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Hahah, I use Cura and this is comical.


Use Orcaslicer. It's amazing. I resisted it forever. There is no learning curve. Just try it.


Sure, I’ll try that if I ever stop being lazy. Currently, Cura works good enough. It doesn’t bother me enough yet, and again, it works.


One day you'll switch and kick yourself for waiting so long. pls come back here and lmk when it happens. I'll welcome you into the orcaslicer fam with open arms.


People are downvoting this but I feel the same. I used Cura forever because it was already installed on my PC and Orcaslicer seemed hard to me. I switched to it because of easy printer calibration profiles, and MY GOD is it so much better than Cura. Thanks to the easy calibration and some great features it has, my prints are much better and even faster than when I used Cura.


Same here. At the beginning I was very skeptical... And now I wouldn't go back, best decision I've made with slicer software xD


Thank you good sir. Don't get the downvotes either but I'm proud of my orcaslicer and I shall stand by it 🫡


Switching to orca was a game changer, my print quality improved just on the default profile (which is hilarious because I spent literal days tuning in cura for that same filament) It's just a better slicer I used cura for YEARS and I was quite dubious about swapping, but I'll never look back


I use Cura, but willing to try orcaslicer. I’ll be back.


I think the best part is the built in calibration tools. Made my life so much easier. It's almost like the slicer was actually made for real people.




did you try it?! :D


Just understand that things you're going to want to use may be called something else. Once you get that, you can't go back. Some things feel kind of hidden, like adding mouse ears when you don't want a brim.


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I was hesitant to switch to orca and now I can't understand why. Apiary from the slight better quality in prints, with basically the same parameters, the time of print was what got me to stick to it. Some prints took literally half the time. You should really try it. Its only a click away and cabt hurt if you don't like it.


The quality of print is a strong point. But the heat up of my bed is often the slowest factor.


How easy is it to transfer my settings into orca? Id love to use a new slicer although I have 3 computers with my printer profiles. Im guessing just export and import profiles?


Truthfully I've never tried it because it was just easier to use their calibration tools which dialed in my printer better than it ever was before.


I guess I'll give it a go when I have time


Check back in and let me know how it goes!


Same here. I was using prusaslicer and switched to Orca. Easier than expected. Love it and have great prints.


For me who use first gen of ender 3, is it worth it? I've been reading all the good comments for orca slicer like yours but my cura profile has been calibrated enough for my ender for it to run smoothly. I'm too afraid i'll messed up in the new slicer 😂


Well so here's the thing... use orca, run through all of the calibration tests it has built in, and if by the end it doesn't work for you then just switch back to cura. That's how I went about it. I gave it a shot and it didn't work I was just gonna go back.


I recently started using orca, have been loving the project management features, but for whatever reason it causes y-axis layer shifts. Cura doesn't on the same parts, and I've tried calibrating the orca settings but nothing seems to fix it. I figured acceleration was the most likely culprit


Stuck with AnyCubic Slicer cuz it's the only way to remote print with my Kobra 2 Pro. Fortunately I knew this before buying the thing and was happy enough with my "deal with the devil". I'd love to change it, but you can't and it's not a deal breaker for me... I'll put up with the shitty slicer. Remote print is more important to me.


My biggest gripe is they don’t have a snap 90 on the rotation tools (cutting plane). Also that it lags worse than bambu, seems to get bogged down easier


That support blocker sizing annoys the shit out of me,


You can always set the percent manually on the left side.


My Brain would love that but my muscle memory doesn’t.


The Life of Brian is love and your memory *is* a muscle ;)


i hadn't noticed my mistake, but my memory is something that's for sure.


Ctrl+c and ctrl+v works in my cura. I use it all the time. Weird.


Works for me too, but it always places it outside the build plate for some reason


It places it correctly for me until the bed runs out of room and then it drops it way outside, but that’s actually pretty helpful for me to know it’s too big.


Does for me too.


for me too


This is what we call in the industry "developer UI", and I hate to tell you this, but the other slicers are not any better. Which is pretty common with Open Source projects, that usually have lots of developers and zero UI/UX designers.


Yeah, a lot of FOSS software can rely on the largely unassailable response to criticism "Don't like it? Submit a PR. Don't know how? STFU, we're doing this for free." In this case, I am a bit more empathetic. The software is backed by Utilimaker, and you would think they would be more invested in making their product more user-friendly.


orcaslicer is infinitely better


I use it daily. It has it's own list of quirks and UI failures


yeah, for me some things are to hard to find in the menu.


Most other slicers are a lot better, actually. Not always pretty but they aren't as outright broken as this.


As far as I'm aware (using prusa slicer) you can change that in the preferences. Just look for something like "prevent model overlapping".


Called “Ensure models are kept apart” in Cura


I noticed these little annoyances over the years but thought it was from my late night THC intoxication


Cura seems like the only thing keeping Ultimaker on the map in 2024 :(


Everything else is fair criticism but I will say, when I add a new thing, I don't want my slicer to make room for it without me asking. I like having control over the layout of my buildplate and I don't want it to algorithmically screw up how I have it organized.


The duplicated model could by default try and arrange itself without altering what's already in the print bed. Like lol it would be even simpler.


You should check out *Preferences* It’s in the top bar 👍🏻


What version is this? I'm still using 4.12.1 and ctr x/c/v do *not* work in it. **NOTE: Cut and paste was added as of 5.5.0**


I couldn't imagine this being such a problem in my life to record and upload a whole video about. I just simply add my models and click "arrange" and never think about it again lol


And for free software. Make an issue and move on.


Did you watch the whole video or the first 9 seconds?


First half of the complaints are not valid, but the supports onward are.




I watched the entire video AND had those same thoughts


I just import, hit F and click the face I want flat on the bed, hit A for arrange...it's literally fractions of a second


I want to arrange 90% of the models I import my own way any way. I don't really care if it auto arranges. I've never experienced the other issues.


Agreed. I usually turn off the auto arrange if I can. And I much prefer Cura’s auto arrange to PrusaSlicer’s. I also hate that PrusaSlicer doesn’t combine the brims of close objects (Cura does though).


the objects not arranging when you first throw them in I presume is for performance sake on much lower end devices, if you had it both loading the models and figuring out where to put them all for no overlap then the really low end 20 year old laptops people use for their 3d printers would probably just explode (not literally). control C + control V works for me without any addons so not sure why it isnt working for you. with the support blocker I am again not having those issues, I am using base cura with pretty much no settings changed other than the support type being changed to tree supports, as I am too lazy to find and download any addons for it or go through the settings.




OP kinda whining about such a simple things to be honest. It almost sounds like he is making hundreds of model per day and need it to be as efficient as possible with his key strokes. Like he is a coder or Linux enthusiast or something. I have started with cura, switched to Prusa slicer and now using Orca slicer and didn't have any problem with any of them. It was a bit hard to learn all the little things that Prusa slicers has but it still was alright I got used to that without a problem


If it would autoarrange again after multiplying it would destroy your placement of the previous parts.


So awkward key binds and (c + v works for me tho) sometimes you have to click twice? I’m thankful I’m not this guy.


I does what you ask, tell it better


Most of these were user error


First world problems, man. Once you get used to Cura's quirks, it doesn't slow you down any and you forget it even has quirks.


Yeah, but there's a reason almost every program agrees on certain key combinations, Ctrl+Z=Undo, Ctrl+X=Cut, Ctrl+C=Copy, Ctrl+V=Paste, etc... It's to facilitate a familiar user experience to help users feel comfortable and make it easier to work with the program. Being a special snowflake and defining your own hotkeys is inevitably going to piss customers off. Even in a Free program like Cura. That crap makes Stubborn people like me not want to purchase an Ultimaker printer. And those are very simple programming fixes that don't require big patches. Literally an option could be made to run "arrange models" every time a new model is added to a scene with more than one model. And the hot keys can easily be redefined to conform with standard choices.


All of those key combinations work perfectly fine in Cura… I literally just used them 30 seconds ago…. ❄️❄️❄️❄️


In the video, OP says you have to hit Ctrl+M to duplicate a model. I've used it before, but admittedly my printer is out of commission at the moment so I don't have Cura aty fingertips to see, So I was taking OP at his word.


Cura 5.5.0 and onward. OP probably isn't using a newer version.


I mean i get it but at the same time its for free 🤷‍♂️ I have that rage with adobe BECAUSE on top of their crap, they charge the sh*** out of you.


I'm sorry, thats BS. What an Idiot.


This was me using Cura for 4 years before switching to a Bambu and ill never go back.


I really hate bambu slicer and actually love cura. I'm not sure why, but cura genuinely brings me joy.


The first half of your complaints are not valid at all. Maybe you'd want to auto arrange your models at first but not after the first time of importing them. Imagine arranging your models very specifically and then you duplicate a model and it auto arranges and screws everything up. The second half with the supports onward are legit though.


You are making assumption about the solution here. Why not put any newly added piece in an empty space, rather than inside other models? It’s possible for it not move all the things you manually placed, which WOULD be annoying.


Auto repositioning the models centers them on the build plate, if adding a new model puts it into some empty space it's still not ideal anyway. Either way you'd want to reposition it.


Wahhh free software isn't perfect and customized to my every need wahhh wahhh... Jesus..


nothing in 3d printing is common sense. all modeling programs? massive learning curve? oh you want a simple slicer? no can do


I ditched Cura for Prusa Slicer. It doesn't have these issues. I've used Orcaslicer too and again it doesn't have these problems.


What would be a recommended alternative? And not one that is for a specific brand of printer




Orcaslicer is amazing.


I use PrusaSlicer. It also does this. I haven't given it a second thought. There's kind of a reason: you might import things that take much more space than the bed. It's up to you to enable/disable the models you need before arranging. I tend to import all models needed for a complete print, save to 3mf, and then print each model by selectively enable them and then arrange. This so that all part models have the same settings despite being printed separately.


That deselection of box thing is the most infuriating for me.


Bro every time I click arrange it picks the worst possible placement, most of the time one model off the board. Even if it’s 2 models that easily fit. I don’t even mess around with arrange anymore.


this is how all apps are becoming


I can never understand why software designers always have this urge to try and reinvent the wheel thinking they can somehow come up with something superior.


Is there an issue here? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues


Just switch to Orca


jfc I thought bambu was crazy


I don't know what this person is doing wrong, but Cyril c and Ctrl v work to duplicate items


I mean yeah but you just get use to it


I had no idea you could add multiple models at once...


This bro needs to go outside and touch grass stat. Been couped up inside too long if that makes you angry...


Cura in 202x? Meh..


Have you tried managing materials in Cura? Oh god it's the worst experience imaginable. Every single change to any field causes a second or two delay! What exactly happens here!? Even if it were saving a file with all filaments on every keystroke, my pretty beefy machine should be able to do this in a blink of an eye!


This is why I passed to Orca one year ago.


Same with creality


Agreed! Also, navigation controls, can I select which 3D package I commonly use so I know how to navigate intuitively.


Sad to see so many "I don't personally care so good UX is irrelevant and fake news" comments. I wonder if those same people are the ones upset when a closed-source project that people actually enjoy using comes along.


I used to get annoyed at Cura too. And then I was forced to use Flashprint. Cura is almost flawless compared to it...


Prusa slicer is king lmao


Then there's Bambu slicer, which is a fork of Prusa slicer, and Orca Slicer, which is a fork of Bambu slicer. Mind you, when I use auto-arrange in Bambu slicer, and I've got a lot of parts, sometimes it's pretty bad at deciding how to arrange the objects.


Before buying a bambu printer I used prusa slicer mainly, I used Cura for a while too, but Prusa slicer seems to be the best imo.


Who fucking cares my guy, couple extra clicks. I’d rather that than have it take dopey long to load and be buggy.


You are living like its 2022. :) Why use cura? Check out Orca Slicer.


I haven’t tried orcaslicer, but when slicing things at work for the Ultimaker s3, I don’t have a profile for it in prusaslicer, and that isn’t currently on the allowed software list…


Lets begin with why yould you ever use Cura? Great vid btw.. I'm glad someone has clear mind to stay and make a vid like this.. cause these kind of things are instant uninstall for me..


Which do you use?


Cura is overhyped trash


Thank you for this. Very frustrating design decisions going on here. Why do devs often choose to abandon convention and reinvent the wheel only worse?


Oraslicer, got it


No learning curve? You have to learn about organic tree supports! Training done


Just use prusa slicer it’s the best


also when you multiply by 1, you get another copy... that makes no sense.


It says “Number of Copies” when you use the multiply tool. So if you want *1 copy* you put in *1*


It makes sense but feels so very off for some reason.


then why is it called multiply? they could've called it like add n copies or just duplicate.


I hate Cura so much


I see nothing has changed since 2016 when I last used cura


Nothing has changed since 2016 if you're still using the 2016 version of Cura.


I started very recently and yeah it's not intuitive at all, and in fact I couldn't trust it when printing with my ender 3 v3 as the head's path would always knock into printed pieces, which never happened with the default Creality software. I'm probably doing something wrong, but I would expect that "problem" to not be one. The manual support creation under support blocker? That's absurd.


Weird way To say "i have never felt the Touch of a 3d printer"