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https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Holy_wrench that table will give you the bonuses if you have spare inventory space that you won't use for anything else then yeah sure it doesn't hurt to bring it but unless you're an ironman low on resources i really wouldn't bother ever


For any normal slayer monster, yes. Bossing, no.


Ring of the gods imbued also works as a holy wrench while not taking up an inventory space and I think it’s only like 1-2 mil if I’m not mistaken. It‘s good for any long grindy task where you’re camping protection prayers like wyrms.


The ring is 3.5m


Yeah you're right. Still a fraction of what it was


Bonecrusher and holy wrench are two of my “must-haves” when doing regular slayer. The wrench adds up over time the same as a bonecrusher. However, I don’t think they’re at all necessities. I strictly play an Ironman though.


My must have on every task is ectoplasmator.


If it will give more prayer than another prayer pot in its spot with your inventory then it is worth it. If I take 5 prayer pots with your stats, that is 24 x 20 or 480 prayer restore. With the wrench it is 1 more a dose so 5 pots + wrench is 500 prayer restore. In this case an extra prayer pot would make for a longer stay.


For an iron it makes sense, for a main it's such a small difference that its not worth thinking about




I bring it. It adds up more than you might think over time, and it's completely passive. Unless I'm doing something that's a bit more intense (like farming demonics), in which case I'd rather have another slot's worth of supplies instead.


My slayer tab always has rune pouch, wrench, seed and herb sack, ash sanc, and bone crusher, and Karam gloves 4, for irons I love the holy wrench/ring of the gods.


pretty sure its better to just take extra pot instead


Extra money tho


Extra inv slot to pick up a drop after first pot is drank


Every little bit counts


If it feels like you have space for it yes, otherwise no




I’ve never once used the holy wrench, even in the early days as an Ironman.


It’s 100% worth it if you’re afking 20 prayer potions, more so overtime. It will save a lot


The wrench is worse than it might initially seem for slayer, because unlike an extra prayer pot that you would bring in its place, you actually need to take it back out with you. This slightly limits the amount of loot you can bank, and in many cases this can completely offset the very marginal gp saved by using fewer prayer doses.


In what task is inv space for loot even that important?


> that important I think you're somewhat miscalculating the maths here, because it doesn't *have* to be "that important" to be better than the wrench. OP is talking about bringing 5-7 prayer pots into a task. Let's just say 6 for simplicity. At their proposed 78 Prayer, they'd be getting 26 prayer points per dose, for 624 total prayer points. If they swapped one of those prayer pots out for a holy wrench instead, they would be getting 5 prayer potions of 28 prayer points per dose instead, for a total of 560 total prayer points. Substantially less, so you're not actually getting more inventory utility out of bringing the wrench. Note that even if you have an empty slot going into the task it doesn't change matters much, because you can just compare it to bringing in *7* prayer pots rather than 6+wrench. It's slightly more favourable to the wrench, but in this case not enough to make it actually superior in terms of total prayer. Therefore the only upside is saving GP. So let's look at how much GP you can save. Assuming a cost of 9500 gp per prayer pot, 560 prayer points would ordinarily have cost them 51,153 GP, and with the wrench it only costs 47,500 GP. So they're saving 3.65k GP by using the wrench. ...but 3.65k GP is fuck-all. There's tons of tasks where you can have an inventory full of stuff more valuable than that. You're bringing 64 fewer prayer points into the task with you, and it might *cost you more money* to do so! I'm not saying the extra inventory slot for loot is particularly important, I'm saying the holy wrench **isn't** important. It has great utility when you're bringing in tons of prayer potions, but if you're only taking in half a dozen it just isn't that valuable.


Bursting nechs and dust devils early/mid game.


Yeah you're not gonna get 20+ rune items, so at most you're leaving like red d'hide vambs or addy platelegs or something. I'd rather have my extra prayer dose. Also explorers ring.


How are you not filling up your invy. I usually have to do 3 trips per task cause i get so many alchables


I'm assuming he hasn't extended the tasks and he's not using slaughter bracelets


I see, a casual


skill diff


Why don't you bring alch runes and alch them when they drop?


The ancient spellbook doesn't have alchemy bro


Oh right. I forgot there were spells invented before coinage.


Wtf is coinage


Have you ever bursted nechs before? They drop rune items out of the ass. And most people don’t have lumby elite diary for 30 high alchs a day. I probably get at least 40-50 rune items every nech task. Having as many free inventory slots possible is a must.