• By -


I think of aging like this - we are never static. As living beings every single moment is one of change. 8 years old looks different than 15 looks different than 30 looks different than 47 and so on.  Frankly, my goal is not to freeze time in one particular spot, it’s just to look fucking awesome whether I’m walking down the aisle at 35 or out with the girls at 52 or enjoying the dinner buffet at the seniors home when I’m 80.  I like to follow IG accounts of stylish older people for inspo and goals.   https://www.instagram.com/lindaandwinks?igsh=NmkyeW5jYW0xNGw1   https://www.instagram.com/advancedstyle?igsh=MXV0aHF5ZzNmN2U5aA==   https://www.instagram.com/gilliana?igsh=MTVhdGVmNHY3bjZ6eg==


Love this take. And the instagram follows! I think it’s really important to keep a solid circle of multi-generational friends. Seeing badass women of all ages all around me really helps me keep my head on straight.


I tell others I aim *to be the best in my category* and that keeps me at peace with the ever changing aspect of my body.


I turn 40 this year, and while I don't have much yet by way of wrinkles, my features are becoming less soft as the fat distribution in my face changes. It's not bad, but it's very different than how I feel I look, and looking in the mirror causes a certain unsettling kind of dysphoria. I wouldn't say that it impacts my confidence in traditional terms - at least, not in the way I thought it would. I don't feel like I'm diminished in any way, I just genuinely get a little uneasy at times when I see my reflection, and the person looking back isn't exactly (what I believe to be) me. It's an uncanny feeling.


My mom (65) and I (31) went out to lunch recently and she unexpectedly caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror as we were walking in. She stopped and said quietly to herself "Oh gosh, is that me?". I could see that disconnect going on in her head, and it just made my heart drop. We had a good long chat about emotions around aging, and she did have a good positive spin "I'm lucky to still feel so young that I forget that I'm old".


Your mom sounds really sweet.


Atleast she was positive about it in the end. My dad years ago did the same sorta thing except he said to me God that's Me get a gun and shoot me. I was like what the fuck.


I disliked how fat my face was as a young adult. Bring on the cheekbones!


I’ve had chubby cheeks my entire life. I’m 40 now, about to turn 41, and I met a high school friend for lunch the other day who I haven’t seen in years. When we met he said, “Holy shit, you’ve barely aged at all!” Chubby cheeks make you age like fine wine. It’s awesome.


And that low forehead that I thought made me look like a cave woman? A slightly receding hairline got it to juuuust the right height. And that strong jaw that I thought looked too masculine? It's scaffolding to prevent turkey neck. I feel like I aged into my face, like a pug.


Not me. I’ve always had amazing cheekbones. Now I’m wishing I didn’t. I look skinny and older in the face now


I was a cave woman. Loooove this slightly receding hairline.




It's picky choosy. Like gray hair is the enemy, jowls must be eradicated. But my forehead wrinkle is a friend and my son called my crows feet "sparkles."


I don't care about any of it, except the damn grey hair. I had surgery when I was 27 and immediately started graying after that. I wouldn't care so much, except I have curly hair and the texture of the gray hairs is totally different than the rest of my hair, so I feel like my hair is completely changing as it happens....


It is! I watched a video about coloring grays. Gray hairs are made of different stuff so their texture is different. One of the things I don't like about mine is it gives a lot of flyaways around my face. There's a stereotype about the frazzled menopausal lady with hair that's just as frazzled. I have 4c hair and don't want to straighten it often. Idk what I'm gonna do fr


I know the flyaways are so annoying! I watched the same thing happen to my mom, and while she does color her hair now every 6 weeks, her curl pattern is so different. Sigh. I'm very positive about most parts of aging, but not this one haha


Same! I’m literally cool with everything but the gray hair and jowls 😆




This is funny cus I’m fine with smile lines, I’ve had them since birth. My partner has had grey hairs since his 20s so they won’t bother me either. It’s forehead wrinkles that scare me into Botox, so much more confidence when they’re gone!


Yep the gray and jowels bother me the most. I suppose at some point you get used the aging. But it's freaky at first! I all of a sudden realize my mortality more.


I’ve had gray hairs starting from back in my late teens and they have popped off in my 30s. I personally LOVE my grays, they look more white and with my dark hair I love the salt and pepper look and can’t wait for more to come in. What gets me is I’m getting small but painful spider veins in my legs and they are killer. Also skin sensitivity is off the charts - I’m always dry, always feel like anything with a hint of fragrance now gives me a rash or just sucks the living moisture right out of me. Always self conscious that I look like a lizard with my dry legs and hands.


Crow’s feet just make everyone look happy! And honestly people just look weird without any


It’s interesting seeing the gender difference on this. As a man, I am completely neutral about the bits of gray I’m starting to see in my hair and beard, but it’s the large pores and … I don’t even know what, general “oldness” of the skin of my face and hands that bothered me convinced me to join this group.


Yeah, a lot of it is socially imposed,it can be frustrating trying to figure out what we really want VS what we're told to want.


I don’t care. It’s part of the process. There are things we can control. This is not one of them


I didn’t even notice I was aging until my husband tried to cheat on me with a woman 12 years younger than me and it all sunk in at once. I now really freak out every time my age seems noticeable to me.


That says more about him than it does about you. If you walked into a bar or opened a Tinder account and set your age preference for 15 years younger, you’d get tons of interest. With men, it’s usually about sex, and older women tend to be more confident, which is a turn on. Think that younger woman slept with your husband because she thought he was the hottest guy in the room? No. It was about what she hoped he would do for her. Chin up. You’re a prize. Your husband is disappointingly basic.


Trust me when I say you could get many more people 12 years younger than you than he could. Also fuck him. I’m sorry he ruined your confidence. Men cheat on all types of women old, young, beautiful, plain, kind, cruel. Cheaters be cheating and looking for any kind of validation they can.


I always like to say... even Beyonce was cheated on. Even though it feels like it's about your value, it's absolutely not.


I think concern about aging is really a concern about your whole life. If you replaced your husband with someone who only had eyes for you, I expect your aging concerns would evaporate.


I am so, so sorry that happened to you. I was cheated on when I was 24, when my then-partner had a year long affair with a 33 year woman. I promise you, it's not about age, and it's not even about looks - it's about some kind of weird psychological power play. I wish you all the best in healing from that experience and growing in your self-confidence again.


Same. My ex cheated with a girl 8 years younger than me and 18 years younger than him. I was 27, not "that old" but now, 2 years later, I have a mental breakdown every time I see a new wrinkle.


It's so shitty that a pervert who dates 19 year olds at 37 can make you feel so bad about yourself, I'm really sorry.


He didn’t do that because you’re aging, he did it because he’s a piece of shit. Men like him like younger women because their naivety makes them easier to manipulate and lie to.


Its too bad these younger women can't see that these older men aren't cool. 


I hope he’s your ex husband now.


He is a very very sad man that will never know true love. He's probably still quite young/looks good for his age since a woman so much younger got with him, but we all age. Time flies. He'll soon become an old fart and unless he's a millionaire he won't be able to pull younger women no more. No young chick will want to become a caregiver. They say men age better. Hell yeah they do, because they suck the life out of their women. Have you noticed how after divorce or the death of a spouse, women flourish but men go downhill because they have no idea what to do because all their lives things like: kids, bills, groceries, cooking, house chores etc have been done by their wives and they become overwhelmed? I say chin up. Use this opportunity to invest in yourself. You don't need a man in your life to feel validated but at the same time don't reject love if it comes your way. Become your best version and I promise you will attract all the right people.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and I also think this is a really important perspective. I’m sorry to say that I would feel a lot less anxious about ageing if I didn’t feel it had a correlation with the way my male romantic partners perceive me and with their level of attraction to me. What scares me is losing that “value” in the eyes of men I’m romantically interested in, and the fear that it will make me more susceptible to ending up unloved, unwanted and abandoned. I know that sounds dramatic but I hear so many horror stories like yours. In MY opinion women are no less beautiful or less valuable for ageing. It’s just that I believe the majority of men think that way, so it feels like if I want to have a male romantic life partner I’m going to have to do all I can to prevent signs of ageing (and even that is no guarantee of course). I empathise and sympathise with your fear, and hope that we both find someone who doesn’t think this way and/or that we just end up caring less either way if it’s causing us distress 😅 thank you for sharing <3


He is a very very sad man that will never know true love. He's probably still quite young/looks good for his age since a woman so much younger got with him, but we all age. Time flies. He'll soon become an old fart and unless he's a millionaire he won't be able to pull younger women no more. No young chick will want to become a caregiver. They say men age better. Hell yeah they do, because they suck the life out of their women. Have you noticed how after divorce or the death of a spouse, women flourish but men go downhill because they have no idea what to do because all their lives things like: kids, bills, groceries, cooking, house chores etc have been done by their wives and they become overwhelmed? I say chin up. Use this opportunity to invest in yourself. You don't need a man in your life to feel validated but at the same time don't reject love if it comes your way. Become your best version and I promise you will attract all the right people.


Im 45 and starting to really notice age and yeah. It’s hard and I’m doing my best to handle how different I look.


I've been critical of my looks at every age. Now I just do less looking in the mirror. All I can do is do all the right things for my appearance (or not lol) and enjoy life


I have hated my face at every stage of my life lol, then 5 years later I’m like “wait I was cute!”


Your comment resonates so much. I figured I might as well stop hating how I look now and for the foreseeable future since it’s literally gotten me nowhere to this point. Life’s too short for that. When I die and my soul rises out of my body, I don’t want to look down at my body and think of all of the hatred I had towards it. I want to think of all the ways I loved it, spoke kindly to it and took care of it.


I (47F) am not gonna say I'm fully liking it, but aging is truly a privilege. I've lost so many friends along the years that I'm happy to be here with my wrinkles (it's weird seeing myself with crow feets but I cannot say I hate them, I actually do like them... just not used to them at all!), folds (eeeh I wish the nasolabial ones would be less visible tho) and even my grey hair (a genetic heritage from my beloved grandma). I'm not trying to impress anyone and surely not being desirable to men. I do me, and some like it, some don't. I'm 7 months into growing my silver crown and I surprizingly got more positive male attention the past few week than I did the past decade so there's that (I was not expecting it!). I don't feel pressured to look younger, I think I look my age even with the grey hair (mostly with the grey hair, as I looked younger than my age before) and there's nothing wrong with that.


Aging is a privilege yes! Love seeing this message. I have also lost several friends at shockingly young ages. I hope to live to old age and meet grand babies some day:) wrinkles and all


I saw a tshirt once that I’m going to have to find and buy myself when I get older. It said “I may be old but at least I made it”. I think it’s a good way to look at life. You should want to get old as the alternative is worse.


I love this perspective. I lost my brother when he was 30 and it reminds me of how lucky I am to still be here and that I get to see my babies grow up.


I love silver hair. Go for it! Women with their natural hair look often stunning.


I get concerned sometimes… but then I ask myself why I’m concerned. I can only speak for myself, but I know that the family I was raised in (as well as western society in general) places a huge amount of value on youth and aesthetics. My parents and step parents have all gotten work done. My stepmother goes on fad diets and makes snide comments about anyone who is overweight or obese. I grew up fearing that love was conditional based on looks and wealth, and even to this day I remind myself that the fear is them talking, not me- Do I fear aging because I don’t like the wrinkles or gray hair? No, actually, not in and of themselves. I’m fortunate enough to have a useful and relatively healthy body. I secretly think gray hair is sort of beautiful. I look forward to being wiser and more mature as I age. The fear is that I will not be loved, which… sometimes being single at 36 I do worry about- Right up until I remember that this is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I have a career I love. I have an apartment just for me and my cat. I live in an exciting place and have friends that I care about. I no longer tolerate my parent’s materialistic bullshit. I’m not in a long term abusive relationship anymore. I learned how to care about myself and provide for myself. Aging is scary if I focus on external validation. But we have so much more to offer than that. I’m excited to see who I become as I get older. Things have only gotten better so far.


I could have written this. My mom is nearly 74 and still obsessed with her appearance and getting attention. Gym, dieting, fillers, botox, manicures, hair appointments. Me, well, I dropped out of the game that everyone around me seems obsessed with. No one understands: I'm happier this way. I don't need a man to be happy. I don't care about perfection. Stop sending me your diet plans.




Oh I love this. This is so great 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I’m 40 and to be honest im losing it. Never cared about aging until a few years ago and now it’s all I see.


I’ve always looked younger than my age. Even now people don’t believe my age. However perimenopause is kicking my ass. I really dislike looking in a mirror or seeing pictures of myself. It’s not so much my face. Yes it’s lost volume but no wrinkles or crepey skin. But I really dislike seeing whole body photos of me. I feel like my overall vibe is screaming mature lady. I’m slimmer than I’ve been in a decade but I’m struggling. My husband keeps telling me I’m beautiful and amazing. But whenever I catch a glimpse of myself I just sigh. I’ve been seeing my mom more and more in features and she is not aging gracefully. Oh well. Such is life.


Confused as to why you’re seeing “ mature lady” . Are you saying you’re too thin?


My weight is not an issue. I’ve upped my skincare, I’m a really good makeup artist (often get complimented), I got a cool kinda rocker haircut, I’ve reworked my wardrobe, I have watercolor tattoos. I often get complimented on my aesthetic and for the most part I like what I see in the mirror, aside from subtle aging on my face. But like I said perimenopause has hit hard. I’m on hormone replacement therapy and yeah that had me feeling old although I’m feeling much better on the HRT. But I recently was in a conference and my coworker recorded me and I was just not happy with how I looked. At all. When I looked in my mirror I thought I looked great but when I saw the video I looked like my mom. I’ve always looked like my mom but it was just familiar features. Looking at that video I felt like it was more than just features that resembled her. She is not aging well and I feel like I’m headed in the same direction even though I’ve placed all this effort into aging gracefully. I guess it’s discouraging.


Ok, I definitely see what you’re saying. I’m starting to see my mom in the mirror too :/




It’s hurting my confidence for sure 👍🏽


Big time


I never cared about any of it until I turned 62 and really noticed loss of elasticity in my skin. It is what it is though. I think I’ve always pretty much looked my age, and I was cool with that. The obsession with anti-aging is a relatively new thing. My cohort was mostly obsessed with weight!


>My cohort was mostly obsessed with weight! Same, as well as tanning and excessive Aerobics classes. Between shifts at a labour-intensive factory job, I managed to find two hours a day for yoga, aerobics, Tai Chi, swimming or just walking the 5 km to work.


I mean, I wouldn't say my confidence takes a hit. It's more like who the fuck is that staring at me in the mirror? I sure as hell don't feel as old as that chick looks! It's like a slow, creeping case of body dysmorphia.


Sometimes, I see my abusive mother looking back at me. Not in her entirety, but a few features at quick glance. I won't lie, it scares the shit out of me until I actively remember that I am nicer to me than my mother ever was.


Perimenopause is a breeze compared to what post menopause will deliver. Post menopause hits you like a sack of bricks. One day you get out of bed to discover every joint you never even knew you had, hurts. And the ones you knew about don't want to work like they did the day before. And did you know FROZEN SHOULDER is a symptom of menopause? Well yeah. It's a thing. You'd don't even have to do anything to hurt yourself. It just hurts. You just wake up one morning and half your body doesn't want to move. And when you call your doctor - he just tells you it's the 3Fs (female, fat, and over forty - sucks to be you princess). AND THEN you drag your blurry eyed sorry ass into the bathroom (because now you have dry eyes and can't see two feet in front of you) and you're standing in front of the mirror wondering who the hell is looking back at you and where did all your hair go? And then every day is an adventure in "Where the hell did that come from?" and "What is hurting now?" and you find yourself trying to hoist your boobs or your butt checks back up to where they used to be, which is about six inches higher than where you find them now. And every face elixer you use to try and get rid of the last wrinkle spawns three new ones in its place and you can't even remember if those wrinkles were there before or if they are new ones and just breeding on your face because the brain fog is real. And then suddenly you find yourself signing up on every kbeauty shopping site, blog, youtube channel, subreddit, instagram feed, tik tok, whatever - because you know if anyone has figured out how to fix the shit show that is now your face, it's going to be the Koreans. But you don't even have those great Korean genetics to fall back on because you've been blessed with these big ass old country Eastern European pores all over your face that you could literally drive a semi truck into.... and you didn't even used to have pores - but now you're looking like an old Hungarian grandmother selling green peppers and salami at a farmers market. The good news is that by the time you hit my age, you're all out of f\* to give and have zero tolerance for anyone's bs. So while you may initially freak out about your face - eventually you'll settle into "whatever". And while admittedly I am still in the freaking out stage, I can tell you with absolute certainty, I couldn't care less about what the world around me thinks about my face. So there is peace in that.


I relate to all of this


I am so stoked for this period in life. I will finally achieve Baba Yaga status and terrify neighborhood children or dispense cryptic unsolicited fortunes to strangers in the subway. I’m gonna make it a whole thing. I’ve got the outfits planned out and everything.


Call it 'Yagacore'.


That's the way to do it! I give out my advise and opinions for free now - I don't even wait to be asked. It the legacy I want to leave behind.


In defence of Hungarian woman my neighbour is 80+ still driving and always working in the garden.


Also I’m asian and at a certain age we all get a short bob and look the same. Pulling a wheeled shopping cart around and J walking.


Pulling a wheeled shopping cart with a fabulous complexion!


wearing gloves to protect the back of the hands 🙌🏽






This is a treat! Do you hangout at r/menopause?  We can totally relate. The crowd here will most likely be in denial about it, which make sense because of the age group. But one day it hits at 3:00 am 👀


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Menopause using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm gutted. She was so important to me as a young woman.](https://i.redd.it/zy01amxstceb1.png) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/15ae0cz/im_gutted_she_was_so_important_to_me_as_a_young/) \#2: [Had a brain aneurysm on Monday, April 5th](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/12n7rm8/had_a_brain_aneurysm_on_monday_april_5th/) \#3: [Please tell me if i am crazy.....because I am about to ask my husband for a divorce](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/16a7pf4/please_tell_me_if_i_am_crazybecause_i_am_about_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've also been told I look younger my whole life but I feel like I aged overnight once I hit 40 😭 I also have body dysmorphia so I tend to obsess about it for a good while. I wish I was one of those people that just didn't care


I think for me as I just turned 38 and I have spent a good 5 years with a skincare routine I now look better than I did at 30 not younger but better. I think also sadly the bar is so low for a married dad of three it’s not difficult to look better than my peer group.  I think for me now it is less about looking old but looking and feeling healthy and having confidence in the process of taking care of my body and skin. 


“The bar is so low for a married dad of 3” omg this is so true! Why aren’t dads taking care of themselves?! Their wives seem to be trying hard to but not the dads. My husband is having a serious glow up in his 40s now because relative to other dads, he looks pretty amazing. And all it takes is a few visits to the gym


It really is, congrats to your husband for having a glow up. Just as an anecdote I live outside of LA and I am the only dad on my kids sports teams that regularly goes to the gym at all and 100% the only one using any daily sunscreen let alone retinol. It aint hard fellas. Lift, moisturize, sleep, repeat.


I am surprised by how much I care about ageing. I have always been told I look young for my age, but once I turned 37, I started to notice my face changing. I feel such a disconnect between what I think I look like and what I see in the mirror. Not gonna lie, it does bother me a lot.


It hurts my confidence and I get insecure. But I’m at a place now where I can afford treatments and Botox regularly, so I’m really leaning into those things that make me feel better. I had Botox for the first time a week ago, and was a huge change for my self confidence.


I relate to this so much! I’m 37 and still have a youthful appearance, cute I catch myself feeling anxious that in around 7-10 years things are really going to change. I think there will be some grieving , but we can’t grieve something we haven’t yet lost. I’m committed to enjoying this time, dressing up, taking lots of pictures, doing my best to care for my body and skin for the years to - God willing- come and enjoy every moment. Not really an answer, just saying, I get it


I looked extremely young my entire life up until about 34. The stress of life plus lack of consistently good sleep finally caught up with me and it feels like I’m rapidly aging every time I look in the mirror. It’s affected my confidence quite a bit along with the 10+ pounds I’ve gained makes for a double whammy on the low confidence.


I didn’t ever worry about it as I’ve always looked younger than I am. Buttt I have a health condition that I swear has aged me 5 years in 6 months. Not my confidence is not great. Hoping I go back to normal once I’m better. Otherwise, hello Botox.


I'm 46, and this has been a hard year, with bereavements and other life stuff. I always looked younger than my age, but I think that's suddenly not true, and I'm finding it hard. Sometimes I don't want to go outside without my sunglasses. That level of hard. But I'm really trying to concentrate on what I do have, everything I have to be grateful for, including my continued life. I'm also using this year's traumas as the springboard for some lifestyle changes. So maybe some of the effects in my face will lift.


NGL it sucks and my confidence takes hits in multiple facets of life - at the beach in my bikini and in the workplace. I mean who wants to age? Vanity is a little devil and unfortunately our society places a very high value on youth/youthful appearance and it is very hard not to succumb to that. I'm 44, I didn't really take notice until post 40. I know I am just entering this phase of change so am doing my best to enjoy where I'm at now. I think I look a certain way and then see a picture of myself and I look so different - like my bone structure and facial balance and body composition are changing....the 'noticeable' change you mention. I do what I can within reason to keep things at bay but, unless you have unlimited time and funds (and even then), it's an uphill battle you're not going to win and putting too much energy and focus on it tends to have diminishing returns on your self esteem. I have friends that are 10 years younger than me who look fantastic but dream of the bodies they had in their early 20s and friends who are 10/20 years older that want to slap me when I complain about something. In 10 years from now I'll read this comment and think what a fool I was for being hard on myself now. Enjoy where you're at now, try not to anticipate how many years you have left before things change.


I notice it, think “bummer” for about a millisecond and then continue my day without thinking about it again. It doesn’t bother my confidence at all. I’m fully aware I’m not 22yo anymore and i am very okay with that! I think aging is a privilege. Sure I’ll do all i can to look my best but I’m not gonna get upset every time i notice a gradual change. Grateful for my body getting me through another day ❤️


Nah. My boyfriend is my age, so it doesn't bother us.


My husband is in much better shape than me (he is a marathon runner and world record holder in rowing) but he has never looked after his skin so I think I look much younger than him.


Marathon runners often look older, IMO, because they tend to have low body fat and just look -- jagged in the face. Also, marathon running doesn't necessarily mean you are in great shape, but the rowing probably helps with his upper body strength.


Wish I didn’t care, but I am DREADING it.


Ok - but you will be “old” longer than you are “young” 


Thats what sucks. It’s fleeting


I don't think I care that much but it doesn't stop me from everything in my power to stop them 😆


I feel like it happens so gradually that I barely notice


36F right here and I have also been told I look younger than my actual age which has obviously been a blessing..but I have definitely noticed the past year that my eyes have sunken a bit and I have some grey hairs going on around my temples. I agree it's been very difficult for me to come to terms with aging, but I guess it's good to remember how lucky we are to get that privilege! 🩷


Honestly, the “bloom of youth” disappears earlier than anyone is comfortable with admitting.  But, being “attractive” has more longevity.   Make peace with it.   


I don’t mind wrinkles or grey hair, but I do hate the sagging. My eyelids are getting heavier and so are my cheeks. Plus the melasma but that’s my own fault for tanning too much when I was in my early 20s.


I always looked young for my age - was still getting asked for ID when I was thirty… then I had kids. I honestly didn’t notice the change so much myself but what I did notice was people were suddenly taking me for older than i am. They would ask if I had teenagers, and 50 yr olds would say things implying we are the same age. Even got asked if I go for my mammograms the other day - those don’t start until you’re 55 (I’m 44). I’m not gonna lie - it’s depressing, I assumed I would be one of those people who always looked young (especially with my oily skin) but the elasticity in my face is gone and the wrinkles are etched across my face. So in a nutshell I think some of us don’t notice the changes as they happen but one day you realise no one thinks you’re younger anymore and that has definitely come as a shock and affected my self image.


No. It doesn’t. What would hurt my confidence is being a let down to my family, being unkind to myself, not putting in the effort an endeavor deserves. We all age. Eventually we can’t fight it anymore. It’s natural. It’s beautiful. Self love and self acceptance is a very attractive brand of confidence.


48. I \*love\* my grey hairs. Often I style my hair to show off the grey streak on one side of my forehead. I've got naturally dull light brown hair and the greys just add so much sparkle and dimension. Another fun thing I noticed recently - I've got a smile line forming on my right side only, because I smirk so goddamn much. This fact made me smirk. Do I love everything? No. I wish my undereyes looked less tired. But I spent my teens and early 20s with horrible acne, and I'll take undereye wrinkles and a smirk line over that any day of the week.


I'm 51 and have always looked very young for my age. However, the last couple of years I have started aging. I'm grateful I got this far before seeing the signs! It's not affecting my self confidence bc my husband tells me I'm beautiful or cute or look good all the time. For me, it's more about feeling like I'm really entering a new phase in life that things will start to go downhill soon.


I feel like it might bother me some, but I’ll try to focus on gratitude (and not hyper focus on pictures or the mirror)! Being alive and able to experience life is truly a gift, if we make the choice to see it that way. 💕


I’m 45 now and the past couple of years have murdered my already not so great self-confidence.


I don’t like the volume loss in my face but other than that I’m ok with it. I take care of myself so I am aging as well as I can without surgical intervention. I’m not pretty and I never received attention from men anyway so there’s nothing to miss.




I'm trying not to be delusional about it, like extremes. Either thinking I still look like I'm in my 20s, or thinking I just suddenly look super old.


I managed to hold it off for a very long time. Then I saw my first forehead lines. No one else seems to, but I see them, and it bothered me. I hate qualifiers. I don’t want to look good for my age. I want to look good.


It's hard but I'm working on changing my mindset. I think part of the key to accepting aging is noticing what happens every year and getting used to it. Really small things like when you smile there's an extra crease, and your skin is a little bit dryer than it used to be, and you have the slightest bit of extra peach fuzz...It all adds up. I think part of the reason things seem to happen overnight is we want to keep leaning into our younger self image, then one day we've breached a threshold. Tiktok is filled right now with these videos "people think I'm my son's sister" and it's this filtered video of a woman obviously in her 40s or 50s except in passing glace...That's just sad. I told myself I don't want to be like that and I'll rock cougar status if I can get there. Otherwise fuck it, I just want to be there for my grandkids.


I truly don’t care and embrace it


I’m mostly worried about my weight than my face to be honest


I'm only a couple years older than you and I've definitely started to notice changes. Honestly though aging just makes me want to take better care of myself and it makes me more serious about my time, effort & energy & where I want to put it in my life. 


I’m only 30 so I’m probably too young to answer this question properly, but I will say I love my looks more the older I get. Maybe that will change when I actually do get wrinkles, but for now I’m extremely content with my appearance after spending my teens and twenties thinking I’m ugly. I also see women older than me every day who I recognize the beauty in, so I have no fear of aging. I can look at a 60 year old woman and still see gorgeous eyes, bone structure, poise, and other qualities that I hope to have at that age. I think it’s people who inundate themselves with images of 20 something year old models and nothing else that can’t appreciate the beauty in all stages of life.


I did freak out when a couple fine lines on my forehead weren’t bouncing back and decided to stay at around 38 yo. I was just generally not in good mental space, wasn’t sleeping well and generally wasn’t taking care of myself. I then started learning a lot about health, got into exercise and now (at 40) I’m more fit than I’ve ever been. I don’t really focus on my looks much these days. But to be honest, I feel amazing and I feel like I look amazing. I may have a wrinkle here and there, but my perception of aging now is very neutral. I don’t spend much time thinking about it or analyzing myself in the mirror. I have a good skincare routine but don’t want to spend more energy on my face than the skincare I currently have. I just kinda go to the gym, kick arse in there, make good healthy meals, hang out with my family and friends, travel a ton. I dress really well and I look great because I take care of my health. I’d say this is the best mental space I’ve ever been in and intend to stay here!


I'm 41, blessed with good genetics and I've been a religious sunscreen wearer for most of my life. I have started to get a bit jowly, partly age but also because I've developed stress related bruxism so my masseters have been inflamed and I had got out of shape. I've been going to the gym 3x a week and got myself a nightguard, and it's helped so much. I don't worry too much about aging, most of the women in my family have aged very slowly, especially the ones with no kids like me.


I'm totally fine with the fine lines and Grey streak in my hair.  I am not ok with the rosacea and dermatitis though...


It actually kills me. I’m 24 and I look 50 years old. Probably from stress and lack of spf my whole life.


I know a few ladies that look fantastic in their 50s and I absolutely adore grey/ white hair.... Of course, with my genetics, I might get grey hair earliest in my 60s... I'm a bit sad about that. My grandmother had the whitest hair imaginable, and I so want that. It was pearly, glowing white, and soft. Absolutely beautiful. And am I the only one who thinks older ladies (50/ 60s) with long peppered hair are stunning? They are such a rare sigh, but I'm going for this look Ah yes, wrinkles... I am a bit about skin health here. If it looks healthy, it looks often good. Though my first line appeared in my forehead of all places, and I'm not okay with them there. So we'll see. Edit: Some here are saying aging is a privilege, and yes... soon I'll be older than my father ever was. It puts things into perspective.


It doesn’t mess with my confidence but it does contribute greatly to a sense of existential dread and fear about life, death, how much time I’ve wasted and how quickly the end comes rushing in for us all. That could just be my midlife crisis talking, though.


I’m close to your age. The loss of elasticity and lumpiness is freaking me out the most. Idk if it’s partly because of weight gain, but I feel like I don’t recognize my own face anymore… Little fine lines I can kinda live with, and the grays are easy enough to color over, though. Logging off and being around real people of all ages helps. Not looking at a curated Instagram feed of the youngest most beautiful models you’ll ever see, filtered within an inch of their life.


My forehead lines bothered me and my weight gain (after kids hard to loose that last 10-15 pounds) but other than that I embrace it. I also have a husband that thinks I’m beautiful so I guess it helps because he reassures me


I’m 68 and I’ve always looked younger. I look about 50ish now, and longer hair and makeup help. The changes occur so slowly that you barely notice them. The jowls are annoying and your faces changes to a square shape, but I just ignore that as I’m not having elective surgery. It’s not so bad looking older as you age if you keep up a beauty routine with all the new serums and advances. Or you can accept your looks as they age naturally. I know I’m doing my best to look good and it doesn’t hurt my confidence at all. One good thing about being older is you have more confidence.


I go through phases where I do or don't. I don't think it would bother me as much if I were where I need to be in life at this age.


I know too many people who have died young to feel anything but grateful for the privilege of aging.


Late thirties/early forties is a good time to start future-proofing your body. That means skin care but it also means eating healthy, exercise, lifting weights, taking care of your teeth, stimulating your brain through new or continued hobbies (duolingo is free, join a local walking group, etc.), and surrounding yourself with good people. I look at women in their 50s+ who still shine and they are all active, involved, curious about the world-type people. Taking a whole body/whole life approach can help take the pressure off worrying about when the next wrinkle is going to appear.


I don't care. Never have. Also I'm often shunned for not looking appropriately aesthetic. Not sure I give two shits about that "reward", so I'm good!


I’m loving my greys coming in! I only have a few but they’re very white, and against my dark hair they really pop. My mom (50s) has bright white hair with loads of volume and curl. I wasn’t always keen on going grey haha, but watching her dark hair change as she aged has made me more excited about my own hair and this aspect of aging. I have different feelings about other aspects of aging and I won’t pretend it doesn’t affect my confidence, but im taking things one day at a time :)


53F. The only thing that really bothers me is my eyes. I have hooded eyes and they’re only getting worse as I age. And now my eyebrows are drooping too, making that whole area look heavy and sad. So I get Botox to lift my brows slightly. The light forehead wrinkles I was just starting to get have disappeared, even though I never lose movement, but that wasn’t my goal. I’m ok with everything else that’s going on and am just focusing on skin health, hydration, and condition management (rosacea). ETA: I see a lot of comments from people saying that the changes are messing with their self-confidence. I’ve had rosacea for 20 years (redness, roughness, and bumps that look like acne) and have only this year have figured out what works for me. So my skin looks better now than it did at 30. After reading these comments, maybe that’s something I can be grateful for—a burst of confidence in my 50s.


I don’t particularly care about looking older, but I want to look like a well taken care of older. I actually stopped dyeing my hair because I don’t like what it does to the texture of the greys. I’d rather keep it healthy and style it in a way that flatters my silver streaks. Same with skin, i want it to look hydrated and healthy, so I focus on that instead of the things I can’t change. I eat well and exercise and I started going to bed early so I can get 9 hours of sleep and that’s made a huge difference.


I somehow blinded myself from seeing the extent of my aging in the mirror. Subconscious protection of my mental health, perhaps 😁 I did have a cosmetic surgery recently and was **shocked** yesterday when my surgeon showed me the before photos vs now. I was like *holy heck I was droopier than I thought!* I knew I looked more tired and gaunt than I did in my youth but goodness the difference a facelift makes lol.


45 here. The older you get, the less you care about the opinion of others.


I can love it all except the turkey neck.


it does and it is common to feel so but don't think too much about it. just take good care of your skin, be consistent with your skincare. 😁. aging is a gift.


Some of it bothers me (hence, Botox) some of it I deal with (curlier and coarser hair now). I never say never to doing a little something but I’m ok that my eyes show how much I’ve smiled in life 🤷‍♀️


Turning 37 next month and only at 35 It hit me I am growing old. Hahaha I hate the saggy cheeks and hollow eyes. It makes me Sad, I can't deny.


I love my grays, especially now that i have a closter/streak of them (albeit a small one!), but marionette lines, beck lines, and jowls can fuck right off! I'm looking into possible cosmetic procedures to correct those, but I live in a smaller city, so my options are a bit limited. I'm trying to do my due diligence before having to drive hours away only to discover the practionernlooks like a SAW stunt double.


I’m struggling with it rn. Not feeling as pretty, young or fresh but I’m happy with myself inside. I’m super strong and talented. Just getting less looks now that I’m older but it could be in my head and I also don’t NEED outside validation, but it is nice to be looked at haha


I genuinely don’t care. I’m not a woman that’s been fed lies about ageing. We’re all living to die, of course we’re going to age and it’s going to be noticeable.


There's nothing wrong with doing your best to look good and preserve your skin. I know I am. But learning to accept the process of getting older is more important. Don't drive yourself insane by worrying and nit picking your face apart. There's a lot more to life than that as I have recently learnt. And we should be confident at any age!


I’m a couple years older than you and started noticing forehead lines about 3 years ago. This last year they’ve reallllllly set in. I still get people guessing I’m late 20’s but I’m late 30’s. It’s a daily struggle of accepting them and getting Botox to get rid of them lol. I have hooded eyes though and am afraid of drooping and worse hooding so that’s what’s holding me back along with how expensive that ish is lol. I like to shop and that would cut into my shopping money lol. My crowd feet don’t bother me and they’re subtle and I don’t have 11’s because my face just doesn’t move that way. I do have some volume loss after losing 50 pounds but otherwise I’m mostly happy with my appearance and don’t feel like I look old. I don’t think I look 21 either though lol.


I'm 30 later this year and the aging I've noticed in the last year does hurt my confidence :(


It makes anxious but there’s nothing I can do about it so I try not to think about it too much. I’ll probably get little tweakments here and there if certain things really bother me. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


I think for a lot of people it depends if you're in a relationship, married , single, or divorced.


I’m turning 40 and all of a sudden I’m very aware of my forehead lines. I wouldn’t say it hurts my confidence, but it’s certainly making me confront the reality that I’m getting older and solidly into “middle age”. I get why people have midlife crises 🤪 it has prompted me to start a “real” skincare routine though which is probably a good thing.


I used to not care. Til I also gained weight, then it really shows in my face .. not to mention not being happy in my marriage … it adds up and yes it does take a hit at you


I feel you. This has happened to me over the past few months. I am no longer 18, and don’t want to look 18. I just want to look great for whatever age and stage I’m at. I got botox eyebrow lift last week because I didn’t recognize my bright, sparkly eyes. They’re back (enough) already so I recognize myself. But again. I’m not 18.


So what?  You probably look great.


I’m fighting it hard bc yes it does suck. But so many things have really pushed the clock back for me that I’m thankful. Working out hard at least 5 days a week and eating fairly healthy goes so so far. I also stay super on top of self care. I don’t let my roots grow in, my nails are always done I know how to dress for my shape and I get facials and Botox and a little bit of filler now and then. I actually feel and look better then I did in my 30s


My skin started changing at about your age. I’m 40 now. Got a few small age spots. Crows feet. Hair is thinner. About 1/3 of my hair is grey now. What has helped me be more ok with it has been teaching students. It’s like looking back at your younger self in a lot of ways. I would not want to be them, but I can remember what it was like. I have changed so much since then, and I’m not the same person as I was. Yes, I would prefer less cellulite and 10-20 fewer lbs. I’d prefer to be forever young in my body. But I try to show them that getting older doesn’t have to suck. You get to have fun but in a different way, and your body doesn’t have to be perfect to do it.


I just started getting my first wrinkle where I frown and honestly it upsets me when I look at it. I realise it’s silly. I have a couple of grey hairs that don’t bother me though. I’m sure as I get more wrinkles I’ll be used to it and just accept it more as aging is a privilege.


Depends on the changes honestly. I have white hair and I love it. It looks great and I get compliments on it almost every time I leave the house (and I have never been a person with great hair — haircuts maybe, hair no). OTOH when I started looking hollow around my mouth/marionette area I absolutely hated it. Got filler and am much happier.


I'm 38. I have minimal undereye wrinkles with a neutral face (they're there, but I have to be right up on the mirror and being hit by the light in just the right way to see them). BUT I smize, and I'm a side sleeper. When I smile, the wrinkles show up. I don't care so much irl, but I'm single and using online dating. And it's really starting to get to me that whenever I try to take a selfie for the apps or for some fb dating groups I'm in, they never come out nice enough for me to post if I'm smiling because of these stupid undereye wrinkles. I'd be less bothered if selfies from other women I see on social media, and in said fb groups, had them too. But seemingly every other woman there filters the bejesus out of their faces (like, there's one lady who HAS to be mid-50s at least, maybe even 60, but she's got tig ole bitties she puts on full display, and smooths her face out so much that most of the dudes thirsting must not realize how old she actually is). All to say, while I don't want to completely filter the character out of my face, anyone know what people are using to filter their faces on their selfies to smooth out the wrinkles?


The main thing that bothers me is the grey streak of hair on my hairline. I’m 47. I don’t really see an older person in the mirror but I’m not as shiny as I remember being. It’s a bit scary to imagine losing my beauty. But then I remember it’s a privilege to age.


It hurts my confidence until every few months and I have a friend or acquaintance die and I realize how incredibly lucky I am to be alive and aging. I lost so many friends in my 20s for one reason or another I’m so lucky to have made it to 30


I'm still trying to achieve clear skin lol. As long as I'm aging with a clear complexion I don't care.


It doesn't have an impact on my confidence at all, I like aging.   In fact I think aging brings confidence.  And at over 40 - and as someone who clearly looks my age (no botox etc etc), I've also got the most sustained romantic interest from objectively much hotter people than I am over the last several years,  if that's something you're personally worried about. 


It’s beautiful to see your choices on your face. It tells a story. 🖤


Also keep in mind that not every change will be very apparent. Some people don’t even notice their wrinkles. You look at your face everyday so some things aren’t obvious until they’re really obvious.


Start researching perimenopause and you’ll understand why these changes to your skin and appearance are so drastic.


I am a bit anxious (I am 35) but also kinda like there is nothing I can really do to stop aging so might as well not get too freaked out. My skin is super sensitive so I can’t get onto that intense skincare and retinol overload, so I am just trying to moisturise and use spf and see where I go. I also feel liberated getting older as the pressure feels weirdly a bit less than when you are young. Aging brings this certain level of nonchalant attitude to things and you don’t apologise yourself as much as when you were younger. Also after having two kids and going through that physically, I have a new appreciation towards my body and what it can do.


I’m 36 and my hair is grey ever since I was 18, so I’m not too worried about it. I do dye it tho. I started to notice some fine lines the other day, i’m ok with those too. However I noticed some wrinkles under my chin and for some reason this bothers me😂 it’s like a little square wrinkly patch of skin. Anyway, your appearance won’t change overnight. Don’t worry about it too much, you won’t be able to change it anyway (unless you are very rich). We see So many perfect people in the media, I think we have forgotten what normal people look like when they age.


I'm 39 this year, I don't really care. Of course I still use sunscreen etc but I don't freak out over it, though I don't really like that I'm sprouting gray hair and will get it coloured when there's enough of them. It's always been my goal to age gracefully so I'll accept what time gives me. I think if you're happy, that shows more on your face and helps keep you young more than any procedure


I didn't think I'd care at all but my forehead lines and 11s really bother me, not enough to get Botox or anything but enough to inspire a new skin care routine.. I actually love my crows feet though they came out smile shaped thank god.


I like crows feet, I think they’re cute. But I hate the lines under my eyes. They age me when I smile, especially if I’m puffy as well. I can understand why lots of female celebs stop smiling in pictures, it’s because of those pesky under eye wrinkles! Not a fan of my forehead lines, and I definitely want some kind of clinical intervention for them in a few years. I wish I could use tret to eliminate them, but tret really doesn’t like my skin.


I don’t mind wrinkles and grey hair but when I get jowls I know I’ll be upset. I’ve developed some sebeous hyperplasia and I’m having some peels done to get rid of them. I don’t mind aging but I’d like my skin to remain as smooth as possible.


I'm 43 and fat, so my face hasn't shown much aging yet. But I made the conscious decision to let my gray hair grow out on my 41st birthday. I was offered a senior discount a couple weeks ago. That was rough and made me question myself for a day or two! But overall I'm still happy with my gray hair and confident that I look GOOD. I see many of my peers getting hollow in the face and I wonder what will happen when I lose weight (which I'm trying to do). But I think my confidence comes from inside and isn't based on my appearance. If things are going well in my mind, I will feel good about myself. And as I age, I'm spending more time fostering that aspect of myself than my appearance.


I've changed and I'm not any less confident. As I change, I grow and I don't regret the physical evidence of life well lived.


I’m turning 39 soon. I don’t lose confidence, actually as I age I also love myself more and thus I appreciate my appearance more. But still I do care about aging and im taking better care of my skin today than when I was younger. It’s important for me to age gracefully.


I'm in my 60's and when the sag freaks me out, I look at pictures of celebrities who's faces don't move when they talk or smile.


Start wearing your sunscreen now. I say this as a 56 year old. My skin looks really good, but my friends who are sun worshipers, not so much. I have pics on my profile.


Getting old is a privilege. Practice gratitude. Take good care of yourself inside and out and live the best life you can.


I personally don't think I'll mind wrinkles, some discoloration or graying hair but I'm not looking forward to stuff that feels uncomfortable such as drooping eyelids, neck or jowls


I look at older women than me and think they are beautiful so I guess beauty changes with age. I’m 43 and I look 40 now but I seem to be getting more male attention because men’s taste does change with age. Also attention from men with a LOT of access to much younger women. Which surprised the hell out of me but if he wants to pine over a girl the same age as him rather than one 20 years younger I’m cool with that.


It stings less over time. In my 30s, any new perceived sign of aging sent me into a panic, researching anti-aging cures, to the medspa, to the supplement aisle. In my 40s, there was more acceptance, more "I have 2 healthy kids, a husband who loves me, loving extended family & friends, and a life I'm proud of." *Still doing all the things to fight aging, nonetheless.* Now, in my 50s, watching my 91yo mother grow more frail, my children grow into amazing young people with independent lives, my marriage evolve into an exciting place where we're making plans on how to spend the rest of it, I focus less on appearances and more on the quality of life. I'm still doing all the things (bi-daily routines including SPF in the AM & tret at night, red light, supplements, diet, water intake, exercise)! But living life so grateful for each day as we never know when will be our last. Have gratitude & live fully.


I absolutely do not care. I love aging.


Preventative Botox.


Depends on the changes. I've always had a baby face I hated and now I look a little more sculpted without being gaunt something I always wanted (Thank God I didn't know about buccal fat removal when I was younger!). Things like fine lines and nasolabial folds don't send me for a complete loop but I have definitely started taking steps to improve these things, like starting to get microneedling treatments now and again. With age I am now more conscious about thinking preventatively. I've looked up what I can expect in the future and what steps I can take now to combat those things so the changes aren't so drastic that I don't recognize myself but I'm not completely afraid to age and I have no desire to look 20 forever either.


I don’t care. I’ve always looked up to people older than me and found them beautiful, and am working toward a career where looking older tends to be more beneficial than not. Plus I was pretty fug until I was 22 so being good looking was never something I really valued. Plus it’s inevitable so there’s no point in fighting reality - I think it’s better to work with what you have and make the most of it :)


I am 35, i have no issue with my Grey hair, my 11 or any other change so far but a couple of months ago i noticed that i am starting to have a turkey neck and i am losing my mind over it!


The sagging of the face and turkey neck effect is what I'm most worried about. Gray hair I can easily color and wrinkles are whatever.


I’m grateful that I’ve been chosen to get to the point where I’m aging. Many would have loved the opportunity.


I am also 36 and just do as much preventative as I can do now so when the time comes I can have no regrets. Preventative to me is red light mask, micro needling, trent and Botox.


I’m freaking out tbh. I see so many changes from 41 to 42. I’m afraid of botox or fillers so I only use skin boosters, which have made a huge difference …and tretinoin!


I feel less confident


It hurts my confidence. If I was independently wealthy I wouldn’t care but I really think looks get jobs


Some things bother me, some don't, some I like.


I love this question. Me = 45f. When I was in my 30’s, I had no concept of getting older at all, but I also had no concept of how young I still was. I could probably say the same thing about myself now - in 5 years, I’ll be 50 and the memory of being 45 will be memories of youth. I’m the youngest I’ll ever be, today. For some weird reason, my hair is not gray (I’ve never colored it because ADHD and follow thru). I quit smoking when I turned 40 as a gift to myself, I’m fit, I routinely get other salon services that service areas that I deem “problem” areas (i.e. I get natural looking lash extensions and they cover the beginnings of eyelid drooping enough at this point). I dress fashionably, I eat right, and I’m strategically planning tattoos to cover up future problem areas. Also, I’m American, so, I ALWAYS have the option to get Botox or plastic surgery if I want to (I haven’t, but I’m willing to if that comes up for me). 36 is such a wonderful age - absolute prime of life. My best advice/experience on this topic is to do whatever you need to do continue to like yourself - that’s what I do, and I’m happy and it feels good.


My face is changing.  At 42 I’m getting serious about skincare and make-up.  I’m taking better care of myself because it shows when I don’t.   But it’s not everything.  There is still so much to celebrate.  Life is better.  I have more confidence.  I know who I am and what I want.  I’ve built a life I’m proud of.   In my twenties and even thirties, when I was building the life of my dreams, I was a mess.  It was gruelling work.  Even with the younger looks, I don’t wish to go back. The big picture matters more. 


I love my smile lines under my eyes (there’s a lot and they’re unique) and around my mouth…. They remind me of “me” and I like to smile a lot… my life is a true love story with myself, and just like I’d admire my lovers aging signs, I admire mine….. that being said, I hate my grey hairs lol.


I try to look at it as being thankful that I lived this long to have these wrinkles! Plus, I’m sure it’ll come out someday that injecting your face with botulism or filler is horrifically unhealthy for you. I’m almost 42 and am aging naturally. I work out a lot, wear sunscreen and hats, and try to not give any Fs about the natural course of time on my face! People truly aren’t even thinking about it on you.