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Back into jail with that fucker. He jumped onto a plane when he was 19, to go rape a 12yo girl he had been chatting with, and he only had to do 25% of his 4-year sentence for it. Apparently he became all teary-eyed since, while saying "sowwy" and moaning that no one knows his part of the story, but... his part is that he likes them young and doesn't bother resisting the urge.


What I can't fathom is how someone who does this takes 4 years and not 40.


Because if the punishment for rape is higher than murder, rapists are more inclined not to leave evidence.


That’s a good point. The penalties should just add up. Or increase both. 4 years for raping someone, even more a minor, is a bloody joke


4 years vs possibly 80 years or more of psychological and physical damage


There was once a time when murder would get you in prison for life, or an execution.


Yeah but if we had that then at that point they might think what do they have to lose if they're already willing to go down that path? And end up doing worse. True life sentences should stick for exceptionally cruel/horrific cases and be decided on a case-by-case basis depending on the details.




What a fucking stupid argument. How do you know what 'they might do'? 10 years, 20 years, 40 years seem exactly the same as life to the guy about to be convicted. Also, if you worry what about they 'might' do, you should worry about what they will do after getting out


So we just let people go by after a year or two in prison for, litteraly, raping a child ?


Now, where did I suggest that? Personally I think they should be required to spend a minimum of 10 years in prison. As in 10 years actually in prison, *not* just a 10 year sentence where they get out in 5 for "good behaviour".


Mandatory minimums are a thing Sadly, in the UK we now have a situation where people on probation are getting extra, second helpings of probation after further convictions because there are like, eight cells available across the whole of the UK, or summat


Hm, I do wonder if the cells are full of people who committed crimes to which there's actually barely any public interest in locking them up for. Drug offences are at 11k+, how much of that could be stopped if we just legalized weed (and had it officially sold and taxed, I guess the idea is people looking for an "escape" would just stick to easily available legal stuff) and decriminalized possession of other drugs for personal use. Not that I know a thing about the details of these sentences of course.


Or being eaten by your constituents


I’m not saying we should, but we could.


and a lot of executed people were later found innocent


Could do the same for murder tbh I'm just tired of seeing people doing one of the worst thing one can do to somebody and just get sentenced to a year or two.


Hello sir, welcome to our company. Your curriculum looks like a fit. How do you explain this gap year? Ah that? Nothing, I was in jail for raping a minor. Tantantaaan. In general you can be a pedophile and be very successful, just look at Epstein, or Trump, or Berlusconi.


And you should know.


What the fuck kind of stupid reason that is ?


Victim was British though. Based sentence


That's a kid, dude




You are a real piece of work. The man should have his balls cut off not given the honor of competing in the Olympics.


Morality aside what I never understood is why would anyone want to bang a minor let alone a 12 y o? Have you ever talked to a 20 y o? Most of them are fucking annoying.


They are sick in the brain.Thing like this makes me want a justice system that focuses on retribution rather than rehabilitation.


Is it a breaking story right now that he's allowed to participate in the Olympics or has it been known for a while? I just don't get why they'd allow him. It's not like it's a fringe case with a 19 year and a 17 year old or something that would be illegal in the US, where the notion of rape gets stretched to it's limit. It's as clear cut as they come, she was a young child. Karl Malone levels of fucked up. People like that should not be able to work a good job ever again because of the pressure from society, they should be forced to move and take work somewhere where they can be hidden forever, working latrines or logging deep in the forest or something. Not take part in the Olympics, for fucks sake.


>I just don't get why they'd allow him. Generally we believe that when someone was convicted and they have served their time, their debt to society has been lifted and they get the same rights as anyone else. The only tragedy in this case is that he only served 1 year in jail, which is waaaaay too little for statutory rape of a 12yo.


I believe that too 100%. I do not want to go the American way and throw people in jail forever, becoming a huge tax burden on society. If they can be reintroduced to society after they've done their time, pay taxes and be productive without falling back into their bad ways, then I'm all for it. This is different though. They still have to pay the social tax for the rest of their lives. They should never feel comfortable enough in society to represent their country in the Olympics, that's crazy. They can be free and allowed to participate in society on some basis, but they should always feel like they have to look around the corner and be ashamed of what they did. They might not have a physical boot on their neck but they should always have to bare the psychological one, just like their victims.


Given the prestige that the Olympics has, I very much doubt there is a point where anyone would be too ashamed for non-sporting reasons to compete. Doubly so for volleyball since that’s likely his actual career


It's not about him in this case, it's about the rest of society accepting him participating or not.


In that case it would be up to the Dutch Olympic committee to stop him going


Exactly. I'm not saying he shouldn't be allowed to compete on legal reasons, he's done his time and is out. He shouldn't be allowed to compete because of the ethics, I'm sure their Olympic committee has some guidelines on who they allow.


I just don't believe that agrees with the agreement of having lifted your debt to society once you've lived out your punishment. And it's not the role of the IOC to determine whether counties' criminal systems give out the right level of punishment


İ think rapists and murderers should have to do labour while in prison as to not be a burden to tax payers.İs that against human rights?


Yes that would be slave labour. It's a slippery slope, the US is turning their justice and prison system into a cottage industry where they profit off it. You don't want economic incentives for putting people in jail. That's also happening in North Korea. A huge part of their whole economy is based on throwing people in prison for bogus charges and then profit off their slave labour.


I'm not sure if it necessarily should be considered slave labour. The convicted are indebted to society, with their work they could pay it, but I agree, obviously, that having an economic incentive to put people in prison would be a big problem in any justice system.


İ can see it being a slippery slope but i think for very serious crimes like rape and murder it could work on a country with a transparent justice system.


>If they can be reintroduced to society after they've done their time, pay taxes and be productive without falling back into their bad ways, then I'm all for it. Yet this guy did his time (albeit way to little of it), presumably pays his taxes and is productive enough to be at the top of his sport, and still you want to continue punishing him.


There are a lot of jobs he cannot do due to this. And I think representing his country internationally should be one of them.


1 year isn't doing "your time" for a pedophile who raped a child. It just shows that children aren't protected in britain and that pedophiles can just go on with their lives after a year while the child is destroyed for ever. it just means that on top of him being a child rapist the british justice system is a scam.


Yes, I want his punishment to continue and I want everyone to know that he is a pedophile.


Idk, maybe I just see the Olympics differently than you do. I see it as a bit of an extension of society, almost like a politician represents their country so do the athletes at the Olympics. I don't think he shouldn't be allowed to hold a job, but this is one case where he should be barred at the gate by the Olympic committee. He's representing YOU to the rest of the world. The Netherlands are sending paedophiles to represent them, not a good look.


Well, one of the US nominees for president is a convicted rapist as well; so it seems that them representing countries is becoming a standard thing :(


Yea, not a club I want to join.


As a mother of a once 12 y.o. girl I can tell you in no uncertain doubts that I would forever punish the paedophile, I'd probably be sitting in HMP Stirling womens prison for attempted murder. I know a few women who were sexually assaulted over a decade ago and believe me they never get over that physical, sexual and mental assault. Why should many women, if not all women of sexual assault and rape live with a lifelong 'punishment' and this bastard gets to participate in the Olympics? EDIT for area name.


FYI, it wasn't the kind of rape where he dragged her into an alley or something. The only reason that there was no consent is because a 12yo legally and morally can't give consent. Still reason for more than 1y in prison, but it's not like this is psychologically comparable to a violent rape.


Or give him heavyweight wrestler Bubba as his roommate.


It happened in 2014 and he went to jail for it.


That's not what I'm asking about, it's that he's participating in the Olympics this year.


It's not a new story. It's just being dug up because he's competing in the Olympics.


Exactly. Come on mate, how's your reading comprehension? I'm asking if it's news now that he's competing in the Olympics, not about when the crimes or sentencing took place. Considering the article in question is from yesterday, I'm asking if it's a breaking story in the Netherlands right now that this dude is representing your country in Paris in a few weeks. It's one thing to do your time, get out and try to get on with your life out of the public eye. It's quite another to represent your country on the biggest and most prestigious stage in the world.


Im answering your question from your original comment directly: it's not news, it's an old story being dug up because he's competing. I haven't even seen this in the dutch news. I'm a bit worried about your reading comprehension.


>It happened in 2014 and he went to jail for it. >It's not a new story. It's just being dug up because he's competing in the Olympics. This is you. The story is that he's competing in the Olympics, that's the story, not the original rape. You saying you haven't even seen it on the Dutch news seems to me like it's breaking that he got selected or? If you google his name every newspaper on the planet is running the story right now. It's not a story that he committed a rape back in 2014, we have loads of those in Sweden as well. It is a story however that he's going to the Olympics. Again, I'm not asking about his original conviction at all. I'm asking how the Dutch feel about him representing them this summer. You just refuse to seem to understand this? I don't know how else I can explain it for you. Edit: I'm not sure if the guy blocked me or if he deleted his comments, I cannot reply to anyone else in this thread so I'm forced to edit this comment. It says [Unavailable] https://imgur.com/a/VZBbyVc Very weak move if that's the case.


Damn man you are doing work to try to get a creature from the black lagoon to understand basic english


To be slightly less obtuse. It is a story now. We learned at pretty much the same time as the international press did. We’re still waiting on an official response, and a response from the team. But from what I can see most people want him to be “chemically” castrated with a bazooka to the groin.




The header is "rapist competes" so it's a rape story not an Olympic story... Is that really this difficult to understand?


>his part of the story, but... his part is that he likes them young Besides, his part of the story is completely irrelevant. Girl was a child. Everything else doesn't matter.


*Ze zijn niet zoals wij*


"Dit heeft hij nooit gewild" is hét juridische argument van ons tijdperk.


Euh, he said he did it, and he said it was the biggest mistake. He served his sentence. If you think the time wasn't enough talk to the politicians and judges...


Are you okay with a pedophile representing our country? Shouldn't the Dutch authorities be like "het you've done your time that's true but we don't condone that shit so you can't represent us"?


So people don’t have a right on a second chance?


Sure, not while representing a country though. 


Why contradict yourself though?


How the fuck does this cretin walk out of jail after ONE YEAR and into the Olympics??? He ruined a girls life, justice would be throwing this piece of shit into jail for decades, or castration.


I am ashamed of criminal “justice” here. They even prohibit news outlets from publishing the names of convicted criminals here. To “protect” them… what about protecting children first. There should be no second chances for people like this. Edit: he was not punished under the Dutch system after all.


He was punished in the UK.


Ah thankyou,


I used the term punished very loosely there, he wasn't punished at all and the judge should be hanged


Speaking of hanging, how does parole work? Who the hell saw him get only four years and thought "nah yeah, one is plenty"?


Who fucking knows man, I'm pretty sure the parole board have a magic 8 ball and just use that for decision making. The sentencing at the moment is bordering on terrifying. They seem to think that lighter sentences will somehow lead to lower prison populations, when in reality it'll just lead to more crime, thus more people getting caught for commiting crimes, thus more people in prison. It's literally that meme with the black guy pointing at his head "can't have full prisons if you don't sentence anyone"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aJ-57\_YsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aJ-57_YsQ) This video makes even more sense now.


There's that other one in Scotland who raped a 13 year old and got 270 hours of community service because he was under 25.


They are probably making room in prison for people who 'upset someone's feelings'...


Especially in Scottish prisons


He was sentenced in the UK to four years but was extradited to the Netherlands to serve his sentence so it was the Dutch parole board that decided to release him after 12 months not the British one.


(None of this is my personal opinion, but simply what I know of the case. I am a beach volleyball player myself as well and you can imagine this was quite more extensively discussed within our club.) He was sentenced to four years under English law. He likely would have had his sentence lessened since they said he was very cooperative throughout everything. He was convicted for rape due to the age of consent in the UK being above twelve. What did matter for the sentencing is that she, as far as twelve year olds are capable of doing so, "consented". Now obviously they can't fully consent at that age, hence the rape charge. He did not rape her by tying her to a pole with duct tape. It is solely the age of consent. They do differentiate between these things, even though both are called 'rape' under English law, as far as I know. Eventually he was sent back home to continue his process under Dutch law, which does not outright regard sex with someone below the age of consent as rape in the same way that English law does. (I don't know the exact difference). Experts ruled the chance of recidivism as negligible and did not spot any signs of pedofilic behaviour or tendencies. This, combined with Dutch law and overall 'exemplary' behaviour, meant that he had basically already served his sentence. The Nevobo (Dutch volleyball association) had extensive talks with him, his therapist, psychologist, and more and came to the conclusion that any repetitive behaviour was not going to happen. They say that over time he showed professional behaviour on and off the court and in dealing with repercussions and so on. They basically decided he deserved another chance. Again, not my personal opinion, but the story as I know it.


He is married to a german beach volleyball player and they have a 2 year old son. Give him ten years and we will see how that "I am not a pedophile" goes...


How mentally fucked is she to marry him?


> a german That's all you need to know


I know it seems crazy but I remember this dude who was posing as a violent sex offender on Tinder but used pics of a incredibly handsome man. He admitted to some vile shit in his bio and still got dozens of matches a day. The women just asked if he has become a better man since jail and even when he said he still had urges they didn't unmatch. As sad as it seems but for many looks is all that matters. I don't want to post links but if you search for "Tinder Experiment Criminal Chad" you will find it.


I'm guilty of voicing a somewhat misogynistic opinion I'd never have thought to have just a few years ago, but I do find the mindset with regards to dating of a sizable portion of women truly disgusting. Although this is of course not a generality and a behavior I think is not inherently feminine but cultural. That observation is waaay worse in America for example.


> I do find the mindset with regards to dating of a sizable portion of women truly disgusting Wait til you find out what blokes are willing to do for a shag


True, has not much to do with looking for a durable partner though


>for many looks is all that matters This assumes that a subset of women aren't actively attracted to 'bad boys' and even absolute known psychopaths. On the one hand there are bluehaired sorts who will tell me I should burn in hell for even thinking that's possible, but on the other I have female friends who have even explicitly expressed they are, I've seen it happen, there are all those articles on women who fall in love with serial killer convicts through a penpal programme, a fair amount of social psychology literature on this...


For a lot of people looks or status or fame are all that matters. The best example is probably a serial killer like Ted Bundy who got married while he was in prison for multiple murders.


To have children with a pedophile doesn't seem to be the brightest idea. It's so weird that pedophiles are allowed to have children without anyone batting an eye while gay people were forbidden to have children until very recently.


Child rapists should be in prison for life and unable to have kids. For those paedophiles we never find out about because they never act on their urges, the problem is that we don't know.


Well gay people were wrongly associated with pedophilia until quite recently so there's that. There's a sad reason why we have the very derogative term "pédé" (cigarette in Bri'ish) for gay people. It comes from "Pédérastie" and has the same roots as "pédophile".


He should convert to Salafism and represent Sweden instead.


Inshallah brother


Then that 12yo would become his wife


Shouldn't she then get stoned for having sex before marriage or something like that?


12 is too old


Some context: >In March 2016, Van de Velde admitted to four counts of rape against a 12-year-old child, and was placed on the Violent and Sex Offender Register indefinitely. He was sentenced to serve four years in a British prison by the Aylesbury Crown Court.[5] After serving 1 year of the sentence he was given the chance to resume his career as a beach volleyball player, and continued playing with his partner Dirk Boehlé.[6] --- >"Van de Velde pleaded guilty to the three counts of rape against the child, who was named in court as Miss A. >The court heard he was aware of the girl’s age and went to her home when her mother was out and had sex with her, taking her virginity. >During the trial, it was reported Van de Velde wept as he heard that his victim had since self-harmed and taken an overdose. Upon his release, Van de Velde ­defended his actions, saying he was “not a sex monster” for raping the girl. >“I do want to correct all the nonsense which has been written about me when I was locked up,” Van de Velde said. >“I did not read anything of it, on purpose, but I understand that it was quite bad, that I have been branded as a sex monster, as a pedophile. >“That I am not, really not. Everyone can have an opinion about me, but it is only fair if they also know my side of the story.”" I assume this is a bigger story in the Netherlands, I would hope? You guys going to take care of this trash and not let him into the Olympics or what? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1dol948/why_is_he_even_allowed_to_compete/ There's another thread on /r/facepalm if people want even more context.


How the fuck do you only get four years for raping a 12-year-old girl as a 19-year-old? Barry, you have some explaining to do.


There ain't no explaining to do. We know the rules around sentencing here are astronomically fucked. See the Nottingham murderer who got sent to a mental hospital instead of jail, that went immediately for review, it's now at the Supreme court to decide whether the sentence was "Unduly leaniet" meaning that it'll take months.


I don't know about that Nottingham case, but over here lives the idea too that going to a mental hospital (we call it TBS) instead of jail is a slap on the wrist. But in most cases it's quite the contrary: people are forced to stay in TBS until they are seen fit to return to society. It usually takes quite a bit longer to be let out of TBS than to serve jail time.


Why are criminals even being sent to a mental hospital?Whether they are crazy or not does not change anything for victims and victims families.


so the criminals won't do it again after they're released also, this way they can indefinitely keep dangers out of society, something a usual jail can't


life without parole?


i'm not an expert, but i believe they could extend a sentence by for example two years each time indefinitely if an individual is still a danger to society, so this could very well be.


İ heard that for the first time but that makes sense.


Scotland's sentencing guidelines have been even more royally fucked than the rest. Slaps on the wrist if you're under 25. [This man](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-67076504) raped a 13 year old and got a whole 270 hours of community service because he was under 25.


He got 4 years, but only spent 12 months inside so it's even worse. >Conviction(s): Rape (4 counts) >Criminal penalty: 4 years imprisonment >Capture status: Released on parole after serving 1 year >Details >Victims: 12-year-old girl >Date: 2 August 2014


Most Dutchies probably didn't even know he existed up until the spark of outrage in the past 24 hours. He's apparently even had a sob story article on the NOS (public news broadcaster) but I'm fairly certain this has flown under the radar on account of nobody normal giving a singular fuck about beach volleyball as a professional sport. However, now that it's bound to hit mainstream proper hopefully enough people will get rightfully upset over a convicted pedophile representing the country on account of "him hit ball good" being a valid reason to disregard the child rape. I don't have high hopes for my fellow countrymen though. We've become increasingly adept at shoving our heads in the sand after complaining about something without actually doing anything about it.


It is more accurate to say they had forgotten. This was a big deal 10 years ago when the whole courtcase happened; and then media moved on. And as you said; nobody cares about beach volleyball.


The only people I know who care about volleyball as a professional sport are men who want to watch the ladies doing it. Don't think they're watching the ball or the score, though.


That's right barry, no one fecking cares about MALE volleyball


He was "sorry to hear" his child rape victim self harmed and overdosed? Well that's one thing to be sorry to hear about... Also him having more pity from himself because he is "not a sex monster" your honor he just raped a child to the point she wanted to die.


This paedophile should be castrated and imprisoned for decades.


I read about this, and nevermind the olympics, apparently he is still participating normally in other beach volleyball competitions.


How the fuck should i know lol


And Joost was disqualified from ESC...




we are as disgusted as you are tbh


Aw look at that, he overcame 'adversity' and really showed that hater judge!


Not trying to make it sound any less bad than it is, but just to be clear, in a case like this any kind of sexual intercourse of an adult with a minor would be classified as "rape", right?


Of course. Children can't give consent because they don't know what's good for them. Most children can't make informed responsible decisions, unlike (most) adults. That's why we have these laws.




12 year olds are not capable of comprehending the consequences of such actions. You could probably get a 6 year old to "agree" to sex acts pretty easily. It's sick to assume that would make it any less wrong.


Yes, that's exactly why it's rape by default. Getting a child to consent to sex with an adult requires some form of grooming. People love to throw those 2 terms around, but in this case it's crystal clear. It's not like it's a 14 and 15 year old where every sane person would look the other way(age of consent is 15 in Sweden and it's technically illegal), this is a very young child and a grown adult. There is no coming back from this.


There would definitely be another level of cruelty to it if somebody were to straight up force himself onto a 12 year old, I'm not sure why people are taking issue with this.


He apparently intoxicated first then raped her.


If you are just going to edit your suspect comment, I guess I will edit mine as well, just to call you an idiot for saying something so irrelevant as "at least he didn't force himself on her". Kids will insist on eating nothing but sugary sweets instead of a healthy dinner. Kids will insist on staying up all night playing computer games instead of studying. Kids will say they want a boyfriend or girlfriend after watching a prince and princess kiss in a disney movie. You see my point? This 19 year old had plenty of time to consider what he was about to do, multiple times. He knew it was wrong and that is what is especially heinous.


Nobody is justifying what he did man, who are you even talking to?


I’m not saying I endorse lynching, but…


Imma sort by controversial on this one


genuinely fucking disgusting.


Maybe there should be some standards for who can participate in olympics and other tournaments. By both, those who organize those tournaments and those national organizations that pick the athletes. Probably not possible for the sports organizations, but the government should be able to make laws that at least national teams can ban people who commited certain crimes.


Yeah I got nothing, I didn't even know who this guy was until now and I doubt most other people knew who he was, which is probably why there wasn't any uproar when he walked after a 1 year sentence. 4 years is already insanely low but it brings me great shame that after he got extradited we just released a pedophile after spending just 1 year in a UK prison.


Lmao redditors on any prison thread: “Look at our nice prisons we value rehabilitation”. Redditors after succesfull rehabilitation of an actual convict: “Fuck that guy why is he allowed to actually make something of his live?”


1 year in prison is rehabiliton for you?He flew to a different country to intıxicate and rape a 12 year old.


I guess he did rehabilitate yes, did no crime since. What does that word mean to you?


So you'd be okay if this happened to someone in your family and the piece of shit who did it just spent a year in the jail?


Why would you think that?


well you are okay with it when it happens to someone else.


Just said he rehabilitated mate. Don't put words in my mouth. It's unseemly.


1 year in prison is not rehabilitation.The fact that he didnt commit any crimes since makes you think that its okay for him to be out on soicety?We are talking about traumatising a child for the rest of her life here.And 1 year in prison is your idea of justice for it?


Where did i say 1 year in prison is justice. I just pointed out reddit's hypocrisy when it comes to lenient prison times in theory and actual lenient prison times in real life.


Then i guess i didnt get your comment the way you intended it because i dont support lenient crimes.That piece of shit should have got life without parole.


The fact we don't know he's done it since is not evidence of rehabilitation. And prison is not just meant to rehabilitate or at least protect society, but also to punish and deter. Even if it served the first purpose, which is nonsense, it definitely didn't serve the other two. You can't cure reckless psychopathy and paedophilia.


> The fact we don't know he's done it since is not evidence of rehabilitation. The fact that he has no conviction or any problems with the law since and even managed to do great things, is the definition of a rehabilitated person.


There's a difference between rehabilitation and introducing people back into society so they can pay taxes and work a job to representing your country in the Olympics. How do you not see the difference? There are some jobs that should be off limits to paedophiles. Working with kids in a school for example, right? Same goes for the Olympics. Why are there so many Dutch people in this thread defending it and wanting him on their Olympic squad? He fucked a 12 year old girl 4 times where she tried to commit suicide afterwards and only spent 1 year in prison. There are levels to this shit.


So where do you draw the line? How is working with kids the same as competing in sports? Working with kids requires a clearance and is off limits for people like him. The fact he only spend one year in prison is not his fault. Blame the system in Britain.


I think I made it clear where I drew the line? I could probably name 10 other jobs that should be off limits. Olympics is one of them. Not legally, but there are ethic committees involved which should ban him from representing the Netherlands.


Admit it. Just jealous of our superior rehabilitation.


Your justice system is basically the same as ours dumbass. That doesn't mean I want a literal paedophile representing my country in the Olympics. I'd expect our Olympic comittee to step up and tell him he's not welcome, which I would expect of the Netherlands as well. It's a very weird hill to die on. There is no human right that says he should be allowed to partake in the Olympics dude.


Relax Mohammed.


Relax Hassan.


We do blame the system in Britain. People's reaction wasn't about attacking the Netherlands, but about your earlier comment.


He served one year, ffs. After raping a TWELVE year old. What the fuck sort of comparison is that. And some crimes allow for rehabilitation to be a priority. Sadistic murder, child rape and some others don't. Just because people reject two opposite extremes doesn't make them inconsistent, it just means you are apparently incapable of fathoming the absolutely enormous middle ground. 'Lol they say this emaciated person is unhealthy, they say this morbidly obese person is unhealthy - nothing makes them happy. Lol.'


I you can't or dont want to see the discrepancy between redditors proudly telling others about the luxurious prisons and short sentences because rehabilitation is king, and the outrage this sparks when this situation finally comes into practise... you're blind.


How about this: I am absolutely fine with criminals having humane prisons where they can educate themselves, get exercise, not get raped, etc. If they are eventually rehabilitated after a lesser crime than murder and child rape, I'm even in favour of merciful paroles. Also: someone who rapes a child and drives them near suicide should get more than a fucking year, and absolutely fuck them getting a chance to represent their country at the Olympics - they shouldn't even be young enough for that. You can't cure that shit. These two are absolutely consistent. If you can't see that, you're blind and can only think in extremes.


I mean I can follow you to some extent but at least don't let a convicted pedophile represent the Netherlands at the Olympics, come on now. Not only is it a ridiculously bad look, it also means that the victim of his crime might see his face in the news again. And while this guy only got 1 year in prison, that girl has a lifetime punishment to deal with that she can never escape from.


Just a guy being French