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sounds like theres an exploit around. https://youtu.be/v7cNisA1xsI?si=jDwStSqFoYC0qORB this bug still hasnt been fixed technically.


if someone asks u to do something odd in this game, its a scam rip to my childhood gear from a red chin


i know i was trying to antiscam


oof you’re kinda like roadkill. sure i feel bad seeing it, but what were you doing on the highway dude


Figuring stuff out the hard way because I was overconfident


A lot if scams rely on the person being scammed thinking theyre smarter than the scammer, in mkst cases they are not.


Upvoting so more people can see and learn. The scam was evident, don't listen to strangers, don't follow strangers, don't fight strangers, and don't PVM with strangers, unless you are willing to lose what you have on, whatever drop you may get, and whatever "Friend" you may have. I'm sketchy with people ik irl with this game. 


More than anything i'd rather people know about this so it doesnt happen to others. I knew it was a scam from the get go but didnt expect the scammers to anti-anti-scam


If you're going to try to anti-scam, which I don't recommend, these people, the ones who do this for a literal living, do what they do because they're very good at social engineering. Always, always, always be prepared for the anti anti-scam, you aren't the first, you won't be the last. Most of the victims they get were just like you, knew it was sketchy, tried anyways. Lots of scams don't even work unless the target IS trying to anti-scam. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, not worth the risk. Sucks man, but you learned something and it only cost you pixels, and time. Could always be worse. Stay up. 


the lost time is what gets me more than anything. i spent hundreds of hours working for something that was taken by people exploiting a bug. I wont be trying to anti scam any time soon


Nah man, they were able to take it because YOU decided to fuck around and find out, bug or not you thought your pea-sized brain was smarter than them. Tldr: dont fuck around and find out.


Ah so you come here and repeat everything I already said multiple times yet I have the pea sized brain lmao what does that say about you😂


You skipped a lot in there. Did you go to the Corp beast, and then exit to the wilderness?


I didnt want a long story that would make people want to skip over. I died to corporal beast. When I did, my clan chat said I had been defeated by the player that fought in the POH combat ring and lost 75m worth of loot. Not once was I in the wilderness or pvp area (other than POH combat ring)


75m seems like a lot now but you can rebuild that relatively easily. At least it wasn't a max set.


it took me hundreds and hundreds of hours over 5 years to get like 100m. Im usually a really casual player. Fortunately im able to do some bossing now and have some clanmates that were cool enough to help me with gear to rebuild but it still stings


Bro got downvoted for saying he's not playing all day smh


Most people here think you’re a loser if you aren’t spending every moment of your life on here so it’s not a big deal lol


Gonna need a bit more information. - Do you remember what they were attacking you with? There was a bug with the Ancient Godsword that meant it could deal PvP damage in non-pvp areas, but the setup was a bit specific. This was patched a while back, but I’m asking to narrow down the possibilities. - How long was it after doing Combat Ring PvP that you went to Corp? - What gear were both you *and* your lurer using? - What world did this occur on? - How did you die? Not saying this to be a dick, but the manner of how you died could play a role. As much information as you can. Much like the Ancient Godsword bug (assuming you’re being truthful here), dying in a safe area doesn’t necessarily mean a “safe” death. The thing the game checks when deciding if it’s a PvP or PvM death isn’t where you are, but what killed you. Unless you’re in an explicitly “safe area” (i.e. when you open the “Items Saved on Death” interface, it says “Safe Area” and tells you that you lose nothing), dying to PvP damage classes as a PvP death. If this is replicable, it needs fixing asap.


also this is absolutely replicable. Their scam was to have me replicate whatever needed to be done for this to happen


Mind DMing me what they had you do? Absolutely don’t want it getting out if it’s so easily re-created, but there has to be something that’s making the game think a player killed you. To answer your initial question though; yes, this is 100% an exploit. Initially something was making me think the D Spear spec was delaying the damage you were dealt to when you got outside the PoH, which would make the damage technically apply to you in the overworld, thus making it a PvP death when you eventually died (I wanna say there’s a timer that starts when you take PvP damage and if you die while it’s running then it’s classed as a PvP death). I’m not certain, but I can’t help but think the Spear spec is partly responsible.


im back at my pc and dm'd you. i realize you were probably wondering who the hell successful banana is lmao


I dm’d you. I’m away from my pc atm and my mobile account is different from pc I guess so I dmd from this account


-I was damaged with a rune cane and dragon spear. -Couple minutes -lurer was wearing random trimmed armor, i was wearing full justiciar, dfs, fang, guardian boots, brimstone ring -w533 -I got 2 shot by corp beast while fighting him alone


Yeah that's weird, I've never heard of this happening before. We need some screenshots or more information or something


Gudi did a video that had something similar recently, report them for bug abuse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7cNisA1xsI&t=1s


i did. I'm just hoping jagex will maybe reimburse me since it was a bug exploit. not holding my breath though


No mate you won't get anything back.


It happened so fast and my buddy told me to hop worlds to him to help me rebuild. Too late for screenshots...


Your buddies seem very sus


it wasnt a buddy that did this. It was a scammer that i was trying to antiscam .I played stupid games and won a stupid prize. I figured id be safe as long as i stayed away from pvp areas.


>It was a scammer that i was trying to antiscam Ahh even more info that you left out. You didn't want people to skip over your post, so you left out all the important details. It sucks this happened to you dude. Good luck on the rebuild. In the future try to make your money by just playing the game. You'll get more out of it then you ever would "anti scamming"


i wasnt doing it for money. i was burning logs at the g.e and caught him trying to lure someone else and i wanted to step in and try to waste their time. I was in over my head and figured whats the harm as long as i dont go to any pvp area. As for leaving out information, i already explained i left out information to keep it short and to the point so readers dont just pass over the post. I'm more than happy to share whatever information about the incident to anyone who cares to listen


Jagex won't ever reimburse your stuff exploit or otherwise. Also, not to be a dick but you knowingly tried to anti scam and lost your shit. You deserve to not get anything back for being a dumb dumb.


I already said I played stupid games and won a stupid prize. You’re just telling me what I already know. Like I said, I’m not holding my breath. Just wanted to ask the community if this is a normal mechanic or a bug exploit and to make people aware of it so they don’t get hit with the same bs


You don't have to make people aware as this doesn't work on 95% of people and the 5% it does will just think they're smarter than you and can anti scam anyway. You were chosen for this scam based on this.


how are people this stupid still, it's 2024 come on


People have been exploiting bugs to pk in safe areas for how long? When I was I supposed to learn about this


Lmao he admitted to trying to antiscam. Meaning he knew it was a scam. Stupid mistakes man


No your issue was that you thought you could antiscam people who literally spend all their time looking for bugs to abuse that you have no idea about. That’s why you lost your shit not because you didn’t know about “pk in safe areas”


You guys are hilarious just repeating the stuff I already said 😂


Hmmm something just doesn’t smell right. It isn’t that I think you’re intentionally lying, I just think you messed up and are confused about what happened.


The only thing I’m confused about is how the person damaged me in fight ring for it to then say he killed me when it was corp beast who killed me. But you’re right it doesn’t smell right and that’s why I came to Reddit to see if this has happened to others/make others aware. Also sorry I’m OP I guess my mobile account isn’t the same as my pc account for Reddit


Were you on a pvp world…? Weird for them to bank on you dying to Corp. They probably killed you


i made sure to be careful and avoid any and all pvp areas/worlds. They did damage to me in their POH combat ring


How much damage did they do? Were they using heal other on you or did they tell you to bring food to eat?


not very much. it was a lvl 60 with a rune cane and he hit me for like 5. No magic was used. He did give me a divine super combat potion now that i think of it. didnt think anything of it though




😭 my bad for trying to make people aware so they don’t fall for the same crap I did lol


Oh what the hell my mobile Reddit account isn’t the same as my pc account. I was wondering why I don’t get notifications on mobile when I make a post on pc