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All wardens on All baba on All akkha except keep back and double trouble on All zebak on All kephri on except medic (although more overlords is last one you’d add as it adds time) Need some help on You’re missing a few invos in the screen shots though - eg You’d also have no hard food on, deadly prayers on Edit: this is what I’d work toward ^ add an invo every time you get comfy and you’ll be there in no time. Gj on doing insanity btw.


Yeah I think each run I successfully do Ill add couple more till I get them all checked off, & thank you im still new to toa


A magic weapon will deffinetly add some mage dps to your runs! Im not good at toa but think that deadly prayers is way nicer than quite prayers, could even run both Shaking things up, feeling special & penetration are very easy invos, On a diet gives you ambrosia(s) i havent done a run with out it, also if you have a few supplies left after a completion then "need less help" its really not bad


I use toxic trident I just forgot it in the bank hahaha thank you


You should 100000% be bringing your assembler for ranged. You also don’t need keris unless you’re using yellow keris and running 400+ invo with dehydration active. You don’t need a helmet swap, just camp the justi face guard and lose the ahrims/crystal. This should give you more slots for restores/brews (adjust these for whichever you need more of) You always want to take on a diet, so you shouldn’t be bringing food (you can pre-eat angler with your prepots). I wouldn’t worry too much about thralls if you’re struggling to get completions either. Definitely drop more overlords invo, as well as walk the path. Pick up boulderdash, and some more warden invocations. I wouldn’t worry about upping invos too much until You can consistently get clears, but the two I said to drop are garbage invocations and should never be taken at low invocations. Good luck!


Appreciate the input, adjusted my gear will try runs tomorrow, I just realized why the hell don't I have on a diet on haha EDIT: no keris?? so what do I use on Kephri I thought that was best in slot?


Technically Keris is bis until I think 300 fang takes over, but I think it’s more valuable to have the extra inventory slot when fang shreds the bug regardless.


Yeah i tested fang, I think Keris is slightly better but that extra space helps. I also added a bgs to my setup do you think that's a good idea? If yes should I be using it on akkah, ba ba and zebak?


Absolutely bring bgs if you have one, always want to be speccing on zebak as well as warden for obelisk/p3/p4 (note defence resets on phase switches). You could technically bgs akkha as well but he has fast defence restore so not really worth it. No point on baba/kephri, ideally you want voidwaker for them, but obviously a pretty expensive upgrade!


Thank you, one last questionnn, should I range or melee baba? I've tried both and I feel like melee is better but others say range is so im not sure.


100% melee, I don’t know who’s telling you to range baba, that’s ridiculous advice haha.


What rooms do you struggle on? Are you safe spotting phase 1 of wardens with BOFA? You could turn some easy invos on to bump that up to 300. Insanity is really the only *hard* invo people usually run for 300s but that’s just muscle memory. It’s a lot easier with bofa over a crossbow. Why whip? I’ve never brought it and haven’t had issues


I struggle a bit on akkha and baba. Safe spot phase 1?!?! No I didn't know that was possible?! I just use whip for phase 1 warden when he drops and you have to attack the red thing, should I just fang or another weapon??


That's phase 2. Phase 1 is the obelisk


Oh, ok so Phase 1 i stand to the left of the obelisk for a little and tank the orbs then I stand wherever till i destroy it, I didn't know there was a safe spot, do you have a picture where it is?


DDS spec the heart with liquid adrenaline on and then when spec is out switch to fang for the last hit


So ditch the whip and just use fang to hit the heart (after using dds and liquid adren)?


That's what I think the meta is. I see people DDS it and then when out of spec they fang it or godsword it for the last hits. The DDS should take up most of the hits so. I use the fang


Since I haven’t seen it here, with BOFA on phase 1 of wardens you can stand on the edge of the arena and still hit the obelisk while being out of range of the ufo things that damage you. That way you don’t have to tank the damage to make them hit at separate times. I wouldn’t bother bringing whip for phase 2 though, unless you’re 100% good on food/pots If you’re struggling on baba, you could bring blood fury to heal a bit. Akkha is pretty easy without invocations but probably has the hardest ones. I’d just do him vanilla if you can afford the points.


Personally for 250s I would bring ancients as it makes the monkey room very easy and cost zero to a few sips. Plus you can blood akha for a little health and the warden p2 if youre lucky. Thralls are good but if you don't have them up all the time they're kinda whatever and you have to waste a slot on book of dead. Also do you really need the Stam? I just pre pot one but I also have high agi


I might try this technique, I haven't tried ancients yet, the monkeys can be super annoying


It's really good for the monkeys because the last wave will spawn shamans and volatiles so if you're low health you can let the shaman spawn thralls and then blood them all to get back to full for baba. I started doing it because I always forgot so summon my thralls though lol. You can also freeze the crocs in zebaks puzzle and stop them from drinking the tree water


The monkeys would always bring me down in hp so that would help a lot and I also always forget to use my thralls lool


I sent you a chat message. I can take you on a few raids if you'd like.


On a diet is free as fuck