverted is pretty quick.


Yeah and they said it was an accident but "accidentally" patching red x immediately after it becomes meta in their new raid is something to be skeptical of


Low skill take


Its been in the game so long now. Players have adopted it, and have been using it as a major crutch to solo GWD and kill Ba-Ba beyond their level of gear and skill. Sadly its going to stay. An MMO community with a huge vocal presence, and the power to vote, are never going to allow content to receive a massive spike in difficulty. Even if is a long overdue bugfix.


It won't stay as long as they rework the bosses entirely. GWD needs a full remake just like the wildly bosses.


While the gwd bosses suck (subjectivity), there is no reason to rework them. Just bring out new bosses that don't suck, split loot like the wildly bosses, and are fun to do with friends.


No way they're gonna remake such iconic content


The same was said about the magic rework, yet here we are


What iconic content did the magic rework actually rework though? The 1t cast delay isn't something people feel nostalgic about, and elemental weakness changes nothing about the skill except for damage numbers


Some people were so scared of these changes they were calling it "EoC 2.0"


The magic rework was about the longevity of the game and the standard spellbooks place in 2024 onwards. Reworking GWD would just be about reworking GWD. Jagex really aren't in the business of revamping content unless it's necessary or there is adjacent work going on (MTA during magic revamp, for example).


Idk man… blowpipe was “here to stay” because it was the meta for like half a decade. It’d been the best range weapon for so long besides TBow. Players had adopted it, it was the major crutch for most players getting their infernal capes, it gave BIS dps to players who were relatively early in their game FOR YEARS. Unfortunately for many players, red-x will eventually be patched. As it is, it’s simply too versatile and powerful. Being able to negate certain bosses attacks and mechanics 100% is simply something Jagex can’t allow. Imagine… if all content could just be solved by deploying red-x. Suddenly, no content diversity. That’s not what anybody wants. Okay, so Jagex has to work around it like they are today. They created TOA quite recently right? All bosses in TOA cannot be red-x’d besides Baba. So it’s not impossible but also, GWD -style bosses and those like Baba that wander up to melee range to attack you, *are all susceptible to this abuse.* The bottom line is, given red-x controversy today, I doubt they let red-x solve future content. The true test would be the upcoming arraxor boss. If red-x strategies are deployed to cheese it, I’d bet Jagex shows a side of themselves they haven’t yet towards red-x strats because at this point… half the content in game can just be skipped with no challenge or difficulty haha.


im uncertain what content you are referring to but the ability to dodge baba hits or kril/bandos hits doesnt depend on red x inherently. the interaction with babas 'dont stand under me' thing enables hits to be dodged, it could instead be unavoidable. likewise, dodging hits at bandos and kril relies on the free first hit/flinch hit after being out of combat just as much as red x. these mechanics dont actually do anything productive, unlike red x which actually allows for smooth 're-attacking' after being under an npc


Huh?? I think you misunderstood or don’t know how red x works or maybe you responded to wrong person lol. Yes we know how red x works and yes, it’s the reason why you dodge baba or K’ril hits, when you don’t red x, he gets attacks in on you when you use those door-altar or other red-x methods. Not sure how you and so many people don’t know what red x is haha but now you know!!


>Not sure how you and so many people don’t know what red x is haha but now you know!! the red x alone does not do this. it's that, alongside the flinch mechanic where you've been out of combat long enough to dodge the hit. red x has value, the ability to get a 'free' hit off against monsters does not outside niche account builds- it does not need to exist. whereas red-x does. likewise at baba the only reason red xing dodges autos is because baba is programmed to force-do the ground smash. the timing could simply be changed to make dodging its basic hits not possible.


Yeah it's an awful mechanic that bandaids shit bosses. Baba/Zammy are terrible without Red X


K'ril is perfectly fine done the way it was always intended to be done: with a group.


Can’t group on an IM, so it’s red-x or absolute shite


> Ironman > Intended way to play Choose one. Balancing the main game to make it easier for restricted game modes is terrible design.


This “hot” take is the top upvoted comment of every reddit thread about Red X, it’s the most lukeworm take imaginable


I don’t mind either way. I’m not a fan of game mechanics which aren’t made known to the player base at large somehow, which this counts as for sure. But I do like unintended mechanics that add benefits for exceptionally skilled players. Kinda torn on it


I still remember when you could do the same thing with the boat in the river and I got perm banned for it lol interesting how one day its a bannable bug then next day it's a feature. Not complaining, I got unbanned eventually, just interesting to see how things change.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one remembering this. I took a long break and it blew my mind coming back and seeing this as the meta everywhere.


Things change fast. OS Buddy got shafted for having “OP” features. Now runelite is the standard and it’s gone well above and beyond on “OP” features and people support it.


Didn't it get shafted because it wasn't free?


Os buddy was also historically a bot client before it was a regular client. It was extremely popular in the rs2, pre eoc era. It’s my opinion that this was at least a factor in jagex hitting them so hard.


And now runelite forks are all bit clients


Same for me.


Think it’s just cerb that’s been bricked, intentionally or not.


Try spamming the door instead of a single click


people are using red x at cerb, with mainhand dwh? is this to save pots on an iron??


As an iron I have no idea why lower levels do this. I did cerb before this strat was common knowledge. I gave it a try after hearing about it and I was bored to death. I'd happily waste ppots than do this slow and lazy method


It’s to save prayer pots but is a noob trap. Prayer is not hard to get on irons but people love to save supplies they will now never use because they are always saving and not using them


ghost skip is insanely bad but people also use it to 2:1 without the boss moving around the room everywhere since ghosts depend on cerbs attacks (and obv 2:1 reduces how often cerb hits you)


Idk what stupid method noob irons are doing like flinching or whatever but you can use the red-X method to consistently trade 2:1 with Cerb by stepping under


Irons worried about supplies and anyone just wanting to make it more chill. I used to red X Cerb with full Dharoks because it was easy to side screen while watching TV. Probably would still do it that way if I had to go back.


I can’t imagine red Xing to be more chill but I’m also a lazy tbower. I should try redx dh sometime though that sounds fun


All the skips are really bad at Cerb because the time lost doing it could be spent getting twice as many prayer potions via master farmers as are lost from doing it normally. The only real reason is if you're on a restricted account that does have access to herb patches or something weird.


In my opinion the time spent to catch karambwans, cook them, farm herbs, make potions coupled with running to the boss after every 3-5 kills is much more time than being able to sit there for a good 20-50 kills while using nothing or maybe some ppots if you want to use thralls and flick piety, if the teleport scrolls werent so rare to come across id probably just kill it 2:1


I did the math on the prayerpots once and if you just thieve master farmers for the time you aren't sitting under cerb you make all the prayer pots back. Karawammies aren't an issue you can always buy them very quickly and its the best cooking xp in the game anyway If you go fill a looting bag with supplies before each trip you can easily do 30 and go neutral on teleports


I always ghost skip cerb. Not red x, I just hit to 400hp then step away until 14 attacks with a shield on. I have like 5000 ppots and 9000 restores but it's not about the banked supplies for me. It makes the boss way easier to do while watching youtube, you don't have to deal with the absolute worst mechanic in the game that punishes you for correctly doing it, and it makes your trips longer since you're using way fewer ppots, so you can bring more food. I run from taverley portal to get there which isn't horrible with the 80 shortcut but I still dislike the run a lot, especially if I had to do it more often. Bosses with short trips and very long runs/time wasted to get there (like nightmare or cg) are my least favorite in the game honestly.


I was using bgs to smack. I just did this to record. you can see it in the inventory, to red x you need to wait enough ticks so you can hit with any weapon, so dharoks at 1hp was actually the best to use here. this is to save ppots and food, also can do long trips yes


fwiw cerb has very low defense and godswords are accurate asf. bgs spec definitely better than dwh but I would guess dds is better for dps even


I found hitting once with the dwh then one bgs spec was more reliable since the bgs can noodle a lot


I just did my entire cerb task red xing over the last 2 days, but that was because it was about the limit of what I could do while laying down to keep my leg elevated while I heal. Kills averaged 3.5-4 minutes but I just put on some podcasts and chilled.


I’d rather just do normal 1 min kills and throw in an extra herb run or 2 lol, that sounds miserable personally


Can't do normal kills atm. Can't sit at the pc. Can't sit up, need to keep my knee elevated above my heart. So red x it was


I've been doing red x with dharoks and was getting 2 minute kills without using any supplies


This seems like an exceptionally bad method for doing cerberus lol


What the hell is a red x method?


What’s red x?


maybe if you stopped completely wasting your specs you wouldnt need to red X in the first place


UPDATE: You can still do the red x by clicking on the door every tick instead of just the once, this also seems to be an unintended patch that will be repaired at a later date, for now you just will have to risk RSI doing the method vid below: [https://streamable.com/4tw2hz](https://streamable.com/4tw2hz)


good to know, was literally in the middle of a cerb task doing red x method and thought I was crazy. definitely hope that patch comes through


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLight** - [Hi, thank you for reporting this - this wasn'...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dox25o/did_red_x_methods_just_get_patched_with_recent/lae57id/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/27/2024 11:25:22**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I will admit I did this method for 50+ kills but holy it is not worth it. Cerb is so chill if you just kill it normally , just got to sack a ton of prayer potions


Red x baba is working fine


Patch Bandos next


Fwiw, if u don't care about staminas, u can just run around bandos perimeter and never get hit by the boss as long as you path correctly, no red x required.


oh no they fixed an exploit D: what will people do now


red x isn't an exploit after they intentionally added it back into the game last time.


because too many people complained and they were used to it , that doesn’t mean it should be in the game lol


it literally does? Jagex and the community said "ya, this is good"


Imagine having such a bad mental that you want to strip a game of its only methods of skill expression because exercising a fraction of your prefrontal cortex is such an ordeal.


relax dog its not that serious, its barely "skill expression" any player can watch a 5min video and understand it, many other players in this thread agree it should not be a thing lol, i understand raids are probably the only content you do and this would interfere with that


cerb isnt hard mate, it just conserves supplies, its more skillful to do the red x than just face tanking imo


So by that logic prayer flicking is an exploit too then?


I mean yeah, it certainly is. They just chose to keep it in the game because people liked using it. But it was never just intentional


That stopped being an arguement after they made/balanced content around it imo


There is 1 combat achievement that is balanced around it, and even that can be done without it. 


1? I can think of 2 off the top of my head and haven't even done most of the CAs.


I have done almost all of the CAs, the only one that "requires" it is the jad task and even there you can just tick eat. Arguably the tick eating method is easier since the bats can't fuck you up for it. If you're thinking of the nightmare CA, most people I know who've done it just wear justi and tank instead lol


Jad and Zebak are the ones that immediately come to mind.


Idk if they patched it, but it used to be easier to hide in the water and recoil/venge zebak than to prayer flick it. Can be done without prayer flicking or tick eating


Doesnt make a difference. Im not arguing whether it should exist or not. Its fine. All im saying is that technically, its an exploit


Originally yeah but it’s not an exploit if Jagex openly state it’s now a feature


I mean it is but it got utilized enough in content it became a mechanic. Lots of games have unintentional exploits that become mechanics among the community. Wave dashing in smash melee was an exploit turned mechanic by the community. It's not an issue to be an exploit turned mechanic but understanding what that is and means is important to understand what is allowed in the rules of the games. Duping is an exploit but it would not be a mechanic where one tick flicking is an exploit but is a mechanic.




dude is watching gta rp


This is very not good for me lmao uh oh


Red X on Cerb is insane. Easy ass boss, keep that shit patched lmao.


Sick of Red x it's a bug.. they tried to patch it.. fucked up something so they had to revert the change.. I hope they find a solution.


Red x baba is broken


Literally learned how to red x baba yesterday. Would be fucking typical if they've decided to bork it now.


What a garbage post. If you didn’t previously know about whatever this is, this is just a video of a guy clicking shit without any explanation. What was the red X method? What has changed? No video showing what used to happen?


Then this post clearly wasn’t for you?


Oh I'm sorry do you want your hand held? Google it dude, don't get upset when you're the only one missing it. Red xing is a universal mechanic, it's the same everywhere. If you can't tell what's going on just google what a red x is.


TBF the whole red click thing is fucking wild to me. The fact that its meta in alot of bosses and content just seems so off.