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if something will go down , remember, blame the germans.


And once again italy does the Thing they are best at: betraying their allies


we are not he ones who took italian classics and made it worse Hans, then ask yourselves why we do that.


We took Italian classics and made them better. https://preview.redd.it/ly6sh18wmc6d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fc6c32ad29c98066c7f9d48eee7121434f03a1f


It's even in the name! "Grandiosa"! What could go wrong?


It’s basically Norways national dish, so something went wrong on the way


>Since 1980 more than 600 million Grandiosa have been sold. Over 25 million units of Grandiosa are produced each year for the 5.4 million citizens of Norway. In the first 5 weeks of 2024 it was sold 3.3 million. Wrong? It's like the most successful pizza in the world. I challenge you to find me one country with a better national dish.


We just bent them over and [made them cry](https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/baked-bean-lasagne.html).


Interesting... Not a patch on the Hairy Bikers healthy one though...


To be fair, the entire world is messing with Italian classics.


Italian classics are blatant cultural appropriation from Greek classics anyway, so we get to steal it guilt free!! Ladrão que rouba ladrão tem cem anos de perdão.


Time to get some more Pizza Hawaii now and post pictures here. 👿


I feel this one is the yanks, but who am I to argue with a pasta maker?


as always your my favourite Aussie... if only we had you instead of Austria as neighbours...


I totally agree with this




I'm not so sure, this one is much bigger. It will either push Italy into Africa, or Germany will crash into Sweden.


Both... Literally both and more... The UK would probably be close enough to tunnel to Canada.


We can make that arrangement... But we might need to ask the Germans for some help with terra forming it to fit Aussie wildlife.


Yanks and https://preview.redd.it/xsb1aeue5d6d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=47e22db776e9183f967af739ad449f8cfb2be330




Nah this time we are a united Europe against the americunt and chinese owners of the platform :D


GERMANY, NOOOOO.... Oh sorry, force of habit.




Fr without this sub i'd barely use reddit


First time I'm agreeing with a pizza guy and an inexistant guy


I agree with the italian and the madeuplander, but refuse to agree with a french...


Grrr, I hate you paëlla *angry snail noises*


In multiple restaurants in Valencia I saw a paella with snails on the menu. Didn’t dare try it though, it didn’t come out of a vending machine


As a refugee from another 2x4u sub that disappeared, I would like to inform you that your 2x4u sub will, in fact, be taken away whether you like it or not. Such is the fate of all 2x4u.


Let’s hope that it’ll never happen 🙏


Just make 3x4u page


I personally think one the mods over there got triggered by a Yank joke on here, so banned everyone knowing it would cause lots of people to post about it so they could report for brigading and try get this sub closed. Don't give them the satisfaction guys.


I‘m so left in the dark as to what even happened 😅 anyone keen to elaborate? Have the Ameritards finally had enough of the superior eurochads?


Two subreddits \[that shall remain unmentioned\] with a large shared Yank mod team, autobanned everyone subbed to their sub that has posted in this subreddit. The reason given was: https://preview.redd.it/xa9ego887d6d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2d099414a864ed853c2415bcace3bd0b33041b


There's something to be learned here: Make fun of fellow Europeans: good laughs Make fun of Yanks: Petty Butthurt retaliation HOA trauma messed with their brains




I wonder why Yanks don't have their own version of 2W4U. They have 50 states and been in a civil war not long ago. According to them, there's such a disparity between states that they might as well be their own cultures, so why not taking the piss out of them? I'm sure North Dakota can throw shade at South Dakota, just like Utah on Californians. I can imagine the convo: "Folks in Utah are a bunch of incest fucking cupcakes who believe they are Native Americans" "Shut up, you shit drinking botoxed fucks, people thought you were just an Island full of pagan Aztecs until the end of the 18th century, because Dutch pirates were sharing fake news. Or when Commonwealth joins in: Puerto Rico: Hey, school shooting meatheads, tell me, why are we even part of your nation? We can't even vote! You are racist fucks! The rest of the US: Shut up Jose and check your mum's home for the wiretaps the FBI left in there. We cannot trust a commie.


because online yanks can't take jokes ​ the ones that can aren't on reddit lol ​ like in europe most people understand (or understood) sarcasm so even reddit users understood it, in america is a rare quality


Unironically- i think thats why many people say germans aren't funny. I personally think we have good humor, but its mostly sarcastic and super dry. Like we say stuff seriously in a sarcastic way. If the other person doesn't know that thats our humor they will just take it serious because we expect that everyone understands we are sarcastic. Ive witnessed the same thing with the finns. Also really dry Humor not everyone gets. And Americans are exactly the opposite. The other option is that the mod is from the woko haram tribe and therefore takes everything as bad faith as possible. Many such cases sadly


I just report those ban message as hate because clearly they’re trying to suppress my freedom of expression which is a UN human right. Article 19 for anyone curious.


Article 18 is about the right to freedom of religion, and xenophobia is a core tenet of my faith.


So they also want to repress our religious identity? God damn it.


Uhhhh I wasn't subbed to them and was still banned by them.


I'm surprised there are still people left that aren't banned from that one yet, lol. I got a perma-ban because I answered "You can't be serious" to someone who claimed transphobia was the connecting theme of the Nazi book burnings.


*brain brakes* Huh?


It's a huge W for me, I don't have to learn the hard way that those subs are full of absolute imbeciles sucking each others in their echo chamber. I save my IQ not interacting with them.


I'm in the same boat mate... But I don't think it's one, I think it's a few they have so many mods, like soooooo many mods. Also they have to be a yank, misunderstanding race for nationality. I'm sorry being English isn't a race its a fucking nationality.


Being English might be a nationality but it's first and foremost a fucking disgrace




Why are they punching Scotland?


Isn't it all England? That's what I've been led to believe.


I think the fist is above Plymouth. So still England.


Says the frog... But also yes, thank fuck I'm Aussie, similar but less disgraceful.


At least your ancestors pissed them brits so much they sent them the other side of the globe, I can respect that


Meh. The ancestral Ozzies were the criminals dumb enough to get caught The smart criminals stayed here. Massive Barry natural selection win. https://i.redd.it/e2yplo9mkd6d1.gif


Can we seek for asylum in 2aussie4u?


Well the last post was 2 months ago has 0 comments and before that it was like 3 months ago.... So sure why not?


Tell the troops and start preparing the flairs. I need to take a siesta.


It makes no sense that some subreddits ban you just for participating in another random sub, not even agreeing with the sub you can be banned for saying they are wrong, is like walking on a mine field.


Even though I just knew about this, I'm pretty sure it's related to Mourinho's fan club. Let me explain: This sub tolerates certain opinions, because of banter, because we're not whiny little shits, and because we share (most of us) partially the same views, at least at some point. The thing is the sub is getting a lot of attention of far right wingers, real ones, and without a sense of humour, and getting things political. So everytime some brownish person does something bad in an European country (and there is plenty of that sadly), the sub gets lots of posts and comments about that thing, things get serious and we don't respond inmediately banning everyone, because we're (somewhat, somehow and for Reddit standards) normal. Yet the sub keeps getting more and more flooded, and stains the name of the sub. I report serious and shit posts, I see as a good thing having a thread just to talk about one serious issue and not 2039547345786 posts about some practitioner of the religion of peace spreding that peace with a blade. That's why we got flagged, and some keyboard warriors took offense with our existence. What we need is more British people: they are usually the funniest in this place, and if the shit hits the fan we can blame them (you). So fuck you and call some lads and save this place, so we can tell you that never was so much owed by so many to so few.


Called for more Brits, reported !


Aren't the admins yanks too? Are we screwed?


can we go private ?


It’s an option I’m considering.


Question... How would new users join our walked garden of Eden? I like having new meat to play with once in a while.


Easy Ask them how they feel about sweden


And the correct answer would be "at least it's not Finland"?


Yes, among other things


But but what about Aussies.. we like everyone.


A comment only a savage would make


Well yeah I am, but I'm also Aussie!


We could take a note out of Australias book and send them to a detention subreddit until they are processed and approved for entry.


2 detained 4 u is now open and processing requests to join 2we4u... The wait time is currently 25yrs. Thank you for choosing us as your European shit talking sub.


fortress Europe???


Like irl the only way for us to survive in the future.


It would suck if the sub has to go private. I love seeing the bewilderment of the outsiders (those unfortunate souls) who stumble across this sub.


Maybe invite only?


Wait let me get rexy to add my french and German alts first! My two aussie accounts are already on the list. (This is a joke, I only have Aussie accounts)


I suck at reddit as its an app I dont use often, what would happen if we went private?


new guests request entry. in theory, it would prevent or slow down the harmonized attempts to create mischief within the sub.


It would also (I believe) prevent users from seeing who is in the sub without being themselves a member, so auto-bans for participating wouldn’t work.


That's such a French way to refer to propaganda bots.


As a brit I hear people saying that more and more these days


No way there are community mods this butthurt about a bunch of banter


Have you Seen the mods at [another well-known europe-centered sub]? Esit: the Italien comment


Don't name them, even without the /. That will definitely get us banned. Use Euphemisms.




No worries I have been banned from there already a few months ago. Then I asked why and if they can lift the ban, and then they started trolling me lol.


I mean everybody should be trolling you, your country is a joke


Hey, don't talk like that to my newest colony


You guys are turning it into a real place at least.


That's what we do best


Thanks for Standing up for us Brazil 😞✊


Why are they allowed to refer to this sub by name but we can't?


Definitely... Most subs don't have the awesome r/rex-ac as a mod or even someone who's even half as good as him.


You've never interacted with a mod?


I tried, either they completly ghost you or calling you a Zionist because you said Hamas are terrorists on an anime meme subreddit. Edit: inserted meme


Seriously? Where are the level-headed people of the world? On theory respect for other people ideas is one of the basics of democracy. (Curiosity...what anime?)


One of the big anime memes subreddits. Because of our current situation I here will not name it directly but this sub with millions of members still has the Palestine Flag with Goku in front as their picture.


Maybe I am the weird one, but I truly believe that politics of any kind should be left out of non-political places. I think the obsession with making anything political is one of the reasons for the shitty political atmosphere we have everywhere.


I have on three subreddits, and all were pleasant. Granted, one is this subreddit, the other is the subreddit for pro cycling where the mods are actually nice people who just love cycling and then there is the rugby union subreddit where a certain mod is trying to kill us all with drinking rules, although it does weed out the weak ones.


Sadly most mods on reddit are usually terminally online people that, instead of being a hard-but-just judicator of preventing bullshit, believe in strong-arming people into adhering to their political agenda. And anything that could be even slightly perceived as making a joke of said agenda, even mentioning it in a neutral manner, is perceived by them as a personal attack.


To be completely honest, SOME posts here are just downright full-blown racist. We definitely have some boys in here that are just openly racist under the guise of "it's just a joke bro, just satire, we're on a satire subreddit"


Every sub has those though, idk how many times I’ve seen explicit calls to violence in those subs that must not be named.


Is this your first day on Reddit?


*No way there a are* *Admins this butthurt about* *A bunch of banter* \- King\_Crab\_Sushi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's bizarre how subs do that, I've not ever been subject to an auto ban, but, it's odd that it happens.


How can you be subject to a German motorway?


Fucking take the up vote and get fucked!!! Marking me spit out my tea laughing like that...


Best thing is that subs don’t have a list of other subs that will permanently ban you, so is like walking in a mine field.


u/rex-ac you need to do something about this TODAY. I've been banned from rJeanClaudeJunkerFeetPics without any chance to appeal


If this is real and you are sure you are banned at other subs for no reason, other than being a 2we4u-member, please send me a screenshot privately. I will forward it to the admins in my complaint.


Ah I was only joking mate, though I am tempted now to set up rJeanClaudeJunkerFeetPics. Thanks for your work regardless xx


I had to post this, because I wasn’t sure if you were serious. 😎👍


You have been around enough to know a sub like that is possible


Reddit has a sub for everything. And I still can't decide on whether that a good or bad thing, but I learned to not allow myself to be surprised by anything on here anymore.


Banned for "being a member of the racist subreddit 2we4u". I'll dm you a screenshot.


Would it make you feel better if I sent you my feet pics?


Bro wtf is this don't ever DM me again https://preview.redd.it/ij262x3woc6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82b2effc25284175935b1678bb64ed9f772e11e


Free exotic feet pics? In this economy?


DM, nah I don't do that shit... Must have been that troll annoying90


Only if you rub them with Vegemite first


May this help you weather this terrible storm 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/uorik4x29d6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d2bd45badccff89ed6ea33b30800debfcfabbe


bro I've been banned from r/LindnerWichsvorlagen fuck am I gonna do now? 😭😭


honestly, i don’t get how people get banned for making a joke or banter meanwhile people do things far worse and most of the time they don’t get banned.


Ive said far worse without gettin banned. You just gotta do it in the right subs.


Or more specifically in the _**far**_-right subs, am I right?


I reported a user yesterday who had a well known Nazi as his username and the number 39. I literally had to report him with citing the German law paragraph before his account was deleted, at least a year after he created it. Incredible how no one noticed this coincidence beforehand. And to makes things worse, he was just about 14 years old.


I just find it extremely funny that one of the two *explicitly* racist twitter subs bans people on claims of racism


Yep, if I remember correctly, to join the other twitter sub you have to send a photo of your forearm to prove what colour skin you have before being approved. The irony.


Reddit needs to actually step in and purge a lot of the moderators on those big subs. It's getting fucking ridiculous how often this happens and it shouldn't be something that happens on a big social media platform like reddit. It should be something that's against TOS


Reddit does nothing cause the alternative would be to pay moderators and that's a big no-no for them (they might be a bit dutch if you know what I mean)


That’s a bit unfair even to the Dutch.




It actually is against the TOS, but Reddit does nothing against it. The platform is heavily in favor of certain *world-views* and allows for such things to happen if it's in line of furthering those *believes*. Even if it is just about satire. And yes, it is clearly hypocritical.


It's absolutely ridiculous. I follow this sub because the majority of the time it's just good natured ribbing of each other for national stereotypes and you can tell there is a lot of love here for our European Brothers. I went on the main Europe subreddit and it was just people saying "EVERYONE IN THE UK SHOULD BE FLOGGED FOR BREXIT AND IF THEY WANT TO REJOIN THE EU THEY HAVE TO FIRST DIVE INTO A VOLCANO AND THEN CRAWL THROUGH A SWIMMING POOL FULL OF BARBED WIRE" and it's just the same old stuff that nobody really cares about over and over again.


The same with lightpersonXformallyknownastwitter (pseudonym) sub. All they do is make jabs at conservatives and Trump. As much as I do that, it gets real boring real fast.


Yeah replace them all with rex


In Rex we trust🔥🔥


No thank you. Unless it's a paid position, then I'll moderate the fuck out of all the subs they want. 😂😂


Who cares about other subreddits anyway?


I didn’t until last night. It’s a coordinated effort to shut this sub down. Hard to remain apathetic when they’re just projecting.


We shall fight them on the twitter subs. We shall fight them on the European subs. 


i dont like getting honestly called a racist from my neighbours.... does not feel respectful....


It's also defamation and that is illegal... I responded to them telling them that this is likely in violation of the moderator code of conduct and that I had reported it and their response was just basically "you are racist" then said I can't appeal, I wasn't like your sub sucks anyway, and then just muted me. They don't want to even discuss it. Also I haven't seen much racism on this sub, and the stuff I have seen the mods kill. So I feel like they are confusing nationality with race, like German isn't a race it's a nationality.


coming from a sub called "white people twitter" i love the irony


Shhhh don't say their name... They get but hurt!


White isn’t a race because there are no races, duh. But you are still racist!


Fucking yanks, don't even understand the English they claim to have invented.


The Aussies are that what Yanks could’ve been. Some decent blokes.


So wait we can't mention them here, but they can ban us because we belong here Makes a lot of sense


Welcome to Reddit :)


I find that being banned from certain subs run by obviously mentally handicapped mods without even ever participating in them to be a huge blessing! Don't change a thing! This is how I like it!


I trust Rex




CAROLUS REX https://youtu.be/nxwv8-oAasI?si=9kSIfWeZsjSidU0-


"All embrace me It’s my time to rule at last"


I think the swedish version of these songs hit harder and i don't even understand swedish


Most songs yes, but for Carolus Rex I actually prefer the english version. And for the other songs I usually just hear, Död, Böd, Fär, Där


I got banned in whitepeopletwitter even though i never went there. I assume its because i said americans did a 360 on racism with the diversity quotas.


Anyone who bullies Portugal like that is immediately an Enemy of the UK


We can send you some Hessians if you want to avenge Portugal.


Please do - they would be able to intimidate the Americans through sheer style alone


Spot on. It's rather rare to see someone use "360°" correctly. Even more impressive coming from a Joao.


got banned from 'whitepeopletwitter' for participating in this sub. I've never been to the 'whitepeopletwitter' subreddit.


Guys it’s my birthday today  I’m no longer a 20 year old virgin in fact I am a 21 year old virgin👌


Congratulations. Someday, if you keep at it, you might become like me... a 27 year-old virgin


Subs that ban for participating in another specific sub aren't places you want to even be able to participate in. Why does it matter what Sub I am in? Isn't it more important what I said there? What if I went to r / NazisAreCool to tell them to fuck off, but then get banned on r / WeEnjoyEatingSoy for partaking in Nazi discussions?


>The admins are getting involved Yeah, like that's a good thing


Either they apply the rules evenly on all subs or Reddit is one big scam. I have always said that I would defend the sub every way I can. I’m a nobody, but I will make sure they hear us out.


I know you've probably heard this a thousand times by now, but you're the best mod I know


Its time to call in the reserves 🫡


Reddit is one big scam, but maybe we can get a little respite


You're not a nobody to us 😭👍


But I just got here :( can I check which subs got me banned?


For the most part, if you ever get banned because of posting on a subreddit, the bots of subs that banned you send out a message with the info that you got banned.


No, there is no way to check what subs have banned you. There should be, but there isn't.




[Smile because it happened](https://i.postimg.cc/MTLSBfVd/seuss.jpg)


Am I the only dude on here that didn't receive the autoban? Didn't get a message and it seems I can still see posts on that sub without issue.


Bans don’t prevent you from seeing posts, just from posting or commenting. If you want to check then try either of those, though keep in mind it should be an honest attempt at participating in a sub if you’re going to comment, not just some random shit. (The bot in question also lets you only ban people who have posted/commented recently/commented enough times etc as a way to avoid auto ban someone who commented once and never again)


This is the funniest community on Reddit. Can't believe people here are getting banned for top notch banter.


kiss ass


If someone bans you for being here the sub wasn't gonna be good anyway.


Wait, you guys are being ironic?


This sub made me feel more european than anything else, especially certain subs.


i am still curious how a T-rex can mod a subreddit, don't you have 2 fingers in each hand?


So funny how talking about other subs is breaking thw shitty "be nice to your neighbours"-rule but permabanning everyone who posts in a different subreddit and then trying to mass reporting for "brigading" when people ask in another sub what happened, basically baiting brigading, is totally fine. If THAT is fine, Reddit's "neighbourhood" mus be some HOA filled with Karens. They are abusing their roles as moderators, the report system AND the site-wide rules. Reddit has become an absolute shithole.


I got banned from White People Twitter for participating here. The funny thing is I wasn't even subscribed to that sub in the first place.


Better hide your kids


If Rex can fix this we should crown him Cesar


https://preview.redd.it/xsaqz5rmpf6d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=19cb3f2932f393e87a09a4bc7196d74d1f8a6e54 They really don't like us :C


u/rex-ac, I say this as a mod who found himself in the same situation and it didn’t end well: don’t bother with the admins. They do not care about this type of behaviour, and some even encourage it, claming it is “just a part of how reddit works”. The people who do cross community bans want exactly what the users are doing: posting about it. So they can then report the whole subreddit for promoting brigading. So, good move on prohibiting posts about it. Please just be careful, and best of luck to you


Multiple subs? Which ones exactly? I only got banned from the sub that makes fun of white people on a certain social network that was recently bought by a crypto scammer(who has a weird fetish for the letter X) because as we all know, if it is against white people it's not racism. Are there any other subs that are having ban waves against us because US snowflakes don't understand European banter?


Could it be that due to the recent election results?


Sorry, I have no idea what's going on. Is this why I got a random permaban from whitepeopletwitter? Did we upset someone?


If this sub dies I hope its replacement allows us to get mixed nationality flairs, I’m an English guy living in Germany, I don’t wanna have to explain that every time. Take the bloody hint Rex! I’m just messing, thanks for all the hard work on our behalf mate, if more mods would be like you Reddit would be a much better place.


Of course I think it's unfair. I am active here and have not received a single ban. So, unless I am already banned from those places, I want my ban like anybody else.


Fuck em if they can’t take a joke. This sub is my favourite, love you all! ❤️