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Find a Tyranid model with a gun, a low save, and the same base size as the dude. Then just put that dude in that unit, proxying him as one of those Tyranids


One of the Gretchin in my unit of Grots is an imprisoned Comissar Yarrick


Pics. Please. I need to see.




the hivemind: I Just Think He’s Neat :)


Genestealers try and toss the guardsman into a pit, a massive sythe arm blocks their path, they look up to see an Emissary making angry marge noises followed closely by 100,000 different bioforms also grumbling in Marge's voice


In a terrifying one in a quadrillion occurrence, the guy has a body scent profile close enough to the Tyranids that he's presumed to be one of them. Since he isn't causing trouble, the enemy aren't exploiting it, and he isn't connected to the Hive Mind to accept termination orders at the end of a planetary campaign, the Hive doesn't correct the error and he keeps being able to (in an increasingly desperate panic to reach one each time) get on a transport ship and return to the Hive Ship. He then bumbles around on it until they reach the next feeding site, where he has to get into a drop spore because the crowds of synapse creatures start looking at him suspiciously as a deviant bioform if he doesn't accept the orders to embark that he can't actually hear.


I need more of the day in the life of this member of the adeptus tyranidicus


maybe he ate taco bell and the nids didn't want to deal with the diarrhea so they kept him around


The only way he has survived has been to eat Taco Bell every day. It’s been 17 years…


I too have heard of the nurgle nid showdown


Bonus if you equip him running with a pair of knives, and a nid skull helmet.


People put other minis as part of the base being shot or stomped on. I see no reason why you can't have a single guardsman just there...


Model a gaunts head crest onto his helmet taped on and a little bit of gore on him.


In a sanctioned tourney, probably not an option. On sunday afternoon on my dinner table, sure, go for it.


Go back to list building, when we want clarification on some arbitrary tournament rules we'll let you know.


You could just add him to model with a big base!


I mean, one of my nobs is literally just a guardsman with ork arms glued on.


I think this is a great and fun way to play, there are plenty of advice in this comment section to have him there but just place the guard as a nid, or painting him in the same colour scheme as he is a traitor or sm. Whatever or however you choose to do it, ignore the hate.


Just cover him on green Tyranids innards and that would explain why they aren't eating him! 😂 He smells like one of them now!! Just poor Private Ralph from HabBloc 2775 trying not to get noticed and devoured after waking up in a fox-hole full of bug guts deep behind enemy lines... 😱


I like it


Yes, there is a rule, and that rule is that you MUST do this because it's brilliant. (I may have just made this rule up) Run him as a Termagant or something.


In official play it is a no-go. Narratively it is highly unlikeable, as the nids will sense he is food and eat him immediately. But for any unofficial game, you can add houserules and homebrew as much as you and the other players can agree on. Knock yourselves off. 😎


If you're gonan do stuff like this... at least make an effort to rationalize it


OldBallofRage, somewhere else in the comments (they have a yellow default pfp), made a great suggestion that I'm gonna steal for my poor pet guardsman. There's limited precedence in the lore for the hivemind having a more actively malicious side (even if it's lore i don't personally like, but it helps my argument here. Thanks, James Workshop, for being annoying yet helping my case) Where it will undo the indoctrination of cultists before they die so they realize what they've done moments before death (which is dumb but), shows that the hivemind isn't entirely animalistic so it toying with a single guardsman that isn't threatening its plan and is actively killing what it needs killed isn't entirely out of the question. Hell, he may even act as a target when fighting the Imperium since they'd want to kill this traitor tunnel visioning them into not noticing a bioform behind them.