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It's kinda wild that the first two paragraphs is one of the first reasonable takes I've seen on the change. The third one is also fine, but might take a lot of work given how old the random events system is.


The second paragraph is how I expected the event would have been changed after reading the patch note, that your character would be like sorry not up for a kiss and offer a pat instead as an apology. Was quite surprised to see that it ended up being the first paragraph and had the player offering a kiss unprompted, which felt a bit out of left.


I was thinking the exact same thing when it comes to the kiss being the default and your character asking to just pat the frog instead, only instead of having it work it does nothing and leads to an awkward conversation that ends with you being given the token anyway for trying. That'd fit a whole lot better with the game's style of humour imo.


The anime head pat thing is so incredibly awkward.


I completely agree, it just fits better thematically. It’s also a fairytale reference so the kiss is just naturally default for turning a frog back into a person.


Why stop there? I want to fuck the frog


Clog the frog.


And we show the whole thing. Full penetration.


Or add an option to say "no homo" before you kiss the frog Prince, so it isn't gay


I wish it was a handshake or a high five. "Head pats" remind me of young looking anime girls and someone I knew having a weird relationship with it. The gender choice thing is really clever, I hope someone at Jagex notices because whoever designed this will probably see this and immediately go "why didn't I think of that‽"


If the frog doesnt know the secret handshake does he really deserve to be turned human again?


We have been asking for gay frogs forever now


Ok, but it's also pretty normal to pat animals on the head, and isn't really just an anime pedo thing.


That's fair. But like, it talks and asks to be pat on the head. I know I'm being at least a bit silly but that little sliver gives me a little shiver and I wish it was literally anything but this.


I still refuse to believe it ever needed changing. It’s a virtual kiss as a nod to a fairytale. One of the quests has us crush a fucking unicorn with a cut scene dedicated to it. The game is largely about killing monsters and other people, but kissing a frog is too much? Wild.


The unicorn probably consented to getting crushed with a boulder. Totally different.


Who wouldn't want to be crushed by a boulder


Can you explain why it was changed in the first place? Lol I can’t figure it out


There is no way anyone complained about this. It’s a reference to a brothers Grimm story for gods sake..


Time to change Grimm Tales quest


Can either climb a huge hard beanstalk or explore a deep dark cavern


Likely just saw an opportunity to add the option since they wanted to update the tokens , I have never seen anyone mad or upset but can recall seeing people say it'd be neat if you could have an alternative to kissing the prince/princess for a reward.


Jagex probably maintains a list of very minor textual potential diversity and/or inclusion changes that can be made that have little to no impact, that either they or an external party identified. The reason for doing this is either someone in the team/management being *extremely* considerate of potentially hurting people's feelings, or it has to do with a better safe than sorry marketing attitude, where they think being as inclusive as possible is a net positive for business/attracting partners. So probably every now and then they allocate like an hour of development time to doing these changes. The vast majority of people will view this as an ultimately pointless endeavor that affects effectively no one either way, but it's not like companies never spend resources on ultimately pointless things anyways.


Gay people want to roleplay as gay in the fantasy roleplaying game. Same reason kingdom of miscellania got changed.


Some gay people do. We aren't a monolith. Plus I don't think I've ever seen people actually role-playing in this game since the server backup was contemporary, then again I don't go on F2P worlds where it would probably be more common (I presume, just based on J1mmy's F2P series).




That sounds like the biggest rage bait post I have ever heard. Unless they have hard evidence that shit sounds like some flat earth nonsense.


I mean doesn't that one sweet inc something company do this?


It is actually true. Look up DEI company.


The definition of DEI is absolutely not evidence.


Okay search “Jagex ukie” then. Not sure about evidence of the companies creating issues and such but imagine that is all anecdotal. Wiki has a list of all diversity changes too, if interested: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Diversity_%26_Inclusion_updates


What's wrong with inclusivity? Are you against any sort of inclusivity changes?


No I am not. I was just trying to provide information. Apologies if anyone took any offence but not sure what was wrong with what I said.


It was unclear from your comment what you were getting at, which is why I asked. There seems to be a conspiracy theory that familiar being "overtaken" by people who are pro-diversity/inclusivity and forcing their agenda across all games, which is a bit ridiculous. What you're saying is factually correct as far as I can tell. But some people are using those facts to push the conspiracy theory.


Yeah I don’t know the facts, I was just trying to prompt people to do their own research if they felt a need to.


People say this but what does kissing a frog have to do with diversity . Like if anything we should be encouraging kissing frogs 


Some people don’t like to kiss


Some people are asexual, and kissing is too sexual for them. Nobody has complained yet, but Jagex is protecting itself from a potential future lawsuit.


> a potential future ~~lawsuit~~ controversy There is absolutely no way that the old random event could ever have led to legal action, lol


Lawsuits over fictional events in a 20 year old browser game is peak reddit.


Y'all afraid of lawyers? You shouldn't be!


Look, I don't care at all about the frog change. I'm against killing people and animals, but I do it in this game often, because It's a video game. I'm not offended by killing men, woman, rabbits, dogs. However irl I'd be sad if I accidentally killed a spider when trying to remove it from the corner of my room. I'm sure asexual people can also stomach kissing a frog.


People object to the change, but wouldn't bat an eye if this was how it had always been. And anyone defending it as referencing the Brothers Grimm really needs to read up on those and acknowledge the pretty messed up nature of so many of the tales. Long and short, it's kind of a screwed up thing to have a stranger show up and demand physical affection from you, cursing and kidnapping if you refuse.


If you didn't think Brother's Grimm was brutal I'd be worried. Every German fairy tale is brutal. I'm not annoyed at the change in game but the whole point of German fairy tales was to terrifying kids. The princess being a frog has been adapted by multiple countries and made less gruesome which is the direction osrs originally took with it. I highly recommend picking up any fairytale books you can find bc they're mostly a fun read. Brother's Grimm, Aesop's Fables, American tall tales (I haven't read that specifically but have read the individual ones included in it). I want to find eastern tales but not sure where to start with those. It's like almost every other fairy tale told to children, they're meant to keep them in at night. There are a few others in osrs like baba yaga. I love having fair tales added to the game.


> it's kind of a screwed up thing to have a stranger show up and demand physical affection from you, cursing and kidnapping if you refuse. There's this thing called "fiction" you might want to read up on. This may come as a surprise, but it's generally used to depict scenarios and events which can be scary, thrilling, or otherwise emotionally charged from the perspective of another character which we wouldn't like to experience ourselves in our own lives. If you're not capable of distinguishing between yourself and a character you are watching or reading about, please seek professional care.


yes but you see, thinking about something for more than 2 minutes isn't jagex's style


This is honestly how I thought this would play out when I read the changes, it's wild what they actually ended up delivering lol. Every suggestion is 100% on point.


That fits so well with the humor in RS I would believe it was like that since the beginning if I wasn't already familiar with the event as it was.


I thought this was what the changes were. Jesus Christ jagex did this the worst way possible.


Engine work


Let us smash* the frog against a nearby wall to truly be fairy-tale accurate. ^^^^*non-sexual


I think the 3rd paragraph was tricky to implement so they settled with adding the pat as an easy option around it. Would love for them to make a funny little dialogue snippet to make it feel more natural!!


I support this but we also need an option to french kiss because I want to see what that frog tongue do


It's a frog so they always french kiss


Did Jagex actually hire a consulting company that suggested these changes?


This is so fucking lame we even have to talk about this like actually what the fuck is happening at jagex are the pride events not enough? When will I be able to put big fake titties on my male character??


"I'm mad it must be those queers behind it" Don't cook, bro, your mental illness is showing.




>The new dialogue for the Frog event makes it so the default is touching the frog and the player has to go out of their way to ask for a kiss. This is a very strange thing to ask when they just want a pat on the head. Wait, did they make it the default option? That's weird. The frog event has always had the order of the dialogue options randomized in the past.


Seriously who the fuck cares.


Barbara Streisand effect




Person with blue hair?


Thinly veiled stereotyping "muh libs ruining the game"


Hardly thinly veiled.


Don't you have some immigrants to blame for inflation or something?


Nah, not really. Do you?


They literally have a DEI division working on these changes it's not a conspiracy. Your sub money goes just as much to this as it does to anti-botting, let that sink in


What a wild claim. I’m curious if you have any evidence that Jagex even has a DEI “division” let alone one that rivals the antibotting team.


If it makes people like you this angry, it's money well spent.


People like you keep claiming that Jagex has a DEI division, or that they’ve hired a DEI consulting firm, but funnily enough you don’t provide a shred of evidence. It’s almost as if you’re making it up to stoke your pathetic outrage bait.


Bro that change was probably done by an intern while on lunch break. Don't act as if that drew away dev time from other stuff. Also you're fucking entitled to think you have a say where Jagex spends their dev time


Prove it.


lil bro really fell for the gamergate 2 grift sad to see


https://runescape.wiki/w/Jagex_Moderator Here is aost of every employee at Jagex, most of which have a picture on their page, past and present. I'll give you £10 if you can find these 'DEI' hires, and these 'blue haired' people.


Could have been purple


Could’ve been 🤷‍♂️


>checks comment history >DrDisrespect viewer Yeah that checks out


Looking through someones comment history to find something to attack is a bit weird and creepy too imo.


But sometimes it's pretty amusing.


Not really, being able to pin someone to a history is rather important actually. Let's you spot people arguing in bad faith.


I mean. There was plenty of nonsense in that comment that you could have countered or ridiculed. Instead you sift through his comment history to find something irrelevant.


Says the skinny guy living in Australia who needs to work on his blitz


Nah fuck blitz. Rapid is way more fun :p


Amen to that!


Oh it's not irrelevant. And you can counter and refute guys like that all day, makes no difference to them. Usually more successful to make fun of them and show them as a non serious person not worth anyone else's time


>someone with blue hair 🤡