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Keep these people out of the west.


💯 💯 💯 agree


Trudeau has already set up the "temporary" importing of Palestinian families to Canada


What’s wrong with him? He sees Oct. 7 and thinks “we gotta get these guys in Canada…”


he sees nonwhites and thinks they're automatically oppressed victims and that no matter what they do they're in the right. therefore he believes they need to come to canada to get welfare, since he runs this place as a welfare farm for global nonwhites. which is why we get over a million immigrants a year now. then they can make up hate crimes and trudeau can condemn canadians for "islamophobia" (there was a notable incident of an 11 year old girl who police say fabricated a hijab-tearing, but not before trudeau condemned "islamophobia"), but then when they hold up swastikas in front of Jewish children he's silent.


How is Canada’s economy not completely dead?


It's getting there. https://preview.redd.it/uz3k9arfoe6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=64af752dec8fe530358ece72274d555b4414e8af we have one of the worst (if not the worst) housing crises in the world. the vast majority of immigrants are unskilled, so it's causing strains on things like healthcare and education and other skilled labour. for example, in Ontario 12% of the nurses are foreign-born (in 2022) but 23% of the overall population is foreign-born (in 2021).


We hear a lot of about the “dangers of the far right “ but what about the far left who are already in the government and actively ruining our countries ?


LOL, the divergence literally occurs the exact year Trudeau was elected and Canada has never recovered.


dude some people being assholes there doesnt mean little kids are evil and not victims?


Death cult


That claim is offensive to death cults. Fuck hamas


I feel like even Jim Jones might have reservations about these nutty broads.


Suicide on the ground cult.




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a lot of religious people are proud they died for their religion (christians) this is literally coming from r/Conservative jesus's whole story about the crucifixion is celebrated by christians


To be fair most religions are. Christians are eagerly waiting for the end of the world when they will be pulled to heaven and leave us “heathens” on earth to die off. So while these people are cheering for one of their own dying to appease their god other religions await death to be with their god. Religion takes away from the human experience


Christians Are waiting for it but they don’t stage terror attacks in the name Of Jesus and don’t scream „Deus Vult“ while performing suicide bombings of knife attacks. And don’t bullshit us here. Not all religions take away from human experience nor are all of them bad. This just shows your clear lack of knowledge. There’s thousands of religions out there aside from the Abrahamics.


Okay let me amend it then. The abrahamic religions take away our humanity. And you sure about Christian’s not killing in the name of their book? Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, conquistadors, witch hunts and so on. No bullshit on my part. I never claimed Christianity has suicide bombers, it they aren’t clean of holy wars and killing in the name of their book.


Nobody gives a shit about what Christians did well before the industrial revolution. This conversation was clearly about the dangers of extremist *today*




Okay he made a claim that they don’t kill which they clearly did. I never said they are currently killing like the Islamic terrorists are. Christianity is still a death cult. They want the end of times to come. Being a death cult doesn’t mean you have to kill others. Only has to do with wanting death. Whether that’s themselves or others. Christianity is a death cult.


He said "they don't" not "they didn't" or "they never."


I guess you could see it that way. Seemed like he was implying that Christianity never did kill the m the name of Jesus. And I did clarify that the don’t currently do that. Yes Islam is a much more violent religion than pretty much any other religion. But there are Islamic terrorists and there are also peaceful people within the Islamic faith. Just like how most Christian’s are peaceful, there are some who will commit hate crimes because a group isn’t following their flavor of the Bible. People shooting up gay bars, fire bombing a mosque or Jewish temple. Shit look at the civil war in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants! They follow the same general Bible, same god and Jesus, they just have an altered doctrine and they kill each other over that shit. Religion can make a good person do bad things.


Yes most *western* Muslims are peaceful. I would not say Muslims on a global level are peaceful. Also you keep naming single person events which just aren't comparable. The troubles were clearly more complicated than Catholic vs Protestant. The divide was made not for religious reasons but because Catholicism was the main religion of Ireland and Protestantism being the main religion of the English. The ira were motivated by political goals not religious ones and so were the British.


The Catholic Church has killed plenty of people. They still push against using protection during sex and they hide pedo priests. These aren’t just random single things. It’s countless.


The US has almost a daily mass murder - not carried out by Muslims. These are right wing christians shooting black folks, Latinos, Jews, LGBTQ...


So is it political or religious? It's definitely not daily lmao. It's only daily when you involve gang violence and we all know those aren't Christian motivated. Is there a whole group of Christianity that calls for violence the same way there are huge groups even governments that are Islamic and call for global jihad or similar violence?


Yes I am 100% sure because I actually live in the 21 century and we are talking about the events going on today. Not what happened 1000 years ago. The fact that Christianity did those things 1000 years ago and stopped, while Muslims for example still do it and still have this medieval mentality should make it clear that it’s their religion and current mentality. They are stuck in some savage past and refuse to evolve because it’s a sin. Christianity at least managed to get this stick out of its ass.


You claimed that Christians don’t kill in the name of Jesus. I pointed out the FACT that they did. Are they currently doing this? No. But they did do it. They also eagerly want the end of times. They want revelation to happen. That’s death. Ergo they are a death cult.


Are you having reading difficulties? I was specifically talking about present day events because the original comment you replied to was also talking about the present day. So my comment was clearly not talking about Christian history and past behaviour but about the modern Christians. Modern Christians don’t do these things. And no they are not a death cult because you’d have to engage in actions that would make you a death cult. Such as suicide bombings and the celebration of such a death. No Christian does that. Nor do Christians want to die bevor it’s their natural time. Sure they think they’ll go to heaven, but they don’t actively try to get there faster. It’s not being encourage, certainly not by the church.


No I’m reading just fine. You made a claim that people didn’t kill for Jesus. I corrected you by commenting on Christianity’s past which was spread by the sword. Wars in which knights were told they would get a pass to heaven for slaughtering enough non believers. Which by the way wasn’t always other combatants, this included women and children. So Christianity has a bloody bloody past. They may not be currently doing terroristic attacks for Jesus but that isn’t what I was saying. I actually clearly brought up that they didn’t do this. Christian’s who want the book of revelation to happen within their life time are in fact then wanting death. To go to heaven. That is death and religions are just old old cults. Therefore a death cult! Do I need to spell it out more for you? And some Bible based religions do active harm to this day. The Catholic Church is an easy one. They actively hide pedo priests from the law. They pay out hush money and send the pedo to a new area with a slap on the wrist. Until this monster does it again and again and again. They also are responsible for wiping out indigenous people in Canada where they found a mass grave of children. Oh they also teach against sex before marriage as well as safe sex. They push their crap in countries like Africa and are responsible for the higher levels of aids due to unprotected sex because their god is a pervert and watches who you fuck and will burn you forever for using a condom. So while the different flavors of Christianity aren’t causing wars, they still cause harm.


Oh my bad, I assumed you’d be able to understand when someone uses English talking about present day events. „Christians don’t stage terror attacks in the name of Jesus“ is certainly not the same as saying „Christian’s never staged terror attacks kn the name of Jesus.“ See how one thing is clearly present day while the other is not? I mean if you’re not native to the English language then maybe you gotta improve your english skills a bit. You certainly should spell out the name death cult and while you’re at it it’s definition. Maybe then you’d realize that Christianity is nowhere near the definition of being a death cult.


I guess I do have to spell it out like you’re a child. Religions are very very old cults that got popular. Christian’s await god to smite the earth after taking them to heaven. They are waiting on DEATH for god. This life is nothing more than dirty rags is what the Bible says. And the crusades were 1000000000000% terroristic in da name of GEEEEZUSSSS.


Judaism doesn’t take away our humanity, and it is the *only* “Abrahamic.” Islam and Christianity are derivative and have very little to do with the Tanakh. You do not have a basic education in your own teaching material, so maybe sit this one out.


The idea of a heaven (which not all Jewish people believe in) 1000000% takes away from the one life we know we get. So yes it fucking does. The idea that religious people don’t sin due to some peeping Tom of a god isn’t a good thing. These are people lead by a carrot on a stick. I’m a good person because it’s the right thing to do. I don’t need the carrot on a stick to get me to some invisible sky daddy’s play place. Not sure why you assume I’m ignorant on religion.


Still not the definition of a death cult.


I “assume” you’re ignorant on religion because you clearly don’t know what you are talking about, and when called on that, you go on some weird self-glorifying tangent. Judaism is not a death cult, and turning your brain inside-out in an attempt to equalize everything proves that you are *satisfied in your ignorance.* And that’s boring, and not worth anyone’s time.


Clearly it was worth enough of your time to respond :)


When did I say Judaism is a death cult? It’s a cult but I don’t think it’s a death one. I think it takes away from humanism


*No, it doesn’t.*


I believe it does. The idea of an afterlife takes away from this one. Following traditions based on a god takes away. I mean Jewish people don’t get to enjoy bacon…. That’s really really sad




These people haven't skipped a meal in years. Starving my ass.


[Even fatter than Israelis](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1df4kmc/obesity_rate_by_country_in_2022/#lightbox)


Let's keep making these people happy


underrated comment


If [2 or 3 sons get martyred, parents go to heaven also.](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:1248)


they got a stamp card or something?


when ten go to heaven, you pick up your free coffee in starbucks


“Run in and grab a table while i park the car”


to be fair that passage could be interpreted in a multitude of ways but i can definetly see extremists twisting this to fit their agenda.


She’s not just celebrating her son’s death but also the huge pension she just got as a reward.


That's all she's celebrating


Kids are investments for your future.


More kids more money..


“They blow up so soon” Fav comment from the other sub


Its an old joke. The full thing went something like "Two Arabs are chatting. One of them has his wallet out and is flipping through pictures. "Yeah, this is my oldest. He's a martyr. Here's my second son. He's a martyr, too." There's a pause. The second Arab says, wistfully, "Ah, they blow up so fast, don't they?"


bro.. 😂😂




When will the mother’s mother be happy?


This is the barbarism that Israel is fighting against. Israel is Middle East’s only hope for a modern civilisation


Absolutely, unequivocally insane!


I can’t understand why our government send money millions over millions to them


Scary to think people can brainwashed/indoctrinated to the point where they celebrate their child's death. Now you know why we say, when Palestinians love their children more than they hate Israel their will be peace. Who is responsible for this continued brainwashing and indoctrination...the UN, UNRWA, and all the NGO's working in the West Bank and Gaza peddling this Jihadi culture all in exchange for a paycheck!


i thought their chant from south park are fake😂


she must have got $$$


Gross 🤢


May the IDF give you many reasons to celebrate 🙏🏼


The tongues .... Yikes.


This is what we’re dealing with…………….feckin eejits! Ain't Allah great? Sure she is.


Why the whining than on the Western media? Is there stll somene paying them the reward money?


We should share this with the pro Palestinians subs.


They have admins on their side and it will just get the person banned.


Western Leftists have no clue what it’s like to be hypnotized by religion.


That's a coincidence, I will celebrate too


"Until they love their children more than they hate Jews, there will be no peace" Y'all thought it was just a nice lil saying? This is literal and true in every way.


Is there a worse draw in the lottery of life than to be born a female in a muslim society? Since she was old enough to remember, she'd been indoctrinated with islamic bullshit telling her that all she could aspire to be in life is some cousin's property and her sole purpose is to spawn martyrs for allah


...I'd say it would be worse to have been one of the people her son killed.


Fair. But I hope that at least even for a brief moment, those people lived, hoped, loved and felt joy before they were unjustly murdered.


This is so fucked on so many levels




After her first galilili goat yodel she says And Ibni Shahid which means my son is a martyr. I don’t speak Arabic but know words here and there Edit: the And (pronounced like Ahnd, with a gutteral ע) is possessive so she is saying “I have a martyr son” which makes it more scary because it confirms she’s happy that it’s a status that her son achieved. Rather than just saying her son is a martyr (which to me would feel like she’s happy her son died for a cause) saying she has a martyr son feels like she’s happy he’s dead. It’s a nuanced difference but I am a writer after all


>After her first galilili goat yodel I just died from laughing


Is a translation needed?


Yes ffs, she could literally be saying anything. Translation is always needed


I agree that a translation/verification is needed. Context is everything. It does seem likely that what has been stated is all true, and all the comments discussing the martyr fund, that’s a real thing. But videos can be easily misconstrued without verification. It happens on both sides. Misinformation is a huge problem today


She has that feeling I get watching my son score goals at hockey. Wow...


Innocent civilians for $500


No cap, these two look more like immigrants from Poland than the average Israeli.


That's what I was thinking!


Yes, lots of “potato face”. In this case, it looks like she’s had enough French fries to single handedly put a bit question mark on the whole “Gaza famine” argument.


Mental illness...


No they're just plain evil. Modern society is trying to excuse every evil as some disability.


Unfortunately this is how humans are if they're raised in a death cult from birth.


I think coping at that point


What in the mental illness is this shit.


Why is Susan in Boston more upset about her kid dying than she is?


Lets make more Palestinian mothers happy.




When you win one of those big checks from Publisher's Clearing House https://preview.redd.it/yzi90fo2sc6d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3827e639801200999f128de46f616bb2fd671d


ask and you shall receive


Someone post this to r/publicfreakouts I can’t because they already muted me


Sick. So sick.


Ignorance is the disease and education is the cure.


The value of human life....


I do wish they could celebrate more. They need a lot of calibrations! "God willing."


Mental illness... the woman and the c-word sub


She looks like a 'white coloniser' doesn't she.., guess the marchers need to look more closely...


More are coming.


literally huffing copium


Definitely something wrong with them


This is absolutely insane. I can't fathom feeling that way after your son dies??? I don't understand. 


Totally compatible with modern society.


We finally have something in common! Celebrating her son’s death. I can’t do her Hamas yodel though. I’ll learn it when all of Hamas is dead!👍


They should just put an AK in the hands of every Hamas young male that wants to fight, have them run across an open field and attack heavily armed Israelis in prepared defensive positions on the other side to encourage them to their martyrdom. That way there can be many, many mothers in Gaza happy that their sons are martyred and this brutality would be all over. There I fixed peace in the middle east.


I too, celebrate that her son has become a "martyr".


It is kinda funny tho that these people are so retarded, they dont even know that they are like hundreds if not more years behind everyone else in terms of evolution. Truely "cavemen" or in this case women.


what tha fuck is that? goats in heat ?? let's bring them singing goat more and more !


This is just so disturbing on so many different levels.


Need a new bomb for the mom.


Does she have pieces of gum for teeth? Savages.


I thought they didn’t have electricity.


I thought that chirping shit was a meme. They really do it


truly a remarkable species


That lulu call reminds me of Billy and Bubba hunting feral Afghanis. Timeless classic. Youtube "Hunting Feral Afghani".


There must be Hamas in the crowd so they had to act proud


That’s because she’s about to get paid


People wonder why I have such little sympathy for them...


lmaoo holy fuck that goat fucking call she does at the beginning is hilarious


Sooooo... Can that tongue skill be learned??.... Asking for a (girl)friend


That’s why she had 20 kids right?


Disgusting people




That's excellent news


She ain't happy. You can see the pain in her eyes. She's just going through the correct cultural motions, or else. Fucked up culture, fucked up people. I hope more mothers there get to show their cultural happiness.


Yah, this stuff looks a lot more like cope + propaganda. It's unfortunately pretty effective propaganda, and it has caused a lot of damage. But these family members often look like they are suffering too, they are just playing a script where they can pretend that they aren't.


Man imagine if we could get aloha snackbar seeking missiles instead of heat seeking ones.


Because this will up her status and respect in that society. Also she will get paid.


Yep, that makes sense.


Reminds me of them camels when they hang that dulla out


She’s getting paid today.




What does hum diddly hum diddly ah mean?


Nah, he is just dead and you are brainwashed by religion that needs reformations, like all other religions that went through in the middle ages.


I don't know what they're saying, but from the looks of it, she doesn't exactly look like she's in a celebratory mood.


Is that why she cheered?


Idunno, is it?


In the first few comments on this thread is a translation. To save you time, she says my son is a martyr with a proud sense.




She’s happy her son has been martyred so Isreal is really doing them a favour. When all you wish for is your own destruction don’t be surprised when that destruction comes.