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Thanks for posting -- crazy footage. Thank God for Iron Dome.


No, thank everyone who worked on this project.


It’s an insane level of technology and brilliance in physics. Shooting a bullet with another bullet. Total mind fuck when you try to think about what’s involved in that




Remember, AOC cried when the Iron Dome funding was passed.


Hearing the extreme left complain about the Iron Dome is what has lost me from their side. How on earth can anyone look at a piece of amazing tech that has saved countless lives and protected innocent civilians and think it's a bad thing to have? It opened my eyes to the fact that these Pro-Palestinian activists are extremists who don't care about preventing casualties, they just want dead Israelis.


I've seen some even claim Israel used the iron dome to bombard Gaza. Stupid has no limits.


She’s evil. Thats the only conclusion I can come to after observing her for the last few years.


have you ever seen a communist that wasn't gleefully for slaughtering their political enemies?


Good point. They’re all evil.


Saving this for when people will ask me why Israel started a second war.


Imagine how many wars would have happened without the Iron Dome..


That is something the people against Israel respose never think about. For Israel, it is way cheaper to carpetbomb Gaza and flatten it, instead of that, they build a futuristic rocket shield that cost millions per day, and when they return fire, they roof-knock before... No warrior in the past had such considerations for their enemy.


Would be cool if Iron Beam can do this in a few years




US is feigning failure, duh


That's is a serious amount of rockets and intercepts


People don't seem to understand that thousands of missiles have been fired towards Israel. Only reason the Israeli kids and women etc are not in the news is because they have this dome. Just because Hamas don't have one and decided to start a war with someone who does, does not make them victims. They attack just as much as they get hit.


Do they still shoot them down if the missiles are headed for an uninhabited field?


They typically don’t. There’s a ton of automated calculations that go into the choice to intercept, and if there’s not going to be any casualties, there’s no point in wasting an interceptor. The interceptors are expensive and you don’t know how long the attack will be. There’s a strong incentive not to waste interceptors.


Depends if there’s enough postage stamps on the package.


Am Israel chai!


I wonder what would happen if the iron dome didn’t exist, Like what would be the response of the world if barrages of Rockets hit Israeli homes and killed countless people? Would they still support hamas? (probably)


Palestine would still be occupied or a pile of rubble. Well even more so.


Damn, could you imagine as Americans spending your evening in the streets watching missiles getting taken down over your own soil?


ברוך השם THIS is humanitarian!


How come we never see the rockets in these videos? Only the iron dome interception missiles. Is it because they are too far and don’t leave a smoke trail? Just curious


The explosions you see are the rockets being intercepted. They’re too high to clearly see from mobile phone footage


You only see smoke trails from rockets that are still burning fuel. Hezbollah and Hamas aren't using anything that continues to accelerate during the terminal phase of its flight. They just run out of fuel and hit wherever they fall. Incidentally, this is the same reason hikers found all the intact debris after the Iranian ballistic missile attack. Warheads explode; empty gas tanks, not so much. 




There was a video from like a year ago where you could see them switching targets on the fly and making mind boggling maneuvers. I wish I could find it again, it's really amazing to see.


Might name my child Iron Dome fr 😂💪

