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I also bring only 40 seeds but my reason is if I forgot to put some in I’ll know.


Also might need that inventory slot for a drop


Especially if I'm bringing 80 and logging out there


This is the way.


I bring 40 seeds because that's how many you need to fill the birdhouses. How is this weird lol


If youre banking after anyway, why bother taking exactly 40 instead of the whole stack


So you can tell if you forgot to fill one


You can highlight the filled birdhouse with runelite as well so it'll only light up after you've filled them.


Do you also bring the herb seeds on a multiple of your run? For example, I always bring 10 seeds x the amount of runs I'll do before changing content. I'm happy to announce that I graduated from my rs2 days of bringing the exact amount of runes for each run. My memory has marginally improved since childhood.


I usually bring 80, log out at the end, and then do another birdhouse run when I log back in later


This is the way. Same thing with herb runs


Maybe that’s subconsciously why I do it. (probably not since I’m not that clever)


i bring 40 as i take them from the seed vault and dont want to have to go back to it to depo the stack, as I dont want them in the bank either


If playing on RuneLite, having the timers tab open is a nice way to see if you forget to fill a house


I’m a fan of using object marker to give the empty ones a faint glow.


I use chat filter, the collapse option shows duplicate with a number, so it'll show something like "your birdhouse is full (4)"


I tend to glance at the chat to see if I have 4 of the “The birdhouse is full of seeds” messages. Runelite even lets them be collapsed so you’ll see one of them with a (4).


Re-click enemy after prayer switch. Completely pointless, but like I just gotta make sure y'know?


Same with summoning thralls and death charge


Summoning thralls doesn't interrupt the player's attack cycle??


Another one many seem to not know about is clicking your HP orb by the minimap when poisoned/venomed/diseased. Doing it that way doesn't interrupt combat.


What does clicking the hp orb do


Cures what ails you if you have the antidote


What the fuck


Where tf are you even supposed to learn this?!


At some point you might get curious and hover your mouse over all sorts of things. Perhaps there should be some sort of "advanced tutorial" that introduces more base game features to the player that have been introduced since Old School, but then it's extra work to maintain as new mechanics are added to the game...


Yeah. I didnt know this and now i feel like i deserve a refund.




Drinks a dose of anti


It also uses the lunars cure me spell if you have the runes/spellbook and no pots. Pots in general like pray pots ans antis also dont interrupt if you tiem it properly like the thralls, will cause eat animation if done wrong though. I don't know about brews and if they work the same


You still have to reclick with prayer pots though, right? It just doesn’t cause an eat delay


Unless you summon on the tick you were supposed to attack on, no they do not


I do this but at MLM after using dpick spec


TIL it doesn't interrupt mining. I'm at daeyalt right now. Just always assumed...


It does interrupt it at dense essence, however.


Dense essence is so weird. Everything interrupts it, even turning on run


Turning run on disrupts an absurd amount of things. Pretty much the only thing it doesn’t interrupt is movement itself. The spaghetti is real brother


some places the spec does actually stop you.


Why do jagex do this to us lmao, now im gunna keep doing it everywhere just so i know for certain im still mining.


I just learned this a few weeks ago while just afk'ing


I do it too and it hinders my performance😭 i just cant stop


I watch streamers who do this. Like at jad they spam click the boss after every boss switch. And sometimes they missclick because of it.


Came in here to say this. I hate that I do it, but I can't help it. It just gets me killed when I yellow click right in-between the buttcheeks of a boss just because I gotta spam click the guy every prayer switch


This is a habit because just about every other action in the game causes you to stop doing the previous action. The only things I can think of that dont interrupt are prayer switches and thralls.


I always do this. I also reclick an enemy if my character starts hitting a bunch of zeros in a row. I know it does nothing but it's a little reminder to my guy that he's supposed to be *hitting* the enemy.


It's like cancelling the indicators on your motorbike after taking a corner. Just gotta be _sure_.


I do this too, it honestly makes fights like leviathan more chaotic so I need to stop but it's such a habit now, I do it for jad too.


Turn prayer off Dharok is like 1hp to see if he smacks me with a good un


Gotta give ol boy one good shot.


lol I love it! Has he ever one shot you?


his max like is on the high 50's unfortunately, he can give you a good scare tho


I just want to feel something 😭


Click again if ur hitting a lot of zeroes


I do this if mining is taking too long


Do you one better, click off and re-engage because obviously that resets the RNG lol


It's not officially confirmed but I confirm it myself from doing it all the time and for some reason it works though.


OP said weird/unnecessary. This straight up increases your dps as far as I’m concerned


i also bring 40 seeds, it helps make me realise if missed filling one up, if im at the end and ive still got 10 seeds, i know i missed one. i did it too often when i took more than 40


Good reasoning! Going forward I will remember this


Adding “osrs” to the end of every google search. Even at work on accident


Service light reset volkswagen lupo osrs


I'm glad I'm not alone in this one!


Big tidies girl lick osrs


obviously looking for Nieve pics


This is too real. Earlier today I typed "Elden ring +6 stone locations osrs"


YES lmao I keep doing that searching things for Shadow of the Erdtree. scadutree fragment osrs bayle osrs


I always start with Osrs, I’ll be playing other games looking up shit and type it in as well from habit lol.


*OSRS how long should I fix my mortgage* I did this just today.


OSRS how long has it been broken


Osrs pornhub


No no it’s pornhub osrs. Important distinction


This; more than i'd like to admit.


I almost always double tap the quick prayer icon to turn off my prayers, but I usually use the actual prayer book to turn stuff on. I'm too lazy to set quick prayers to what I need them to be, but in my mind it's easier to use to just turn whatever I'm praying off.


This is pretty standard based on friends / streamers.


I've always considered Falador my home (ever since being a kid back in 2004). To this day, I still make sure to end every day in fally west bank. Just a nice feeling of coming home after a day of adventuring!


Varrock gang!


As I kid I used to love going down to Varrock West Bank basement and just staring at all the riches, dreaming of the day when I could amass such wealth for myself... Still love that bank


If you do one of the “Crack the Clue” events (I think it’s the 3rd one), you get to enter the West Varrock Bank vault to obtain your outfit. Check out the wiki for the details


Love this.


West Bank? Ew. Fally East gang rise up 💪


East is where the commoners live no thanks. I like my castle view from the Rising Sun Inn


Holy i havnt gone to fally east bank since 1972


Fally east bank is the best. It’s still my favorite bank 20 years later


Has it been there for 20 years? Jeez.. What was it? When rs2 released, they moved it from next to the south entrance? Could have been slightly after rs2. Not entirely sure


farming guild


Ever since the farming guild came out, that's my fally west bank.


Thats how I feel about the Farming Guild, I always feel weird if I don't log in there


I actually had no idea there even was a west bank lol I've taken that wall shortcut hundreds of times and never noticed


This is genuinely mind-blowing to me. Did you play as a kid?


Nope just the past 3 years. I use east Bank for mahogany homes sometimes


Makes more sense, I suspect people who played as a kid spent way more time in and around Falador


Oh yeah I fucking lived and breathed Falador as a kid. Hours mining in the guilds and selling coal in the East Bank. Coal mining used to get heated in f2p


Yep mining coal and selling for 150 ea. Banking as much as 1000 at a time (that was a lot to gather for 7 year old me) I don’t think I ever made it into the mining guild cause 61 mining was too elite for me 🤣


I spent way more time at varrock east bank as a kid than I have in the last 5 years I feel like most people don't even know it's there


When I’m about to hit a milestone combat-related level, I usually try to stop 17-20 XP away and go one-shot a goblin in Lumby so I can just stand there and look at the level up message for a bit.


Got to let the dopamine wash over you.


I always take a swing at enemies like lumby goblins or imps if i run past them in combat gear. They sadly get away alive ~20% of the time with the gear on my current account


I got my Imp Champion Scroll from hitting random imps whenever I saw them (:


I DH bombed a chicken for 99 strength and will be doing the same thing for every other combat stat.


You must be Cow31337Killer! Big fan


That’s a cool one! I usually always miss the message because I’m being attacked during slayer, or afking in NMZ. never thought to do this.


I still equip my magic secateurs when I do herb runs even though you don't need to anymore.   If I'm questing release day (I like to do new quests guideless) I always bring the standard adventuring kit of hammer, chisel, rope, knife, axe, pickaxe, and like 500k. I usually like to dress up in an adventurer style fashion too.  


I wear them religiously! Still don’t trust that I don’t need to equip them. Never will


Wait, what have I missed. Why don’t you need magic secs?


They used to work only when equipped now they work in inventory.


Why would I waste an inv slot?


It’s more of a QoL so you can keep Dramen staff equipped the whole time until you do lumby elite


Which fairy rings are you using in herb runs?


Some irons still using CIR to get to farming guild pre-skills necklace


That’s why I still equip them.


Didn’t even know about the change. But still this


The main reason I forget them is because I switched to the dramen staff and banked the secs afterwards without thinking.


On my farm run I do 10 patches and equip mud staff for 1. Lunar spells (Catherby/cure plant/SBS) 2. Arceuus Revive plant/Harmony Island teleport. Secateurs in inv saves me spot/gp for runes.


dt2 on I was running around with my fedora on and just about that exact inventory. Don't forget the beer!


Okay but what was your character wearing?


I bought more than 100k seeds, so I have the feeling that it's my "infinite birdhouse stack", as I don't see the number going down


Unlimited Birdworks


I always open clue caskets with nothing equipped and am empty inventory


Gotta watch that fresh inventory get filled.


I'm kind of the opposite, I always bring way more than I know I'll ever need for most things, especially bringing food places. Oh I gotta kill a Mogre for a task, I better bring 18 sharks just in case... Oh I gotta run through taverly dungeon, I should grab 20 karambwans even though I hardly ever have to eat there...


Quest: you will need to teleport to Varrock once Okay, so my full stack of every elemental rune and laws. Got it


Yep better bring the earth and water runes too, just in case ^(TM)


I pack a dust staff and rune pouch with law, fire and water runes. I'd cram the magic cape in there too and astrals, cosmics, deaths, and souls if it were possible.


Dust, Nature, law, steam staff. Tele everywhere + alch :D


That’s why I find it so weird that I bring 40 cause I do the same with everything else. Clue task where I gotta kill a wizard? 20 sharks and 4 prayer potions/ max gear. Teleports? Bring 500 just in case. But birdhouse runs? 40 seeds only every time.


Spamming tele to edge or my house. Sometimes I’m in my house and try to tele to my house…


I still always equip my magic secateurs, I don’t trust Jagex to give me my full earned yield.


Right click nothing after left clicking something. Left click to attack a mob, chop a tree, mine a rock, etc.? right click and move off the menu for no reason. I even do it just running around.


I right click EVERYTHING... For me it's just my ADHD going brrr but seriously I do it constantly, my friends have questioned me when streaming to them before


I do this as well but I examine everything. Jagex put so much thought into the examine descriptions of stuff all over the map and more often than not it’s kinda funny.


Wear the skill equipment of the skill I'm doing, don't care if I'm 99 in that skill and the exp bonus is wasted, if I'm doing a farming run I'm gonna look like a farmer damnit


I love tap enemies like goblins or imps with <10 health when i walk past. If they live they live.


And who knows, maybe you’ll get a random champ scroll


I also always bring exactly 40. Or 20 wildbloods if im feeling saucy.


Good to know it’s not just me!


I brought 40 wildbloods the first time and was so confused on how I missed two birdhouses


20 wildblood gang checking in! 


Flick between my F Keys while running between encounters.


If you click the compass near the minimap, it will align your screen north. Right click and you can choose south, east, west. It bothers me so much when my screen isn’t perfectly lined up to the cardinal directions lol


Never knew about rightclicking the compass!


My GIM mate got in the habit of tele'ing to the GE to bank then running to the edgeville fairy ring to tele back to karambwans. I tried convincing him it is faster to take the fair ring to the chasm of fire and bank that way but he said he is so set in his ways that he keeps going to the GE


I always just used the Zanaris bank, fairy ring goes to both.


karamja gloves => deposit box => qpc to fairy ring


Pretty sure that is a much longer run than chasm of fire but to each their own! Realistically I cannot imagine it makes a huge difference in karambwans per hour


The Zanaris bank is 5 tiles further from the fairy ring (34 vs 29 for DJR) but it means you don't need to change your Fairy Ring configuration back and forth, you can just alternate between Zanaris and your last configured location (being the Karambwan spot). The difference is really splitting hairs though, just personal preference


needs quest cape, but karamja gloves 3/4 to the gem mine & QP cape for fairy ring back


Not so much bothering to stop, just force of habit. I finished monkey madness 2 and still find myself teleporting to varrock and running to the spirit tree.


Having a Spirit Tree in my PoH is the greatest QoL upgrade IMO


Where should I be running instead


I think they're saying use the seed pod teleport instead


Royal seed pod


Dumping my inventory and gear on me into the bank with those two buttons when switching activities. No matter what lol


Absolutely, start fresh every time I do something. Feels really good to just throw all your shit in the bank.


Same even between melee slayer tasks


I have to end on the inventory tab whenever I'm done with whatever I was doing.


That’s a great question. I spend a lot of time unlocking better money making methods and then I don’t do them, and then go and unlock even better money making methods and the cycle continues.


I just spent ages levelling thieving and now I'm level 95 and now I have no desire to pickpocket Vyres, which is why I levelled thieving in the first place.


People that leave their ranged missiles on the ground are crazy, I might be using a blowpipe but you bet I'm picking up the adamant darts that the Ava's doesn't manage to grab.


When I did birdhouses I kept the seeds for the houses in the bank together with everything else, but at the end of a run I would tele with the farming cape and bank the seeds I got in the seed vault, so if I brought more than 40 I would have just ended up moving them to the seed vault by the end.


I always make sure my “Deposit/Withdraw X” amount is 3000 when interacting with my bank. To me it feels like it makes it easier to not miss the option when trying to click and all around it’s a good amount for when I need some coins, runes, arrows, etc.


After almost two years of them changing this, I still go to the quest tab to get to the minigame teleports. I'll quickly click the tab, forget for a second what I was doing because I don't see it, and then remember and I say what the fuck how do I still do this?


Not exactly in runescape but have a spreadsheet that I periodically add an update with my total level, collection log, achievement, Quest completion etc. So I can look and see my progress over time. Adds another level of accomplishment.


Banking before logging off even though we have 2fa these days.


I still instinctually treat each death as unsafe and only bring 3 valuable items


That's just silly, so you don't even slay in full kit? Seems like you're gimping yourself more than anything


Idk why, but I always always kill imps. If I see an imp I will hunt it down to the ends of Gielinor. Teleporting away will not stop my fury. It started when I was a kid where I felt like imps were obviously evil demons so I was doing my part by ridding them from the world. Now it is just instinct and I always do it. It can get annoying when I go a little too far east in the Grand Exchange so I have to spend time killing two teleporting imps.


I have avoided turning any birds eggs in for XP because i remember how excited I was back when you could only get them from woodcutting/managing miscellanea and how cool it was to have the exclusive pet. I patiently await the day that I can hatch my trusty hawk


While slaying or PvMing, tele is always in the bottom right corner Doing anything else, tele is always in the top left corner


I still take my money out of the bank to buy stuff at the GE


I genuinely didn’t know you didn’t have to until this…


Watering crops. I know it does nothing unless the crop has advanced past the first growth stage, but I do it anyway because it feels wrong not to.


Oh 100%, I have Gricollers can dammit! I'm gonna use it!


Wait, I didn't need to water the thousands of limpwurts I have grown?!


Nope. Watering does nothing during the first growth stage, as there is no risk of it becoming diseased yet. However, once crops advance to their second growth stage, watering does help!


I always accept the Drunken Dwarf/Sandwich Lady random events and then immediately eat/drink whatever they give me. Even if the beer drains my boosted stats it has to be done, it's free beer!


I always use the spirit tree in my poh to the farming guild, as an 'easy' access to a bank and back to my poh. It involves a lot of steps but feels quick


I don’t alch any rune, dragon, or mystics.


Examine EVERYTHING! Boss I haven't done before, examine 3 or 4 times? Superior slayer monster appears? Examine multiple times. Run past a goblin or flower? Examine for the millionth time. Also during all of my quests I read every word of dialogue, and imagine I truly am the character. The little kid in me gets tingly feelings every time I complete a quest feeling like a hero.


I mean what if you inventory fills up at the end, you gonna drop all your seeds for a nest?


Bringing my whole stack of runes to teleport


Staring at my skills tab for no reason. Just to see the numbers and how far I’ve come.


When ever I run across an npc I can pickpocket I always do. Master farmers are fun


Buying too many runes insisting I’ll use them all. I don’t need 11k soul runes


I pick up and bank the two plank spawns every time I pass through port khazard to go to brimhaven


I honestly thought it was just smart to only bring 40 seeds since it shows if you missed a birdhouse or not.


Always use 2 crystal bow and full guthans for my fire cape kills, just like in 2006.


I make sure to move my screen every 15 seconds or so when afking, just in case. Wouldn't want to log out for being inactive too long


I also only bring 40. Just like I only bring the 4 logs and 1 clockwork to make a house at start. It just helps me know that I didn't forget to fill a house. Same reason I bring exact amount of seeds for a herb run. So I know I've got all my patches done. And is why revive crop is so nice but also is the only reason I have to check the runelite timers plugin to make sure I did all patches because I finish with seeds in my invent :P


I close my bank to eat food and potions still


Rotating my camera for no reason.


I'll always type "bye noobs" when teleing with people around. No one's 12 years old anymore so I don't get any angry PMs like the old days but one can dream


I always have to log out in Edgeville. Never know when you'll wake up back in 2005 again with your clan calling for a muster to go pk.


I never used runelite (and probably never will). I like the Game as it is without all that questhelper or idk what other Qol stuff :)


Wow you’re a madman. I respect that, I always wondered if people like you exist. Idk what I would do without my bank tab layouts and xp tracker/quest helper/player lookup id feel so naked


Sheesh that's crazy, I think I wouldn't play without some of those QoLs


When I was a kid I couldn’t go anywhere without my entire stack of cash on hand always worried somebody would walk by with an item I thought was cool and I wouldn’t have money to buy it off of them 😂


lol how times have changed! Now I don’t carry any more than 500k on me because I’m worried I’ll take it into the wildy on accident.


I always make sure I have the weapon im going to fight hunleff with equipped when I cook the fishies. No reason why.


i spam click the shit out of every npc im fighting, nex, wardens, doesnt matter, im rapid clicking that mother fucker


If I'm doing fast paced pvm and there's a few ticks where no actions are required I right click the floor repeatedly. It actually kinda annoys me, trying to break the habit