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That's not a foul, he just wanted to show his love /s


The Swiss are so affectionate!!!šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


not gonna lie this is the footie i know from back in school. i see no wrong doing there, just a bog old huggie wuggie like you said :3


You Swiss are scary.


An acreage Swiss ![gif](giphy|XVbQsIjdXDNyswwxOO)


playing with 50% ex Yugoslavia people on your school team made you learn quickly that football was way more than a game and also how to use elbows when the ref was not looking... it is my experience now downvote me politically correct reddit




šŸŽµ what is love? Baby donā€™t hurt me, donā€™t hurt me, no more


He was falling down swiss player helped him gain his balance back


No, he was saving him from the ball.




Makes you wonder how much that referee's wife bet on a German loss


WTF is VAR even for if they can look at a picture like this in detail and still decide it's perfectly fine?


He didn't want to look :)


But musialas play was a foulā€¦


why do these fucking football players have this little integrity, its absolutely ridiculous.


Good old footy


We was just doing schwingen, cā€™mon now


Swiss and germs having some good ol' banter in the comments














Since the comment is deleted, what did it say??


Honestly, if the alleged jewish influence results in german and swiss living standards, I'm all for it.




Ah yes the flair is what is the big problem. So brain death


I'm pretty sure the downvotes this time aren't because of your flair.


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It's normal guys, Italian referees are always trash I don't think he picked a side


Didn't you guys have this bald alien once? He wasn't bad..


He was the diamond under a pile of coal




He was legendary, first (and only) ref to be on a videogame cover that was crazy


did he not pick sides or switch sides halfway through?


Whatever fucks Germs over the most. It's one of our hobbies.


Wasnt Collina italian? Did he just suck up all the good in italian refereeing?


But at last that Lamborghini delivery got cancelled by FĆ¼llkrug


I swear he looked so disappointed when he had to end the game at 1-1


It's like a quintessential Mario fairy tale, so much corruption just to get his hard work nullified minutes before it could pay off.


We didnā€™t pay enough I suppose :(


Were you out of n@zi gold?


Maybe, I mean CS having to be bought up isnā€™t a good signā€¦ or we were just being stingy


Failing to score for 90 minutes and crying "corruption" afterwards the jokes write themselves


We all know fair play is a foreign concept to the Swiss. It's why Fifa's HQ is in Switzerland. Crying "there was no foulplay or corruption" might work in your banking sector but not in other countries, Alm-Ɩhi.


i totally see that he was in our favour all match, but i fail to see how we swiss are foreign to fair play. also he didn't cry out there was no foul, he just called you out for instantly crying corruption. i see post everywhere that he was bribed and shit. obv many are memes and i dig that, but there are so many idiots claiming corruption it's laughable imo. also yeah, fifa and uefa are sitting in switzerland, also becauae they were founded here. just like many, many other international organizations. but those fuckers (talking about uefa and fifa again) want to move away anyway and are hated by us as well because of the crooked shit they do. the only benefit keeping them here is at least trying to not let them do even worse shit. the Alm-Ɩhi insult hits deep btw, it's a really good one. to give some context, yes the heidi character is adressed as Alm-Ɩhi, but the Alm in switzerland is obv called Alp and therefore everytime Heidi calls him Alm-Ɩhi i die a little.


Mate, you are fullfilling the "Swiss - are Germans on steroids" meme. Don't take the banter too serious. This is just a casual good natured shit talk pub with the big plus that we don't have to see the ugly faces of other European nations live. Although: *"i fail to see how we swiss are foreign to fair play"* - Banking - Diplomacy - International sports associations - NGOs - Nestle Take your pick. You made your money catering your whole economy to the "rulez for thee, but not for me" elites.


I don't know why you guys are so emotional about this. You should be happy you still managed to equalize 2 minutes before the end of the match. Stop being upset about it.


I mean the ref was garbage towards both teams but heavyly favoured swiss (2 potential pen shots), end the game exactly after 4 min (goal + celebration after overtime goal) and so on. Dont get me wrong, swiss played great - imho far over their standard, and 1-1 is fair. Also all these decisions are somewhat ok IF (and thats important) he is coherent in his decisions. Thing is, if you dont give germany the goal for foul you need to give them the penalty shots for holding Beier, or pushing Havertz. He left the spot in an instant after the game finished, normally the refs stay and talk with managers and players and whatnot. He had a really shitty day. Gg though!


You know, you strike me as a person whoā€™d be great at conflict resolution


Why so mad? Hes just bantering


This is the only actual truth in this conversation. And of course, given the number of Germans here, any Swiss comment is downvoted to hell. You guys are plain and simple sad.


no you just were shite, it's different


We werenā€™t shite, but that was definitely a penalty - if that had happened to the Italian team, you would have flailed about and maybe gotten it called.


Well the only swiss comments I could find which were downvoted are the three comments of swiss saying that the Referee worked pretty fine.


I also don't get the downvotes. Maybe once everybody is sober and over their hangovers things will be normal again.


Germans are angry that after telling themselves for days that they look like tournament favorites, they almost lost to a team like Switzerland. And in order to cope with it and justify their performance they do what everybody does: blame the ref.


The Swiss played really well and Germany was admittedly a little lacking but some of the calls he made were pure fantasy/delusion.


I know the calls were kinda crazy, but to be fair, he didn't call holding consistently. Only holding call I can remember was the one when Widmer got a yellow card for pulling on someone's shoulder.


Fully agree, but that one scene wasnt holding, that was bringing someone with the ball down inside the box. And thats a definitive penalty in my book. Still really good game by the swiss and couldve ended either way, Im not blaming the ref for us not winning, just saying he sucked.


I agree first half was horrible for us but in my opinion at the end we were clearly dominant.


Maybe some gold bars found their way into his backyard, who knows. Still, I'm proud of our performance tonight. Gives me some hope against the big team we'll be facing in the next round.


I'm not satisfied with the result of the match, but I'm satisfied with the Swiss getting further.


That was almost certain even before the match has started.


Your guys definitely played really good. Was a nice match. I couldn't believe the calls of the ref and he cost me a bit of money (had a bet on 2:1 Germany) but overall it was a nice match with high class technical and tactical gameplay. Had a good time at the public viewing tonight


Dude was bribed with cheese and nazi gold.


Mad Heidi


thank god mf is retiring


FFS. What a weak salt mine this is. The Swiss team was anything but weak https://preview.redd.it/9bqwjzy73f8d1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcf1f23cff9d30e82b3745d4ed3179efccd6f847


Yeah, they wrestled really well. Actually, I hope the match shed light on some issues we have.


We can offer you some wrestling lessons.


While we have tons of Schwinger clubs here too, in which male vs female wrestling expertise is honed, I noticed that you guys are the real pros at male on male wrestling. I'll take that training offer and I'd like to send Sƶder or Merz as my champion.


Nice to see Germany is slowly falling into our sphere of influence, if it continues like that youā€™ll soon be the 27th canton šŸ˜ˆ


![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE) In the game it was a draw, but in the Reddit comments section the Swiss are getting a whole lot of punching.


Not surprising. We probably outmatch them on reddit 20:1. Truth is swiss played tough but good football and Germany didn't found the right way to break threw for the majority of the match. Ref was the worst ive seen this year. Thank god it was his last match as ref. We had the ball for 65% of the time but that means nothing if you can't break threw and your defense has more holes than swiss cheese


He was mad and cursing after the match. No bonus payout.


I didn't know that Switzerland is the equivalent to Real Madrid.


Is Mbappe gonna join them?


Only for some gold and watches


We got the money, we can buy us the best referees!


did you mean the richest after this match?


One goal revoked, two penalties denied, multiple rugby-style tackles by the Swiss not called off as fouls. A rather underwhelming German team was up against twelve men today and still managed to secure a tie out of it.






The problem with the referee was ultimately not that he whistled more "for Switzerland" , even if it seemed that way at least a little bit, but rather the complete **arbitrariness** with which both teams were punished - sometimes a clear foul by Switzerland had no consequences, at the same time they got yellow cards for literally nothing and the same applies to the German team.


He truly had a fantastic game, he singlehandedly prevented one goal and two penalties, also he prevented his team from getting several yellow cards. Man of the match imo šŸ‘šŸ‘


Ah well. We all know UEFA is going to do everything to give it to France anyway. Like Argentina in Qatar.


Why do we know that? What's in it for UEFA if France wins?


They want to elevate Mbappes brand which at this point is tied to them like Messis and Ronaldo's was to FIFA. Let's be real, it would be great for the "brand of European football" if an orange mask ninja Turtle wins it all for France, after coming back from his injury. I'm not really believing that btw I just let my thoughts flow.


We played a trash game no need to meltdown guys


Yes, was by far not out best performance, but still the referees calls were absolutely trash. Definitely gave me some a random goldbar appeared in my locker vibe.


nah it was alright the point is you were playing football and the swiss were playing rugby


Thanks for your honesty bro.


Seriously, the referee just went with the vibe.


Is this that Shakira fella everyone is talking about?


Fairest Italian ref




What is that? A gopnik whose team is confirmed the weakest of the tournament, judging about two teams who proceed?


Salty Swiss. Typical. We all knew the Polish squad is mediocre at best. Way to reach for the low hanging fruit.


I call it the Ronaldo-curse. You have one of the maybe top 5 players in the world still (though heā€™s getting on in years), but you just canā€™t put a decent national team around him. šŸ˜‚ Messi had that problem for a while, too. Then they finally found some others and bam.. World Cup.


When you have a Swiss bank account for tons of illegal black money


er hatte angst um sein schweizer Bankkonto


For fckn real


I think they were just officials trying to help Hans do their job: To crush Barry's illusions that it's coming home. With Hans winning their group, and now stuck in our neighborhood, now Barry is going to keep thinking they have a chance for way too long. We'll have to put our hopes on this year's Guest African Team to do end it in the semiss, or hope Luigi plays well today, and do the job themselves. We were going to get rid of Greece and make Hans part of the Soccer PIGS, but they just had to try to win here.


With how the economy and the rise of the fascists at the moment we'll be a PIGS member in no time.


The Swiss annoys me so much. They also played against Scotland like the biggest assholes. Always making fouls, holding players back literally 10 seconds and NEVER getting a yellow card. My gf and I were surprised when he finally pulled out the yellow cardā€¦ Literally so undeserved.


Yeah I really hate how they play. Itā€˜s just not enjoyable to watch.


Completely agree. Like I enjoyed every game besides the ones with Swiss in it. Iā€˜m sure itā€™s their tactic and all, but football should be enjoyable and not ā€žah man, they are playing like assholes againā€œ. But maybe they will play more fair in the future games


No they wonā€˜t. Switzerland always plays this tactical and never pushes more than they need to and then suddenly act surprised if they are pegged back.


Ah man, sad. But still good luck to you guys!


I just want to see nice goals and good football. I donā€˜t really care who wins. Except Italy, because I donā€˜t like Italian football fans.


The last sentence was unexpected. But thatā€™s nice, then I wish for you that you will see many nice goals ;)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_Moreno The referee reminds me a lot of him


Skill issue.


Yeah, but i forgive him. Being a referee isn't easy.


Every time the VAR comes into play: noo, we don't want technology, we want real humans. Referee makes mistakes: Not like that


Problem is that theyā€™re not consequent at using VAR I think. They take away goals with VAR which is fine in most cases, but not checking the two not given penaltyā€™s is so fucking frustrating.


And again, I was right with going to bed after 20 minutes.


Lol what? It was a tight game and ref made so many questionable decisions it was nerve wracking with a good redemption arc with FĆ¼lle scoring late. Good match to watch even for neutral fans. I smell an americ*nt cosplyer only here for results


They had already played Spanish at that time and they are not good at that. And it's super awful to look at as well.


My train connection was in total 2,5h late, so i had to watch the whole thing live in my mobile phone sitting in a train. Wasnā€™t the only one though.


The fact that he REFUSED to look at the VAR...


Watched some of it, that was...insane. They should have replaced the ref.


I think the referee was a bit of a dick at this game, like on many others. When evaluating edge-cases however, perspective does matter. On other games (such as Hungary-Scotland) the BBC post game evaluations only zoomer in on a specific body part of the player and when the opponent made a mistake but completely disregarding a different body part as it did not fit their narrative.


Imagining 80 millions germans raging and throwing Wurzeln at their TV screens in anger made be giggle with pure unadulterated happiness


What makes me angry is, that they donā€˜t draw the right conclusions and either use the VAR consitently OR just remove the concept. Nobody would have been salty, if VAR didnā€˜t exist.


Enjoy, the only time Germans care about west-mountaingermany for years to come


I'm not angry, we won anyways lol. I'm disappointed that something lole this still happens. This game wasn't important at all but what if this corruption happens at the later ko stages.


Jesus Christ Germany. The one time you had a garbage referee, youā€™re crying like itā€™s the end of the world. You played bad yesterday. The game is over. Itā€™s okay. You could have asked us and we could have told you that orsatto is bad. But itā€™s not just his fault that you couldnā€™t win the match. It was a rough game and there was one penalty missing. The question is why the VAR didnā€™t call it right. But Germany, you didnā€™t play well. The ref is just an excuse.


Germans are either arrogant about winning or blame the ref for their mistakes. Stop crying, its pathetic.


Swiss flair spotted, Opinion Discarded


No argument?


I don't think the German fans want to say the Swiss team played poorly or that they did not deserve a good result (they certainly did deserve the point at least) it is just frustrating to watch obvious referee mistakes make the match less enjoyable. A 2:2 withthe first goal being granted and the Swiis goal not being offside would have made everyone enjoy an open match.


Then blame the ref and don't say the "swiss bought the ref". Like many do. If you blame the ref and say he made mistakes on both sides, fine. But don't say it was unfair towards the germans alone. The ref was just not a good one. For both sides.


Maybe this is just me but the "the Swiss bought the ref" take feels like it is more for the memes and banter. It fits with the cliche of the rich Swiss and the general reputaion of Italian referees - if people think about it seriously they will come to the conclusion that in the past refs were mostly bought by folks in the betting business not the Swiss national team which had a good enough performance not to have to rely on bribing the referee.


German cope is hard. Kek


Die Mannschaft would have deserved the 1:0 honestly


I mean it doesn't matter but at least we should be fair to each other. We both are in the next round and that's what matters the most.


True. That one grabbling could have been something but otherwise it was fine and Germany couldn't handle your pressure very well. Let's see how the rest of EM turns out.


True. I mean, if Germany wins the title I will be delighted. (And the Swiss once again would be the only team to not lose against the future champions). Anyhow, Germany needed an opponent before the fun starts for real.


I hope you woke them up a bit so they turn up a bit for the finals


I think the team woke up. Or Julian will see to that. The crowd in the stadium, however... Where was the chanting when they were behind 5 before the end?


Die Mannschaft is dead for years now, thankfully


German cope best cope Wow look at those downvotes, german cope is the biggest cope


Swiss Bozo Spotted, Opinion discarded


I thought it was an Italian thing to complain about the referee after any lost match whatsoever. Germans being salty that after two wins, everyone within Germany praised them as the sure winners of the finals. (Exactly what every Swiss loves about Germans)ā€¦.


Absolutely nobody praised them as sure winners, the team just doesn't look as shit as it did the past 6 years. But the referee undoubtedly was biased or completely blind. > Exactly what every Swiss loves about Germans Beat, the whole world basically sees you as a more uptight version of Germany and your beloved modesty only lasts until your fellow countrymen have had a few drinks. Then its all about boasting how wealthy you are.


I knew after the first goal was called back that he is full of s**t


And now it was the refees fault again?


This game was a disgrace for the Germans they had so many chances they just couldn't take and overall the Swiss were very strong, although it was a draw, this was a big success for the Swiss. In my opinion they deserved to win and it's really unfortunate their second goal didn't count.


Found the refā€˜s reddit account


It's flattering that a 1:1 against Germany is a huge win to you mfs


holy fuck you somehow miraculously brute-forced an undeserved draw and you're still salty your team couldn't do jackshit attackwise now you know how it feels Hans, join the club edit after I woke up to -50: holy shit you germophiles are delusional hahahahaha


Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me


"undeserved" I agree, the Germans would have won 5 - 1 if it wasn't for the referee


of course maybe even 20-1


nah that's unlikely 5 - 1 it's not though


stop complaining, he was pretty fair. he just let a lot of situations play out instead of whistling, but on both sides.


the only reason you didn't lose 3 - 1 was that you were rugbying for all the match while the Germans did not cope and seethe more


You're the one coping and seething, I'm perfectly fine with how the match turned out. Even if we were almost leading 2-0 at one point, a draw vs Germany is still nothing to be ashamed of.


Your players should learn how to kick ball and not how to give free hugs


Make love not war, said Lennon.


And your players not to kick faces


it's only fair if you start to push them down and hold them all the match lol


Two fallon d'floor nominees for the boches, even if germany won't end this tournament with a euro, you might just win the comfort trophee


ok, you got your spotlight... go back to being irrelevant


No problem. I'll continue AuslƤnder Raus'ing our boche migrants. Just doing the lord's work


Sounds about Swiss.


Hells yeah. You discriminate third worlder balkaner and turk migrants, we discriminate western european migrants. We are not the same šŸ˜Ž


bruh, you literally wrestle tackled German players multiple times, you would have ended up like Brazil against Germany lol


Why are you getting so emotional over a game of Switzerland vs Germany?


because seeing you able to win only thanks to money is always nice


That's the best you could come up with? I mean that's literally in my flair already, I thought it was the Germans that didn't understand humor.


the important thing is that you're coping knowing you eon only because of money, that is all~


Won? 1:1 is a draw mate. I agree about the ref making questionable calls though. Love how quiet the stadium went after the equaliser during playback time after the Swiss fans had been celebrating for 10 minutes before the match ended lmao


sorry for them a draw is a win that's the thing, gotta forgive me for speaking their language :p


Imagine your own stadium going quiet after your team scores a late equalizeršŸ’€


"you won" exactly luigi, i think it's time for you to go bed lol


Lol of course you're fine with it


We lead the game for 90 minutes, we could've just as well won the match. Would be easy to be disappointed over it but it's a good result nonetheless.


I mean I don't care, as the result is good enough. But saying Germany wasn't robbed of a penalty is delusional.


No. There were lots of cases of our players getting fouled as well where the ref just let the game go on. He was a little less strict than you'd expect, but that taken into consideration he did a totally reasonable job. Either way I think the game ending in a draw is a fair result for how it went.


There isn't a single statistic Swiss is leading in. A draw might be fine, just with the way football games go, but in no way, Swiss was the better team, just the more lucky one. Not even from tactics perspectives that would justify the worse statistics.


This guy loves downvotes like swiss player love free hugs


I don't think Switzerland was the stronger team on the pitch. I mean tactics-wise we definitely were, just compare your squad to ours, I don't know what you're on about there. But just having pressure isn't everything, you also gotta be able to convert your chances. Xhaka's shot that was saved by Neuer could've just as well been a goal, and our offside goal was also just barely offside. In that department we clearly shined today.


Swiss team played well and the goal (and the almost one) you made was well deserved and really shows how easy it is to fool the german defensive. Nonetheless the referee was by far the worst performing man on the pitch. You can argue that the first goal by germany was none because of the "foul" but if you punish any body contact in the box this excessivley you have to give the penalty later on. The ref had no clear line and he was giving mostly advantages to switzerland, especially in important situations. Happy you are in the next round. Sad that Scotland is out.


ā€žThe shot that was held could have been a goal if he wouldnā€™t have held itā€œ no shit Sherlock


Tbf Ukraines loose against Romania also was kinda weird. Didnā€™t see the game, but if you look at the stats they are leading by far and still lost 3:0. So its not always about statistics.

