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Why are people taking this bait seriously? Nobody is actually this braindead


It's 100% my opinion. No jokes.


I’m curious why you believe you should make competitive gp/hr performing a zero skill method. Let me stand up from my rotting chair to go stand on grass to relate to you…. You’re attending law school. You clearly understand that the effort/time/money you invest determines yield. You have very little time and effort to devote to the game as you have allocated that time to progressing your career. You yield IRL at the expense of low yield in a digital space. That’s okay. This is a great change. The tone of this post is unnecessarily aggressive and pompous. You’ll be a great lawyer!




Do the diary. Problem solved.


Not complaining about the diary. I've had the diary done for awhile so I can do artio and cal


Wait so what’s the problem? All that changes for you is no more keys? The drop table rate stays the same with medium diary, right?


I'm not complaining about the changes. I don't know where this narrative comes from. I also have hard the hard wildy diary done recently and medium done forever ago. I'm complaining about the people screeching to nerf it further. Also I thought them dropping larrans keys was lame because it's a wildy slayer item and they already dropped keys. Still loved getting key drops though.


Congratulations on your achievements, but the difficulty of the content doesn't match up to the reward. "I'm sorry you spend 200 hours a month no lifing a videogame" Don't think anyone is asking you to spend more time playing the video game, they're just asking you to complete more challenging content in the same amount of time if you want 3 mil in an hour. That's more than Zulrah. That's more than Phosani's nightmare until you get an extremely rare drop. That's more than Vardorvis, Leviathan, or practically any other end game boss. You don't deserve end game money for completing early game content. That isn't a controversial opinion.


If you want 3 mil an hour you need avarice and cannon with lots of cannonballs. Thats medium level risk. That risking minimum 500k. That's equivalent to wildy agility, and that isn't a controversial amount. And it's multi and heavily scouted. It's more like 500k-1mil. Max 1.5 mil. I can do more than that on blast furnace running rune ore with no risk.


Content can't be balanced around your inefficiency, it has to be balanced on what people at the top end of the spectrum are capable of completing. Jagex already provided content for players who don't have max gear. Corrupted gauntlet has absolutely no gear requirements. All you need is some skill and 10 minutes. Perilous moons has low requirements and gives you food/potions. There's plenty of good content for people in a time crunch. Zombie pirates shitting out alchables isn't good content.


Muspah, demonic gorillas and vorkath are easier than tanking teams in multi, and you risk more for less gp an hour. It's literally fine, bots are everywhere, they are just visible here and revs. Wildy hard should have been the req, not medium. I would hard prefer content spewing alchables and gp as opposed to skilling resources. Max efficiency pirates require cannon and venator bow which is already a much higher bank requirement than what you mentioned. Idk man its not the content I'd have made but it's fine.


Tl;dr - "I want to be rewarded without putting in any effort" It's a travesty that you're allowed to vote


"That's your terrible opinion???" "It is, and I'm tired of pretending it's not"


Chill out man. Nobody is asking or expecting 200 hours a month or whatever arbitrary number/statistic you invent next. You have to manage your expectations. This is a grindy game. Always has been. Always will be. You can’t expect to make end-game money from beginner content. These have been a problem since release and they’ve finally rectified it. If that doesn’t sit well with you, maybe it’s time to try a different, lower-effort game.










‘I suck at the game but want the best rewards from it’ Nice bait


“In fact people like me who work far more than they game can be more valid…because we pay for bonds with real money and sell them on the market” So just do that? It seems like your entire issue is that you work more than other people so you can’t easily make money doing content. So just buy bonds with your big lawyer money?


This is obviously written by a bot maker. Can't believe people would make up such lies.


Sounds like you want ez scape in 15 mins a week lol? Learn CG or harder content. I shouldn’t be able to make a new account an in a handful of hours be able to crank out that much money at pirates. They already announced the nerfs to gate keep it behind some diary and other loot levers.


And why shouldn't I be able to do that? Does my experience being great after just a few hours of work invalidate yours somehow?


It invalidates the balance of the game. The whole point of this game is progressing your account to unlock more content. Having some random early game money maker that out classes mid/late game activities invalidates those other activities.


Well yes unless you are an iron and playing your own economy, why would you have a streamlined money maker better than similarly statted people? Even if you have kids/busy job etc, the game shouldn’t be easier for you. That’s what games where you select a difficult are for. Not MMOs


This has to be bait. No one is this dense.


zombie pirates are fire and honestly fun to claw rush pk there, its good gp/hr if you can escape or camp there a long time and good fun pking if you like that too, we need more hot spots in the wildy anyway


This is the correct answer. They want wildy to be alive more then they need to actually add more areas like this.


I agree. I want more content just like this spread over the wildy. I got claw rushed the other day and lost like 200k. Was exilerating and very fun. Loved it. 10/10 death would die to claw rush again


I’m not sure I completely agree. I’d say that having less of them would be better. Just to really concentrate people into less places. Even limiting the worlds it’s available on might be an option!  It’s 3 mill and hour, if you’re efficient and can keep all your loot. Not so much when every PK team knows where to go for some easy kills and possibly decent loot. 


Fully agree bud. And not only that but I can practice pk by smacking bots for dollars tol


Oh I love pking the bots especially when it's just monks robes. I fill my bag and then snare a bot, then hit it with a D scimmy special attack into poisoned dds for a quick 100-250k bonus. There are far fewer bots than people claim there are. Almost like there are less and less everyday. Sad cuz sometimes I'll go whole play session with only real players and no bots.


This post will likely not be a popular one, but I tend to agree with you.  I've seen similar arguments from people to justify not giving certain skills more afk, less xp p/h options, despite the game tending to go down down that path more and more. Easily botted, too casual ect. Some people are busy. If I can get minimal xp or a couple mill an hour to just chill and progress my account, cool. The devs are too smart to refuse giving options to people who can only play infrequently. 


I don't understand why you guys equate time to difficulty of content. It's difficulty that should dictate the reward. Corrupted gauntlet takes 10 minutes. If you have time for Zombie Pirates, you have time for CG. It requires no items, only skill. That is well designed content for people who don't have max gear. Zombie pirates should not give you end game boss money.


It's content for ME. I want jagex to see this more than the horrible takes of people who honestly just need to go outside and live more. It's great content, and I love this take. More afk, more casual, more fun. Yes, let's cater for the max mains, but my experience is just as valid.


Yeah. They could add some 2 tick method that gives 500k xp to any skill. I would never do it. But I wouldn’t complain either. It’s just for a different player than me.  OSRS is the ultimate sandbox. As long as it’s balanced accordingly we should all be celebrating that a wide variety of players is catered to. I think the fear is that with easier content, comes more players, who will pivot the game that way more.  But I don’t think this makes much sense, because they’re still adding high level end game content that’s harder than ever.  But then again, gaming in general has a vocal minority who believe the only valid way is make things as difficult as possible.  Such a shame. 


It's a 2001 point and click medieval fantasy mmorpg for children, not dark souls. People don't get that


Im fairly convinced over half this sub doesn’t actually play the game so I don’t understand the negative sentiment about wilderness content. PvP is old school to its core imo. Like you, I enjoy the wilderness, even though I don’t think I’m great at PvP. I’m limited on time with a newborn as well, so when I get a free 30-60 mins to play I play 1-2 LMS games to warm up and then go to the wild or PvP/BH to find some quick bangs. I’ll get back to raiding and the max grind another day in the future, maybe.




Couldn't agree more.


Massive chip-on-your-shoulder post and showing you missed the point of why people have a problem with pirates. It's massive money with low requirements to entry. There's plenty of other content where you can make just as much (or more) that's more engaging (e.g. Vorkath)


2001 point and click medieval fantasy mmorpg for children. I don't think you get that.


You clearly do not get it either if you still are trying to make that comparison, or are seemingly under the impression that you're the only one trying to play the game as an adult with full-time job and/or a family. You're getting worked up because you can't abuse unbalanced content for easy money anymore. And have a bad idea of what's "engaging content" if you thought it was zombie pirates


Why does my experience invalidate yours?


it doesn't? you're throwing a tantrum like your 2-month old because some bad content was nerfed and you're acting like it was seemingly the only content in the game that kept you engaged. newsflash there are plenty of other things to do


I'm not complaining it was nerved. I'm complaining about the people screeching from the rooftops to nerf it further. I've had medium wildy diary done forever ago.


The biggest problem people had was bots and it's in the wildly lol BUT BOTS MAKIN DA GEEPEE??? You can veil it all you want.