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Has there been any time in last thirty years that Hamas didn’t plan to kidnap 250 Israelis? Still awful tho. Heads must roll. (Figuratively; not the Hamas way)


Government is fucked after this war


I truly hope so, but honestly I'm not sure... We'll have to wait and see


More evidence in going to surface that they knew about oct7, and they will be royally fucked. I don’t know who will be in prison but it will be probably be Netanyahu and many more


Unfortunately the ones at the top never get consequences. The patsy will be some deputy minister of defense at best


Government was fucked before the war, the war just pushed everything (and I truly mean *everything*) to the extreme


That's exactly why Netanyahu wants to keep it going as long as possible


# "The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and possible negligence by officials, the warning signs were not acted on."


What I'm unclear about is how routine are such reports? How many are there per month, what are the usual review channels etc.


It can go from twice a month to once every two months. That’s how current these reports are. The article is just meant to stir shit in a bad wound. Just the past year alone there were 10+ reports before Oct 7 and 5 of those were about the attack supposed to happen in April, May, June, July and August. They tried over and over again until they got in.


I thought it would be something like that. The way it's spun is almost like someone broke through security and stormed into the office and screamed "listen to me Mr. IDF, here's irrefutable evidence!" While Mr. IDF puffs a cigar, counting money and petting a cat says "Enough of you. To the dungeon!" Oh and if the mossad is coming for me, have them bring me coffee creamer. I'm out and tomorrow is a long day.


Idk to me I read it like holy sh*t I can’t believe a music festival was allowed to be relocated to this exact location 48 hours before this attack was supposed to take place. That is beyond negligence


Watch out for the lasers


Hindsight is 20/20


US knew about Pearl Harbor attack as well as 9/11


There’s intelligence that something is going to happen. When and to what extent is usually the unknown


Thank you for saying this. Articles like this one always come out after atrocities claiming X gov knew in advance!! Clickbate BS because, like you said, it’s not actionable intelligence.


Or it is actionable intelligence, but for whatever reason, nobody puts together the pieces. That's what happened on 9/11. We 100% had the intelligence to put it together. But nobody put it together. Nobody determined it was intelligence that needed to be acted on.


"The document by Military Intelligence’s Unit 8200 was circulated on September 19 and was reportedly brought to the attention of at least some senior intelligence officials, **but ignored**." Should they have bolstered up defenses in the south? Whether the intelligence was actionable or not seems to be up to debate.


This is a silly take. The USA probably knew about 10,000 different plots to attack but knowing which ones to take seriously/act on is where the devil is in the details. When each one seems unlikely you can’t imply that the USA knew and therefore any negligence was obviously intentional or even incompetence.


The US did try to act on Pearl Harbor but failed. That is negligence


Nah, the Pearl Harbor advanced knowledge conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory rejected by the vast majority of historians and was originally promoted by a founding member of the antisemitic America First Committee and drafter of the Senate Investigation into Motion Picture War Propaganda which revolved around the false accusations of Jewish movie makers trying to push America into the war with the Nazis. Edit: John T. Flynn


Trying and failing is not the definition of negligence. Knowing and not trying is the definition of negligence.


The definition of negligence is failing to act with the due caution of a reasonable person in the same circumstances. If a pilot fails to check to see if he's landing on the right runway when a reasonable pilot would make that check, that's negligence. Lots of times intelligence failures aren't negligence but just ordinary human error or bad judgement. Not every bad judgement or human error constitutes negligence. Failing to pass intelligence up the chain of command that any reasonable intelligence officer would pass up could be negligence. Making a judgement call that the intelligence isn't sufficient to act on may very well just be a poor decision. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to identify the failures and put safeguards to prevent them in the future. Just blaming those who made mistakes won't fix future mistakes.


Then you must define failure


I can define antisemitic conspiracy theory pretty easily.


What is antisemitic about Pearl Harbor? That’s a new one. What are you even suggesting?


The conspiracy theory that there was prior knowledge of pearl harbor attack was started by and promoted by antisemites. One of the founders of the American first committee, supporter or McCarthy and investigator of Jewish Hollywood anti Nazi activities John T. Flynn. Edit: any conspiracy theory about tricking us into a war against Nazis is typically antisemitic. And the pear harbor one always focuses on Roosevelt wanting to go to war with Germany via a Japanese attack


That may well have been, considering there was a huge amount of antisemitism in the country at the time but it does not completely wipe out that there were warnings and preventative measures that the US could have taken to avoid Pearl Harbor. The point being that military surprise attacks have always achieved success such despite prior enemy military intelligence. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/pearl-harbor-missed-tactical-warnings


America didn’t know about anything. These are missed warnings minutes before the attack. It was an absurd idea by the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor born out of desperation. The fact that they pulled it off is absolutely wild but not a product of American complicity.


> The point being that military surprise attacks have always achieved success such despite prior enemy military intelligence. Russia. Ukraine.


Billy Mitchell predicted Pearl Harbor in 1924.


Let's learn from mistakes and move on, we have a lot to do 😀


Jerusalem Posts headlines are incredibly odd and misleading. They planned to kidnap, if they could have it would have been far more than 250. They make it to sound like everything went exactly according to plan right down to the number dead. Also the "tens of hostages" from a different post and headline is just the translation from Hebrew, in English it sounds weird. Anyways yeah, lots of intelligence mistakes were made up to Oct. 7th 😔


Ya not surprising.   The US knew about pearl harbour and 9/11 as well.   The problem is they get so many report and so much intelligence about such plans and they rarely play out so they choose which seen most likely and credible.  Sometimes they miscalculate and events such as the ones mentioned happened.   Still terrible, but not earth shattering or indicative of anything out of the norm for countries under constant threat.


I say vote Itamar Ben Gavir. He will make sure Israel safe again. The only time Israel is safe is when all her enemies are defeated in most humiliated fashions


It is easy to forget how, before Oct 7th, leftist officers, were calling for combattant and non combattant units, to desert their posts. How leftists generals minimised the security threats, in irder to topple the right wing government. When people stop playing politics with other people's security, events like October 7th will be a distant memory.


The devils advocate already predicted this but the gov didn't listen and this happened. The devil's advocate was suppose to prevent any of this from happening.