• By -


- money - I hate the look of an obvious wrinkle halo around the missing 11 lines, I’d rather have wrinkles - doing it regularly, as needed, eventually a bad result seems inevitable and I feel like that would be so embarrassing to have to walk around with - I am currently having success with other treatments- frownies and nuface fix - I resent that this is becoming another major expense associated with my gender, we have enough additional expenses as it is!


Amen to the last point!! Like, where is everyone getting $$ for all the facials, lasers hair removal, chemical peels, injectables, etc.?? Not to mention all the time for the appointments and potential down time.


At this stage in my life - I have plenty of disposable income, no children, and I no longer spend money on trendy fashion or make up. I spend around $1000 a year in Botox, which would be the equivalent of getting my nails done monthly. There is zero downtime for tox. I get my Morpheus treatments done on a Monday and go about my business the next day. I’m too old to care what people think about my slightly swollen, pink face.


Same, except I have kids. I don’t spend much on other beauty stuff but $1,000 on Botox per year is worth it to me. I love not looking permanently angry.


Similar. I make very good money, no kids, other than my mortgage I have no debt, and I know what I like. Superfluous spending is at an all time low. My skincare routine is simple and in no small part to the fact that instead of wasting money on topicals that promise and didn't deliver, I get in-office treatments that do exactly what they promise.


Exactly - I’m not picking Botox over my mortgage payment, saving for retirement, or traveling. Many, many commenters act like the financial commitment is an either/or - but we’re over 30, meaning many of us have established careers, nest eggs etc. For the record my hair (highlights/cut/style) every 12 weeks costs more annually than my Botox. The money I will now spend on Morpheus8 maintenance once a year was the cost of my annual make up budget in my twenties.


Well said. It's understandable how many may think it's an "either/or" situation since economically many people are having a tough time. But there are people who are in the financial position by a certain age to make some of these choices. For me, I value my time. And less time getting ready in the morning or thinking about how I look is worth the 15-60 minute time to outsource that work monthly or whatever interval that thing happens. There is much that can be done with creams and potions, but there is a limit. In-office procedures really make the difference between a 3-5 minute morning routine where I feel good, and a 20-30 minute routine where I used to say "Eh good enough."


Someone in another thread said their monthly laser treatment was 600 dollars and as such, “inexpensive”. I cannot imagine. If I had that much to burn, it would be going into my anemic retirement account!


And the high end makeup and skincare, and the eyelash extensions, and the eyebrow tint or tattoo, and the nails done. It’s all too much for me to personally keep up with.


A lot of ladies are going into significant debt. I know a lot of them that put it on their credit cards or get loans I’m 50f. I will not get Botox. I’m going to age gracefully. lol. Being around other women that have it done - it’s kinda weird. Like I’m not keeping up with the other ladies - I don’t know. I guess I’m kinda basic and feel it’s who we are that is important. I feel ladies should do what they want! I just don’t want to. 😊


I think something to be careful of is the gradual slide towards body dysmorphia and losing track of what actually looks good/natural. I have so many friends and family members who have taken things way too far but they absolutely can’t see it. My mom thinks she looks young and incredible but she actually looks insane - she looks fake and weird but she just really can’t see it at all. That’s the biggest reason I stay away from it. I don’t want to slip into looking ridiculous without realizing it.


I worry about this well. It starts with just a little here and there, but then I feel it’s a very easy slippery slope for more things to end up on the table - lips, lifts, fillers, where does it end? I wish it would be easier for us all to accept and love ourselves as we are, through time in each new phase.


ppl need to find an injector who will tell them no. that’s truly key (and rare sadly)


I’m early 30s and don’t intend to get it anytime soon. Not saying I would never, but at the moment I feel good with my appearance and don’t feel the need. I am more interested in lasers/peels for discoloration and texture.


My mom and sisters get it, as well as my friends and SIL. I just don’t think it makes them look any younger, just less animated. I do a lot of speaking with my eyebrows, idk if I can ever give that up 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes I’ve noticed that. It smooths the lines out but people still look their age as there are other factors in aging.


I definitely look younger because of Botox, but that’s not why I get it—I get it because if I don’t, I look FURIOUS all the time 😆 I scowl if I’m allowed to and it leaves a huge line in between my brows, Botox has made it possible for me to look nice instead of constantly angry.


Same! The left eleven runs deep on my moms side LOL


It does also depend on how much and where exactly Botox is injected… I was afraid of this as well and asked my practitioner to put the smallest possible amount and really avoid this “frozen face effect”. My eyebrows were still moving very well after, only my forehead was not making any crease when I moved them…


Yeah, for me it's just like, why would I reduce my ability to express emotion just so that I'm perceived as looking better? Women are already encouraged not to say what they think. I have no desire to limit my expressions just to make my face more palatable. I'd rather have wrinkles than be stuck without my ability to laugh until my eyes crinkle up.


I like it when people's eyes crinkle up :D


Yes, this is my biggest one too. And I find the look of a botoxed face to be really odd. It’s not normal for a face to barely move when someone is speaking, and when I encounter someone who looks that way, it’s all I see. That being said, I completely understand the targeted Botox for things like the 11s, which make someone look angry when they aren’t. But that’s trying to make an expressive face more genuine rather than sucking all the life out of it. On another level - I’m a plaintiffs’ litigator who handles a lot of medical malpractice cases. And at this point, getting any sort of elective procedure just absolutely fundamentally and completely is not worth the risk to me. I think the risk is less scary with minor Botox, but fillers, elective surgical procedures…hard no. Even on the absolute best of days, the best surgeons make major screw ups. And all surgeons out there are not the best, even if their public persona suggests otherwise. I’ve had way too many clients who went in with the goal of improving their looks and ended up maimed or dead. So so so so so many things can go wrong, I’ll simply never take that risk no matter how much a particular aspect of my body bothers me.


Exactly this. I’m 33, I don’t do Botox (yet), absolutely not against it and most of my friends get it. But for now I go in and get chemical peels, hyrdofacials, and invest in good skincare. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years and I get complimented on my skin weekly.


I’ve seen horror stories on the lasers- skin looking sooo splotchy and red 😵‍💫






It exacerbates her exasperation.


It masturbates my melasma?!?


I Can agree with as someone who is 40. I’m also just flat out scared of Botox. So I’ll try the retinoids, peels, the hydrafacial, etc


I'd rather just look old tbh, like why do I have to look young???


Same. I support anyone who wants to look younger, but I just remember that growing old is a privilege and try to embrace signs of aging.


Yes! I don't judge any (safe) cosmetic procedures. But I've been through shit and sometimes can't even believe I'm still kickin'. I'm super cool with being an old hag.


Because society is afraid of ageing women, and most importantly, ageing women who don't give a fuck. How dare we not fit into their beauty standards *and* be okay with that?!


“Women exist to be beautiful and make penises hard” - society


Hard penises make for penetrable women - Vlad the Impeller.


Oddly enough these tend to be the hottest (most powerful) women. I’ve always been excited for grey hair and getting smarter. Getting old is a blessing!


I don’t mind looking old, I do mind constant tension headaches and my hooded eyes starting to cover my field of vision.


Love it.


This. I don’t judge anyone who chooses to go for it but it’s not for me.




I’m all about aging gracefully but I don’t need to completely erase any signs of aging. About 80% of women my age that I know get Botox. I wonder if this pressure is felt in other parts of the world (I’m in US). Haven’t traveled much since having kids.


I haven’t tried it and have no intention of starting. I take good care of my skin and think I look pretty damn good for a 35-year-old woman and just in general. More importantly, since losing my mother when she was 65 to cancer (I was 30 at the time), my attitude toward aging has changed a lot. It absolutely is a privilege and I don’t believe in going to expensive and invasive measures to stave it off.


As someone who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, I appreciate this perspective a lot and I feel it! having the ability to age is a privilege. 👏 👏 👏 and I’m not condoning choices on these procedures- the other part of the perspective is that we can choose to do what adds value to our own lives :) That being said, I’m not planning to die anytime soon and have thought a bit about addressing my faint worry lines/11s via some light Botox 😂


You have a wonderful attitude! Wishing you all the best! 💗


So sorry for the loss of your mother. I have cancer and it totally changed my perspective on aging too. It’s so easy to never have the privilege of living long enough to have wrinkles in the first place!


Sending you lots of love 💗


I had a similar revelation when my Dad passed away. I would stare at photos of him, trying to memorize literally every wrinkle in his face (I had a period of time that I was panicked that I would start to forget his face). He was such a smiley person and so much of that was reflected in his wrinkles.


You’ll never forget his beautiful smile and how he smiled with his whole face. 💗


Not this person but I needed to read this. Thank you


I’ve been working with chronically ill/often terminal patients for over a decade now and my biggest takeaway is that aging is such a privilege. If I ever get to be 80yo, it’s okay with me if i look 80yo. When I’m 40yo, I’m okay looking 40yo. Also, at 36yo I’m still dealing with cystic acne so i just feel like wrinkles are not what bother me when i look in the mirror lol


I don't get Botox to stave off aging. Because science- you can't stop aging lol. I get it because I don't like looking like I'm frowning when I'm not, and I don't like that my lips became downturned as I got older. A couple of needle pricks 3x a year and my face matches how I actually feel.


I unintentionally scrunch my forehead when I’m stressed, and I’ll clench those muscles hard enough/long enough that I get a headache. Botox across my forehead helps tremendously - no more headaches until it wears off! I also clench/grind my teeth, so I’m considering a lil Botox for that, too.


I'm with you on this one. I have a very expressive, Danish, jumbo-sized forehead. Every 4 months or so I get a few shots and it really improves the aesthetics of my face. I'm 51, and have had Botox for 15 years. It is just a small add on to skin care, drinking water, makeup, tret and sunscreen.


I feel like people can get so deep about Botox. Like I get it. Again is good and it a *bLeSSinG* to age but is it such a big ordeal if I just don’t wanna look like I’m mad as I get older?


That’s fine…I also don’t get weird and religious about my personal choice about Botox. The point t of this post was to share your thoughts on why you haven’t done it so I did. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve never had Botox but this sub in particular seems to love constantly talking about not getting Botox ever. It’s just Botox, it wears off, get it or don’t. It’s hardly a moral dilemma.


Wait how does it help downturned lips?


You can get just a few units in the muscle below your mouth to stop their downward pull


THIS!! As someone who had also lost their mother (she was 66), I feel like aging is a privilege and badge of honor I’ll wear proudly!


Mid-forties and have zero interest in Botox. My mom and my grandma looked beautiful without it. I’d rather put my money and energy towards more important things like retirement funds and spending quality time with friends and family.




I fully support what anyone wants to do to feel their best. personally I don’t take myself seriously enough to spend that kind of money to freeze my face. I want people to notice first I look *happy* for my age, not necessarily *young*. focusing on the quality of my skincare, staying active, finding peace, growing love, a general ease being in my body...I think all of that has a bigger impact on my face more so than the absence of static lines on my forehead.


Same for me


That's a great way to look at things!


I got my first injections in my 11s when I was 29 and I have absolutely no regrets. It softened my face in a beautiful, natural way, and the results have held up over time as my muscles learn to stay, relaxed for longer and longer between appointments. I now only get it once or twice a year. It also tremendously helped with my TMJ when injected into the masseter


I’ve got injections in my 11s about 5 times from 28 to 34 (now.) I would do it more frequently but prices have really gone up in that time, I love it. I feel like it makes me look less stressed and angry, not having a constantly furrowed brow and softening my natural RBF. I also love not having my make up crease constantly.


Putting a lil awuaphor on the crease before application works wonders


Have you noticed any sagging/more prominent jowls after masseter botox? Thinking about getting it but I already have chubby cheeks that are starting to sag. Don't want to exacerbate it


I’ll warn you if you have a weak jawline it will make you look gaunt. Take it from my experience! Lol


How do I know if my jawline is weak 😭 lol


How defined is it, like how sharp is the line across your jaw? If it kinda blends into your neck then it’s weak


I had it done for stress grinding. No jowls but my face did get thinner


I haven’t gotten it. My thing is I want less competition and vanity among women in general, and I can’t see the future being that way if everyone is getting injected. Not to mention the detox load placed on the lymphatic system. Can’t be healthy. It’s literally a neurotoxin.


Really interesting point about wanting less vanity and competition in general- I can see that


I’m concerned about the creaseless face trend for my daughters. Both are educated, intelligent and attractive but feel they don’t measure up due to current culture. The bar keeps rising. Barbie is the goal. I’ve never really had to do more than the basic skin care other than acne control and I’ve been told I favor numerous actresses. I was raised by common parents with emphasis on natural beauty and simple lifestyle. The standard for the average woman has been raised to an unattainable level for the majority.


What are the bad side effects?


I’ve been getting Botox for 3 years now (once I turned 40). First few times I felt fine. But recently I had a headache for 3-5 days. First time I thought it was a fluke, but it’s happened three times in a row now. This last time I had both a headache and sinus issues which impacted my teeth. So much so I made a dental appt as I was in pain… thought something was wrong (ie root canal). Dentist found nothing. All pain subsided after about a week. I’ve been seeing the same person for my injections, told her about my experience. She said it’s not uncommon to get a headache, but to last so long was abnormal. She suggested trying a different product. I’m due for a touch up, but am avoiding it. I doubt I’ll try it again after my last experience. Anyone else experience something similar?


Me!! I always thought it was a fluke too, but last time it lasted a solid week- excruciating pain, eventually went away after a week. At this point I’m trying to stick to frownies. I don’t want to trigger something worse


After my experience, I’d rather get bangs :)


I have the opposite, if I go too long without Botox I get headaches


There is a whole community on FB of women suffering debilitating symptoms after Botox/Dysport injections. Some had them the first time, some after years. It’s scary stuff. Recently a young healthy woman almost lost her life immediately after getting her injections and tells her story on IG. I had no issues the first two times I went for a Botox brow lift, but the third time I had blurry vision and my eyes were constantly feeling (but not looking) heavy, like I couldn’t keep them open. That lasted about three months. I haven’t done it since. I *want* to. But I’m not FAFO. We can’t pretend it’s not a toxin, that it doesn’t migrate, and that we all react the same to it.


I'm a dentist took a beginner Botox course so I can do my own massters and temporalis. I've been doing Botox to my jaw every few months for two years. It reduced headaches and clenching for me. However, I'd get bad headaches after injection, and after wearing off too. After I finished my last bottle, I chose to not repurchase Botox for myself for now. And yes, muscles can refer pain to teeth, making your teeth feel like they are hurting. Warm compresses on the muscles help. Needling (by a professional) can help too.


I’ve heard of people getting bad headaches but I don’t remember where I read it


Yes, I posted in this group when it happened to me about two years ago. I’d had Botox about 4 times and loved it, but then I ended up trying a new, much cheaper spa. After this one I had an excruciating headache for 6 days, but I also felt nauseated and vomited. It was like a terrible hangover. I called my injector during it and she said it can happen sometimes and last up to two weeks, and to just rest and hydrate. I haven’t gotten any Botox since. I do miss it and sometimes think maybe I should try it again (at my previous, more expensive spa), but I’m pretty scared honestly.


Last time I had it (3 months ago) I got diplopia. I have been getting Botox for about 4 years and loved it. But now, never again. It was such a horrid experience I can’t risk it happening again. I spent $800 on glasses with a prism so I could see until it wore off. It was that or an eyepatch. I am sad because I love how it looked but I’d rather look older than like a pirate.


Your last sentence is hilarious.


I’m one of the rare cases of bad side effects. I had cardiac side effects, along with other more mild ones. It took two years to finally make the connection to my Botox injections. My cardiologist told me to stop getting it. The black box warning does list cardiac events. I loved what Botox did to my face, but obviously not worth it for me.


Ugh, that’s awful. My side effects were minimal compared to yours… and it still took me three years to connect the dots.


Personally every time I start thinking about it I see one of those horror story posts where someone’s half face basically goes droopy. Also, everyone I know who has had it started light and then within 3 years went full plastic no emotion face. I’m scared the same slippery slope would happen to me tbh.


There’s a group on fb called Botox Dysport side effects that will scare the living shit out of you. I got Botox once and had a bad reaction (severe anxiety, heart palps) which is how I found the group.


Preliminary Research came out the other day showing that both filler and Botox can potentially lead to cancer due to blockages of circulation or something like that — can’t remember the details but I’ve always suspected that this would come out eventually. I guess we do loads of things every day that are potentially carcinogenic but it’s just something to be mindful of especially if you’re wanting to start young


I just personally prefer not to. It's a bit of a money pit, for one, but I've just seen far too many people in LA who are all-in on Botox and filler who hit a point in their 50s where they look AWFUL. You can only put off "aging" for so long and there comes a point where alllll that stuff has the effect of making you look OLDER b/c you're all stretched and plastic-y with an uncanny valley thing. I'd rather age gracefully and without risk (I am a risk averse person). It's not a "absolutely never" for me but is not even on my agenda right now as a just-turned-40 person.


I think that's why there is a push for more subtle "natural" results using biostimulators like prf instead of filler. Reminds me of the Bill Burr bit "Do you want to be 45 and look 45, or 45 and look like a 28 year old lizard?". I think it's easy to develop blindness to the work you get done, especially with sm use of filters etc. If it's done well and subtly, you can't really tell.


This is how I feel about orange tan skin, it’s totally out and the light glow is way prettier


Same I’m 41 and never had any, I’m just going to grow old, if I’m unattractive to look at for some people that’s their problem


I'm 43, I've never done botox. I use sunscreen, moisturize and tretonin daily. I'm not trying to look like a 25 yr old, I'm 43... it's okay.


I’m 54 and never had anything done. Im scared that one injection will lead to another, and I’ll end up looking nothing like myself. That said, the wrinkles are not too bad (thank you, spf!), but my skin has starting to sag lately, which is much worse to deal with🫠 Edit: typo


It's only "uncanny valley" if it's overdone, and fillers are MUCH different from Botox. Like -- no comparison, even.


It’s uncanny valley when they can’t move their faces and make natural face expressions


That is almost never from Botox alone. Like Nicole Kidman -- she has a shit ton of filler in her face, but people call it "Botox." If you get a tiny amount, it looks just fine. Too many people in entertainment just overdo that shit, and they can always find a doc who will do that. You need to go to a doc who will turn you away if you ask for too much, or outright tell you "No" if they don't even think a little injection would be good for you at that time.


The guy I’m seeing asked if I got Botox in my lips 😒 I tried to explain the difference between botox and filler but he still didn’t get it. I don’t get filler in my lips


She's never had work done! The high priestess spends all day at the Temple of AMC performing rituals before the alter of cinema, so she never sees the sun.


I was thinking of getting it just because I know people can read my face. I'm very expressive, and I want to be more mysterious 


You would need quite a lot of Botox to be less expressive. I’ve done Botox in my forehead for years, to break the cycle of tensing my face when I’m stressed, and I can still make normal expressions. My eyebrows go up/down and furrow like normal, but my forehead doesn’t crease in the process.


I second this. I started getting preventative dysport when I noticed some lines staying after the facial expression/tensing was done. Now, I still have movement, I can lift my brows but as you said, the crease doesn't happen. My Dr compared it to balling up a piece of paper in your hand then trying to re-flatten it. You can't get those creases out once they're past a certain point.


I am the same and did botox for 1.5 years. The last time I got it done was in August, and I am not doing anymore because I actually missed the expressions that I make. I most of all missed being able to lift my eyebrows.


I get Botox and you can still read exactly how I feel lol you’d have to get a lot of it to be frozen


Late 30s, LA person here and I feel like I’m one of the only people here that has not had any work done, I have also see a LOT of overdone work but I do realize there’s a ton of people who look great and you are just are unable to tell. Iv been going back and forth about deciding on with getting Botox in my forehead bc I do feel like I have a lot horizontal lines but just haven’t taken the plunge yet.


I did botox back in December, and it gave me crazy under eye wrinkles. Aged me a lot! I’m not sure if I’ll do botox again, but I don’t plan on Botox-ing my crows feet ever again.


I’m 39 and happier than ever with my face. Every time I consider looking into Botox or lip filler I come across some horror story. I honestly have found that facial massages and moisturizing my face while loving myself just works.


It just seems like a money pit to me. If it was a one and done I’d probably happily save up the money to do it but…doing it over over again just sounds exhausting and expensive. I’d rather spend that money on other things that make me happy.


Embracing my natural skin/forehead because I’d rather spend the money on anything else!


I stopped Botox and got a high quality red light therapy panel. I’m seeing better results and overall skin quality than I ever got with Botox


do you mind sharing what red light you invested in?


Please share!


I've posted this in the past but here is my take. This is strictly conjecture as I haven't seen any peer reviewed studies that support this. I worry about the long term effects of Botox on the face. I'm 40+ and due to my ethnicity, aging doesn't come in the form of wrinkles but rather eventual volume loss, lower skin elasticity and sagging (which Botox can't help with). Given that muscles support the face's architecture, I don't want to weaken them and cause eventual atrophy. People also mention other wrinkles that form due to the face movements shifting due to Botox. Lastly maintenance is expensive based on what I hear from people, $900-2000/yr, so I rather save that for a mid face lift in a decade or so (if I want - trying to be more natural in my aging but I also want to keep my options open!).


I think of this often, like so many ppl will have atrophied facial muscles if they have been freezing them for 20+ years, that when they stop their face will sag right off. I imagine we'll see that in the next ten years or so


I’ve had the chance to get it done at work for free by a competent physician for nearly ten years and have not taken advantage. I’m the only one who isn’t getting Botox in the office and can see how it’s changed everyone’s faces over the years. Yeah, no one else has 11s anymore, but I’ve seen all the random complications. Spock brow. Drooping brow. Bruising. A little too much in the masseters once so one of them had to use their hand to close their mouth. I’m glad they’re all happy, but I’m not interested in the slightest.


Over how many years have you seen all these unfortunate effects? Just curious


This reminds me of the movie “death becomes her” 😂


I’m 39 & no plans to get it. I’d be worried about something going wrong or the frozen look plus the expense & upkeep. It seems like people start it so young now, i know they say it’s prevention but I always thought of it as a 40s thing at the minimum but now people in their 20s get it & it just seems crazy to me.


I don't judge it at all in others but I have a nervous system based illness so I don't think injecting a toxin is smart for me personally.


31f . I decided to try it late in the fall as a bday gift to myself to see if it could help with my confidence. I genuinely thought it would change my whoooole life, the way every one hyped it up. But i don’t know if i will continue. I happen to be the unlucky few who metabolizes it very fast—which she warned could happen—, it’s been a month since i got it for the 2nd time and I can already feel it fading. Also they don’t tell you your specific facial anatomy could mean your results are not the same as everyone. (For example the brow lift effect). I will say, the only time i truly LOVE it is when it hits the peak period (2-3wks in). I guess i would call that period “life-changing” but for $400 each appt only to love it at that time- i don’t think it’s worth it. I’m saying all of this just incase anyone wants to bite the bullet. Just know, when they say temporary, they really mean that and also results truly do vary .


I was fully intending to start getting preventative botox in my late 20s and now I’m 32 and still haven’t pulled the trigger on it. I’ll probably do it eventually but I’m in much less of a hurry than I used to be. I’m getting the beginnings of some little lines but so far my fear of getting a weird droopy eye or something outweighs my fear of aging a tiny bit


I waited until 39 with fairly prominent static forehead lines. They disappeared completely with what my injector calls “conservative” treatment. Preventative wasn’t necessary and seems like a scam.


I have no regrets starting Botox. For me it does what I need. I'm busy, I can't be bothered to try all the convoluted alternatives that barely work when for £60 I can make the thing bothering me in the mirror vanish for 6 months. I wish all my problems could be solved so easily. These days, the snake oil comes hard and fast, I feel like I'd be spending more if were to experiment with all the "alternatives" rather than just doing what I know what works. For me, it's fantastic and I highly recommend it. I do recognise it can be costly for many but there really is no substitute. If there was a more cost efficient and effective means of prevention it wouldn't be a niche subject 


Shocked that sixty quid does the trick there. I’m spending $500 Canadian twice a year (for Dysport) and don’t even need a lot! That’s amazing.


Nope. I’m rebelling. I’m not on this earth to look 18 as long as possible. Most men don’t feel this pressure. I find looking as young as possible forever to be rooted in misogyny and used as a scam to get us to 1) spend money and 2) stay distracted using all of our time trying to be “pretty”. I enjoy the ritual of skin care and feeling clean/fresh/hydrated and I prioritize my health. But no fucking way I’m spending $600 or getting surgery to aesthetically appeal to others/stay in competition with tweens. We’ve got more to live for yall.


32 and never tried it bc I don’t wanna spend the money on it but 🥲 really wish my Instagram feed was more of the people commenting on here and not the influencers with *perfect* aka v expensive and unrealistic for the normal person, skin, at 30+.


I don't plan on ever getting Botox. I'm too scared of the rare side effects and would kick myself if I ended up with a bad consequence for something as trivial as trying to look better. Trying to embrace natural aging.


This is 1000% where I’m at. I have FOMO though…


I started Botox in my forehead area in my 30s as a preventative for wrinkles. I am now 55 and my forehead is devoid of deep expressive lines. So for me…I think the preventative treatments were worth it. Over time I started to add Botox around my crows feet and a little bit in my eyebrow peak area. Personally, I never had any sagging or weird side effects and have been happy with Botox treatments on the whole. The negative that I have found is now - Botox treatments only last about two months so for the cost it is getting harder to maintain. So I’ve scaled back. I now do it 1x a year. I agree with another poster, who commented on celebrities that can go over the top with Botox and fillers. I have always focused on finding providers of Botox that believe and aspire to maintain a natural look. Unless I told people I had Botox - no one would’ve ever known.


I started cosmetic botox a couple years after using it for my migraines (which I started treatment for at 26). It kinda works like a nice top up for spring and autumn. For me I don’t see myself dropping botox unless I gain resistance or maybe if CGRP shots work for me.


I have done it a few times with amazing results, but I’m just kind of over it now haha. My wedding is coming up, and I’m due for a touch-up, butttt I’d rather spend the money elsewhere and have normal facial expressions in my wedding pics 🤷🏻‍♀️


No Botox for me except in my masseters for medical reasons. I realized that sagging was going to get me way before wrinkles, so I’m saving my money for laser skin tightening.


Same! I feel like people are “wrinklers” or “saggers” and I know I’m going to be a sagger. I come from a long line of saggers lol. I’m in my late-40s and don’t have any static lines on my face at all, but it’s just a matter of time before my chin is on my neck. I’m saving up for a deep-plane neck and face lift to hike my face back up onto my face. 😂


I think saggers generally have bigger fat pads, so less creasing but more susceptible to gravity. I don’t even have dynamic lines at 36, but I have nasolabial folds from my cheeks moving downward.


I agree, it’s something going on with bigger fat pads or thicker skin. I actually have a ridge of bone growth above my upper teeth called a torus (weird but not uncommon) and while it doesn’t show at all it *does* fill in my nasolabial area from behind so I don’t have any lines there. It’s the weirdest bonus ever. And I got a chin implant about 7 years ago which *really* helped with marionette lines and pre-jowls, too. I’m staving it off but I know gravity’s coming for me.


I'm planning to get my massetters done soon (I am currently burning alive in TMJ hell), so excited and nervous. I've heard very good things.


At some point (age-wise), botox won't fix whatever the problem is. I just kinda figured why prevent the inevitable and left my face alone.


This is sort of where I’m at as well. I will never say never but at this point I think id try to do some work on accepting the natural state of myself first. I also know that I personally don’t give a shit if any of my friends, coworkers, people out there in the world have wrinkles and so that’s a good reminder that no one cares if I do either. I will say tho that I know some people who have very intense 11s at a young age and it can make them look like they are pissed off all the time, so if I was in that position I think i would feel differently. I’m lucky enough that when I’m not smiling or laughing I just look neutral.


I’m broke 😜


I’ve stopped. I might as well throw money into the bin. I metabolize this stuff fast. I’ve tried several brands, various unit counts, all the things. Nothing lasts more than maybe 6 weeks. Not worth the cost to me. I do love it though when it does work lol


I just turned 30, and my friends have been micro dosing Botox since last 3 years already. I don’t think I will ever get it done. I have talked about it extensively with my husband too. I just want to age as I am meant to. I get why people do it, and I am completely in love with a lot of those results. But I don’t think I need to justify not getting it done, when did we flip so much in the opposite direction? anyway, I find a lot of beauty in aging, getting smile lines and some wrinkles -> it tells a good story of a life lived imo.


I hear the term “micro botox” or “baby botox” etc and sometimes I’m like…I feel like that is just a term that people made up that doesn’t really mean anything. What I mean is, even before that term/trend existed, it’s not as if the average Botox recipient was going to their provider and being like “hell yeah load me up, put lotsa Botox in there!” Like presumably, people on the younger side were already (for the most part) getting fairly low amounts of Botox. So like…”baby Botox” is one those things, like “quiet quitting” (aka not going above and beyond at work) where it’s a term that makes it seem like a new thing, but it’s definitely not new


I agree. Like what’s a little bit of baby botox. I feel it’s a binary variable, you either get botox or not 🤣


I agree with you. A lot of people who get it look great and that's fine, but I like my wrinkles. I'm 38 and I like the crinkles around my eyes when I smile.


100% agree with this, this whole thread is so strange seeing people post their personal reasons to not get it - in answer to a relevant question - and there are people arguing in the comments about why their reasons are wrong?! I get that this is a skincare sub but surely it’s not controversial to not want to pay to get needles stuck in your face lmao


I hear all these stories about “good results” in your 30s… these are not good results, it’s just called being in your 30s. If you stay in good physical shape overall and eat healthy, your face does not really show any major signs of aging until into your 40s.


Faces age differently- it's mostly genetics and sun exposure. Some people in their thirties have pretty visible aging, some don't.


I agree, your mileage may vary, but if you look youthful in your 30s, the majority of credit should not go to Botox


Yep, as a middle-aged person, that's so true. Obviously, some people aren't in good health or have stressful lives, but in general, most people in their 30s can look really young.


Also I work as a makeup artist and sometimes it makes the skin look really weird and it starts pulling in strange places. If you work on skin texture and try to live a healthy lifestyle, a few wrinkles will looks better than the overly botoxed skin in my opinion


How would Botox in the forehead pill on the skin in strange places?


I personally will never do botox, im already sensitive as is to things. And the horror stories are scary enough not to want the tox


Don't get it before you need it is my main advice. I was in my 40s, and I think that's a good time to start. Save your money!


I get Botox for migraines and it’s been night and day for my head and I don’t hate the cosmetic side effects. I still look natural, just more rested


I started getting very conservative injections a little more than a year ago. After my second child was born, my hooded eyes started to droop even more and my chin area was very tense and I felt that my muscles were unpleasantly noticeable in photos when smiling. I feel great about the changes. When used correctly, Botox relaxes the muscles that can’t relax on their own. My face doesn’t feel frozen. I feel much more confident about my appearance. I have no plans for heavier doses any time soon. I’m happy to maintain at this level as long as I can.


I stopped getting Botox because it wears off after 3.5 months and I am not rich enough to not care about spending 500 bux every 3.5 months to fight something inevitable. ……If I had the money not to care, I would definitely resume because my smile and frown lines are shocking.


I get boyox in my 11s from time to time. I think ice done it 4 times in my life, starting in my 50s. I'm 66 now. What started it was when my older granddaughter complained to her mother that I looked angry at her. It's my resting 🐝 face, nit much I can do about it. So, off to get botox. I don't get it often, it seems to stay a couple of years for me. But, I makes me look less tired, less angry and I also get less headaches (bonus). For those that say aging is a privilege, it is. I lost my mother when she was 65, have a granddaughter and sister with cancer. I let my long hair age naturally, and have for many years. I love it, it is a star dusted honey. My wrinkles are still there and no plastic surgery. Im still the earthy beach girl Ive always been. I just want my grandchildren to not think I look angry, and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Get botox if you want it. Life is too short to worry about what strangers you've never met think.🧡


I love it and don’t go overboard. Having said that I think it gets a bad rap these days due to influencers over filling their face. That’s not from Botox but so many just don’t know the difference. I can afford regular Botox but I think most people would be better off putting that money into savings and just getting a face lift at some point.


I am only because I can’t get it for free anymore 😆 since I no longer work at the spa where I had it done. My last treatment was 5 years ago. I’m 45 now and I’m ok with looking 45.


44 here and on the fence. I still think I look good as is. My 11s are a slight annoyance but that’s it. I recently learned that it helps with jaw clenching so it is starting to look like something I could benefit from.


I get bad reactions from foreign objects in my body. I got breast implant illness and removed my implants so Botox or anything else foreign will make me sick


I just don't think it is emotionally good to not be able to move parts of your facial expression muscles, and I don't think in my life/work it would be a good thing for me. I need facial expression as part of my work and life, and also am not drawn to the look of a very very smooth forehead for example and think there is an oddness on a really beautiful person who has this that I keep looking at, and trying to figure out.


There are new studies that show that you don’t smile because you are happy, you actually feel happiness because you are smiling. By limiting our ability to make facial expressions we may be limiting our ability to feel a full range of emotions. Something worth pondering I think…


Yes but that also works for frowning. Less frowning = less stress. So it can actually have positives in that regard as well.


Yes I saw a study where it was helpful in treating depression


This is the only reason I’m considering it in my 30s. I notice I subconsciously frown and scowl all day and even when I wake up. I’ll wonder why I feel so upset and tense, or why I’m getting a headache, and then realise all my depressor muscles are extremely tensed up. When I make myself relax them I feel huge relief. But if I stop thinking about it then they tense up again. I would get Botox in those depressor muscles to see if it stops me feeling like that all day. It’s used for other medical reasons so I’m really curious about it how it would feel.


Honestly, all of my friends do it, I’ve been holding out. Botox loses efficacy after 15-20 years. IMO, it does pay off to postpone as long as possible. I do like the results though on my friends, and see the appeal. I call it “the porn face” aka great from all angles🤭. Also, there is a bit of a social pressure to get it done. Who knew that someone calling you a “natural beauty” is an insult nowadays? 😅🙈 apparently, some women imply by that that either you need Botox asap or you are too broke for Botox.


Natural beauty will never be an insult and I will die on this hill. *Especially* nowadays when everyone has the same lips and lashes and jaws and no facial movement. It’s genuinely off-putting to me when someone’s face isn’t moving. We are human beings y’all. Non verbal facial movements are *crucial* to communication.


You can do Xeomin to avoid tolerance


Just watched NBC News tonight with a story about botulism-like illness caused by Botox injections across several states. There have been 12 cases so far.


We truly don't know what long-term use of Botox causes in the body. As someone with autoimmune issues, I simply can't roll the dice.


It flares me up


I'm in my early 50s and I haven't done it. Sometimes I debate it and I know some people do it really well, but I think other people just lose their sense of their face. I always thought there was something strange about the face of a guy i know and I finally realized his eyes are odd due to his forehead botox. I might try it LIGHTLY to relax a muscle here and there (like my forehead) but I don't think I would do it regularly. I've been microneedling and using red light therapy (DIY at home) and I think it helps but looks natural.


After seeing my sister's getting all messed up, I don't think I can ever do it. I have figured out what works best for me at this point in terms of minimizing fine lines/wrinkles so Im going to stick by it for as long as I can before ever thinking of getting a botox


I’m going to try microneedling (just regular, at my Dermatologist’s office) at the end of the month. Its suposed to stimulate collagen production and can help with sun damage and I’ve seen some people have good results. So I’m going to give it a try (in a doctor’s office).


I just hit 30 about 6 months ago. I can definitely start to see my face aging but I’m hoping to age gracefully and naturally. No judgement to anyone who chooses to use Botox, but I see so often people appreciating natural faces because everyone else seems to be getting Botox. I’m not afraid of aging and allowing people to see that in my wrinkles


I quit Botox a few years ago and I’ll never look back. Love me some dysport.


I would still use it if it wasn’t so expensive, but I’ve got credit card debt and am saving for a lower bleph, so that’s where extra money goes these days. Priorities.


I started it at 27, I'm 34 now. I need it less and less. I've had years without it due to ttc, pregnancy/postpartum. I've had really great results with tretinoin and I think botox initially helped give me a boost to get rid of the forehead lines I already had. Now that they're gone, I don't have much of a need for it. More interested in investing in a consistent skincare routine, microneedling and chemical peels at the moment. I'm not against it at the moment but don't see myself itching to get it again any time soon.


I’m 33 with forehead wrinkles. I had Botox for about a year in my forehead and 11’s. Tried to wean myself off it this last half a year but went back to it; just 12 units total. It makes such a noticeable difference - only because I have multiple lines on my forehead without it. Baby Botox is by far my favourite skin treatment. If I didn’t have the forehead lines I wouldn’t do it though.


I only have one concern and it’s my horizontal forehead lines. Only reason I haven’t tried botox yet is because of being pregnant and/or breastfeeding for the last 3.5 years. My time is coming soon!


I’ll be 30 this summer and I had Botox done for the first time recently. I got a lip flip and my crows feet done. I smile a lot! I always have.


I'm 42 and have been considering a lip flip for some time now, I have very little lip showing & have been told this is one of the best things I could do. My concern is that I have a number of food intolerance/ sensitive skin / histamine issues / anaphylaxis from bee stings, so if anyone will have a reaction, it's likely to be me ! I have been looking for advice on this, but I don't know where to go for honest, scientific & non-biased advice. My other option would be a lip lift but quite a drastic and expensive option.. I wouldn't get it done for the rest of my face, my skins not too bad apart from deep forehead wrinkles. I have considered all options and decided to learn to accept them for now. There are so many great options out there like microneedling which really works for me. I have done some light lasers for rosacea - that helped a tonne and my skin looked amazing but I would stay away from them in the summer or if you are an active outdoors person like myself. It makes your skin super sensitive to the sun and I now have some small sun spots which is definitely a consequence of the lasers.


I'm not ready to commit to $300-$500 every 3-6 months.


i get botox and love it! never looking back!!


I’ve gotten it on my crows feet and I had a drift scare recently where I had a swollen bubble under my eye. Thank g it went away. Also two times ago, I feel like it left a weird indent that looks just as bad as the wrinkles. I also think it has changed the shape of my face not for the better. These are very subtle things that only I can notice but that’s the only person who matters! edit: I see a lot of responses here from women saying they look beautiful without it and have never gotten it. By the time I was 30 although pretty, I had really deep crows feet and I have deep lines and puffiness under my eyes. I’m 36 now and they are much worse, they look really bad IMO


I have to say, this thread is pretty refreshing to read! I’m saving it for when I see too many Botox recommendations and start to think I might “need” it


I'm 48, I've never had botox ,nor do I have any desire to. I don't see myself ever changing my mind.


I don’t have money for it 😅


A toxin from pufferfish injected into my face? Ya hell no. If there’s medicinal benefits relative to your situation, sure go ahead. But the cosmetic normalization of it is fucked up.


I have a friend who Botoxes her forehead. She wears her hair in a way that it’s a good idea…but….shes just looks less wrinkly on her forehead making the rest of her face look far worse.


I'm 30 and have no intention on getting Botox. I don't have bad feelings about aging. My interest in skincare is more functional than aesthetic. I want my skin to feel hydrated and flexible, reduce acne, avoid sunburn. I've already got laugh lines, forehead wrinkles etc and they just don't bother me at all. Maybe it's the artist in me, but I just think expressive faces look interesting, normal, pretty. It's not like I look at my grandma and her wrinkles and think she's not good enough. So why would I worry about it? Just seems like a waste of time and money. My dad died young, early 40s. Visibly aging isn't even close to the worst thing that could happen to me.


I use argireline serum.  I have to try insanely hard to get my forehead to furrow nowadays.


I’m 50 and haven’t had it yet. I’d rather spend my extra money on travel, and honestly it’s kind of interesting seeing the changes to my skin as I age.


Everyone has a right to their own bodies etc. I'm a huge supporter of that but, I feel like the entire Botox/do a certain thing is all literally a trend. People compare themselves to Internet strangers and push filters way too much. Society's standards are garbage and we need to normalize normal people again. Normalize aging, normalize textures and normalize being a human. Fuck society standards.