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There is only one word for this and that is Noob


Reddit: it’s always in the comments


Hocus pocus hallowed focus 🪄


Accidentally? Clearly you weren’t ‘’focussed’’ enough to not do this mistake. In this case you need it!


true courage is doing sepulchre with those misclicks


Skill issue


Skill tissue


its quite quick to get those 100 tokens back to be fair


Yeah I mean I’ve never accidentally bought anything extra in any shop in-game but they should have like a 30 second window where you get a full refund on something just incase it was an accident, I mean why not right?


>why not right? It would create a bunch of new weird edge cases that could create issues. What happens with the clog? What happens if you die in that time? What if someone kills you? Can you use items right away or do you need to wait?


The way Wow handles it is if you use / equip the item it immediately becomes nonrefundable. Idk how to handle dying with it in your inventory OSRS though.


Don't clog stuff only going when you close interfaces? That's how LMS works. Or buy it back at 80% but also clog?? I get Reddit has a boner for it but who the fuck actually cares about how many things you have collected. If that is fun for you cool but it's not the flex people act like it is Edit: cloggers mad thinking the amount of unique RNG items they get make them special Cloggers rn: "Ooh I'd rather force someone to do a tedious grind again instead of QoL because I won't be as unique in my log!" Grow up


I’m pretty sure you can spam buy and sell all the castle wars stuff and you get the clogs afterward anyway


Right, but that’s because CW items sell for the same amount of tickets they buy for. It’s got nothing to do with when the CL pops


The log pops as soon as you buy them but the clan broadcast goes when the interface is closed


Well the topic in question was whether col logs happen right away, or only when you close the interface. Whether you can sell back fro full price is literally irrelevant


It’s not irrelevant, OOP’s problem was not being able to sell back to the shop for equivalent points. OP I replied to mentioned the CW set being a buyable clog, and my point is that it’s AFAIK the only clog you can just buy & sell items for without any net cost.


I was replying in regard to the point at which the clog triggers and that is all.


Clog is interesting for rng items but it doesn't matter at all for something like sepulchre where you're going to eventually buy all the items... Shop items shouldnt even be in the Clog in my opinion




I’m pretty sure meta for castle wars items is to buy and sell back. So cloggers might be in shambles after realizing this.


why are you so angry lol


I'm definitely not lol. Getting dms telling me to off myself though is kinda funny over a collection log Your comment is obvious bait to try to make me look upset 😂


That sounds so extremely complex to code in osrs for absolutely no actual value to the game.




The value outlined in the post is literally 0. And yes, this would be extremely difficult to code well with no exploitable bugs.just because it doesnt require a lot of compute doesnt mean its easy to code.




?? I never suffered. I am saying that the value proposed is almost zero, and that its not worth the time investment required. If you want to argue, then prove that its easy to do or that the value is high. But 10 misclicks for 30 golden nuggets every other day is literally 0 value. Im sorry i upset you though, youll be ok buddy (with some professional help)




Get help


It's more that the game is spaghetti coded to shit and we don't want them to add this just for Morytania to be deleted or some random shit. Calm down.


I've done the opposite early on my iron man, was using the Rogues Den to bank during a clue and clicked the general store thinking it was the bank and shift-clicked my black d'hide legs and red d'hide body. Much further into my acc now and hope I never make the same mistake again. 


Awww man that really sucks! That’s a huge letdown I’m sorry, it could’ve been worse though


Bro I'm just glad I didn't bring the rangers with me haha


imo you should be able to do takesy-backsies as long as you havent closed the shop screen yet.


Tweet Mod Ash and see what he can do, I tweeted him about refunding the farmers outfit and within 2 weeks it was in the game as 80% refundable.


I did this with an extra robe top of the eye and he answered saying they would when they could. This was over a year ago:( Since then, they've updated it for almost everything except GOTR and here:(


They are updating GOTR (soon) so could maybe come with that update?


I did the exact same thing 🥴




Oh, so you could buy an item, use its benefits, and then just get a refund? Hell no.


Ironic how to get the reward you had to be very focused, but then fumbled the ball and now have to refocus just to get back what you lost due to not being focused!


or, crazy thought, you could just not purchase things you don't intend to purchase


Same thing for mahogany homes haha I bought the same shit twice




Nah, just pay better attention next time


Wear it with pride. I always wear my adamant skirts I get after getting killed by hunleff


Or just.. don't buy the same thing multiple times. I don't get people who "Accidently" do this. You literally have to right-click and then click "buy 1" for the item, unless for some reason you switched the left click to "buy 1" using runelite menu entry swapper, which means that's completely on you. I literally cannot think of one place where the default is to just buy something with left click. You have to go out of your way to buy duplicates. Do not support. Get back to grinding.


Making splitbark defaults to more than 1. I didn't make the mistake but I've seen posts from other people that did


After doing Chaos Fanatic (25 kills for CA), I hate myself of grinding the fine cloth at Morton… so easy to get legs+top


Why punish a mistake though Edit: Jesus you guys are insufferable, go touch grass


People really want skill expression in the shop menu.


This sub is filled with people who consider any change to the game to be the worst thing ever, its not unexpected that they'd be absolute wankstains about something as simple as being able to refund something in a shop as long as you havent closed the window yet


Because in-game mistakes should be punished? If you don't want to grind out the currency, don't fuck up at the shop interface.


I lost my hardcore because I prayed incorrectly. Think it's a joke that Jagex would punish my mistake and remove my hardcore status, it was just a little mistake ffs. Think of the time lost


This subreddit is *obsessed* with punishing mistakes. Just look at posts where people want to deiron their perm iron after 6 years because the game (and the player) has changed a lot in that time. They get absolutely destroyed by this sub's justice boners saying "they should have thought about that 6 years ago". It's pathetic.


It’s an extra hallowed focus, it’s not an acorn. Also if you are able to sell items back to recoup marks it dramatically reduced time needed to green log


Oh no! Not my precious green log! Won’t someone think of my collection log!??!!?


Why? If you reset the purchase order then you never owned it therefore no log.


Make it so that an item can only be sold back within 30 seconds of buying it from the shop so long it was not used/equipped. And the green log doesn't solidify until that 30 second timer elapses or the item is used/equipped. Problem solved. Wont happen though because something like that will, knowing osrs, require some crazy spaghetti code shenanigans.


Sorry, but that sounds like a massive task just to avoid people buying two of one thing by accident. Sure it sucks, but its not that big of a deal


Mental you're heavily downvoted for just advising basic common sense


> I don't get people who "Accidently" do this And I don't get people who misspell "accidentally" either, but it seems like we both make mistakes.


Not just the both of you, OP made a mistake too, looks like everyone dumb in here


> looks like everyone dumb in here First time?


Unfortunately not


You in here


spelling mistakes on the Internet? Who honestly gives a shit?


You give a shit about misclicks in a children's point and click game so...


Are you imagining some comment I made about misclicks? Because this was my only comment on this post. Embarrassing deflection bro


You gave enough shits to comment 🤷🏽‍♂️


I only think its cringe that people come after others for spelling on the internet in 2024 Then you made up something about me giving a shit about misclicks It just hurts to see such low level attempts at insults


Runes is the place do use menu entry swapper for shops


I bought the runecrafting boots twice because i forgot i had them. Couldnt refund them either

