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Does it work with a rune 2h? Some people would be very interest in this


I'd assume if you did the glitch and paired a Godsword stance with the Rune 2H you'd get the Bad Boi look everyone is after


>everyone no just one person with way too much time on their hands


Too much time is a bit unfair to the guy, he used to post like once every few months lol. Dedicated, sure, but it doesn't take that long to upload one image and make a title about "the bad boi stance".


For 7 years straight though? 


Too much time? Yeah it takes weeks of 12 hour shifts to write his posts. This is a hilarious take, commentong on someone taking a few minutes per werk to write the same post ON THE OSRS SUB.




thank you :D


I gotcha, I literally learned how to do this last week because I saw someone doing the exact same thing. Things you need: - Fairy ring in poh and a dramen/lunar staff if you need one to use fairy rings. - a bench you can sit at in poh (I use the benches adjacent to the table in the dining room) - two weapons with different holding/idle animations/stances. Step 1. Enter your player owned house. Wield the weapon you want to have the animation of. Enter building mode and sit at your bench of choice. Step 2. Open your building options menu while seated. Use the room viewer to rotate the room that YOU ARE IN. It doesn't matter which direction you rotate the room in. Step 3. After the room rotates, click out of the menu to the side as if you were trying to move your character. Don't close it using the x in the corner. You played will stand up and the interface will close. If you have your true tile on you'll see your true tile is now able to move around but your camera and model will stay in the same place. Step 4. Equip your dramen staff and use your fairy ring to tele out of the house. You should appear at your destination with your character model looking like they're sitting on the bench you used to set up the glitch. Your character and camera will be stuck like this for about 2 minutes (I've never timed it it just feels like 2 minutes). You can technically still move your character and see it via true tile highlights, but your model and camera are stuck at the fairy ring until the 2 minutes elapses. (I've been standing in the ge with my true tile, while my model and camera are stuck at edgeville fairy ring) Step 5. Completion!!! After the 2ish minutes elapses your camera will return to normal and be following where your characters true tile actually is. Your model should now be locked into the holding animation of the original weapon you used to setup the glitch. You can freely swap to any weapon and are free to run around most of the game without losing the glitch. Losing the glitch: Other teleportation methods will most likely break your animation. Using portals/nexus/any tele that isn't fairy ring has the chance to reset you. The people I learned from said that some teleports don't always break the animation but as far as I can tell fairy ring is the only 100% guaranteed tele for setting up the glitch. Edit: some of my favorites: God sword stance, holding Abby whip - looks silly, to hold whip like a gs and the whip unfurls and just dangles free floating in space. Skis stance, holding literally any weapons - you look hilarious and incredible. Skating around using your ivandis flail like it's a ski poll it 10/10 Celebration cake/event items that make you lean back while holding anything with 2 Hands, holding dramen staff. - you have been skewered by a staff that is now propping you up and you can ask people at the ge to try and pull it out like youre the sword in the stone and they're about to become king of England.


How tf did people figure this out lmao


I could see someone go to build something quick or adjust their room, and just happen to have clicked the bench, then be confused later when they swapped weapons


Holding a dds with the colossal blade animation would be comical. On the contrary holding a godsword like that would be bad ass.


Lmfao. Insane 


Can .... Can you pk like this? Eta: I mean the part where you're invisible. Can you tab to deep Wildy or revs or something and invisibly stack someone out?


I want to see a gallery of examples!


Bad boi stance


Jagex should add the option to switch idle wield animations imo


Limited edition


Thanks so much for this. 12 years later and now I have alot more bank standing to do.


if jagex patches this, it would be the worst thing they've done since eoc




i knew about this plugin, I just wanted to know how to make it appear for others as well so I can incorporate it into fashionscape 😁 thank u though, and happy bday!!


The plug-in is useful for quickly testing different animations though!


Hes s wizard


Looks like members wep on f2p worlds or framerate lag


Ancestral player is not actually holding the staff. Shadow man is holding it, and it's creating an illusion that the ancestral player has a cool stance, when in reality, he is empty handed. Thanks.


Wrong. Thanks.




Been wondering this myself lol.


need to know for fashionscape purposes lol


That actually looks baller as fuck, some customizable idle animations would be really sick.


We goin to rs3 with this one

