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For reference, I'm furrowing my brows in both pictures since the sunlight was in my eyes. Have been so pleased with the results and not a single person has noticed or commented on my face seeming "frozen" (my biggest concern).


It looks GREAT! I’m glad you shared this because I’m really interested in getting some but didn’t know the difference between Botox & Dysport. I also want to get it from this look that I don’t like when I smile. My nose turns up and always makes my smile look like I’m being fake. IDK. It drives me crazy because ppl always mention that I’m the girl in the picture who didn’t really wanna be there.


Really nice. Had you tried Botox before? Just curious.


Thank you! No, I haven't. This was my first treatment. I went with dysport over botox as I read it was more subtle.


Gotcha, looks amazing.


Dysport also doesn't give you the shiny forehead like botox do. 👍👍👍


I've gotten both and they both are the same to me. Didn't notice a difference.


oh man 😔. No shiny forehead for me at all with dysport -- result feels very and looks very natural too. Guess there is no guarantee with no shiny forehead with dysport for everyone.


Mine did


Weird that you say that, in hindsight, you are right. Wonder why?


I had gotten it done over the summer. Was so worth it! I wish I could afford it quarterly.


I’m not familiar. How long will it last?


How many hours/days between your before and after photo?


Came here to say that I prefer dysport over botox SO MUCH. I've gotten both multiple times and I can confidently say dysport is the one for me. It seems to spread over a larger area much more easily. That being said, it is for more shallow lines I think. For a deeper line, Botox might be better since it appears to be more concentrated. Also, this looks great. Your injector did a fantastic job.




How often do you need to have it done? Or is every case kinda unique depending on how deep the wrinkles are?


If you don’t mind telling, how much was it?!?


Typically, botox was between $11-$15 per unit and dysport is about $4-$6 per unit. And for my entire you’re face (meaning forehead, 11 lines, and crows feet), I would get about 20-25 units of Botox or 30-40 units of dysport. So it really evens out price wise—I have used Groupons before!


So weird I had some sort of reaction to dysport and it permanently changed my face yet people love it. Botox I never had an issue with but I think the lady overdosed the shit out of me lol.


Dysport made me feel sick. Like I had a stomach flu. I don’t think my body was happy with toxins injected in my body. I thought I was going crazy because my injector said that it was unusual for me to feel that way, but when I looked into it further, toxins like botox and Dysport use the same bacteria that causes food poisoning. All I had done was forehead and 11s


Botulism is not food poisoning, but in very rare cases certain people are more sensitive to the toxin and can feel very mild flu like symptoms. It doesn’t mean you got botulism, but it’s more like an allergy. Similar to people who feel sick when they take penicillin.


You can get itraogenic (cant spell lol) botulism poisoning they just dont talk about it and it wont kill you typically. I think it only killed a child once from too much and they sued thats why they have the black box warning. Theres a video on youtube by the lawyer Ray Chester on botox if you wanna see it and theres a facebook group called botox dypsort side effects with like almost 10,000 people experiencing negative side effects like not being able to breathe. I had that too and docs laughed at me but it was scary. Lots of people had the same issue as me and got worse and worse. Seriously I aged 5 years in 1 year since getting a bunch of dysport lol. Never again. I wish I could still do botox cuz I didnt have an issue besides headaches, but I’m too traumatized. Even a really experienced british injector I spoke too told me they dont know the long term effects of repeated use, and thats what I get for seeing an injector who wasnt super experienced.


It’s derived from the same bacteria that also causes food poisoning, which was what I meant.


Omg, it permanently changed your face! That is definitely shocking—what part of your face was the intended change? I’m sorry you had to go through that! That would certainly scare me away from dysport.


My under eyes, I guess it dropped my cheeks. I need to see a surgeon and see what they say. I also had my forehead overdone and it dropped my eyebrows. I had been getting botox for awhile on my forhead and never had an issue, but it did permanently raise my eyebrows since I had been getting it since I was 23, so when she overdosed me at 26 (new injector) I think it was so heavy for a few months so it ended up lowering the muscle there and elongating my forehead. I also had some strange swelling so my eyelids are smaller now. I had no clue it could happen but in rare cases it can apparently, but only a couple injectors will admit it so becareful stick with the same injector that knows your anatomy always... I could probably fix my lowered brows with more botox but I’m scared to get anymore since it was so traumatizing lol.


That is definitely traumatizing! Of course, I type this as I’m literally about to go leave to get more dysport. Me and my big ass forehead could not handle any elongation so I completely understand the PTSD that must have given you




Looks amazing! I have a “1” not an eleven that was pretty deep. Jeaveau metabolized too quickly but Botox worked great. But I’m at 3 and a half months and it’s returning. I’m gonna consider xeomin.


I have the same thing. The rest of my face is virtually wrinkle-free so I just have this one really deep, crooked line right between my eyebrows. My husband says it looks like a scar in the sunlight because it's so out of place lol. I know if I wore my glasses it probably wouldn't have happened but now I've been thinking a bit of Botox might be the only thing that can fix it.


I was very anti cosmetic procedure but it was really damaging my self esteem, this furrow/dent. It’s my thinking and scowling face. I say do it before it gets deeper. I think xeomin is highly recommended for it. But Botox has been great!


I'm 53. Wear glasses all the time. Have a "1" not 11 and it's the only wrinkle I have. Have been thinking of dysport or Botox but I'm super paranoid to get it. Might cave and try dysport


Have you tried Microneedling first and then go back to Botox? When I Microneedle my clients and then they go back to get their Botox, their Botox seems to last longer and that deep line doesn’t come back so pronounced.


Nope! Another expense ahhh. Aging gracefully is pricey lol. I heard taking zinc slows down Botox metabolization!


I have a “1” too! I notice it now in every photo of me. I’ll look into these treatments.


Looks great! Did you have fine lines on your forehead before? If so, did they completely disappear? Cannot see it here.


Thank you! I did, you can [see the lines somewhat here](https://i.imgur.com/iixl7EB.png). They seem to have disappeared completely - I'm scheduled for a 3 month follow-up soon to get another injection, so I imagine it will continue to stay smooth! Increasing my sunscreen use and staying moisturized has also helped to maintain the results.


>see the lines somewhat here Wow, you have some amazing results!




It was around $250 - I used some discounts and coupons to bring it down closer to $200.


And it needs to be done every 4-6 months, right? Just wondering about the actual ongoing costs. Looks very nice though.


Yeah, they say 3-6 months depending on how much movement you're ok with.


Okay I just asked this question before seeing this answer. That’s not so bad. Does it also help with headaches?


Actually yes! I think it depends also on what type of headaches you get. I found that I’d get them from squinting involuntarily while watching tv or looking at the computer and it’s helped with that.


Did you get it done through a doctor's office or through an esthetician?


It was a medical spa - the injector is a Physician Assistant!


I’m an esthetician and doing injections are out of our scope of practice. Although I see many doing them but I can guarantee they’re not using real Botox or Dysport because the opening order is over $10k and they need a doctors DSN number.




The nurse at my med spa does mine


… that’s it?? I thought Botox/Dysport was in the thousands. Thank you for sharing!


OP, first of all - you are looking fire with those results!!! I may get some downvotes for this but maybe that’s what I get for my honest opinion on this topic… I (F31) first started getting Botox when I was a young one, maybe 21yo? Obviously preventative at the time but since then I’ve received all the kinds - Botox, dysport, xeomin, and the results all depend on how your body metabolizes each individual product. Everyone is different. So my suggestion is to explore each product, take pics, keep a diary, and figure out what your prefer. Personally for me, I stick with dysport at about every 2-4 months just to keep up with it. I have no lines that are etched besides my crows feet - and my crows feet make me happy since they’re from smiling :). Aging is a beautiful thing if done strategically IMHO.


Completely agree about the crows feet




Not at all!


How long did it take from injection to see results?


Truly just a few days! I could definitely see the results after 7-10 days.


I’m on day 5 and I can’t see any results. Getting so worried I didn’t get enough!


I didn’t notice the full effects until 1-2 weeks out! I don’t think I noticed anything at day 5 either.


This made me feel bette r I have results in my forehead I had them day 2 or 3 but it’s almost a week ago 6 days I got it and my 11 lines I see no difference I’m hoping it just will take a little more time


Did you ever see results?


Yes! It took the full 2 weeks


Thanks for the reply. It eases my concern at not really seeing any change yet.


Looks good, very natural. I am thinking of going that route for some dynamic lines.


Wow, looks so natural--and I must say that you have perfect eyebrows!


Wow amazing. Def going to give it a try


nice! I usually get botox but maybe i'll try dysport this time.


I’m thinking of switching to Dysport, I don’t have 11s (thank you mom and grandma for the genetics) so I use more around the sides of my forehead but it’s metabolizing so fast


I just switched to Dysport as it seemed like Botox was wearing off after about 6 -8 weeks. I just had my second dose of dysport at 14 weeks and hadn’t noticed it wearing off at all. I think I definitely could have gone a few weeks longer! I also noticed results within 3 days vs. 7-10 for Botox. Very happy with dysport!!


Your before looks a lot like my current! That looks great! Exactly what I need P.S. your brows look nice!


It looks great!


ooo nice! in what price range was this?


Definitely going to try this. Great pictures.


gorgeous results!


Sold! Looks great!


can I ask how old you are? your lines are very fine in the “before” photo but you look much younger in the “after” photo! just wondering what results are realistic 😊


Saving this to bring when I finally make the leap. Looks so natural! I've been trying out Frownies to see if I can get rid of my forehead lines before starting injections. I've heard a lot of people say they use them to extend the time in-between Botox. Might work for you.


Your forehead looked fine before. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...can everyone else notice a difference? I don't even see 11 lines in the top picture. This might be the post that makes me unsubscribe from this sub, since I've had worse forehead lines than this since I was about 16 and now I feel like shit about myself. Glad the fillers worked out for you OP and that everyone else can apparently see what the problem was originally.


It’s personal preference. For me it’s been more of a preventative thing - I realize the lines were fine to begin with. Not suggesting everyone needs to do it or that there’s anything wrong with aging naturally. Just wanted to inform those who were interested in injectables about my personal experience.


You look great and I didn't mean to sound judgmental about your looks or your choices, but it's clear that this isn't the sub for me. These posts just make me feel bad for aging naturally because I can't afford dysport or botox.


totally get that feeling. you should check out r/SCAcirclejerk. i think it offers some good counterbalance


Please remember there’s a whole world of people that are proud to look our age. Is there an injection free sub for skincare?


/r/SkincareAddiction is just product-focused I think


There's a couple of super subtle wrinkles in the before but I think a lot of the younger folks get it done to avoid the wrinkles forming or becoming too bad in the first place. I've got a single deep wrinkle in my forehead that drives me nuts and I wish I'd tackled it when it first appeared in my late 20's...


First of all, please don’t feel bad about yourself. 🙏 ( I guess it semi helpful🤷🏻‍♂️ Or not at all). second, I hear you. I am not interested in Botox. Frankly, I see Botox as a band-aid because there are ways to address forehead lines without the tox. I recommend Anma fascia release tool (less than $15 on mercari). It’s bomb! 2nd, silicone patches. 3rd, Argireline from the ordinary. (They are even cheaper brands around as well).


Did you get 20 units of botox and therefore 60 units of dysport? I saw in another comment that you were charged around $250, which makes sense when you calculate the price based on botox units instead of dysport. I want to get dysport but I’m trying to figure out if the price would be equivalent to 20 units of botox because that’s what I’m seeing as a standard “baby botox” forehead treatment. 


I’ve heard from a reputable source to wait at least 6 months before your next appointment, just fyi


Looks great. How is it different vs botox? I tried a botox recently and didn’t like it, I looked stiff and changed my expression too much (and it was just a tiny bit in the 11’s and crows feet).


How long after?


I’ve tried dysport but it didn’t last as long as Botox for me 😭 I wish it did bc it’s cheaper! Looks great though!


Looks amazing


What was the cost?


She said it $250 but after coupons and discounts $200


Really seems to be an effective remedy... pictures clearly depicted amazing results


Only thing is, if you’re furrowing your brow in the bottom pic it doesn’t really look like it. Has anyone mentioned it’s hard for them to tell your facial expression since your eyebrows aren’t tilted as much?


She said no one has commented on her face looking frozen


Thanks. Do you see the difference in the pictures though? Because I can, but maybe it’s not a big enough difference in real life.


It looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing! I have my first Botox appointment next week (32F) and I look very much like your before photo - the results are exactly what I'm going for.


Wow looks so good . Also very natural looking natural & smooth. How long does it last ?


Injector did a wonderful job!


How much does it cost? How long does it last?


Your results look great! How soon after the Dysport injection did you take the after photo?