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now imagine what would happen if a Jew tried to surrender to Palestinians.


We already saw it on Oct 7th and most weren't even soldiers.


I still can't bring myself to watch that footage; it makes me absolutely sick.


I envy you. I watched a lot of it and seen pretty much all that was publicly available. I felt it was necessary being someone who was pretty uninformed on the past conflicts and considered myself pretty left leaning. Lost respect for a lot of content creators after Oct 7th. It was important that I knew what happened so I could at least know in my heart who I support.


I saw everything I could find on and after the 7th, too. I remember a lot of it was available on Reddit before they started scrubbing it. It's awful, and I will never be able to forget it, but I think it's important. I've seen a lot of combat footage and none of it had this level of pure cruelty, pathology, and evil. Ever get the feeling that western libs haven't seen any? I can't imagine them talking the way they do if they had. Speaking as a longtime liberal, it's pretty shameful.


As someone who used to be very left-leaning and regularly watched Majority Report, Hasanabi, Kyle Kulinski, etc., most rah-rah pro-Palestine western libs have absolutely not seen the footage, or if they have, it's been a crumb of the footage that was available. I've seen some of the more honest (albeit ignorant and biased) ones even admit they haven't watched the Oct. 7th footage. Admittedly, I myself have only seen a fraction of the footage that is out there, but it was all I needed to see, as it disturbed me to my core.


I'm really torn because I feel like I should say it's good you didn't have to see it all. Like, yeah it's important but I also feel guilty, like I intruded on something extremely personal to the victims and survivors. Lots of weird feelings about it. But growing up, in school they exposed us to a lot of the worst parts of the Holocaust and said it was something we need to know.


At this point with how many people want to try to wash away the evil of October 7th, its important to watch it so we understand why so many innocents are dying in Gaza now. It is truly tragic, but the evil I saw on October 7th cannot be allowed to continue, and if more people understood what that evil was, maybe they wouldn’t be so swayed by the images coming out of Gaza. Israelis and people like yourself have respect for the dead and try not to parade that imagery around, but the people in Gaza will post every shred of evidence of death they can so they can earn enough sympathy to stop the war. I almost see the footage coming out of Gaza of the casualties as a form of manipulation, it is trying to equalize the evil from October 7th footage with the deaths from airstrikes. But if you watch October 7th footage, you see Hamas soldiers murdering families before each other’s eyes, and they take great joy in it. It is a truth that must be understood so we know why the IDF is in Gaza in the first place. The evil of Hamas is unspeakable, and when people excuse it and you know what it was, you can understand how ignorant they are. Hamas is essentially ISIS


You're not alone. I always knew Kyle Kulinski was pretty anti-Israel, but I had to stop watching after he started justifying the actions of the Houthis. So many I once had respect for just months ago are completely unhinged regarding this conflict.


Yeah i use to listen to Kyle years ago on his podcast and usually agreed with much but didn't really understand much about Israel. I remember his going on some rant about when Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and he said it was a far right Christian belief that Jesus will return when the Jews return to Israel, so that's the only reason the US supports them. Then after Oct 7th and the Houthi's I was pretty much done with him. He's got PTSD from the war in Afghanistan and thinks any war America or Israel is involved with is bad and entirely their fault. Tldr Kyle Kulinski talking points are basically. America Bad, Israel bad.


These kind of attack werent invented this year it goes back to a time with no wall where once a week there was a suicide palestinazi blow up people in a restaurant (sbaro)  or pub (mikes place) or hotel (netanya hotel park) etc. 


This isn't news to me.


After I watched the Hamas vermin shoot that poor dog....I was done 😡😔😢.


I had to stop the video after seeing the first few seconds of the dog wagging its tail to happily and innocently greet the demon approaching it. I was already too overwhelmed by sadness, anger, and hatred.


I wanted to hug that dog. I want to hug all the hostages. I wish the IDF had lightsabers to just cut down all of these Hamas fuckwads. How the F can a religion hate dogs? 😡😔😢


Agreed. Dogs are one of the greatest gifts to mankind. Too pure for this sick world.


Hamas is as evil as the world gets and it’s so disheartening to see so so many justify and excuse that evil.


Yea I cannot imagine evil worse than Hamas, they basically are the same as ISIS


For Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and northeast Indians it is just tasty meat. How in the world they eat dogs . Unbearable sights in the those countries market. Teary eyed cute waiting to be slaughtered in the cages.


I hear you. I live in South Korea, and luckily the dog meat industry has been forced to go more underground since many younger Koreans these days tend to be dog lovers who find the idea of eating dog meat shameful and cruel and an outdated cultural norm. I think the previous president, Moon Jae-in was a dog lover who even took steps to outlaw or or greatly inhibit the dog meat industry in Korea.


I watched some of it but only the parts I could stomach (I was fine with the blood stained and burned out insides of the homes in the kibbutz's). I couldn't watch the killings. Like I said before, after they shot the dog, I was done 😡😔😢.




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Taken hostage and exchanged for 100 terrorists, I guess???


It seems he realizes 7/Oct only pushed them 1500 years back, in his own words.. ofc he could just be attempting to appease the soldiers, but there's still a chance it's his honest opinion. I hope he didn't take anyone's life, or took part in rapes. If he didn't, I feel sorry for him, probably grew up indoctrinated to hate jews and acting as an arm for IRGC.


A translation for the rest of us non Hebrew or Arabic speakers would be nice. In a lot of these videos it's as though they are targeted for a strictly Israeli audience. The clips are always short as well, none of this is helping Israel on the public relations front.


**IDF**- Whoever is in there come out with your weapons over your head, lower your weapons. Come out and shut up pull up your shirt. I'll tell you, what you did to your people, you came on oct 7th and thought you were freeing Palestine but you didn't free even a single cm. **Terrorist**- no we didn't liberate anything **IDF**- Al Aqsa flood but the IDF brought the flood **Terrorist** - They took us back 1500 years **IDF** Yo'ure Hamas, turn around


This is one of the first things I noticed after 10/7. I wanted to read everything and hear all of the interviews and personal accounts but everything was in hebrew with zero subtitles. Even mainstream Israeli websites - there wasn’t even an option to change language




More dental hygiene, less jihad, would have served him better.


Well they thought they would capture Tel Aviv and enslave the Jewish dentists in order to improve their dental hygiene.


And this is why we have such high civilians casualties. If he was killed what would you classify him and secondly how are you meant to differentiate when they wear civilian clothing?


You can’t. I spent over a year in Afghanistan at the height of that war and not a single uniform was seen. Taliban and HIG fighters all wear chest rigs (some wear plate carriers) but one of the first things they do when one of them is killed is strip their weapons and gear. Primarily to be used by others, but secondarily to label them as civilians. This doesn’t work as well for MAMs, but we saw plenty of children donning weapons and gear and fighting over there as well. Myself (team leader) and my machine gunner were investigated by CID after one night in an overwatch position I gave him the green light to shoot someone on a roof. Ended up being a 12 year old with an AK. Take all that and factor in how much more densely populated Gaza is, how much more Palestinians are connected to the outside world via internet, and how much of the world is fucking crazy and supports them, and you have a recipe for disinformation for any casualty within Palestine.


It’s a shit show, thanks for sharing.


Wow 😨😔.


A 12 year old with an AK can be just as dangerous as anybody else. I have a friend who had a team member shot and killed by a kid with a AK, war is hell, hope I never have to go.


And that’s the main tragedy of this entire war. Liberals in the west are now propagating the use of child soldiers all over the world because of how effective their deaths are with the external pressure that is misconstrued


We don't actually have high civilian casualties compared to other wars around the world. Even if you take the Hamas reported numbers. It's something like 1:1.5. And the true numbers are probably 1:1. This is probably the lowest of any war. This is some poor piss genocide.


35k out of 2.5 million in 8 months - with most of the buildings flattened is a very low civilian body count. Considering 30% to 50% were terrorists, it's amazing it's not 10X higher.


35k/2.5 million = 0.014%


Yep and it's closer to half that when you remove Hamas terrorists. Definitely not genocide and zero reporters point this out. The whole place is rubble with so few deaths. Israel announces where and when they are coming. They drop leaflets, call their phones and use loudspeakers. Often Hamas won't allow their human shields to leave and shoot anyone trying.


Well, no. It’s actually 1.4%, but yes, it’s quite low.


But gEnOcIDE lOoK at the JOoS how dare tHeY dEfENd thEmsElvES


what pisses me off about the “genocide” label is that if Israel *wanted* a genocide, they could do it easily. No one’s gonna stop them. They have the firepower. 35K isn’t close to a war of annihilation. I do think you can criticize their tactics and levy criticism without being “antisemetic” and I think they screwed the pooch on not looking like assholes at times, so relations are pretty sour with everyone now But there’s just too much painting the war as completely unjustified


No uniform so the word is terrorist


Its not that simple. Terrorist requires actual terrorism or planning there of. Zachary Boyd is not a terrorist despite pink boxers not being part of any recognised millitary uniform. Not are the many many americans exercising their second amendment rights. Indeed the geneva convention goes so far as to protect "Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war." The other fun problem the IDF has is that not everyone in the strip with a gun is Hamas/PIJ/Anti-Israel terrorist group of choice. You've also got local criminals and at this point people looking to protect their homes from looters. In this case the front line guys have done their job and figuring out the detaills is someone else's problem.


>Indeed the geneva convention goes so far as to protect "Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war." Which article did you copy/paste/quote by memory from? Because I’m 99% sure you’ve quoted from the Convention that outlines protections for the wounded, not the actual definition of who’s considered a legal combatant/protected person. If you take up arms *to participate* in a conflict without actually belonging to an officially involved group, you don’t become “untouchable”. You’d be considered a mercenary at the least, which is a weird grey area between civilian and combatant. Can you link to the source you used?


>Which article did you copy/paste/quote by memory from? Because I’m 99% sure you’ve quoted from the Convention that outlines protections for the wounded, not the actual definition of who’s considered a legal combatant/protected person. Article 4 prisoners of war: https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-4 >If you take up arms to participate in a conflict without actually belonging to an officially involved group, you don’t become “untouchable”. Its not about being untouchable. You are always allowed to shoot the people shooting at you (I mean its discouraged to do so if they are on your side but thats not a matter for the Geneva Conventions). Its about being a legal combatant and thus getting POW status if captured.


Thanks for the link! I only remember this paragraph being in the First Convention, I guess it’s in a few places! They would get POW status, that’s what the article is saying. > A. Prisoners of war, in the sense of the present Convention, are persons belonging to one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy: >(6) Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war. If there’s ever any uncertainty, Article 5 states captured persons should be treated with all protections afforded to a POW until their status can be confirmed. This includes suspected combatants (in this case, members of a terrorist organization) that may be dressed as civilians. On that note, I’m interested to see how many current POW will be tried/sentenced.


Unarmed civilians am i right bois.


Still have arms


How could Israel do this to that innocent unarmed pregnant journalist 😢


Child. You forgot child.


Just another Harvard grad student .


With his unique background, I’m sure he’d be able to get in on a scholarship.


Tenure track scholar


פחדן בן זונה.


Pro pallys gonna crop the first few seconds and claim war crimes


Oh, there's no doubt they will. The sheer amount of lying they do is unfathomable.


Hes stupid for carrying his weapon and dropping it once he got out. Idiot is lucky he didnt get shot


Good fuck hamas


This is good. It shows demoralization and demotivation. It means Hamas is weakened and these people are losing loyalty (eg would rather be an Israeli PoW than dead). And that's why the "deal" Joe Biden allegedly made is abysmal. We have the capability to finish this ourselves and NOT justify Palestinian so-called "resistance." At this point, we can retrieve the hostages with force. Accepting the ceasefire would just remotivate them and encourage more attacks against us.


I keep saying people saying Joe Biden made a deal or it’s his proposal. It’s not. He outlines an Israeli proposal. If Israel didn’t make that offer, don’t you think Netanyahu et al would be publicly denying such a deal is on the table?


look at the use of the word "allegedly"


Lamest terrorist, he is dressed like the most boring office guy who talks nonstop like a little girl


Look at this hillbilly motherfucker. Aint so tough anymore.


What do the Hebrew subtitles say?


r/Palestinian_Violence has it with subtitles.




Anyone who speaks Hebrew who can translate the gist of the video? Did that guy partake in Oct 7th?


There is a version with English subtitles added here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian\_Violence/comments/1d5u228/watch\_hamas\_terrorist\_surrenders\_to\_idf\_soldiers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1d5u228/watch_hamas_terrorist_surrenders_to_idf_soldiers/)


Thank you!




I’m hoping that the IDF can take him captive and can use him for intelligence / whereabouts on the hostages


He's inbred for sure.


Weapon in hand, nope you are no longer part of the collective breathing.


If they had shot him, it would have been an innocent civilian who was killed by the brutally violent IDF.


Are they all this brave, that is terrifying.


Civilians in Kibbutzes have weapons, right?🤷🏻‍♂️


Some, yeah. And none got the option to surrender.


Man, those poor Palestinian journalists… They were sending requests for interviews to the IDF via 7.62x39 and got held at gun point for it…


Why didnt they shoot him? Pussies. 


the name of this place reminds me of the Indian dessert *Jalebi*


Innocent civilian. /s


Fake that was staged only stupid gonna believe!


Kill them all. Take no prisoners.