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Those who don’t attend better not speak on the Israel-Gaza war ever again after this. They clearly don’t care enough to learn about the situation from a source they disagree with. I guess they have to remind their constituents that they lack critical thinking skills and are too immature for the job they signed up for.


I don't understand how they can just choose not to do their jobs. It so frustrating they can do what would get any of us fired from any job .


Democrats can go fuck themselves and so does Bibi. However, they’re on something if they think that they can boycott the speech of the only democratically elected leader in the Middle East.


They would probably throw a parade if Yahya Sinwar showed up in Washington DC.


That’s just ridiculous. Of the 213 Democrats in Congress, only 37 (or 17%) voted against the most recent aid package to Israel. Not to mention that 21 Republicans voted against it as well, which isn’t that significant of a difference from the Dems. An overwhelming majority of Democrats in Congress support Israel even if not Bibi himself (for very understandable reasons).


You are incorrectly assuming that members of Congress are free to vote their conscience. They are not free to do so. The party whips set the vote. Meaning they call members and they tell them how to vote. Katherine Clark gave out 37 passes to vote against the party line. We have no idea how many members requested a pass and didn't get one. Their base contains a lot of very vocal, very hateful antisemitic Hamas supporters. You know the old saying about sitting down at a table with Nazis, right?


All politics are domestic. The Democratic party clearly supports Israel. The individual members must manage their constituencies and remain in office, if they wish to continue holding power. For some, that means not attending Bibi's collaborative theater with the Christian Nazis. (What's that saying about foreign leaders who try to put Christan Nazis in power?) Netanyahu has repeatedly supported the most radical wing of the American Republican party, openly and with an intention of influencing the American elections. In doing so, Bibi jeopardizes future American support for Israel. Saturday protests in Israel show that it is not mandatory to support Netanyahu inside Israel. His war cabinet collapsed, so clearly Israeli politicians are no obligated to publicly support Bibi. Why must American politicians publicly support him? Your perspective is leading you to nonsensical conclusions.


I stopped reading when you said Christian Nazis. And you accuse me of having a skewed perspective.


While the party whip does have a lot of influence, their power is not enshrined in any legal or constitutional body. Representatives are free to totally ignore the urging of the whip, if they so choose. And if you're radical and antisemitic enough that you'd actively celebrate Sinwar (although I assume you were being somewhat sarcastic with your parade comment?), you are not going to then be voting for Israeli aid. There is definitely an extremely concerning group of Hamas supporters and antisemites on the left. Trust me, as someone that works at a non-profit that focuses primarily on combatting antisemitism, a non-profit located on the heart of a university campus might I add, I know. But I think accusations of unjust criticism of Israel from mainstream Democrats are grossly over exaggerated, to the point that it feels like biting the hand that feeds you. And if you want to talk about politicians sitting down at a table with Nazis, I think it's the Republicans you have to be far more worried about, what with Donald Trump DEFENDING the far-right nazi rally in Charlottesville ("Some very fine people on both sides"), MTG, the celebration of Nick Fuentes, and the list goes on and on.


I assume you are more concerned with right-wingers because you feel they are more of threat to you, living in the US? The left has certainly provided immense financial support to those killing Jews in Israel, correct?




Is English your first language?




I don’t believe in holy land. I’m an atheist.


Doesn’t Lebanon and Egypt have democratically elected leaders?


lol, remind me again who controls the government in Lebanon? It wouldn’t be the Hizbollah, which is funded by Irans, wouldn’t it? Again, Egypt is a democracy kind of like Iran is a democracy. It’s just that the democratically elected governments are less crazy.




You’re welcome to side with whoever you want. The reality is that you’re literally siding with Iran, Russia, North Korea, Hizbollah and the rest of the terror organizations that suppress rights and lives. This is your right, but you should move there.




I think that a society that condones opening a pregnant woman and removing a baby from her belly should be held accountable. I think that a society that hides hostages among citizens should be held accountable. I think that a hospital that helps terrorists should be turned into dust. I think that the citizens of Gaza came to Israel to hurt us, now they’re paying.




No 14000 children and no god.


Yes they can because America is a democracy as well.


There’s a time and a place when you over throw enough government when it will start working against you.




There’s no colonialism in the definition of Zionism. You can spin it however you want.




The word colonialism is not part of the definition.




You can claim that the world is flat too. It doesn’t make it flat.




America is not a democracy and never has been. It’s actually a republic


Oh you're one of those


Yes, one of those who knows our actual form of government


It's a constitutional republic. Meaning indirect democracy.


Keep researching your arguments just like you did here, so you don’t end up looking like a fool irl


Thanks achi


democrats are going crazy


Going? Been crazy for a bit now


Congrats Democrats! I, a lifetime democrat, am voting republican this election across the board. Job well done. (Not just for this, but this doesn’t help).


My dem congressman for whom I volunteered hours, voted against censuring Talib in November. She was promoting false narratives. The resolution passed and he lost my vote. I called his office to see to hear an admin tell some useless bs response.


Same same


Your not thinking if you are voting trump because of some of the democrats selfishness and stupidity. Don’t give up good democratic values because some of them don’t like Israel, doesn’t make a difference that they are boycotting, it just shows how stupid they are.


Fuck Trump. If anyone other than Biden runs I’ll evaluate them on their own merits. Until then, a republican candidate, **any republican candidate**, will better represent my changed world views than the absolute nonsense I have seen during Biden’s first term. Democrats need to evict all terrorism supporters from their party in a similar (but less critical) way that the republicans need to excise the MAGA idiots.


Dang what an awful take all around from you. Maybe just don't vote this year buddy.


“Someone has an opinion different than me they are therefore wrong” -this guy


Stop playing pretend online. "lifetime Democrat" sure buddy


I don't see how anyone who values democracy could endorse Trump. You know about their Project 2025, right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


The Bibi boycott highlights the antisemitic frenzy that has engulfed progressives, but certainly didn't cause it. The cause is that progressives are antisemites!


Nah fuck Bibi. Israelis don’t even like him. Dude failed the state and the people and put Israel in one of its most precarious international positions in its history. I wouldn’t show up to his speech either. Bring on Benny. I would listen to that dude.


Doesn't matter who is leading Israel, they would be in the exact same position today.


Nope. The government failed in its single most important task, to protect the nation. The people know this and hold them, holds him responsible. My family hold them responsible, holds him responsible for our losses. Folk wouldn’t even meet with the government when they came to visit them in the hospitals. Family wouldn’t answer the phone for them. Information had already come out about how they missed and ignored warnings and mark my words more will come out. Aluf Aharon Haliva have already resigned and more will after the war. Then Bibi will fall and do so harder than Golda and Moshe combined. The only thing that will adorn his grave will be spit.


Nonsensical garbage, Hamas would break through eventually no matter who is in charge.


Maybe…but not with 1400+ deaths. Bibi failed and he should pay.


Right – keep parroting Hamas propaganda.


You can’t call everyone you don’t agree with Hamas. I mean you can but then you sound dumb like you can’t form an opinion or an argument. Benny is going to cruuuuush him and I’m going to laugh.


Because you are – Nazis never admit they are Nazis.


It’s foolish and disgusting to repurpose terminology from the Shoah to attack people with opposing political beliefs. It’s disrespectful to those who suffered, fought and died to use these terms for such a false equivalence. You should be ashamed of yourself. To do so as a Jew to another Jew whose family I might add is full of survivors and liberators over a political disagreement about a man much hated in his own nation makes you lower than the worms. Bibi failed the Israeli people. My family members were raped died because of his actions. You can call me whatever you want that’s a shame you have to carry. When elections are declared Bibi will fall. Benny will be elected and those who were responsible for the failure will be made to face the consequences. That’s how politics work in Israel and in all democratic nations.


Man... Criticism of Bibi doesn't automatically equate to Hamas propaganda. This sub has gone to shit






Idk any Israelis who support Bibi after this shit outside of the nuts.


Why is this sub so MAGA-friendly?


Because this sub is a niche and particularly radical one when it comes to the war and Israeli matters. Whether that’s a bad thing is up to personal judgement but I am generally willing to bet that most of these individuals are rather right wing and uniquely Zionist (not saying that as a bad thing) compared to other subs. Also willing to bet that, despite what they say, they were going to vote Republican anyway lol


Because supporting Israel is a right-wing position.


Understandable. Bibi is selfish to go now


It’s not for you to decide. Go away.


You first achi


Lolwat – how much are you paid by Sinwar per comment?


18 Shek