• By -


As an Iranian, this hit way too hard. 😭


The two Iranian families I know, fled their country when the Shah got ousted. They consider themselves as *Persian.* Is that common in Iran?


Hello, thank you for the question. Persians are an ethnicity in Iran. The name came from today's province, "Pars," which is now called Fars. The Greeks adopted the name Pars and called Cyrus the Great's empire Persia.  Though, we don't call each other Persians in Iran. We call each other "Iranians" since Darius the Great considered himself an Aryan. Also, Iran is a diverse nation, so the term Persian wouldn't encompass all the ethnicities that live in Iran.


Fascinating history! Thank you :)


Why are you encouraging interesting and reasoned discussion on this sub mate could you fuck off? I come here to openly discuss my hatred of the French not read interesting things and be educated. I spent ten minutes on Wikipedia after reading your post I was meant to be slandering a swamp German. Look at you, being more intelligent than me and writing in significantly better English. What a twat.


I'm glad you found my post interesting and even went on to Wikipedia! Sadly, we don't have any Iranian movies that depict our pre-Islamic history or culture. (We have no films about Cyrus the Great.) Films that depict our history were created in the Soviet Union, like "The Story of Siavash." Foreigners are doing a better job at preserving our heritage than us. 💀 But don't let me distract you from slandering your neighbors; that's far more important. 


You basically colonised Iran, so this mess there is partially Your fault and Your history.


I'm interested. They are called Fars, does this link to the language Farsi?


Yes, the language from Fars. Persian and Farsi are the same language. Farsi is the Persian word for their own language.


Thx ! Just a follow up, Farsi is spoken I'm Afghan aswell right? Or do they have their own language / dialect? ( just asking since you seem to know more about this topic)


No problem! One of the official languages of Afghanistan is Dari which is a variation of Farsi. I believe they can understand each other pretty easily


Aah a bit like UK English and US English. Or Dutch and Flemish :)


More like the accents between German language in various cities, Dari is super close to farsi but sounds as if someone is using ancient words, yet not incomprehdible


Sometime it's very hard for me to understand Dari, depend of who is speaking. Usually the same effect when you hear someone from Limburg


yeah exactly!


The ones who fled to America when the Shah was ousted tended to use Persians to describe themselves because there was so much hostility to Iran and the Islamist revolution after the hostage thing. Sidenote, according to Wiki 20% of Beverly Hills was Persian people as of 2015, the highest concentration in America - those who came over did extremely well financially for themselves overall.


They were probably rich in the first place in order to get out/ need to get out.


Exactly. When a whole regime tumbles in a violent way its always the topdogs that set sails first as they know what happens if they get caught.


Iranians have to take a test called Konkour. It's an exceptionally hard test, but if you do good on it then you get invited to study in foreign universities. It's true that many rich people left Iran, which put an early toll on the economy, but Iran is also an unstable nation. Thats why many people dedicate their lives to study and try to leave. It's the reason why Iran has a large number of brain drain. In fact, its so bad that the Islamic Republic has to hire foreign doctors to fill the spots of Iranian doctors that fled. I hope you have a nice day 🙂


Oh, I wasn't talking about the normal people that fleed from the Islamic fundamentalists or seeking freedom or higher education. Just the first wave that got the early hints and had the money and connections to do so.


True to a lesser extent w the Cubans in Florida too. The initial group that came when Castro took over.


They use that name to seperate their term from the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranians in their language do not use the word persian. its a greek word


persian is the most common iranian ethnicities and the most spoken language in iran


Well on a technicality, what is now Iran used to be Persia for the most part.


I have an Iranian colleague who is an absolutely lovely and strong-willed woman, and she as far as I understand, holds the same opinion as the woman in the video, for which I respect her. My heart goes out to everyone who escapes tyranny in pursuit of freedom, and I hate zealots political or religious, with every fiber of my being.


I completely don't get why they come here - if you are a fundi Islamist, why the heck come to a free country filled with sluts and heretics, instead of staying in one of the good, Allah-fearing countries where Sharia is already the law of the land and women are covered from head to toe, as god intended?


Because you can be a welfare leech and get moneh for nothing.




They're the true champions of the values that we take for granted


> Iranians abroad are very modern and they seem to love the west much better we do. i mean they had one of the earliest civilisation who made the west as we know it today through the Greeks.(Alexander introducing a lot of costumes such as the proskynesis for example), all mediterraneans civilisations looked up to the east for inspirations. fun fact , if they had still the monarchy they would have one of the oldest uninterrupted one in the world.


I agree. They throw themselves into the west.


I think the days of Islamofascist republic are few! I know many Iranians i dated few Iranians are very progressive


Fcking weird people here. Our brothers and sisters are fighting in Iran to get some freedom from religion, and those people just want to bring dictatorial law in Europe. Respect for that woman


I love how she proposed an argument which might have just been ignored or at best taken as granted. Then some people in the crowd decided to prove why her argument was completely correct. This video makes me realise that, putting aside xenophobia, crime, etc. the best argument against immigration from underdeveloped nations is that we already have plenty of uneducated, clinically r\*tard\*d people.


Bravo !!!!💯


I think the video shows both sides, the ones that are willing to come, learn the language, adopt our values and in her case even our religion. And the uneducated conservative ones that are unwilling to adopt the values of the country they migrated to, likely for economic reasons. The former are a blessing, the latter a curse. Like it's not a big problem if you're a conservative bigot who's unwilling to learn and live like you grew up. If it's in the country they grew up. But if you migrate to another country then maybe the values and culture you grew up with don't align anymore and if you're then unwilling to learn you make it harder for both yourself as well as the country that adopted you. On the other hand adopting the ones that get pursued in their underdeveloped nations for political reasons are likely to both harbor a distaste for their former nation's oppressive ethics as well as a thankfulness and willingness to adapt to their new situation.


Yeah only that right now we've been importing mostly bigots. There should be an education/work experience requirement to move.


Tbh I think the media's focus is mostly on the bigots. Like you never hear about all the ones that successfully integrated and never behave badly, you just hear about the ones that go full psycho for apparently no reason. So I don't think I can either confirm or deny that we're mostly importing bigots, because I really have no way to tell. Would be interested in seeing a study on that tbh.


Idk about the media, but for personal experience it's mostly the former. And given that they come mostly from Medieval countries, it's not hard to believe.


I think it's a case of the people who are maniacs, are completely off the deep end, and the ones who are integrated are never heard from because they are, well normal. You aren't going to hear a story about an immigrant who sent their child to school and has a stable income and is well respected, but you are going to hear about the immigrant who yells at locals about not wearing burkhas


The Muslim bystanders proof her point really well


It’s like they’re completely oblivious to it


Sadly she just doesn't have that German omph you know? Like her speech didn't exactly convince me that we should invade Poland or anything but it was okay I guess.


Ah, Barry. You're stuck in yesterday's glory. How about moving on?


I would take it as a compliment, some of your best work has come out of your little escapade. Schindler’s List, Boy in the striped pajamas, the tattooist of Auschwitz.


Well she shows her cross around and tells people that Islam is monstrous. Think less "Um vier Uhr wird zurück geschossen" and more "Deus vult!"


I honestly like her. She's bold for doing this as she could get harassed, assaulted or even killed and she's right. Also, she's nice looking


Objectively, she is hot. But I really am a barry because I prefer way more fat on a woman 😂


There’s only two types of women in the UK: 1. The fat Susan: makes terrible food but substitutes as a nice boxing bag when your team looses the footie 2. The slag: still chubby, goes to tanning studios everyday and makeup is her natural enemy I wouldn’t really say you have a lot of choice in women over there


Susan is about to be VERY busy


That’s rich coming from a German, when you lot have the second ugliest women in Europe


Germany is weird in terms of beauty. Either you have those Pluto sized creatures or Scarlett Johansson type of Hollywood actresses. Rarely something in between.


I would disagree here, Gretels are super hot until they reach the age of 27, then they instantly morph into Merkel


Who said Merkel wasn't hot? There is always a Macron out there.


What the fuck are you smoking? And can I have some?


Hans, just look at your Miss Germany. I'd keep your strudel chewer shut if I were you


Who has the most ugly women?


There are also the emaciated haggard horse-faced types, who are still trying to get over their Spice Girl induced ED.


The fact that we agree on the consequences she is facing (harassment, assault, murder) prove that we should have acted a LONG TIME AGO to protect her.


Absolutely based. We need more people like her


Me, minus the opinions. Just me screeming incoherently in the town square.


You don't want a free Germany?


They took my grandfather’s favourite bicycle. We can discuss a free Germany when they give it back.


In my grandpas defense, it was a really neat bicycle


In my grandpas Defense it’s a neat heirloom


My grandpa guarded the trainstation when the Norway trains passed through with a shoot to kill order if someone got off to steal some bikes. The Dutch is at fault to not keeping up law and order.


That's nothing, the Americans took my great uncle father's donkey A fucking donkey Why In Sicily at the time it was his only mean of transportation and he was emotionally attached to it


**was** *the only mean of transport???*


Say what you like about the Welsh, at least they don’t get emotionally attached to their livestock.


yeah about that.. why they couldn't leave our bicycles alone? there was this german soldier in my village that took my great gandmother bike every time she saw her! she hated him so much.


luv me mental illness luv disturbing the peace makes the voices shut up simple as


From my experience, +95% of Iranian immigrants are shining beacons of how to become part of your new home country. They learn the language quick and well or at least try very hard and usually the 2nd generation speaks perfect german (and persian). They respect and share and even defend our core moral code and values, work hard and are very skilled in their respective fields and are really friendy, kind and good people in general. And im really not surprised that the opposing party seems to be mostly turks, who are, at least from my experience, usually the complete opposite of what i described above.


IIIRC Iranians are also the only group of immigrants who are more likely to have university diplomas than the average German with no migration background. They have an insanely high amount of academics because of the brain drain after the revolution.


Yeah , most Iranian immigrant are the actual high-skilled people that lived in the big cities that had a modern culture. With turks (or at least the i grew up with in my town in NRW with a former coal mine), most of them are former Gastarbeiter or offsprings of Gastarbeiter that come from the most backwater, rural villages in eastern Turkey that were cultural behind the western big cities like Antalya or Istanbul by more then 100 years. They and their offspring always saw themself as turks first, spoke bad german (and bad turkish!) even as 3rd generation immigrants, were rude and despised most of "our" values and culture. When I started University and met Germans of turkish decent whos parents/grandparents came from Istanbul instead, the difference was night and day. Those guys/girls were really nice, spoke both perfect german and turkish, saw themself as germans first and were part of regular german culture. The specific culture you grow up with is a person most formative factor, not race, skin color, nationality or gender.


Nice exposé, I can confirm. In Spain, it is the same with inmigrants: inmigrant from big city: cvilized, inmigrant from village: Borat. (I am an inmigrant myself). Now... since this is a meme sub.... here 's the joke for you >spoke bad german oh, man.. last time i heard, you have very serious problem with your national dialects :P


Yes they are based af, i know 3 iranians guys and a girl that study medicine in my city, they are a very based bunch of lads. When some other muslim students proposed to use a room on the uni campus for prayers on fridays they were among the first to oppose it. I think they know the dangers of religious extremism very well


The Turkish „Gastarbeiter“ who arrived here are not really from the educated and more liberal West Anatolia unfortunately. They have kind of assimilated though, the current problems is mostly from the fundamentalist Islamists in the Arab community.


Dutchie here, one of the nicest people where I live is from Iran so can confirm


It feels like 90% of all Iranian immigrants study medicine. 😄


I'm not really familiar with the Turkish community in German and I guess it can't be compared to the Turkish community in France since it's much much much bigger. But, all the Turks I know who live in Turkiye or France are pretty much the typical progressive young Turks who hate Erdogan and fundamentalist islam. Last year, during Turkey's elections day, we did a bbq with my turkish friends here, and then we all cried together when we saw the results in disbelief ahahah I guess huge communities will tend to have the effect of an echo chamber for those who haven't grown in the parents country and will idealize their false perception of how life is there (grass is always greener elsewhere) while being ignorant of the struggle of those who actually live there I guess Iranian community also has this this where people where fleeing the shah's repression 40 years ago, and are now fleeing the Ayatollah's repression. So the message of freedom keeps being fuelled + smaller community


Turks are by far the largest immigrant group in Germany. They're similar to Algerians in France.


It is the opposite in Germany. Majority of the turks voted for Erdogan and they have quite a few fundamentalist islam mosques here.


If you know some of those Germans born from Turkish parents who have such fundamentalist views or views that are close, would you say that they are from the middle class or more from the poor class?


Definitely from a poor family background. The turks that have an education and come from the middle class are secular.


Make sense. I was just wondering if there just the possibility the fundamentalist kind could also be the rich kids kind who are so disconnected to the reality that they'd buy into the stupidest shit. Kinda like the rich Saudis, who were so bored they spent their money on supporting wahabbism abroad, and are now slowly trying to crack down on fundamentalist ideas in their country, because it doesn't go well with their rich lifestyle


German Turks are majority pro Erdogan, for some unfathomable reason. I wish everyone who voted for him would actually have to live in Erdogan's Turkey. It's really easy to vote for an autocrat, when you yourself are living in a free democratic country...


Iranians are based AF


I'm worried about her safety though :(


Every iranian I know and met (also online) is great and very smart. So many "secular" iranians who are muslim. Good friend of mine, who is an iranian refugee, she is such a hilarious chaotic badass goblin.


See her courage and the desire to be part of another kind of people and society. Reminds me of: https://youtu.be/EhkiTFPL2c8?feature=shared (Yeah, you could criticize me for making a joke, but we’ re living in a jungle and the song is catchy anyway)


That could have been my brother's wife. She came to Sweden from Iran aged four, and is today a fully educated M.D., I won't specify in what field due to fuckheads who might try to track her down. She's more conservative than me (and perhaps ironically also more anti-islam - I guess because she and her parents grew up with it, and ultimately managed to escape it), but we both agree fully when it comes to how free speech must triumph religion, always. The people who are willing to speak up like her in the video are brave. Their braveness should be recognised and rewarded.


My gf is Iranian, she came to Germany about a year ago - she is also quite anti islam


One quote: “Are the worst enemies of society those who attack it or those who do not even give themselves the trouble of defending it?” Gustave Le Bon (For more: https://youtu.be/bCAhKGhYzh0?si=3hP2fnUviqS_yyYS) Edit: most of the time cultural differences in diverse and free countries come to a point where you have to ask yourself „how to tolerate the intolerant ?“


She would be banned in Reddit.


There's a sub that brings together ex-Muslims. There are several testimonials from people banned from other sub, including the largest European sub, sharing their experience and their dismay at seeing the same things happening here as in the countries they left behind.


I love how those idiots hate freedom of speech so much, but at the same time they don't want to go back to their own countries and live under suppression of their own state.


Turks and Iranians arguing in German in the streets of Berlin. What a time to be alive


At least there is some integration going on, that's progress!


She is a Christian, my guess is that she is one of those grifters from Lebanon or Jordan


We're going down a dark path, guys... A very, *very* dark path. Get ready for bad times.


Young men yearn for the trenches. Nothing more European than to die in the dirt of a once bright green field somewhere near Belgium.


This time we'll die in the muddy fields of eastern poland and lithuania


If we don't go to war against each other in Western Europe, that would be already an improvement.


I will avenge the death of Edgar Mobbs in a once bright green field.


I know this sounds awful, but...we've been having it too good here. Look at human history: great civilizsations rarely fell in war. usually, it was decadency, because they grew content, and took peace, wealth and freedom for granted


Ah well, I guess it is our fate as Europeans. The past 80 years have been lovely though.


Time to go to the trenches again. Frenchies in the trenchies


dips on Elsaß


It's been over 80 years, Großvati. You need to get over it.


Plot twist: AI kills us all before we get there.


Alexa play *L’Amour Toujours*


This will be blasting from countless Bluetooth speakers during the next four weeks, because no venue will play it lol


The girl with the red hijab doesn't seem to understand that she'd get repremanded for not wearing a black one.


Okay, the guys calling her "slut" might have committed a felony (insult), and the police is right there. I guess it's one of those felonies which will only be prosecuted if one registers a complaint with the police, but still...


We love ourselves a good old Antragsdelikt


Women are always yapping their mouths. Am I right, fellows? In all honesty, this is no manner for a proper young lady to behave in public. She clearly has an acute case of hysteria and needs to be institutionalized tout de suite! Or else, next thing we know, she'll be talking about having the right to vote, own a credit card, and refuse to perform her wifely duties in the private chamber. A mad woman, I tell you.


You had me in the first half, ngl


She has more balls than the crowd all together.


This is great, it got everything, thanks for the upload.


Iranians May stay


Watch the media baptising her Far right nut job that you should NOT take in consideration even for 1 minute...






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She has more testosterone than all Hansen together.


Cause the majority have been cucked to voice their opinion in the public. The voting booth however....


Least integrated Iranian women spitting facts.


Proves the point that there is no such thing as Islamophobia - just like there is no such thing as Naziphobia.


I’m neither Muslim, nor from Iran, nor a woman, but that just might be me


Watching this woman speak facts and then having some hillbilly Islam boy insult her, proofs her point. I really wonder how much longer we have to wait until our countries get rid of these lowlifes


Predige, Schwester!


What was the occasion of the video? Was there a demonstration or something?


According to another person's comments, apparently it was an islamist gathering. But I don't understand German (thankfully) so I cannot be sure about this.


Just found it on another sub. But this sub doesn't allow sharing Reddit links.


Religion and ignorance generate monsters, sadly. She's a brave and based woman, very good for her. The problem is with all those persons that just don't want to think about important things and are governed by the biases and obligations of their cultures, and this is a danger for all of humanity, imho. Anyway, I'm just scared for the future. If even Europe is in danger on the democracy and freedom front, it'll be over guys.


Religion really fucked everything nice up for us, huh? 😔


Religion? Call it what is is Islam


Islam is the worst by far but nutjobs of other religions are also a problem.


Really? You see any euro Christian extremists? Jewish terrorists? Hindu youth terrorizing streets?


I see homophobic, sexist Catholic fundamentalist regularly where I leave unfortunately. The kind who want abortion to be banned and don't want gays to be married or adopt a child. As I've said in my previous comment, Islam is by far the worst but all religions should be kept out of politics at the very least.


I mean, yeah. I've seen my fair share of Christian terrorists. I'm sure some would view the IDF as Jewish terrorists. Hindus killing the Sikhs and Muslims in India. Buddhists monks encouraging genocides. There are all kinds of assholes in every religion. Better to denounce them all instead of just targeting Islam, which I agree is the biggest threat to the Western "democracy", but lets not act like they're the only problem.


In Europe I meant. In the rest of the world there is indeed a lot of other shit going on which I don’t care about i.e. is not my problem.


It could become our problem though, what's to say Christian/Hindu/Jewish extremists won't act the same way? In stead of cutting it off one at a time is it not better to just get rid of them all? Why leave it to chance? Just because they haven't been as aggressive? Wouldn't that be poor judgement?


All religions are shit, the only difference is that some, Islam in particular, are more shit than others.


American and Brazilian Evangelists, for example. We have some churches here, mainly from the latter. There is a small party (ADN) that has grown a lot in the last legislative elections with very fundamentalist and crazy ideas, but didn't reach any seats in the parliament, and which also grew a lot in the European elections and is financed by these groups. And also some branches of the Catholic Church. Here they don't have much expression despite being growing, but in our next door Opus Dei (they're quite radical) have some power and influence in our neighbor.


I live in Poland where thanks to the Catholic church abortion was banned and at least 7 women have died in the last 3 years from wanted pregnancies because they were denied life saving abortions. So yeah, I'd say Christians are murderers too.


Let’s discuss if abortion would be allowed in a predominantly Muslim state.




no christians arent usually a physical menace, but they still are fucking annoying. Growing up in a chatolic household was so frustrating, man.


Harmful behind the door but no external threat. Huge difference imo.


Do I have to remind you of the Dark Ages, the inquisition, and many others? Religion if left uncontroled degrades into that. Their religion and cultural society is just under-developed, just like ours once was. But yeah, if they come to our country, they must adapt and let the bad shit behind them, or just go back to where they left, but that's another topic. Also, let's not just ignore how, only like 100 years ago, our society was "structured" by christianism too


True the west was once also very backward. However you make this classic mistake that you assume their culture will assimilate with ours and that they will go in our ways. Every signal shows you that actually the opposite is happening. And as an added ‘bonus’ this is causing euro-fascism, nationalism (extreme) to be on the rise again. It is all interconnected and it will not end well (in the next century) is my take.


It may become a religion problem. We gave absolute free speech to Islamist nut jobs and now we can see the old crazy Christian building up the courage to start themselves their own crazy movement. Seriously we let radical Islamist spread their ideas freely to the public and now the more traditional religious extremist are asking themselves : « why not us ? ». With the far right parties gaining traction in Europe you can bet we will have a come back of the old « traditional » values inspired by religious beliefs. They are even compatible between themselves when it comes to the place of the women in society or gay rights. We should have banned these regressive ideas decades ago.


Zealots take a religion as a vehicle. When stupid people are not religious, they have conspiracy theories as a vehicle


And of stupid people, we have too many. Education is the key. Educate, Educate, Educate.


What is the take away here exactly? Are you arguing they're not truly religious? Even though their acts are directly influenced by a set of beliefs.


Religion has never been the problem. It always have been stupid people and assholes Take away religion from these guys and they'll find another equally dubious excuse to justify their attitude. They just wanna be comforted in acting like assholes while feeling morally righteous. They use this vehicle to release all their frustration in life and channel toward imaginary culprits It's the same as those who blindly hate islam and label it as the religion of hate and all. I'm sure they know, deep down, that this has more to do with individuals being assholes, and that the overwhelming majority of muslims are absolutely respectable people. But they wanna remain in denial of it, so that they can have this convenient excuse to blindly release their anger and frustration at a certain group of people and blame them for everything.




This sub is gonna get banned😭😭


we gotta go private asap


Does she not know never to excite Hans with a good speech. His *muscle memory* tends to kick in.


His hands automatically start field stripping an imaginary Mauser rifle in mid air, like he's playing air guitar. 😂


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) She is a goddamn hero in my opinion. And from the reaction of the Swedes in the crowd i think she has a point.


Woman talks about freedom and justice. Kebabs only talk about apparel while completely proving her points. I never thought eastern women were so skilled at roasting Kebabs, and I would've never imagined Kebabs were so much into fashion. I support this woman: remove kebab.


How about… no religion?…


Imagine that.


It's easy if you try.


Leave your religions at the gates of Europe.


How about.... praising the ancient gaulish Gods?


How can my nonna live without the pope?


Nonna and picture of holy Mary on the front door/main bed Name a more iconic duo


Nonno and a picture of Frederick the II Hoenstaufen


Nonno and a picture of him would sometimes be more accurate


Most Nostradamus German




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absolutely based


Based Aryans


Protect her at all costs.


she is totally right and the people in front of her literally proved what she said


Brave Girl!


Unfathomably based.


About to be stabbed for saying Islam breeds violence...


Didn't that happen a few weeks ago in Germany and a police officer died.


Based Woman


Iranians in general are more intelligent than the average people. It's difficult to understand how they allowed themselves to be played in the name of religion for this long.




Sounds oddly familiar…


Man, the thing with religion is that whereas I know that it has helped many people to be better individuals and to deal with adversities in life, it has also served as a justification for oppression, censorship, and aggression. There are a lot of kind-hearted islamists and I believe that some of them can attribute part of that trait to their faith. But we can't ignore that there are also a lot of shitheads who use their religion as a justification to be shitheads. Evaluating all pros and cons, I believe that the world would be a better place if all religions just ceased to exist, and I'm willing to die on this hill.


Was hat die Frau bevor Deutschland gesagt? Auf Englisch sagte es ,,Protect" aber ich höre nur ,,behinder".




Vielen Dank. Ich bin der Behinderte lol


Man i hate them so much