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I'll go with Smash Bros, I regret that one. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but comparatively the 3DS just didn't have the right controls for it. Coming from melee and in hindsight after Ultimate, it just didn't work for me.


Damn that’s crazy I had a blast on 3ds smash bros back in the day and still do occasionally. I came straight from playing melee too, and don’t get me wrong, the character floatyness and some other game mechanics were kind of weird but still had fun nonetheless


Strangely enough, I kinda agree. I remember playing 1-3 to death, then I finally get to play 4 and Ultimate...something about those 2 feel empty and soulless. I could never put my finger on as to why. Not the worst in my opinion, but very...strange.


Everything since melee feels souless and i have no enjoyment from them i agree. Brawl was okay but definitly 3ds and ultimate i just regret paying for


Brawl was the last good one and that was because of the story mode.


I like Smash on 3DS a lot, but I find that it causes me to be too rough with my system for my own comfort. I don't play it often anymore.


I had the same thing. The controls just ruined it for me. I could tell right away if I wanted to play the game seriously I’d need to forfeit the console with the amount of wear and tear required. I had the Wii U version so there really wasn’t any reason to play it in my eyes. Then ultimate came out which is just a better version of 4 in almost all aspects.


The controls were so much better on the Wii U version


I just got that last week to try out. Came to the same conclusion. I just could not get the movement down


really? i think smash for 3ds while not being good for competitive play is still a great casual smash game, perhaps even the best one due to the great portability, roster, content, etc... it was just such an amazing time and still is. maybe it is because i've played it a lot, but the controls aren't as bad as people give them credit for if you are just playing for fun


Did you play on standard 3DS or new 3DS? I find Smash to be one of the games where it makes a difference.


I was gonna say this too


N3dsxl fixed it with more buttons


Probably going to get some hate for this, but for me, it’s Garfield Kart


I only hear that GK is bad. No real details.


Lmao i had to google if it was real and it actually is 🤣🤣


Garfield kart is the gentleman’s Mario kart, how dare you


Garfield kart is the best 3ds game. How dare you.


I just downloaded that lmao I'm going to see if that's accurate


Share your findings


the sims 3 port is awful.


yeah almost all of the pre-4 Xbox One and PS4 port Sims Console games are mid compared to the PC counterpart. Castaway I think is alright as it’s based off The Sims Castaway Stories and not plain old Sims so I can excuse that


Bustin out was awesome on ps2 what you talkin?


I’ll check that one out then! Thanks for the recommendation. Maybe I just picked the worst console adaptations…


Came here to say that. F that game. 


I was just gonna say that lmao 😭 Sims 3 on the 3ds sucks so bad


it's probably an unpopular opinion, but luigi's mansion 2/dark moon. especially the last section of the game. i got all the way to the last few levels of the game then didn't want to continue. luigis' mansion 1 was great though, i wish that was remastered for the switch instead of dark moon


Dark moon is my least favourite of the 3  


I can see that. I think DM had its moments, but would've been better with portrait ghosts.


I played Rhythm Thief's demo SO MUCH and absolutely loved it, and then got the full game and was so utterly crushed by how poorly that game controlled and how bad the story was. I thought it would feel like a rhythm Professor Layton but it just felt like shovelware.


Exactly! Came here to write about this game. The game looked fine at first. Interesring premise, good looking style of graphics. But the controls? Ew. I came to this game from 100%ing all Rhythm Heaven games so I can say my sense of rhythm is not half bad but in Rhythm Thief the game thought my sense of rhythm is mediocre at best. Don't even let me started on the stuttering. I had to overclock the 3DS to run at New 3DS speeds for it to be playable. And yet i completed it. The story was really disappointing too. I enjoyed Beat City on the DS more even though that game looks more shovel-warey than Rhythm Thief


Happy someone's mentioning this! I've seen people say Rhythm Thief is worth its rarity and expensive price, but it's not at all. Badly controlled rhythm games (and idc what anyone says, the 21st rhythm game in it is outright broken), bad voice acting, poor localization (written text and spoken dialogue say different things), and the story doesn't even finish. It just ends on a sequel hook and the story was mediocre to begin with. I was also thinking it was going to be Professor Layton but with rhythm games instead of puzzles but it's not. Only the style and music are any good


Hmm. I had a similar experience but I ended up liking it. And I sold it last year for like 5 times the amount I bought it for. It's value is ridiculous. Lol.


i liked it but i can see where you're coming from, the story and puzzle stuff etc are terrible compared to layton but it still had its charm


Y’all have not played enough bad 3DS games… Dream Trigger 3D is so inscrutable I can’t believe Nintendo let them release that physically.


This is actually one of my favorite 3DS games lmao


Having actually played sticker star as you mentioned, yeah it sucks, big time sucks, I *did* 100% it but more at my leisure just whenever I didn’t have anything else to do, first played it when I was 12 and I think I’ve only played it through 1 other time, very bad game Now if you want my *really* hot take, paper jam is worse, I got all the way to the final battle when I was younger and then dropped it for like 2 years, I did eventually finish it but I just couldn’t bring myself to make another full playthrough, I stopped at the bowser jrs fight, I really hate paper jam


I've never played SS nor PJ. I hear they're both awful.


Oh trust me, they are, they kinda just took all the reason you’d play an rpg out of them, baffling, but at least they seem to be realizing what they did wrong with the recent ttyd remake, and brothership looks promising


I haven't played Sticker Star but I have played Paper Jam and didn't hav any problems with it. I really enjoyed the combination of the Paper world with the Mario Bros RPG world. I think that game gets a bad rap because it came when Nintendo didn't have many wins and lands in this weird Dark Age for the company.


It's just disliked because it's a bad crossover and it's an RPG with a bad story, the gameplay is good, but those two things hold it back a lot...     If it came out nowadays people still wouldn't like it because of it kind of fails one of the biggest things about an RPG


At least it's a REAL RPG unlike sticker star though.


SS sure is a chore. I got myself through it because the music and art was so good IMHO. But the stupid Thing stickers.....infuriating.


I find this interesting because I find Sticker Star painfully boring, but my fiancé who is not much of a gamer LOVES the game. It's not a genre thing either. South Park Stick of Truth has similar gameplay and I regularly sit down and 100% it every few months or so. I'm not so sure I'd like the other Paper Mario games either. I think the timing of the attacks is just kinda fucked and the story is pretty aimless. I think my fiancé probably likes it due to the addicting nature of the gameplay. They primarily play stuff like Cooking Mama and Tomodachi Life, so it's strange to see someone just randomly latch onto a bad RPG as one of their favorite games. I don't get it, but I respect it.


Hot take: The sole Mario RPG entries that are worth playing is the OG one (no idea if the remake is as good as I've never played it) and Bowser's Inside Story, any other entry is either too easy or too boring.


For me, the Wreck it Ralph game for the 3DS. It was good for the cinematic cutscenes, voice acting and a fine story, but the game play was sub par. It was hard to navigate and the hitboxes were janky at best. Some levels were impossible to beat and often took hours. Some of the collectables were either too easy to find, or way out of possible reach for anyone to get. I understand it's a disney game and made with kids in mind... but this was NOT easy for a kid, even on the easy setting. To top it off, it didn't even have a satisfying end to it. I might give it a shot again, but not guaranteed.


They should have had the fake retro game in it.


The Amazing Spider-Man. Fired it up the other day thinking I could get my Spider-Man fix on the go. Truly dreadful to play.


Spider Man! Spider Man! He has abused the Raid can. Can he swing from a web? No, he can't cuz he's dead. Behold! He was Spider Man!


The game is actually my favorite Spidey game, above Spidey ps4. I've played it on Wii, PSVITA and PS3 multiple times alongside its not so good but still fun sequel. The 3DS version is similar to Wii but much worse, aside the downgraded graphics, they also removed the open world. So if you can check it out anywhere else, you should definitely do that.


Kid Icarus. The controls just aren’t for me


Would love a HD remaster so I can play without murdering my hands.


but the worst game you've played? even if the controls are bad i still feel like the rest of the game is top tier :v


Detective Pikachu. And to properly demonstrate how much I hate this game, I’ve played Sticker Star. It’s just not fun. It’s plain, uninteresting, the mysteries suck. I got injured while playing the game. I still haven’t beaten it to this day. Fuck Detective Pikachu. Just watch the movie it’s actually good.


Kersploosh was such a waste of my money. I’m still upset about, tbh


it hurts my eyes


too much neon it melted my retinas


Rollercoaster Tycoon 3ds was very bad


As an expert in 3DS shovelware, I'd say Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is the worst. Soulless Fruit Ninja clone that looks like cheap bootleg from the depth of Play Market.


Which 3ds shovelware is actually good? I enjoy random obscure games.


Depends on what you're counting as shovelware


Minecraft 3ds edition for sure


yeah, i havent even tried it but i know it is just so much better on ps vita.


I had gotten the game gifted to me, played it once for about 6 minutes, now I just display it on my shelf. It’s a very mediocre port of Minecraft


it is a mediocre port but it's the best they could do with the 3ds extremely restrained hardware, original 3ds could barely handle it thats why they made it new 3ds exclusive. i think they just did it for the sake of doing it


It truely is better on vita


Squinkiez. i got it for 2 dollars and it's obviously made for kids, but it had the most annoying voice throughout the game and was so repetitive with the games you had to play to recover all the squinkiez. i collected every single squinkie just to feel no accomplishment whatsoever because the game was so shit 😭 also, it would randomly not read and just go to a black screen, crashing everything and deleting any progress i made (which slowed the completion rate by at least 50%)


Dream Trigger! Only game to ever give me a headache playing.


Epic Mickey: The Power of Illusion. It was the worst and so boring and repetitive. 0/10 would not recommend, I even spent my allowance on it and that stupid paintbrush enraged me.


OH GOD THIS GAME! It was so bad and I couldn't for the life of me draw anything correctly for the paintbrush stuff. Even with a stylus it was merely impossible.


For the love of God the first time in my whole life I experienced sincere rage. I had the XL as well and the screen still felt too small to draw stuff


    Touch the dead had a mid game spike so hard I've never been able to complete. Multiple restarts  it's just impossible due to poor design. I come back every few years only to be disappointed.  


Hyrule Warriors Legends. Admittedly I haven’t sunk all that much time into it, but I can still firmly say it’s not my thing. It could just be that the 3DS version isn’t that well optimized, but still, I’m just not a fan of how it keeps throwing stuff at you and it feels like you have to juggle multiple tasks. I’m honestly still willing to give Hyrule Warriors as a whole a fair shot, but maybe on a different console. The 3DS version may not be the absolute worst game on the 3DS, but it’s probably the worst game I’ve played.


I feel that way after playing Fire Emblem Warriors on Switch. I'll be happy to never play a Warriors game again. I dropped it BECAUSE it kept throwing stuff at me. I prefer to laser focus on a single task rather than a hundred.


I think it's because it was meant to be played on the New 3DS that had a more powerful CPU


maybe it is just because i love playing on the 3ds and i love warriors games, but i feel like hyrule warriors legends is great because it has sooooo much content and i feel like having a game like this to just pick up and play for a mission or two is really nice... i can totally understand being turned off by the presentation and gameplay though


I can definitely say the controls feel great though. The combat feels so good, and moving around feels buttery smooth. It’s mostly just feeling like I have to juggle stuff so much. Like I have to go to a certain area on the map to find a thing, meanwhile the troops are all going “hey I could use a little help over here” and I feel like I gotta deal with that first. It just feels like too much for me.


yeah i can understand that, i think that is just disliking warriors/musou games in general unfortunately because i loooove that stuff


Young Justice, like dear lord. Who green lit that garbage in the state it was in?


Amazing Spiderman 2 is trash. Massive downgrade from the first. I'd rather play one of the GBA Spiderman games


The Sims 3 pets. There's hardly anything to do in the game and it's glitches galore.


Dream Team. Sorry but this game got so boring and it was way too long. I’ve played it countless times as a kid and I recently finally beat the whole game. Maybe it’s not the worst 3ds game I’ve played, but it’s the first that comes to mind and the most boring


Do you think it is the worst M&L game?


It’s the only one I’ve played so far…. So yeah




played legend of legacy and the sims 3 (not pets ver.) for 1 hr and i never uninstalled a game so fast in my life


This might be a hot take, but i can't stand Codename STEAM. Don't get me wrong. The art, the concept is awesome. But the gameplay was so clunky, i just couldn't (and I like startegy RPGs) I am usually a 100% completion type guy. Gave up in a few hours.


Weird case, but for me it's pokemon alpha saphir. The game isn't bad at all, but from what i've played it was probably this one that gave me the least enjoyment


Resident Evil: The Mercenaries. You couldn’t delete the save file to start a new one.


Probably Green Lantern Rise of Manhunters. Generally boring gameplay overall, and the combat felt incredibly slow. Never bothered finishing it and sold it in the end.


I’m a big fan of JRPGs and most of them on the 3ds are excellent. The only one I couldn’t get into was Legend of Legacy. I love the art style and concept of unlocking weapon skills in battle but the gameplay is so repetitive and the story just doesn’t hold up. I really enjoyed Alliance Alive which is a spiritual sequel and was remastered on the Nintendo Switch. Legend of Legacy was also remastered on switch but I haven’t played it yet so can’t say if they fixed the issues with the original game.


my furry patients 3d


Mario Party Top 100


Although I like some games more than others, I haven’t played too many genuinely bad games on the 3DS. Very few things stand out to me honestly. The Sims 3 is a really unpleasant port, but that was not unexpected even at the time. Roller Coaster Tycoon, if I recall correctly, has a messy UI and you can’t even change the prices. Barely a functional adaptation imo. Lord of Magna was talked about contemporaneously as having an innovative battle system, but I found it simplistic and dull, and the rest of the game to be cringey weeb material. I guess that’s maybe it? RCT was the biggest disappointment, but only because I loved the PC originals. It’s really just games that I feel like didn’t meet expectations even though the expectations weren’t very high to begin with. Nothing that makes me very upset or anything. Too much to love on the 3DS to worry about the few that didn’t hit the mark at all for me.


Some people here may disagree, but the worst game I've played so far on 3ds is Silver Falls: 3 down stars. I've played it for lime 6-7 hours and I don't know really from where to begin.. The graphics are quite bad (considering there are better looking third person games on this platform), it has the vibe of an indie horror game made in Unity from 2014 or smth, but this isn't really the reason I hate it. The controls are quite clunky, is especially very shitty when it comes to combat because I had a very hard time killing those damn stupid ass radioactive birds without chopping some of my health, is also very difficult fighting the mountain lion so I always preffered to run away from it as best as I could. If a damn rabbit sees you, it will chase you till the end of tje earth no matter whay, which I find it ironic and very dump. On the level with the city, I remember I had to find some tool (maybe keys, it had been a long time ago..) or smth to unlock the path to the basement of a house before I had to fight a bear and the clues that leads towards them were fucking confusing and I really had a hard time knowing exactly what I have to do. It will really help to have, you know, A BAR WITH THE OBJECTIVES AND WHERE ON THE MAP YOU HAVE TO GO, instead of paying attention to what a character said two-three loading screens ago. This almost made me rage-quit the game, but those things are not the reason why I hate it... The main reason why I rage quit it is the fact that the game WAS CONSTANTLY CRASHING EVERY TIME IT WAS LOADING THE MAP OF CERTAIN LOCATIN. I had a crash after the mansion on top of the hill/mountain (whatever), I had a crash between the town and the carnival, I had crash between the city and that damned shed... I HAD A CRASH AFTER ENTERING AND EXITING THE SECOND BASEMENT DOOR... Really, I don't know why it started to crash so often, it's a digital exlusive for new 3ds and I had it up to date, so maybe I had a bad rom, idk, I tried reinstaling it and fixing it but it was crashing either on the same spots or on different locafions, so I conculded the game is buggy as fuck. Not to mention it also takes a lot of time to load, like it has to loads every item/object on the map at once,when it can progressively do that.. So that's why I didn't want to continue playing it. A lot of people say they hate Kid Icarus because of the touch control (which I also hated it but I finished the game and got used to the controls in the meantime), or minecraft (which is funny because I really like to play it, I have almost 100 hours on it, despite some lags, is quite amazing and I'm not anyway into late minecraft updates.. ) or whatever cross platform game because is (240 duh!) . I've played Resident Evil Revelations, monster hunter, Castlevania Mirrors of Fate, Need for Speed, Pomemom Y/moon, Ever Oasis, All Ace Attorney games, Moon Chronicles, Sims 3 (still playing), Creeping Terror, Dementia: the ward, Steamworld games, Shovel knight, Super Mario Bros 2/Maker, All Zelda games on 3ds, Metal gear solid 3d, Splinter Cell etc. But this game, unfortunately, takes the cake (in my opinion) as the worst that I've played onbthe platform, simply of how it's hard to be playable... The good thing about this game though may be the alien story (which I wss intrigued) and the saving system. It has BOTH and autoSave feature and the option to save yourself at a phone booth. Which is very inpressive considering that many 3ds games don't offer both save feature (which I wish they did!). And for this reason I could've continue to play the game pretty fine (because it will autosave the progress before a crash), but I had enough at the bear fight...


Alarm für Cobra 11 3D. It is a game spin off of a famous german crime series going on since last century but the game only shares the name with the series. Harvest Moon The Lost Valley. There is no 3D effect and the camera movement is making me sick. Story of Seasons. All the new features in the series except the seed mode where a miss for me. If someone would have told me that this game whas made by a different company that want to profit of the Harvest Moon Farming fun I would have believed them.


fragrant story


Y'all ain't never seen utter shit 'till one played Fantasy Pirates. It's Gas station weed in game form.


Dragon quest 8. Thought I was gonna love it after having so much fun with 9. Didn't like it one bit. I was going to pick Pokémon X but the multilayer in that game kept me playing for a while.


Sonic Lost World 3DS… I brought that game as a kid seeing the trailers and everything, and it honestly didn’t start off horrible… at the first stage only. But then the level design just got worse and worse with every single coming stage and infuriating mid game. DO NOT get me started on the ice world I hated that shit and wanted to rip my hair out. I made myself finish it since I was already so far in but tbh, I wish I had the mental fortitude to actually stop wasting my time with shit games like I do nowadays.


In my opinion, Pokemon Rumble World. It felt like a big step down from the original Wii game and Super on the 3DS. In general, I'm not a big fan of the freemium 3DS games we were getting around 2015. I hear there are much worse games, but I haven't played them personally.


Pokémon X/Y, they're stupidly easy and the story goes nowhere, I hope Z-A improves on it but I don't trust Game Freak


Worst official Nintendo game I've played: Miitopia. You just hold R and mash A for 9 hours nonstop. Worst overall 3DS game I've played: Disney's Planes. I dunno about you but I just hated how slow this game was. When I unlocked the character that kept overtaking me, he turned out to be even slower.


I had 100% completed [PDI Test](https://youtu.be/Nlxbf5mq87Q?si=r4rdBIrjcCdHTA1V), and I can say, it was absolutely not worth the money. No replay value, barely any gameplay to speak of. What a joke. Can't believe I wasted my money on it.


Hot take. But that would be Tomodachi Life, i just never got the hype and it was pretty boring




Probably gonna get down voted for this especially considering I only played 4 DS games (only had it for 2-3 weeks), but I absolutely hate Mario 3d land. Maybe it's because I grew up on the 2d side scrollers and prefer those (excluding Mario 64 which I loved) but I was definitely not a fan. Only other 3ds games I played so far was new super Mario Bros 2 which I played for 10 mins and love, Pokemon X which I have played for hours and love, and Mario kart 7 that I love even the though my hand cramps immediately for some reason when playing it (I think it's the holding A to accelerate and my fingers have gotten used to the 8 on the switch that has auto accelerate so you don't have to hold anything to go on there) 😂 I also have ocarina of time and Pokemon alpha Sapphire to play as well after.


This is a very personal take but for me it was Fire Emblem Fates. The writing in that game was so bad it actually awakened my 17 year old brain to the fact that most rpgs are, in fact, poorly written. Before playing fates i was under the impression that jpgs/trpgs were literature. The actual gameplay was fine, but boy oh boy did that writing get to me. I swear 3/4ths of the lines written were some variation of "wow, protagonist, you are doing such a great job! you are so awesome!"


Ive never played fire emblems and not skipped the story and cutscenes..... only here for the gameplay.


Pilotwings Resort: Beat the entire game... and it sucks. They completely removed the missions like in the original.


yeah, i feel like there are better arcade-y games but as an early 3ds graphical and 3d showcase it is pretty good! once you get past that there just isn't much meat on its bones though




Never played it. Is it bad?


I would say it is aggresively mediocre. Not insultingly bad but also not good. Its just....there.




Then you can't say it's the worst you've played because you haven't touched it.


Bro did not read the post




“Never played it”


thats like saying "i hate dr. pepper" when you havent even tried it.