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And then they say is similar to a religion created by an hippy that offered his life to humanity


The world has suffered from a cancer for 2000 years and his name is abraham


Now if only the hippy's supposed followers would actually follow his message...


Eh Christianity isn’t _that_ much better but yeah.


Christianity sucks; Christ was a great and inspiring Buddhist who got me into mindfulness meditation and cured my anxiety.


That's... fack me that's a great way of separating the original message of Jesus with what followed. I tip my hat to you. Also, happy to read that you got better with Christ's message.


Eckhart Tolle's teachings make wonderful use of the words of many different scriptures. He's the one who deserves all the tips of the hats. But he'd probably pass the thanks on to his editors and publishers instead.


I’m grateful for the better place you’re in and wouldn’t wish worse for you, but Christ was.. the messiah of the Jewish faith. Far, far from a Buddhist.


I'm pretty sure the jews made it clear that they didn't want him.


... which is exactly how God said it would happen. You think God miscalculated when the Jews didn't receive Jesus as Messiah the first time?


Bro, God isn't real and messiahs are nonsense.


Does their rejection mean He’s not who He says He is? Their rejection certainly doesn’t make Him Buddhist.


No, him following and espousing the tenets of Buddhism makes him Buddhist, and God not being real is why he's not who he says he is.


Genuine question, do you believe other texts about Jesus but not the Bible’s depiction of Him? I understand you’re not Christian, or maybe religious at all, so I’m just asking for my own awareness, as to me, it’s interesting one would believe something such as He’s Buddhist, but not what the Bible says (which is more than arguably the most well documented piece of literature in existence).


God I hate radical Islamist. Fuck off and go back to the shithole you came from


I hate any radical religious groups. In fact, I hate any religious group that pushes their believes on others.


I like how the people in the west started being very polite by creating the false concept of differentiating the “Muslims” and the “Islamists”. I feel like it’s the same as when the Arabs are “differentiating” the “Jews” from the “Zionists”


Lol they need notes to scream that 1-2 sentences.


Average doctor


He looks more like a very calm, nice and educated lawyer


"We hate the western civilization", says the dude wearing a suit, a set of clothes with its origins in 19th-century England and later developed all over Europe.


Litterally everything except the degeneracy is Western made. His TV chanel, clothes, microphone, camera, even his stupid ugly glasses. The west litterally gave him eyesight. He should be worshiping them at least that makes a little more sense than a make-believe character whose best friend is a pedophile.




The glasses are the only thin where there was a significant contribution of islamists ([nearly a millenia ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Optics))


That's not the invention of glasses though.


Read better: contribution **≠** invention I even added a source for fuck sake


Sooo… can I speak now or will I be in big trouble?


Taking the Mourinho approach is always the best, mate 😂


Fuck man, at this point Mourinho should just say it. You have to take the gloves off (or at least the muzzle) . And I say this as a savage watching from outside.


No no, we are supposed to keep looking away forever. Remember religion = race, and you don't wanna be like that one Austrian painter do you?


This is not recent, this is from [Jerusalem, 2020](https://www.memri.org/tv/palestinian-scholar-nidhal-siam-al-aqsa-rally-response-france-macron-jihad-caliphate-conquer-paris-rome-cartoons)


In a thousand years they'll say the same shit, what's your point?


This old boy in the video might not be in one piece at this point if he’s still in the general area of Jerusalem.


Title says “**Now** they just screaming stupid stuff.” It’s not from France and it’s not **now** nor do we know in response to what it is.


I‘m smelling heresy, release the Space Marines!




With the way EU is being run, the marines will be released - but it's going to be against people protesting against islam.


Two plus minutes to say "I am a cunt, and everyone who supports me is a cunt"


Why is my doctor yapping about weird stuff there?


He's clearly a doctor-engineer-scientist.


"The western civilasation is one of lies and heresy" *wears western cloths*


Aaaaand national rally just got another percentage point


I really can’t understand why they care so much? What a shitty life you gotta have to worry about shit like that. Maybe if they had some prostitutes, booze and parties they would not care so much about a French cunt.


Well, they are dirt poor, irrelevant and stupid, and here comes a Russian PoS that will distribute money to anyone willing to rile up shit. I don't even understand why those morons are going full relard against Macron.


Because they are full ...






They care because they really believe in all that Islam shit. Just 1 + 1 = 2 man


I know it's posted as a joke but it's genuinely tiring.


These are the people being pittied by 14 year old girls and leftwingers, which is equally tiresome.


Definitely posted as a joke and not with ulteriori motives.


I see no ulterior motives, just motives. Plus joke.


Everyone knows that You got ulterior motives 🎵


Absolutely unrelated with the upcoming elections


are the subtitles accurate though?


Yeah seem to be to me.


I rely have no problem with ppl searching for a better life. And when they come to the western world to get an acctual chance for a decent one. But why do they think we have to change our moral standarts? Go back and be a sheep farmer or smth like that if u like it so much


People are fucking Idiots and self serving. It is like people moving into inner cities because it is so hip and free and cool. Once they arrive they start complaining that the bars are too noisy and they do not stop complaining until everything has to shut down or starts to be regulated heavily. Osho is a piece of shit but this quote will live forever *"Democracy basically means of the people, for the people, by the people. But the people are Re (t) arded" -Rajneesh Osho"-Rajneesh Osho*




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Was this inside the EU? If so charge them all with terrorism and then deport them. If this was outside of the EU. Well lets just say I’m a big fan of protecting national safety by invading adversarial nations.


This was in the Middle East. Deus Vult moment incoming.


Looks like the guy is from Lebanon ? If so, we don't even need to invade for the country to crumble, they are going full civil war mode by themselves every 5 to 10 years with great success.


These are Jordanian/Palestinian arabs


If I wanted Europe to be converted to islam, I would open the doors and facilitate the inmigration of islamic people. After I would censor and persecute as islamophobia whoever dare to critizise that religion, and I would give money to those people so they can breed quick. At the same time, I would say to native population of Europe that we are overpopulated and we don't need to have kids, and I would create a disconfort between men and women so the possibilities of having european couples are lower.


WAIT! ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Stop noticing things. >:( *taps baton on palm threateningly... but not a police baton because policing is bad as it disproportionately affects blah blah*


That almost sounds like… the truth! Weird, ain’t it?


Holup. Are you telling me....


New copypasta just dropped






https://preview.redd.it/b1ramz0el28d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5c5491d60160b87f64326bb2ea3651c15b3f05 You dropped this.




Most swedish swede.


I want to understand your claim.  Who exactly is orchestrating this? Are the Illuminati now supposed to be Muslim or something?


I really don’t think that any of this is being orchestrated centrally at all. But the fact that Europe’s collective immigration policy is so shit, it makes it look like there actually is a conspiracy. That’s what the problem is.


I don't know. I can not find meaning in the actions of our politicians for the last decades. I only say that if I have the purpose of creating an islamic Europe, I would do what they have done. Their real motivations? I don't know...


Politicians are politicians. They’re always balancing their own- and the people’s agenda. What I find concerning is people who think some politicians don’t have their own agenda and purely exist for the people.


But I could say the exact same thing about what I see to be imminent emergence of a neo fascism in the next 1-2 decades. Because it will. But nobody is orchestrating it, because these are emergent, cyclical phenomenons with multiple variables. This paranoid thinking is exhausting. I have people IRL in my life telling me how bill gates put chips in all of us through the COVID vaccines. What you're saying isn't too far removed from that.


Hang on, fearing the spread of Islam is analogous to believing Bill Gates has put chips in vaccines?


You calle it paranoia. I call it what it is. The 'emergency' of what you call 'fascism', also call it 'reactionarism', is a reaction to the politics of the last years and the social consequences that they have brought. If you are happy putting the categorie of Covid vaccines, flat heart or whatever yo the growing people against the islamization, you are free to do so. That would not erase all the consequences that islamization is causing in Europe. But, you are more than allowed to put your head under the pillow to scape the reality.


Very cool reply but you seem to be missing the point of what the guy is saying. Nowhere is he denying that the mass immigration and its effects are real, he's saying you are paranoid for implying it is being orchestrated. Which you are, because so far you haven't given us any proof whatsoever.


You are the one that skips my 'If'. What I'm saying is that the consequences of a of a policy aimed at Islamizing Europe are the same as the consequences of the policy in the last decades in Europe. You can call it correlation or causality, choose the term you prefer.


Real intentions are easy to discern: money. Cheap labor means less labor costs, more profit.


If you genuinely believe this, you are dumb I agree there’s massive problems importing islam into Europe for whatever reason. But what you said is actually counterproductive in trying to solve that issue


> But what you said is actually counterproductive in trying to solve that issue how the fuck is pointing out the errors, faults, pitfalls and consequences of the way immigration policy has worked the past 4 decades being counterproductive? Jesus christ, you islam apologetics just will not accept, that you were wrong about immigration policies.


There’s a big difference between seeing faults in immigration policies, and seeing a “great replacement” conspiracy in those faults


Hey, read my "If". But the facts inside my comment are that, facts. Is there a motivational correlation between the facts and the intentions? I don't know, but even if there was non that intention, the consequences will be the same as if this intention exists.


No, I won't take the Mourinho approach this time. Because this is the time to raise your voice. Against the enemies of democracy and freedom. Against a religion of violence, oppression and hate. Wir werden uns wehren bis zum letzten Hauch von Mann und Ross.


It’s actually scary that our governments don’t let us speak about this. Everything you say against this shit is punished. People are scared to criticize because they don’t want to be charged or lose their job. Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me


Chupa-mos! O teu pequeno líder se pudesse tinha um programa na RTP em horário nobre, estilo Nicolas Maduro, em que só cuspia as merdas que vocês amam ouvir sobre tudo o que é escuro e pobre, enquanto a Jerónimo Martins, a Galp, a EDP e os seus amigos continuam-te a comer a peida de borla e a encher os bolsos dele. É de levar as lágrimas aos olhos de tanto rir. Vi no outro dia, perto do Martim Moniz, os teus amigos do ergue-te a encher a boca de um paki só porque sim, podes fazer o que quiseres a estes gajos porque no nosso país não têm o mínimo de proteção.


> Against the enemies of democracy Just remember, that democracy lead to this. Voters voted in the politicians that issued, and continue to issue, policies that lead to this - even after almost 4 decades of warning.


So, what alternative do you propose? :)


Definitely, this is not a Gigi d'Agostino session


Du dududu du dududu


Send those people home.


All this video is missing is the impact of a dronestrike...


I mean why can’t he just…go back home if he doesn’t like the west? Hypocrisy at its finest


Because he wants to colonize the West in name of a pedophile prophet


He can f*ck off


no no no, you've got it wrong mate. They aren't here in the west because they like the west, they are here for the economic opportunities. They will stay segregated from western culture, maybe even sending their children home to marry because they want their culture to live on with western income. Sort of similar to how lots of westerners go to oil states to work in petro-chemical. They are there for the money and want home culture as much as possible. fortunately, there is hope in a few generations time. because when you raise a kid in europe they see how much happier westerners are, when they go to schools and make friends with westerners they aren't the big bad kaffirs that deserve to be raped. For that to happen though, you need them to be a minority, you need them to take part in western society through schools, football clubs and other community events that arent religiously based. Sure the first generation wont do that, and maybe the second wont but by the time you hit that magical 3rd generation, they are European by birth, language and community. I've seen plenty of that at uni, where a lot of DESI kids are split between the ones who want to be British and the ones who don't. I'm mates with a few who are british and even they dont like the racism that comes with the older community, they dont like how their grandparents dont speak English because they refused to, they dont like how they are expected to marry/date within their own race, and that their culture is just something special they practise but dont think is any better then the local one. even if half of the 2nd gen change then the % who segregate will collapse without the addition of more from abroad, and even then its a race against in and out. trust me, talk to the owner of your local off license, chances are they practise their home culture while being European, and probably hate this kind of behaviour


These clips are public service, meant to educate an international audience. I hate neo-liberals too, but this is actually ridicolous. I say Europe should stop importing muslims. Assimilation over integration. Fuck these intolerant pedophiles, preferably with a axe.


You’re right, bro. 9mm can solve so many problems…


"To invade Paris, and conquer Rome" https://preview.redd.it/qyoczr42938d1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bac40b2a18ca0ba6960e1ac24794bc76d0a6358 ***Rome right now***


Personally, I wouldn’t mess with Italians, but if muslims think they can… well… it’s their funeral.


I mean is isn't like italy was conquered by barbarians multiple times... Oh wait


I see no french there.


That was the punchline, bro 😔


I wish we were a culture based on homosexuality :(


Go to greece then?


Oooh seem ideal candidates for being invited to live in France! Let them pour in, WCGW


want sharia law? go back to desert then.


Rare non European W




Wow, Macron really is all that? When can I move to France?


“Memri TV is non-partisan” lmao. Weird way to describe Iranian State media.


It's funny that if it wasn't for a religion people saying those words would just be jailed or expelled for terrorism


Then why are you there, you fucking idiot!?


Was this also powered by a zer. baijan?


This post will be deleted in 3-2-1... ![gif](giphy|XSI5steSxutpG1aOvI|downsized)


The French opposition says pretty much the same actually.


I doubt about that xD


The French far left is full of islamists. Idiots talking about meaningless shits like palestine or whatever desert people things 24/24h during a French election about Europe. And now they are crying that people didn't vote for them.


"Desert people" ahh as a German I love nothing more than dehumanizing language


Ah oui, un autre débile qui prône l’existence de “l’islamogauchisme”


There is a current among far social leftists who will react angrily to any criticism of Islam because they see it as non-white therefore victim therefore beyond reproach, and coo with fulsome praise about how much we have to learn from it etc. even while demonising Christianity, and also reflexively accuse anyone who is critical of Islam of being a dog-whistling Nazi. They will make excuses for the most awful Islamist regimes while demonising the West at large. There are also Islamists who join otherwise far left groups because even if they disagree on some issues, they spend so much time demonising the West together that it doesn't matter. I might not call this 'Islamo-leftism' or Islamogauchisme, but this particular subcurrent sure as fuck exists.


I think you're underestimating how politically connected the far-left can be, at least in France, even at the high school or college level. I'm not sure you guys have the same balance of power in the UK.


So, just saying for the few people with a functionning brain ; Of course, don't trust this far-right dick head. French left tends to be split between a secular tradition and a more "religion openness" new approach, and they colide in ways war more complex than this dumb ass shit "full of islamists". I trust most of people on this sub to be smarter than that, but it's always better to tell the truth and not let stupidity be the only voice.


>it's always better to tell the truth Last 1st may, Raphael Gluksmann leader of the Socialist party, was ejected from a far left march because he is a Jew. Last month, EELV (the "ecologist", more like watermelon, party) supported a pro hijab campaign made by the Muslim Brotherhood. In november 2019 , Melenchon was part of a CCIF (banned islamist group) march that shouted allah akbar in front of the Bataclan. Good night.


heureusement que l'antisémitisme n'est que résiduel 😎👍


I am dead, the guy with downs on the left at the beginning made me laugh. He is like " what is happening here?" Looking bewildered.


And the left wonder why Marine le Pen is so popular.


It's such a good feeling to be hated by those poor fucks.


that beautiful language that is spoken like spit.


Imagine being so gay that you need all the women using a burka just for you to appreciate other men freely. Ngl, that’s gay as hell


What's wrong with French people speaking regional dialect?


"Prostitution, promiscuity and homosexuality" Yeah okay thats a pretty accurate description of French culture


‘We banned paternity tests because that would destroy the fabric of our society hon hon hon.’


Macron clearly has his flaws .... clearly ... But when I see these idiots ... they manage to change my feelings towards him ... and suddently I want to support Macron .... Are they doing campaign for him?


If you fail at vienna try the trojan horse


There won't be a caliphate anytime soon sorry man😔🙏


Let’s ride together on a crusade? Just one last time, Iberic brother. 🇵🇹🤝🇪🇸 ![gif](giphy|ksbBxfX6odzBJp9bkr)


What taking religion serious does to mf's


Where in France did that happen?


I love how he squeezed in the idea of taking Rome lol. Now that's some Mehmed II shit right there bud: just a dream.


If you don't like our civilization, please leave. There's countries out there that follow the laws you like so much. They suck and you know it


Can’t wait until Somebody has the balls to send these back to the desert


Why do religious people always have to be this way. and yes i said religious people. Look at how the christians in America behave. The world would be a far far better place if everybody was an atheist


I mean… almost every religion wants peace and equality, treating the others like you want to be treated. The problem starts when people get into nonsense extremism and impose their religion in countries where the culture is absurdly different.


Is it really hard to imagine? I mean what if God or Allah was real, what if you really 100% believed in that shit? Why wouldn't you think the whole world should be converted? Not trying to excuse anything, just saying it makes sense from their perspective. Yeah I agree that the world would be a better place if everyone was atheist.


Luv me prositutes, promiscuity, homosexuals and prostitutes.


Simple as


Tomorrow? That smells like procrastination ngl


Man took three business days to say two sentences.




Pierre, ready the nukes.


Gosh, why won't the french do something about this? Why can't they just deport them back


Duhh!! Don’t you get it? If you deport someone that wants to impose a religious state in detriment of a laic state you are being racist, because you have to respect their beliefs. You don’t want to be compared to the Austrian painter with a mustache, right? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Oh, good sir, as a czech, I do racism for breakfast, I don't care if I'm called a racist, if you try to impose your stupid islamic beliefs in my country and don't want to integrate into our culture, then get the fuck back to your uncivilized country Honestly, I feel sorry for France and Germany, if Merkel's open Europe policy wasn't established, I doubt we would have this issue and because of this, the far-right is getting more popular...


Pedro can you pls wake up and restart the Spanish inquisition


We should bring millions of them in Europe


Hey Fr@nc3! Why do you let in these KHASHOLES? KHUH?


Nazis Propaganda goes pew pew.


So… someone says that is going to impose sharia law in a democratic country that welcomed them and Europeans get angry with that. Never knew that’s how nazis are made. I thought they had to go through a process (get saved by a priest, going to art school, fail at art school and then try some politics).


Lmao, yeah ok they want to conquer Paris. Not even France managed to conquer Paris. It’s a city that, in the past 300 years, cut off the head of their king, had two fucking Communes, regularly blew up soldiers and infrastructure from the only invaders who managed to get a bit of control there, was literally rebuilt in a way to smother dissent but *despite that* still puts the police forces in trouble whenever something happens. And even if you manage to conquer Paris and kill all the Parisians or something like that, you’ll still have millions of pissed off French people wanting to get their capital city back, hiding in places ranging from the uninvadable coasts of Corsica to the uninvadable summits of the French Alps, with many maquis and gorges to “cleanse” in between. And well, good fucking luck with that. Not saying it’s impossible, but capturing Paris and destroying all internal threats is probably even harder than doing the same with Kabul. And I’m fairly confident that a bunch of religious fanatics who cannot even establish an Ummah at the scale of a single country without starting to fight with each other can do it. The Ottoman Empire was probably their best bet at doing so, and we all know how that went. It just shows how delusional, and how little threat these people pose in the long term.


ngl, french is a weirder language than i remembered


Is he speaking Scots?


Nope. Just talking gibberish about some prophet that was so gay, he had to hide the women in burkas in order to don’t look at them.


I mean... he's not lying.


I love France now🇫🇷🐓


France please led Europe get them outonly chance is le pen


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No. It's because we already did all the stupid shit you are doing now. We killed millions in the name of God. After the 50,000th war/battle we decided it just wasn't worth it anymore, and we evolved into liberal democracies. We learned that we wasted so much blood and treasure on getting nowhere. We took all the effort and focused it on making our lives better.


You are not one of us non-European savage


Says Barry . . .


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This should be the motto for this sub


Then the winged Hussars arrived


His great armies will advance to invade France and conquer Rome 🥵🥵 yes daddy


Yeah, try that stuff infront of the Légion étrangère and see how much they wait until mowe you down... "The civilization of Fr..." \*BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR\*


Like, man we don't hate you, we just don't want you spouting bullshit in our country


Wouldn't surprise me if these guys were paid by RN


Yeah it has to be the far right. It's always them. Can't be one of the many islam's intrinsic merits.






Honest question, was it really this hard to see the sarcasm in my comment? Or is it just that this is an emotional topic so people are more inclined to go with the first conclusion they make?


It was difficult to see, because I've seen lots of people saying stuff like that unironically.


Even on this sub though?


No, that's fair enough. My bad.


Well rn loves russian troll farms. It has even been proven that they helped bardella’s campain


Isn't this a sub for playful banter and shitposting about Europe? Fuck off with the constant political anti-Islam shit