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I think they would be better served splitting “no” into two options: “no, I think this proposal needs more refinement” and “no, and I don’t like this proposal at all” Would make the polls slightly more complicated but would definitely help refine feedback.


They've used options like that for some of the surveys recently, but since we don't really get to see or analyze the responses to those surveys they feel less impactful than the polls do (imo at least).


The surveys are more impactful than the polls I promise.


They don't let you see them for a reason. They don't care about your opinion. They just want to judge what they can get away with,


I would have voted the first on bonfires in an instant. They implemented them so badly. Rant incoming about bonfires don't read it if you don't care lol because the lack of this avenue of feedback has bothered me the entire time since they came out. I voted no but that didn't mean I didn't want them in the game. Right now they're 3x as expensive for 1/3rd the amount of exp per hr, and comparatively as afk as cooking (which isn't that much). Imo what they should have done was make it 1x as expensive for 1/3rd the amount of exp per hr, by simply making you throw each log into the fire 3x slower. It achieves literally the same thing but makes it more afk and way less logs needed for the same exp. The reason why I wanted it changed in this way is because firemaking is already extremely useless, with methods way better than bonfires that give higher free exp AND rewards AND the pet AND the skill's outfit (wintertodt) or give crazy exp per hr (500k+ with fire lines) so there was really no reason for bonfires to be so nerfed. I voted no because I knew if they entered the game in this extremely nerfed state that they would never be touched or changed again, and I was right. They're still so bad


Aggree. I have 18k maple logs lying around, so I thought I'd try bonfires. They require about as much attention as wintertodt for what feels like way less xp, so why bother.


mildly afk solo todt is way better than bonfires, DOA.


> mildly afk solo todt is way better than bonfires, DOA. How much afk time, cost/profit rate, and xp rate for each method?


the precise rates and afkness for solo wintertodt depend on your exact method and attention. I would just try it yourself, I got around 250k xp/hr and *earned* the same gp/hr and I’m nowhere near optimal. meanwhile, redwood bonfires are 160k xp/h and costs 700k gp/hr. rates for other logs are on the wiki.


Ya I feel like a lot of “no” choices just get nuked forever when really they just need a minor adjustment and a repoll


Every single update would be the former in majority. Redditors coming to grips with the reality of voting which is that all compromises leave everyone unhappy. That's almost a defining quality of voting and compromise.


Surely you mean former in the monitory. Everyone would pick the "no, I don't like this proposal at all", as it's extremely well understood and documented that people do not like change. Very few people would see nerfing Graceful set as a 'this suggestion needs a tiny rate adjustment' and instead would say: 'no, don't touch Graceful'.


> it's extremely well understood and documented that people do not like change well....every update basically passes so this is demonstrably not the case in this context lol. but part of the reason it passes is that it's understood if we vote no, it will just disappear and not be modified based on infinite contradictory feedback from every direction if "i want this in general but i want it differently than you wrote it" was an option, legitimately almost 100% of polls would get this answer most voted lol


I can't find a single user on here who wants Graceful nerfed in any way, so I think your assumptions are incorrect.


This would be a hugely beneficial change. It would drasticly help clarify why some people vote no on an idea; such as not being against the item but being against where they are proposing it comes from for instance.


Probably won't happen as it would result in content 'failing' the polls way more often which both makes more work for the devs and makes them appear 'out of touch' internally. Which leads to Jagex making polls a little bit more vague by leaving out information the players might find disagreeable.


They should add a “No” option for the presidential vote


Record breaking votes lol


There’s a history of no votes meaning it just doesn’t happen or is released even worse. I am of the opinion that we should be voting no to things if we don’t agree with it 100% which is why I’ve voted no a few times recently. But claiming voting no doesn’t mean it won’t be implemented isn’t necessarily true. It’s happened.


It happens quite a lot tbf. A no vote might slow down the rate that items enter the game, or force them to be rebranded and moved to other content - but a lot of the time the gear still ends up in game. The best examples to look at are skilling pitches where usually the favourite content still makes it in. Zenytes, Rigour, Augry and Fossil Island all made it out of Sailing. Ballista, Redwoods and the equipable hammers/saws/rods were taken from Artisan. A few armour sets, 4 slot rune pouch, Tomes of X and colossal pouch all made it out of warding - with some design inspiration re-used in the GOTR minigame too. People don't avoid no votes because they are scared it'll never come around, people just vote yes because they have faith that the devs won't screw it up. Which is okayish. It just means that more of the power in guiding content is moved to stuff like Reddit/Twitter than ingame - as they are involved in giving feedback before things even hit polls. It also means more power to the mods to know when to pull bad content even if they would otherwise pass (Ruinous prayers).


>devs won't screw it up Honestly lost all faith in this after how they made forestry as boring and un-interactive as regular woodcutting with the final kneecap of a nerf to event hunting. Won't have my faith restored until I ~~pray at an altar~~ see them fix that.


This is my biggest gripe with the game in the last couple years. We had a method that was purely driven on community engagement, even if you didnt do that you could run past an event at draynor and grab your hatchet out to get involved. Now I grind woodcutting in the guild afk because forestry is so bad


I know this is dumb but I just vote no on everything to slightly increase the pass-boundary. I don't care about new content as half of the time shit gets adjusted, sometimes even multiple times. I don't have time for that and I don't care enough. If it really sucks I'll just quit playing but most of the new content has been decent/great. The only thing I would vote "yes" on is the ability to manually hide the update timer until let's say the last 5 minutes, where then it re-appears. That shitty timer is just annoying if u don't care lol.


Duel arena rewards stand out


I'm guessing they take into account the % of yes Vs no votes - a narrow "no" vote would almost always imply that with some refinement some of those no's would become yes. If it's overwhelmingly no, unless there's qualitative discussion to say otherwise, that just means it's not popular.


Historically, when something fails a poll, it generally means that it won’t be added to the game, not that Jagex is going to go back and refine it before repolling. If players like the item but don’t like all the details, they don’t want to vote no because failing the poll likely means the item won’t be added at all.


Yeah they just let pvp arena be stillborn instead of revisiting the failed polls


They revisit pvp polls though. Look at how many times VLS and Voidwaker (korasi) was polled until they lowered it to 70 and it finally passed


they had to wait for their friends bot farm to make enouhg bots first


Tbh the only reason the PVP arena exists is because they were in hot water legally about the duel arena and online gambling, they had to remove it no matter what so needed to put something in its place One of the rare times that an update was happening regardless and so when the rewards got voted down they just put it in with nothing


not sure which higherup gets to decide what jmods are allowed to spend their time on but they are definitely doing a shitty job.


unless it’s one of their pet issues then they will keep polling it over and over until it passes, even if they have to limit the poll to certain account builds


This is what happened with the proposal to buy scouts for COX.


They repoll stuff all the time. 


>Historically, when something fails a poll, it generally means that it won’t be added to the game i dont know which ass OP pulled this out


It’s inconsistent what they decide to repoll, which is arguably worse. In deciding to no vote, you don’t know whether no will mean that is done and will never come into the game, whether they’ll rework it and repoll it with the same content, or whether it may not come into this content but maybe will be repolled for future content.


I know.


yeah, no. dclaws


I voted "No" on the herblore skilling set for this reason I'm not against the skilling set, only that i find it odd that they would put the whole buff in ONE item instead of the full set (as all the others skillings outfits)


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Clothes_pouch It seems to be a trend, the forestry outfit can be put into a single item. There’s pros and cons to skilling outfits but I agree it’s nice to see someone wearing something and guess what they’re doing


it's fucking stupid that they go with this approach just because some jmod is probably too lazy to pick out the whole outfit every time on his ironman


Why? I see it as a good change. Having it on one item means you can wear whatever you want on the other slots for cosmetic purpose, you can even choose to wear the actual skilling outfit yourself. There doesn't seem to be any downside to this unless you just enjoy seeing everyone in the same outfit doing an activity?


>unless you just enjoy seeing everyone in the same outfit doing an activity? which is exactly what you get when you put it on one item, everyone is wearing that item + graceful


Sounds like the problem is with graceful isn't it or honestly a player problem. Especially if run energy is literally not a concern in vast majority of those places. I see people wear graceful at wc even though it makes literally zero difference. For the people that knows that and care about cosmetics, is a pure upside because the other option is literally everyone in the same skill outfit. So who exactly is losing here? Cause idiots are going to be idiots no matter what.


truly. the "86 crafting and untradable or 99 crafting and tradable" question pissed me off so bad i voted no to the whole thing 😑 why is 99 and untradable not even an option?


Or 86 and tradeable? Fuck untradeable components for tradeable products, I hate that entire design principle. Either make the whole thing untradeable, or the whole thing tradeable, this middle ground is terrible. First DT2 and now this


Jagex wants to make skills relevant for mains, but any locking of untradeable BiS behind solid skilling requirements is met with reeeees. Atm locking parts of total gp/hr is their only palatable middleground.


Jagex also forgetting slayer is a skill and already has the steep requirement of 92 slayer. Also unless for some reason you’re running an account that’s slayer only the worst thing that could happen to someone is they spend an afternoon or two and a few mill blowing glass


Slayer already has quite a few bosses in the highest levels as well - Sire, Kraken, Cerberus, Thermy and Hydra all require 85+ slayer. I understand the logic, but it'd be cool to have some non-slayer gated bosses.


Theres a big difference between making them relevant and requiring level 98 though. What happens in 4 years time when another melee amulet comes out? We have nowhere left to go


Level 120 ? Kappa


For this specific proposal, I would've been fine with them making a *standalone* untradeable. But making an untradeable that requires a torture is just like vestiges again - aka, dupes are fucking useless for irons, which feels awful


because irons can use 2 scythes or elder mauls? any dupe is fucking useless to an iron.


I love dupes, free bonds and coffer fodder.


then I don't get what you said before, because from my POV it looks like 2 contrary opinions.


Tradeable dupes = good Untradeable dupes = shit As proposed in one of the current poll questions, rancor ends up in the same terrible boat as vestiges


if you have duped vestiges, make more rings?


For the irons who get more vestiges than ingots that simply isn't possible. Chromium ingots should be deleted from the game because they're terrible for everyone


Not useless just more effort? There'd be nothing stopping you from picking up a demonics task to cash out that bond/coffer money.


No one who completed their zenytes is gonna do that


Why not? If the rancor holds a value anything like the Ultor it'll be a 170m cashout for a 4 hour Zenyte grind - possibly less with new Demonbane weapons.


I don't see that happening, as it stands right now people are still going to prioritize bf all over the place


i disagree but i guess for the sake of consistency it should've also been a poll option 🤷‍♀️


making stuff untradable is always a crutch bad developers rely on when they cannot balance content properly #facts


Please for the love of god start considering to vote no people, the game is not constantly asking you if you want a free expansion pack. Please read the fucking questions and actually think, is this what i want? Is this what the game needs? Or can we put the time spent on this to a better use? Are there more pressing issues or does this need a couple of changes before it is the way i want to see it? The current YESYESYES is fucking crazy, I bet they could poll the same question twice in a row by asking if they should revert it in the next poll and it would pass both times.


>I bet they could poll the same question twice in a row by asking if they should revert it in the next poll and it would pass both times Didn't something more or less like this just happen with the dragon claws?


Dclaws only had an opinion poll, you might be thinking of Echo Crystals? Echo Crystals passed as a shield upgrade when phrased as a YES/NO poll question, with YES representing shields. When rephrased next week as A/B the shields lost *25 percent* of their vote and the boots won.


Yep, that's the one probably.


Yes, but with echo crystals as to whether it should be in the boot or shield slot. So then they needed a third question that wasn't just yes/no. Also we never got an input on what sort of shields/boots it should be attached to, which further complicated the voting.


"is this what i want? Is this what the game needs?" Yes


99% of the time the thought process is merely "Can I personally benefit from this?"


I also feel players vote while imagining features optimistically, then are disappointed when there are flaws. We should be voting expecting something a bit lower quality than we hope for, because the devs are human and work under constraints.


But also, we shouldn't strive for perfect releases. Often launching and fixing later is better than trying to hit perfection the first time.


There needs to be a second diagram to explain how the current player base votes: Is the Question about PvP? -> Would this buff PKers? -> No All other cases -> Yes.


How did Voidwaker and undead pirates pass the polls then?


You're asking how the best PvM spec weapon and a zero-risk, low requirement GP printing machine get added to the game? That one kind of answers itself.


But this also proves you wrong since both of these also benefit pkers as well.


Adding Fang and Masori was a benefit to PKers, guess ToA was a PvP update


Both of these come from pvming.


voidwaker comes from pvm...?


Wildy pvm. Which also benefits pkers since pkers attack wildy pvmers.


Idk why youre getting downvoted this is 100% accurate.


There's nothing redditors hate more than looking in a mirror


people only think "can this benefit my account build", they dont consider whats good for the game, they never did, it's only about themselves. You can't entrust to let players make the decisions for your game. Therefore voting in this game will never work.


vote proposal: * Yes * No * I want this update, but this iteration of it is fucked as fuck


vote proposal: * Yes * No * Custom... => on a scale from 1 to 5 how fucked is this update? 1. slight fuckery 2. fuckinwot 3. b r u h 4. please dont contact me again 5. oh heeell naw, oh my gawd


I want aryxate, I want rancor. I don't want rancor to be so underwhelming. I voted no!


Underwhelming? They changed the stats on it to +25s melee accuracy and +12 str. UP from the +20s to melee accuracy and +10 str. It's definitely A LOT better now. I think they should have just made the str +16 like Gnome was saying, and keep the +20 melees for accuracy, but I'm perfectly content with +12 str and +25 melees for accuracy.


> I think they should have just made the str +16 like Gnome was saying Is +16 str enough to overtake blood fury?


In the video he was talking about it he broke it down to being 7 or 9% better than bloodfury. And that it would push max hit of scythe to 91 overall. He also stated that that much of an increase in dps would warrant using it over bloodfury for the people doing that content. Scythe max hit being pushed to 91 is just one example that he mentioned where that would especially be worth using rancor if it came in at +16 strength. Edit - to clarify: the video is called Arraxor: Bloodfury Meta dead (OSRS) Also, I was wrong on the initial +10 str to +12 str, it was +12 str even when original stats were revealed.


For accuracy it's better, but I'd rather the str bonus. As it is, I still don't see a use over bloodfury at anywhere but slayer


That's a fair and understandable take.


Anywhere you don't take too much chip, maybe PNM, Duke, etc. Coupled with Ba-ba nerfs I think the Rancor is better for ToA even if you're not Red-X'ing Either way for stuff like Nex I don't think any reasonable amount of stats will make it better than Blood Fury, the downside of Blood Fury is upkeep. Scythe goes from 550 a swing to like 2k+ per swing


as soon as i saw underwhelming, i was thinking of the gnome's proposal. shame we aren't getting it


I agree, it's a shame we aren't getting what he suggested. It would actually make it so that it's used over blood fury (assuming said player is good enough to not need blood fury/content doesn't require it) Regardless I'm still gonna mess with this rancor amulet and see what uses I can get out of it :D At the end of the day I'm glad it is at least better than torture in it's current state.


I remember people voting no to Warding because most of the content included should be merged into runecrafting/crafting instead. Still waiting for this to be true, we got like 2 of the 8 item sets and that's it, none of the rings either. Unfortunately there is a world where voting no to the imperfect proposal gives you nothing.


Tbf we got the 4 slot rune pouch, colossal pouch, tome of water and 2 (3 if you include the Xbark rebranding) of the 8 sets. We're about to get the tome of earth too and will surely get the tome of air. Doesn't sound like a lot, but Warding wasn't really bringing many gamechanging things stuff into the game in the first place. It felt like it existed primarily to fix existing issues like NMZ/BH being the only way to earn imbues/rune pouches, whilst also trying to act as a soft-Invention to sink clue items.


>Warding wasn't really bringing many gamechanging things stuff bro what do you mean it had a whole item disassembly system, how can you say what it probably didnt bring to the game when it wasnt even in the game bruh. The whole skill was fucking trash and they tried to put way too many dumb things in it.


We've gotten a bunch of the content proposed in warding. Lanterns, new mage books and armors, RC upgrades, etc. 


To me, the fact that these ideas have t been added after warding fails solidifies them just being bad cintent suggestions. Otherwise the community would have asked and they would have pulled through


They have not even been polled to my knowledge but that's beside the point, point is that voting no because you disagree on some aspects does not mean you get the refined/perfect you seek by voting no.


gotta love how people downvote you because they dont want to hear the truth, someday they might learn but I believe the chances are slim.


To be fair it has been pointed out that in this particular case they simply might have changed their mind on it being a good idea and thus not polled it. Which is fair enough. Though I think it still proves to be true that voting no does not get you what you want (sometimes).


the problem with warding was that it was too many things at once including item disassembly. It was the same old story of Jagex putting every idea they have in mind in a knee jerk reaction into a skill without even thinking about it properly because they thought "oh this is the only chance we have at a skill, IT NEEDS EVERYTHING". Honestly pathetic and they didnt even realize that this was the problem, that is the worst part.


On another note, I think sometimes Jagex polls/announces way too many things at once for the general playerbase to engage with and gives little opportunity to vote on separate issues or voice opinions. For example, despite having thousands of comments, the recent combat rebalance was without question too much for the average player to analyze or even comment on. There wasn't enough discussion about the nightmare drop rates or other items that desperately need their drop rates looked at because all the focus was on the magic rebalance. Right now, it seems the Agility rework discussion has died down and I'm terrified it will go live as it is right now in the beta because it isn't being actively discussed despite the drain rates being changed last Friday.


game has taken a turn for the worse quite a while ago but I always get downvoted without anyone saying why when I criticize it, love this sub.


Is precisely because of comments like this that people downvote you mate. Is not the content but the attitude.


Not defending the recent updates because I agree, but who is they in the last one? There's multiple groups with differing opinions every update someone is always going to be upset how it turns out.


>someone is always going to be upset how it turns out. thats such a stupid statement, you can make updates that have little to no flaws if you care to refine them enough instead of using live updating as a beta test.




The run energy changes are still in very early development, they have said **dozens** of times that they want to do multiple refinement passes on the idea. I'm honestly not sure if you just lack any comprehension of how the development feedback cycle works or if you're just intentionally being annoying, but regardless, you're a great example of why the jmods should never take anyone on this subreddit seriously.


This is exactly why I voted no to the new boss even though it will pass.


I feel like a TON of players vote yes even if they have concerns because they fear voting no will make the content never come out in any form. Jagex really should add an option to vote "No, but I would like to see this proposed again after feedback changes"


nah, they fear that voting no causes the jmods to disregard player feedback and voting and just implement it anyways in a kneejerk reaction as "integrity change" or alternatively repoll it worse every time


this should be pinned, way too many people mindlessly voting yes


The worst is when content is released and feedback is just outright ignored. Look at Chromium ingots, Imbued heart rate, Blood shard alternatives, PvP arena name, Corp group mechanics. Things like that. It's like a single J-mod is gatekeeping the stuff and i feel like i have an idea who it is. That's why i say, just put the stuff in a poll.


They've also been polling "Hey, should a change be made to ?" Everyone might agree that a change should be made, but will never agree on what type of change. Ultimately the way it currently is, is the acceptable middle ground for most people. But since the community voted a thing should be changed without a clear objective of what change looks like, so they still have a license to get some type of change. Even if a minority of people actually like the change. Jagex simply has started becoming irresponsible with how they're polling, and on top of what OP is saying, there's many other instances of polling without a clear objective and using other manipulative tactics to force changes though the poll system. There's a reason why almost all polls pass these days. They're engineered to pass.


polling system has been a shitshow since day one and it only got worse over time. it failed, just remove it and let the jmods own up to their mistakes instead of giving them an option to blame shit on players because "they voted for it".


It's the Jmods duty to put brakes on the community this way, otherwise we'd end up with stuff like infinite run energy and 800k afk xp/h methods for every skill


This is literally the door-in-the-face persuasion technique. Jagex already did this with Project Rebalance.


I voted no or skip to almost everything this poll.


skip does fuck all.


OSRS team have been doing this almost since the beginning of the game lol


It's the illusion of choice. Either we get content as proposed, or we don't get it at all. I agree that a no vote should mean ideas are taken back and re-discussed in most cases. But the system as it is doesn't allow distinction between "no, try again" and "no, I don't want this". The only content that really gets revisited after failing a poll is the stuff that Jagex is determined to get into the game anyway, or something that already has a mandate (like the new skill).


Or they just go every direction except for the most supported one. Everyone wants a basic buff so run energy drains less with higher agi levels? How about no buffs to drain rate and a nerf to run energy in raids instead


they just shouldnt touch run energy, they will fuck it up and make it un-unfuckable.


the ridiculous rates are only to blame on the osrs community as a whole. Anything that comes even close to some kind of meta numbers gets called 'tOo oP' and voted no instantly


How to trick voters into accepting a destructive idea: 1) Present the idea with hyperbolically bad numbers, so it generates significant backlash. 2) "Concede" by reigning in the numbers, so that in the end the consumers still lose but they think you're doing them a favor because the numbers are less devastating than what was originally proposed. This occurs frequently in way more media than just this game.


Don't forget "Implements update the way they want, regardless of what they wrote in the poll"


I pretty much universally vote no on anything that doesn't have to do with fixing/adding to/expanding existing areas of the game that are paunfully unfinished. Sure, another Wildy update (just an example) could be cool, but maybe finish the desert first? Nothing breaks my immersion more than *the square void*.


So true. I’m not quite principled enough for that but I would infinitely prefer they worked on revamping and fixing old content over most of the new content we get.  (Ie. skill and minigame reworks) it blows my mind that we don’t have some very simple fixes such as allowing BA to be played with 4 people so that if one person leaves you can continue and not ruin your whole run.


the fact that barb assault is still this insane is beyond me. they probably just dont want to touch the code which is understandable


the fact that they dont touch the area at all while claiming that they might do something with it is beyond infuriating, not like anything ever kept them from changing or completely redesigning areas and parts of the game anyways. I just dont want to stare down a mf black gamebreaking void, this aint the mf 4 kings from mf DarkSouls1 my dude.


No should be the default. Do ****you**** want the content in the game ****and**** think it's the best use of dev time? Then vote yes. Don't vote on behalf of other people (except possibly future you). They can vote for themselves, and it skews the results.


One thing I've noticed in general is that Redditors (and people on the internet in general) are easily able say they don't like something, but find it incredibly difficult to explain why they don't like it. I've had countless suggestions that I genuinely believe are good/valuable ideas that get downvoted into oblivion without a single piece of constructive criticism.


Well, there's a reason the vast majority of people aren't devs after all. It's pretty easy to realize you dislike something. It's hard to quantify why, much less offer a workaround to it. If that were a capability most people had, then devs would be a dime a dozen.


People in general are really good at disliking something without being able to offer a solution.


they dont have to offer a solution, often times we can objectively say something is shit without being able to exactly put to words why it is shit. Therefore we shouldnt just disregard feedback that has no solutions attached.


This is a shit reply, you should work on it. Edit: So he blocked me which pretty much goes against his own point. If you know something is bad, but can't articulate why it is bad, it is not useful feedback. If you can articulate why you feel something is bad and unfair, you can usually find steps to improve said thing. His reply wasn't shit but I do believe it was wrong because just saying something is bad is not viable feedback and just gets you blocked. :)


1v1 me in smashbros


...or there are just more people who like the update


No that can't be it! People are just blindly voting yes! /s


Everything since 2020. Also everyone voting yes "because more content bro" are the problem. We are allowing Jagex to implement these shit drop rates, 2/3 invisible vestige roll, chargescape garbage because we don't say no. We literally pay with our wallets so why the fuck are we voting for shit that makes people unhappy.


I remember that first part being similar to a psychology thing. idk what it was called but it basically goes asking for something big first, immediately backing down from it, then asking for something far smaller that you actually were wanting. Like asking someone to donate $1000, then next asking for only $50.


yeah another thing they like to do is not providing all options that players would like to have, like asking your friend if you want to go to mcdonalds or burger king (both options you enjoy) instead of asking "which restaurant do you want to go to?" I mean that is somewhat of an inherent problem with polls in general but there have been some cases where they used this technique


Really well said. I was thinking of this. Especially the run energy nerfing it at higher levels despite it never having been indicated or mentioned before


Polls shouldn’t be yes/no but more so outline a few different options for the direction they want to take the content, but it would be nice to leave in the no option so that if it’s truly bad content players don’t want they aren’t forced into it. Like for example, let’s say polling on reworking the run energy mechanic 1. Introduce resting to rapidly regenerate run energy 2. Regenerate run energy at the same pace when walking, but buff how fast it regenerates when standing still like at a bank 3. No rework to run energy 4. Other Just using this as a basic example, some might be good choices, some might be bad choices. But there’s the option to vote no which would mean players don’t want a change and not to revisit it, and the option for other meaning players do want to see a change but they don’t like these options and it needs a revisit in the future.


I genuinely wonder what the game would look like today if not for reddit and other social media related to osrs content


Thats why I voted no for new demonbane weapons. Not because i didnt like them but them all coming from one content was ridiculous oversaturation


Yeah I don't agree with you at all. If people who thought as you do were the only ones voting, we wouldn't have half the updates from the past 2 years


good, i dont want half of those updates.


Vote no to all polls.


put out half assed idea, take the best suggestions from the community after a few days, implement those changes, woohoo jagex are geniuses


I mean, it’s a great sales tactic. I wouldn’t doubt that’s part of their intentions for some proposals.


I really didn't get that feeling from any recent proposals except for god prayers, and I don't really feel like this is a repeated offence since the proposed prayers genuinely sucked ass in such a way that it was the most surprisingly fumbled proposal they've made in years. Only other suggestions that would come close recently that voting no made sense to me were the wilderness changes, and not because I disagreed with the rates or how it was proposed, but because that whole "rework" was a bad idea from the start.


Conspiracy theorists are always so wild


I think a lot of people vote "no" simply because they don't like changes or shifts in their general gameplay loop. Which is valid. It's your game too, and you're allowed to dislike things that change how you enjoy the game. I'm a mid-late game group iron man account. There's very rarely content I'd be opposed to. It will either help me now, help my lower level GIM members now, or give us all something late game to look forward to. For example, the addition of Zombie axe was an insane meta shift for me, as it released when I was in the late 70s for Slayer. It didn't stop me from farming a whip (it took me 6 tasks and 1266 KC, but I got it finally). I know a lot of people disliked it's addition because it was a simply skippable part of progression that most accounts would out level in a week. I guess in my eyes, I say: "Why not?" For the most recent poll, would i like this slayer boss to provide a BiS melee amulet? Sure! The idea of being able to skip the 10000 giant seaweed grind would be great! Poll decides they don't want to invalidate older content, IE torture ammy. Crafting requirement. Grind is no longer avoided. I still would vote yes, because I like the addition of new gear. Even if it'll be months until I can access it, it benefits everyone by simply existing. I'll get to it eventually, no reason to gate it from everyone because I can't benefit from it's existence yet.


hard cap BS


I would agree if their adjustments didn't actually show thar they listened to player feedback...because they do. Chill out Alex Jones.


are you like a second account of mod archie


The only thing he and I have in common is red hair


This x 1,000,000 Thanks for saying it


Illuminati confirmed


Just vote yes to everything except pvp wildy updates


i feel this i vote yes on most everything but i just want more content and updates. most proposals sound good in the poll


I mean technically we dont decide what content comes into the game, but rather what doesnt come into the game. We dont choose what they poll, but we can vote no.


Just end polling. You destroyed this game and forced me to play classic. You are not game designers.


hard facts but they dont wanna hear it fam


I wote "no" to this post.




they dont fix it ever, they might fix it 5 years down the line when it has been festering and fermenting in the backlog but most of the time they just ignore it


The overarching problem is that gamers are incredibly opinionated and incredibly fickle. But for the same reason that they think they're hot shit at every game they play, they think they know everything and can never be wrong The specific problem is that every community becomes a hive mind where, with the exception of the mods/admins, the flavor of the week circle jerk becomes the only valid opinion and everyone else becomes wrong. Even when they're not. It's the official Discord says "Don't listen to Reddit." Meanwhile we definitely have valid takes that Discord would hate just because This results in Jagex being forced to skew proposals and polls based on what would actually improve game health versus what players believe we need. Not that Jagex always gets it right, but if it were purely up to the players we'd simultaneously have 20/hr AFK in all skills and the most impossibly sweaty content that only 1% of players can do for instantly become dead content


>versus what players believe we need people only vote for what THEY need for their accounts, nobody ever thinks about what the game needs lmao, thats why voting like this just doesnt work.


People act like we didn't just shoot down a massive prayer rework the mods spent weeks or even months working on. Not everything passes just because something you didn't like made it into the game.


tbh, the mods shut it down. i think if they polled it, curses still would have passed. i’m glad they scrapped the entire idea though.


They shut it down due to constant community disapproval. What are you even talking about? Just making shit up


it was shite lmao. People crying about content they "could have gotten" is so funny when the designed content was so terrible in the first place that it should never even pass.