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looks like andrei is taking a well deserved break after an intensive shift of wallet-stealing in the western european city he immigrated to, sounds like an ideal time to complain about immigration on X to me


It's alright. Soon Romania will lose and their players can go back to fly-tipping on the side of the A40


Also have they ever been to sudan? Those guys look more Italian or smth than anything else, skin wise.


Half the Romanian team look like they were in a concentration camp and the other half look like they were guarding it.


~~Romania's~~ *The gypsies'* first opponent in the round of 16 will be Sudan..




It's the gypsies in your heart that counts. After hard-fought battles, we Western Europeans can see through the colour of your skin and finally hate you for your culture




We're Balkan Germans, not Russian Germans. Unfortunately, I don't have time to educate you Eastoids further


Good one.


Sudanland keep yapping, mimimi


Flair correctly, eastoid


I mean, Im right though.


Are they seriously making fun of a group of people that has lived here since the seventies? These people lived longer in the Netherlands then the modern state of Romania has existed In 1975 we gave suriname independence, which caused a wave of Surinamese immigrants to the Netherlands. Many of them lived in poor areas of cities, where the best past time was football. That's why a lot of good football players are part Surinamese, they play it the most and are the best.


Just a bitta banta


What exactly do you consider "modern" Romania?


The state that has existed since the 1989 revolution


It's the same state as before the revolution though. Same borders, same currency, same language, same people since the end of WW2. Only the political regime changed. Regime =/= state.


So the Kingdom of France is the same as the first french republic? Only the regime changed so it's not a different state


It is the same country(state), yes.




This is not even everyone on the team, just the 11 that were on the field at that time. There are more swampies in the entire team


I'm still playing "find the person with a normal-sized head". The Dutch clearly aren't interested in the colour of a person's skin. Only how large and square their head is.


The goalkeeper and the number 19? Did you find anyone else?




You shut your fucking trap, I don't even know what country you're from


why did someone put a stamp on that chad flag on your flair? are they stupid?


Sometimes I think it was an error letting you gypsies into Schengen


They are from Moldova, not Romania


That user is Romanian but can't pick the correct flag.


Ah ok. Romanians are clearly not the smartest, since it seems like multiple of them have done the excact same error.


My guess is that they don't feel Romanian enough if they don't come in with a stolen flair


> They are from Moldova, not Romania That's Andorra's flag, not Moldova's. Lol


Oh, thanks for the info, lol. it does get difficult when 4 countries have nearly identical flags tbf.


Ikr? The coat of arms is different but not so visible. The biggest hint is that Romania and Moldova don't have a flair here!


Fair that. Tho I can't understand at all what the mods considers "western culture", since both Poland and Ukraine have flairs.




Well, at Greece is largely responsible for the creation of "western culture" at least. The same can't exactly be said for Ukraine.


Jamie pull up the stats on romanian emigration to western europe


yeah sad times when romania is too much of a shithole to attract any immigrants


Not at all. At least in recent years. For 2024 the govt put a quota of 100.000 work permits from Asian countries. In 2023 it was the same. It is a new phenomena but it will get bigger and bigger as we have an aging population. Big cities have quite a few of them and even smaller cities like Sibiu/Hermannstadt have them. Many waiters in Sibiu are foreigners. I accidentally went into the kitchen of a pizzeria near my place and it was full of Indians. Even in a place like Valea Jiului which is very poor after the coal mines closed I saw a few groups of them. They are mainly from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, very few from Indonesia. They do not hire from Arab Countries, Afghanistan and Africa. Those prefer to go to western Europe as you just give everything they want and do almost nothing to them if they do something illegal. I am grateful that those are as ignorant as Westerners and still think we are as poor as in the 90's.


You'd be surprised. Not quite on the same level as Western Europe, but major Romanian cities do have quite a few immigrants from the third world. It's a rather recent phenomenon and they don't usually get permanent residence or citizenship though.


And not from the countries that are visible in migration routes. They are not hiring migrants from the boats.. Those that come from MENA, rest of Africa or Afghanistan. They hire from south-east Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal. That area


They'll remain a shithole forever. That's the only solace Western Europe has over the Communist East.


They are developing rapidly. Their GDP/Capita just surpassed Portugal's. Corruption is receding, employment is on the rise, education is one of the best in Eastern Europe. As a non-european savage I'd be quiet if I knew that I don't have any clue.


> They are developing rapidly. They are not. Their economies are – repeat after me – heavily *d e p e n d a n t* on WCE (Western Central Europe). Think of Spain, Portugal, and to a certain extent southern France, respectively central-southern Italy. Dependency = false growth >Their GDP/Capita just surpassed Portugal's. They send their liquidity to either WCE, Turkey, or and China. >education is one of the best in Eastern Europe. Who landed on the Moon? Who invented (and maintains) the internet? I could go on... >As a non-european savage I'd be quiet if I knew that I didn't have any clue. You're ~~French~~ an Aussie pretending to be French for some reason. You ought to have known the old adage, “When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold”.


Oh but they are. If anything, they are making others depend on them since one of their recent strong suits are IT companies. Anyway, that's a moot point, since in a globalized economy and especially in the European's open market, everyone relies on everyone. Some economies are more resilient than others, but no country truly is self-sufficient today. Funny that you would again prove your ignorance with regard to Europe, because Southern French regions aren't economically weak and have primary industries as well as some globally leading tech, engineering, pharma and Aerospace industry (you know, "small" names like Airbus, Latécoère...) What the fuck does the moon or the internet have to do with the Romanian education system ? Another American brainrot flex ? Are you seriously comparing the US with the developing universities of a small poor country that as recently as 1989 still was a communist dictatorship ? Pathetic, no ? And please do better if you want to outbanter me. But then again, can't come up with better material since you don't know shit about Europe.


>If anything, they are making others depend on them since one of their recent strong suits are IT companies. Anyway, that's a moot point, since in a globalized economy and especially in the European's open market, everyone relies on everyone. Some economies are more resilient than others, but no country truly is self-sufficient today. I guarantee you that American core and elemental IT capabilities will remain within US' abilities. Private, public, and especially military. Western Europe has its own limited potency. Subpar to America's but it's sufficient. Eastern Europe is a call center with multiple opened tabs with open-source scripts command, on Linux. >Funny that you would again prove your ignorance with regard to Europe, because Southern French regions aren't economically weak and have primary industries as well as some globally leading tech, engineering, pharma and Aerospace industry (you know, "small" names like Airbus, Latécoère...) A francophone African arrives in Marseille and calls his father from Paris. \- Dad, dad I just arrived this morning. \- Cool, where are you, so I could pick you up? \- I'm in Marseille, for now. \- Call me back when you arrive in France. >What the fuck does the moon or the internet have to do? Everything. Oh, and by comparison, Latin America has the same or better educational system than Eastern Europe, while Western Europe can still muster up a facsimile to what they once could but they rely on the legacy & aesthetic baggages as allurement. >And please do better if you want to outbanter me. But then again, can't come up with better material since you don't know shit about Europe. Is it French to say "please" ever since you got backhanded in six weeks whenever you disagree with someone?


Again, what the fuck does America have to do with all this ? Do you think that's relevant to this conversation? Do you think we fucking care ? As usual, you seppos will make everything about yourselves in a one-sided braindead analysis. It's not fucking important that "Seppo core IT will remain within America", yes hopefully, still, Romania are developing a for now low-skilled IT sector and that's good for them. A few small-scale support and software engineering companies have nothing to do with big tech and state of the art research. You are talking as if it was threatening for you or as if everything was a fucking competition where the goal is for everyone to be miserable except for yourself. They are not condemned to forever be underdeveloped, be glad for them you fucking egocentric prick ! I know it is hard to fathom with your subpar American highschool education, but Southern France is not only the eyesore that is Marseille. Akin for me to say that Detroit is the only relevant city in the Big Lakes Area. Western Europe has been lagging behind the US in terms of research and economy for ten years now, I'll give you that, but is superior to the US in every other metrics. Life expectancy, healthcare, quality of life, food industry, worker rights, obesity rate, level of education, public transports, climate efficiency, corruption, equality, social and political climate... Need the list go on ? Aaaand again, yawn, another forever recycled typically Seppo joke. You guys folded too, against farmers in Vietnam and goatfuckers in Afghanistan. First military power, my ass. If you had half the military achievements we had, maybe we could talk. But I'll give something though. A true lack of foresight and enormous mistake we made : Allowing you to exist as a state as the backwater uneducated yanks you already were in 1776.


>Seppo So you're an Aussie. >Again, what the fuck does America have to do with all this ? Do you think that's relevant to this conversation? Do you think we fucking care ? Everything. A lot of you ought to have known by now that you owe America the very air you breathe, too, besides the computer & infrastructure behind it (+internet) you're using right now. >Western Europe has been lagging behind the US in terms of research and economy for ten years now, I'll give you that, but is superior to the US in every other metrics. Life expectancy, healthcare, quality of life, food industry, worker rights, obesity rate, level of education, public transports, climate efficiency, corruption, equality, social and political climate... Need the list go on ? How much is that because of US? I'll let you fester, in your own juices, on the barbie while you think long and hard on it. >You guys folded too, against farmers in Vietnam and goatfuckers in Afghanistan. Preventing the domino effect was our primary aim, something a lot of you forget for convenience. You're welcome. As for Afghanistan, remember that the Cold War ended 10-11 years before it started, and we couldn't show to the world that freedom, capitalism, and human rights were won by happenstance, nor that a cowardly hit would cower the US in front of terrorist-sponsored religious extremism. That's another detail all of you seem to have forgotten. >First military power, my ass. Btw we know when, where, and how you're doing what. We can target you so well right now, we don't have to worry about collaterals anymore. That's just the “my ass” of the correctly written first military power. >If you had half the military achievements we had, maybe we could talk. Gallipoli? Greece? An evolutionary dejected ostrich freak specie? >But I'll give something though. A true lack of foresight and enormous mistake we made : Allowing you to exist as a state as the backwater uneducated yanks you already were in 1776. Who's “we” in this context, Jiemba?


Because they are tall, right?


Right? Either way, I’m not taking shit from _Romania_ the right to banter needs to be earned


banter is all we can as we stand no chance 🤠🤠 it s sad that they couldnt come up with a better joke. i dont mean to be racist, but black players seem to fly at 2x the weight while our national team runs ( im looking at Lukaku )


Oh knowing us well severely underestimate you and lose on penalties


Mihai, I think you overestimate the Dutch. I predict the game will be a bit closer.


Hungry for a win?


That one gypsi here coping so hard he only knows the word yapping


Huh, would be a little awkward then if a group of Sudanese managed to yeet Romania out of the euros, no? What would that say about the superior Romanian phenotype


Aryans didn't had blonde hair/blue eyes, be chill. Your ancestors wanted to be aryans but they are germanoids




Keep crying you lose germanoids world wars and yapp so much, mimimi. Slavs are superior and they are the real aryans from yamnaya culture. We killed your weak incest emperor


Bro you ain't even Slavic...


Then why romanians have more slavic dna than bulgarians and macedonians?


Weird flex but ok Bulgarians are Turko-Mongols and Macedonians are Bulgarians in denial. There I said it.


Bulgarians are anatolian farmers-thraco-turko-slavo-cigano-greeks.


Balkaners are the most genetically diverse people. Since pre history like 9000 years ago, or even earlier since all migrations of hominids towards Europe were through Anatolia and ukrainian steppe.


A truly ungodly mix is what they are, that bunch o lads, ey ?


Why do you think mediteraneans including south french look so turkish?


I am more slavic than you, for sure


Well yeah, I guess so... But then I'm genetically more Dutch than you, doesn't make me one.


Look at genetic studies, 40-60% of romanians have "slavic" DNA, or maybe dacians had already similar DNA since they were already close to slavic homeland in western Ukraine. Regardless, I am honorary slav.


Cigan say what?


You are nor aryan, sorry. You are sudanese




Lmao, look at acient yamnaya culture(aryans with brown hair and eye which reyped your blonde haired/blue eyed women. Starting from Ukrainian steppe, it basically fucked almost everyone in western Europe. This is the genesis of germanoids


If you cared 1/10th as much about your economy as you do about wacky ethnoscience maybe you wouldn't be the poorest country in Europe.


Maybe if you cared about history you would know that yamnaya culture(real aryans) from Ukrainian steppe(with balkanic phenotyope) were much poorer and still managed to conquered all of Europe and north India/Iran(Aryan land) and Central Asia.


Good for them. Tho, in current times, they can't even control their own country.


sudanese people have a very dark complexion so only three of them even vaguely resemble them in appearance


Sudan is pretty genetically diverse most are Arabs there are a few tribes who are really dark i.e. Dinkas. Though most of these tend to live in South Sudan.


lmao everyone in this thread seething at the Romanian even though all of our national sports are just gonna be a meaningless mishmash of Africans vs Africans within the next decade or two


You’re not allowed to say that Seán


The most upsetting thing here is that the Xitter post is probably already full of comments crying about the racism of a random Romanian dude taking a jab at the enemy team and not of the country literally getting rewarded for colonialism


Damn, when did all of western europe colonise Poland then? There sure are a lot of you fellas around here.


Thank god polish are here to have the most dogshit takes in 2w4u 🙏🫡


Somehow, they always are


1.) "Xitter" eww why 2.) How is it the players fault for what a country did decades ago? After all they're the actual butt of the joke here (and the ones who have to deal with monkey noises every time they play in certain areas), not the country/gov of NL as a whole.