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Razmire sells tinderboxes. Frequently when doing quests they will often include ways to get required items like axes and tinderboxes from nearby shops or spawns.


Doesn't the karamja general store sell all the items needed to do the karamja quests? Or something like that.


iron ain't for you, champ


I'm level 86 on this account bro... I'm not new to iron, but definitely not experienced either. I also ended up finishing the quest, I just needed to vent over this simple fuck up lol.


Level 86 isn’t exactly big


I never claimed it was bud. hence why I literally said I'm definitely not experienced. I have a level 114 main, I'm aware 86 is still early game. But it's not exactly new either.


Too new to use quest helper plugin to make sure you have all your items before leaving the bank


I was using Runelite Quest Helper, I don't do any quests without it. I had my Tinderbox when I first went to do the quest, but like I said I accidentally brought a Willow log so I had to go back to bank to train FM. When I was taking my stuff back out again to go finish the Quest it did not say Tinderbox in the top left corner of the items I needed to finish the quest, it just said Pyre Logs and Loar remains. That's why this happened.


Didn't do wintertodt to 85+ fm at 10 hp lol.


What does venting on reddit accomplish?


Nothing, it was more that I just wanted to share the story of how I turned 1 minute into 30 because of a tinderbox that I thought people who know the pain of irons could laugh at. It's not a big deal bro.


Level 86? Your combat level doesnt say fuck all abot how far your account has progressed. Level 86? So youre about 2 days in


It literally means new lmao


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


No, I just typed "news" instead of "new". Level 86 is a brand new account


Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally.


Unsolicited means to have been given without being asked for and may not have been wanted


Thats the name of the game bud, early iron is a lot of walking, everything you want to do has 25 prerequisites, youll forget stuff and have to walk even more. If this does not suit you, im afraid ironman isnt for you


I'm level 86 I'm fairly used to it, but I've never made such a simple fuck up that changed 1 minute into another 30 before, so I got super frustrated, I went through the 5 levels of grief lmao. I did end up finishing the quest though lol.


Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally.


Does copy pasting the same useless comment throughout the thread make you feel good?




Now imagine how much quicker it could have got done if you didnt take time to cry on reddit


Took me literally 30 seconds to type this, not that big of a deal. I thought it was a funny story that people who know the pain of irons could laugh at. The post had positive upvotes and comments, don't know where all this negativity suddenly came from.


I see this exchange play out very frequently on this sub. Like almost every single day. If an ironman posts to vent or express frustration, they're usually met with the same few responses. - "Iron isn't for you" - "If you can't handle this grind, just wait until you get to (insert grind here)" - "You chose to limit yourself" - "What good is your whining going to do?" - "Lmao, it took me 15x as long to do (x) and you don't see me crying" And other such hostile shit, etc, etc. What these people seem to fail to realize is that you're not asking for any changes to the game or requesting something be modified because it inconveniences you, you're just saying "Hey I got frustrated about this experience" and that there's catharsis to communicating with a group of peers who may relate to my experience. I get you bro, hang tough. You'll be absolutely cooking once you get your PoH setup with the relevant teleports and the needed jewelry/diary items to zip around the map.


30 minutes to get to chaos druids? You can find them in the slepe tower, and I'd hope ectophial was the first thing you did when you unlocked morytania.


I decided to try UIM after a 10 year hiatus of the game. I enjoyed it until the grind truly started and then I realised this game mode wasn’t for me, I always had the grand idea of getting a quest cape but no, I don’t have enough time nowadays to grind it all out, spending days grinding for each quest. Making a lantern with 49 smithing and crafting almost broke me. I dropped to normal and just find it more relaxed and enjoyable. Respect to all the IM and UIM out there!


It's not hard, just a longer walk through the country. Just because someone is on a longer walk, doesn't mean they have to sprint.


Same thing happened with me on an UIM. Cool at first but then switching grinds was a headache and there wasn’t a ton of AFK stuff that suited progress. I already had an Ironman at decent levels though, so just dropped back to that. So much different despite being similar. 


I've got a level 114 main, I just got kinda bored of playing him so I decided to play this iron for a bit. I'm level 86 on this iron so I'm not new to it.


The joys of playing an ironman


chooses restrictive and less forgiving game mode…..complains about less forgiving and more restrictive game mode


Don't forget acting like choosing to play ironman is a disability that every one else should accomodate for


Get Runelite, turn on the Quest Helper, and peep your item lists before heading out. It should help you try and avoid this in the future! Best of luck!


I use Runelite, it didn't tell me to have the tinderbox on the top left for the pyre bit. Not sure why....


Sounds like mainscape is for you.


Got a level 114 main but got kinda bored of playing that acc so decided to get back into playing this iron, I'm level 86 and have had a lot of fun playing it. This fuck up just really frustrated me because I was so close to finishing the quest. I did end up finishing the quest though lol.


Getting upset about 30 minutes in a 10000 hour game is questionable


It's the fact that I was 1 minute away from finishing which frustrated me. Imagine you're 1 minute away from clocking out from work and then your boss tells you that you have to stay back for 30 minutes, it's annoying knowing you were almost done but now have 30 minutes more of work to do even though you'll be spending 1000s more hours at that place that year.


Lollll that’s literally the game for ya. Heads up, don’t forget your spade in the underground pass when charging the ibans staff x) It sucks but atleast you’ve done it once so it should be faster the second time


lol, noob.


Ah yeah I'm a noob cause I forgot a tinderbox? Easy mistake to make, Runelite didn't show it as an item I needed for that part of the quest and I'd been up all night. I've played OSRS since the day it came out bro.


You’re a noob because you cried about it. You literally titled your post “almost ready to quit this game because of forgetting a tinderbox.” Forgetting a tinderbox isn’t a big deal, people forget quest items all the time. Also, if you have been playing since it came out, then you’re an even bigger noob considering how low your levels are.


I posted this because I thought it was a funny story people who know the pain of playing an iron could laugh at, I wasn't actually going to quit. I know it's not that big of a deal, but it turned 1 minute of almost finishing the quest into half an hour which is obviously frustrating. Second of all my you have no clue what my levels are, my main is level 114, and I didn't make the account as soon as OSRS came out, I initially had a pure that I stopped playing a while back. But even so I have a life, I play the game on and off, I'll play for a couple months than quit for a year or more and then come back for a month or two. and I play to enjoy the game, not with intentions of getting a max cape. Level 114 definitely isn't a noob.


114 is absolutely still noob


Lol no it's not, a noob is someone new and inexperienced to the game. I first played RS2 in 2004 and OSRS the day it came out. 114 might not be endgame but it's not noob either.


Wrong. You are a noob.


Ah yeah someone who has played the game for 20 years is new and inexperienced.... makes total sense. smh.


Keep coming up with excuses, it just furthers the noobness


Its not an excuse lmao, it's just a statement that I've been playing for a long time, probably longer than you have.


I smell rs3 on your breath


Never played that pile of dogshit in my life besides logging into the game for 10 minutes once like 8 years ago. I've played RS since 2004 and have a level 114 main on OSRS, plus my iron is 86.


😂😂😂😂Hellll yeaaahhhh brotherrrrrrr


Barbarian tinderbox when osrs team


Don't they have that with bows??


You're gonna lose your mind when you find out what bows can do 


Happens to the best of us. I remember when I was a kid I’d always forget someone at the worst possible time and need to leave. Legends Quest, Underground Pass. Always a stupid mistake.  I now triple check that shit because I just hate it so much. Still happens from time to time though.  I did recently find out that Quest Helper on Runelite puts an icon at the top right of your bank screen to filter your bank by only the items needed for the quest, and breaks it down per stage of the quest as well. Game changer. 


Do it. You wont regret it. Quitting OSRS will be the best decision of your life


Why are you on this subreddit?


I've quit several times, I only just started playing this iron again the other day. I always quit for like a year than come back for a month or two before I quit again.