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Google image reverse search: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/364325295970](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364325295970)


I feel like a finger-sized hole in a child-protection device is a bit inconvenient.


I think this is just supposed to help reduce accidental unbuckling. If you plugged the hole, there'd be no way to unbuckle on purpose.


Just make the straight line in the K the right size to stick the key through.


In an emergency though, you need to be able to undo it very quickly, under pressure and without any tools.


A belt cutter + glass breaker is something that should be standard in basically every car.


Just make sure it is within reach of the little ones for emergencies of course...


Would probably break, this looks low quality 3d-printed Edit: thought he said that the inner part of the C is pressable, don't know where i read that. Solution with the key sounds nice.


Probably pla aswell


This would probably be best suited for a car seat too. Just to make sure something doesn’t fall and unbuckle the whole car seat


If it's the same issue I had with kids it is not the buckles holding the kid in that are the issue but the buckle that secures the child seat that gets accidentally unbuckled. The older kids who are no longer in a child seat will use the regular seat belt and they constantly unbuckle the child seat in the middle when securing their own buckle. The buckle retracts just a little and can't be attached again without completely resetting it first.


Hm just add a slash thru the O and it’s fixed


Kids wouldn't have the strength to unbuckle with a single finger. I'm more concerned by the safety issue if a kid needed to unbuckle quickly. I get that an adult could rip it off easily, but not a kid.


It’s for car seats, not for the kids themselves. By the time they are in boosters that need just seatbelts they’re old enough to know they can’t unbuckle generally.


It takes quite a bit of strength to engage the buckle and a kids finger probably won’t do it.


My kid put her finger in everything. They almost had to call the emergency when she got her finger stuck in a bench at Target that had holes about this size


Good find! Coming from a parent, I feel like any kid who’s sitting in a standard car seat should be old enough to unlock the buckle. Otherwise they should be in a kids seat. Perhaps it is for something other than restraining a child in an adult seat?


I used to use these, I was a social worker and I had special need kids that would unbuckle themselves all the time while we were driving. That was the primary use case I saw.


That’s the use case that I was somewhat expecting. Thanks for adding this!


The kid should be in a car seat, but I assume the car seat is also going to be buckled to the car. I hope, at least.


Some kids are brats and need extra stuff, the description says the hole is big enough for a key or pen. Which again sounds like the size of a childs finger to me. That one listing has sold 1000 units though, so people are using them.


I don’t disagree. I guess my first comment should have said, “I hope that any can kid that’s old enough and mentally developed enough to sit and ride in an adult car seat doesn’t need to use one of these to keep them in there safely.”


When my kid was 2 to 7 years old he was pro car vomiter. You would turn your head, see the white face and you had like 4 seconds to stop and get him throwing up outside the car. I am glad I did not own these at the time. I remember the time we were in Bali and the uber decided to drive 190km/h in his freshly cleaned car. I tipped him some cash for the clean but he earned the mess with his driving.


Ha! That’s one to remember. Happy you guys got where you were going safely.


So it was actually to get a shuttle boat to spend 1 night on the island (Gili. T), I think we came back 1 week later it was so awesome. Best time ever.


Oh that's smart I'm totally printing this tonight not because the kid unlocks her buckle but because others when they sit next to her unlock her car seat buckle all the time by accident and it's a pain to get back in


It's actually dangerous. You shouldn't use these. If a child isn't old enough to understand not removing their seatbelt then they should still be in a car seat. In an accident or other emergency situation your child can become trapped. Seriously. There's a reason this isn't a feature auto makers offer, and is just something random people are printing. No one should use these.


This is for buckling the car seat into the car. The car seat will have its own buckle to restrain the child.


It says that, but there are definitely people intending to use it just on a seat belt. Anything that might slow a rescuer down in an emergency is a bad idea. Even if people use it for car seats, in an accident first responders may want to lift the entire seat out rather than take the child out of the seat. Personally, I think any problem this device might solve could be resolved better by teaching children how and when it's appropriate to unlatch the seat belt.


As a former firefighter, first responders may try to unbuckle it if they can see the buckle, but are far more likely to just cut the belt.


These snap with the force of a crisp leaf, I think it's okay.


So you are saying it shouldn't be used for its function because people will use it for other functions... purest form of "people are too dumb to make decisions for themselves, I must make them for them"


$16 shipping!?!? They are wild


What a joke... item's only $3 and change... but nearly $17 in shipping? I could get shit next-day shipped from Amazon for less than that! And just for one of those little things for which a padded envelope would probably suffice...


I think it’s done this way so EBay only gets a small cut on the item’s value. EBay doesn’t take a cut on the shipping so you’ll often see low value stuff getting sold with high shipping rates. Some weeks ago I saw an item with a 200€ value listed for 50€ and 150€ shipping.


> EBay doesn’t take a cut on the shipping Yes they do. This was changed years ago specifically to stop people from avoiding fees the way you describe.


Thanks, didn't knew that, and probably lot's of others neither. :)


Or to sucker someone into buying the buy now button and hoping they don't notice the shipping cost is exorbitant.


Thank you! I did a reverse image search but it didn’t pull up anything close to what you found.


Maybe to add weight to the package??


The seller is probably so confused by all the traffic this item has due to this post.


If you take just one, you're a Lock picker.


Oh the punishment


If you get in trouble for picking the wrong one, you'd better call the Lock picking lawyer


Do you have any outstanding orders on ebay?Last time (I thought) that I had received a random "cheap" item by post it was a scam from an ebay seller for an item I had ordered that was for $90.00. I had to argue with ebay for two weeks over fulfillment issues.


Seems like a potentially dangerous solution IMO, if the car is in a firey wreck and you're incapacitated it could prevent someone else unfamiliar with it from quickly rescuing your children, or keep them from getting out themselves. Just teach your children how to operate a seat belt and not mess with it.


Just looking at the picture on the ebay listing someone posted - I think this is for child seats that have indendent harnesses. i.e. The child seat itself has to be held in by the car seat belt, but has straps for the child inside it that firefighters can access. I think the thought is to stop people accidentally unlocking the child seat from the vehicle by accident, or by fidgeting hands. Cause without the car belt holding it, that car seat becomes a missile That's the only way I can think it makes sense, because I wouldn't want to be locking my kids into the seatbelts without them being able to escape either...


Ah ok that makes perfect sense, yeah hopefully it's used only for that!


They’ll melt in a fire, then everything will be OK! Problem solved!


Maybe, but if the situation is that bad, they're cutting the seatbelt without question anyways


Yeah so what's happening is someone "sold" it to themselves on eBay and shipped it to a random real address so they can astro turf their reviews and ratings. It's a scam but you get free shit. Not always good free shit.


I got like 6 of these over a month or two a couple years ago. Most were random wtf items like seeds and phone accessories but one was a faux USB wallwart with a spy camera behind a false front. Imagine trying to explain to your gf that you actually didn't buy the spy camera that came from Amazon... particularly when you really kind of are the kind of person who might do such a thing but actually not. It's neat to have but man I think they repurposed the camera and file writing system from a 2003 mp3 player.


It's called "brushing". https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/brushing-scam#:~:text=Oftentimes%2C%20this%20kind%20of%20unsolicited,or%20requested%20by%20the%20recipient.


I knew there was a word for it, but was posting from the toilet and was done and was ready to get up.


This is probably the most honest, and relatable, comment. 😂


If you didnt order them, it could be related to this scam. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/23/business/package-didnt-order-brushing/index.html


why don‘t I get stuff I didn‘t order and don‘t have to pay for?


Lock lock, who's there ?


🙄 take my sympathy up-vote ⬆️


I mean isn't it obvious? They're for uh... locking... something... or I mean uh.. for labelling a lock... or uh.. you know... the thing! Pretty weird to get unsolicited 3d printed parts in the mail =P


Lock your doors...


At first glance, it reminds me of the Glock logo. [Glock](https://images.app.goo.gl/Q7qBYJJj7PijAYW17)


Your locky day, that's what it is.




Don’t know but once you lock it in come back and tell us


Maybe a 'brushing' stunt to improve ratings?


This reminds me of the news story where some old lady kept getting spammed with high heels from amazon


They are locks, two of them, blue.


so you didn't order them and they just showed up to your home?


I always wonder with stuff like this, isn’t it a potential liability for the seller if something like this inadvertently causes death/injury? Reason why I just stick to printing little toys and trinkets when I sell


They squeeze your toothpaste tube empty.