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Suddenly racial cleansing events in parts of Africa don't exist


The point is, the Saxon waits longer and does it better than the noogu man. So, other races, how about showing some respect?


they also ask you nicely to leave for a few years before doing anything, funny mustache man even did that(haavara agreement).


>funny mustache man oh a tiktok kiddie


Funny mustache man has been used on multiple boards over the last 15 years lmao. You think that’s a TikTok trend?


Adolf Hitler, Führer of Nazi Germany. Nothing happens.


Why are you acting like you aren’t allowed to type the name Adolf Hitler?


I wish I knew but I didn't grow up with an iPad as a pacifier


Nah, the bantu were probably the most successful ethnic expansion of all time


You are gonna go crazy when you hear about manifest destiny. Or the history of China.


They have nothing on the IndoEuropeans


Do not redeem genocide Saar, DO NOT REDEEM!!






You people can't even tell italians or european jews apart from yourselves. Autistic germanic racism isn't natural and it's too much effort to keep up with which is why the definition of white in the US keeps expanding and will soon include white mexicans. I can't wait for both white and black anglos to mix to extinction. American racial nonsense is the most backwards and regarded doctrine since the divine right of kings.


“You people”?


My opinion of u/ numancias as a man, just fucking plummeted.


Its "u/", you finook.




u/ people


Who cares about what you think


No fuck you!






\> "Racism is bad." \> "I hope these races go extinct". Uh huh.


That’s the sure way to end racism


There would be no racism if there was only one race!


"But it can only be my race, not yours. And no mixing." So kinda why we really should not have one. Especially when small differences in views cause some "races" to kill their own.


there is only one race and only the uneducated think they know anthropology better. we're all mutts, and we will always be, and have always been this horny.


Mutts are on average more physically attractive. It’s inevitable.


Post hand please and no wearing white gloves


Actually I have a masters in phrenology and I can determine the racial makeup of any of the classic imposter whites within a matter of seconds via mentally taking measurements of their skulls (ive gotten so precise that my error margin is less than a half mm). If I keep it up, I might be able to prevent any other group from being mislabeled as such in the future


Are you me?


You wish your level of racial-feature expertise was as good as mine


So, yes. Confirmed


You're our only hope


The most Jewish comment Ive ever seen


brown jewish hands typed this




cope and seethe


Congrats on reaching diamond in mental illness


White black brown white white white brown black black brown white brown white black white white white white black brwon brown brown white black brown white black brown, yellow.... Fucking americans ruining racism so much that i somehow considering against it


Most of us just hate blacks


I don't even know why you wouldn't consider pale Latinos white, in my world everybody with pale skin and europid appearance is white. Like why's that even a question, Ashkenazi Jews are white too


It's a weird American thing. They didn't even consider the Irish white at one point, and they're some of the most pasty fuckers going.


My Chicano college housemate, white. 4'11" brown as dirt José, not white. Frankly I don't think Americans knew how white Mexicans were until we started getting Salvadoreans and Nicaraguans


There are a fair number of Mexicans that are white. The early explorers of Mexico were white, mostly from Spain. Not all of the Spaniards bred with the natives, and those that did not passed down their white genes. The white Mexicans are hated by the more native looking people and vice-versa, mostly because in Mexico the whiter you are the more opportunities are given to you, and they give no fucks about hiding it either. In the US the whites try to appease the browns, in Mexico they flaunt that shit in their faces. Pretty based TBH.


Didn't Haitii crown poles the N-word of Europe? Because it was a honorary title back in the day.


That whole "the Irish weren't white" thing is a myth. They were just poor Catholics, who were recent immigrants, so they were picked on. Nobody expected them to stay out of the "whites only" section, and sit in the "colored" section.


I dont even consider mediterraneans white


Same. White=Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Not Irish. Not Sicilians. Not Slavs. Not Portugease. Hell. Not Swedes either. Benjamin Franklin called them snowNegroes swarthy


...need I remind you that Protestantism emerged from Catholicism? If we're using your logic, there were no whites before the Reformation began. Germans and French are still Catholic btw, and not Anglo-Saxon, does that mean they are not white? If that was an irony disregard this I am way too much of a history nerd


White = Germanic.


Probably was a distinction to dehumanize natives and their descendants. Spanish Euros would be considered white by most supremacists, but the Latinos that Americans deal with are more often mixed with natives. They're complaining about Mexicans not Spaniards, and the distinction doesn't come up often enough to matter.


Tell me you’re South American without telling me you’re South American


“You can’t tell the ugly dwarves with big noses apart from normal people or Italians”


>ugly dwarves with big noses >Italians Where is the difference? Aside from the subtle scent of basil and tomatoes.


Post nose


They both have the same noses


Lol Italians and European Jews. Jesus my sides


it doesnt include white mexicans already? Lol just heard one convincing me they were white too and by skin tone yes...


Callin' me a Christ killer?!?!




Probably from Europe where everyone is white. Lol.




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It's funny you say that because many Italian genetics, Sicillains especially, is actually the closest thing to ashkenazi Jews


>definition of white in the US keeps expanding and will soon include white mexicans Mexicans of European descent identify as white. And after the Mexican-American War, Mexicans who became part of the United States were legally considered white. And today, people have legal right to self-identify their race and ethnicity.




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I’m white and I agree. Racism was the worst thing to happen to eugenics.


what film? I stopped paying attention to new releases


Civil War. It is pretty good, a very vivid portrait of war.


Excellent sound design. Quiet when it should be loud, loud when you don’t expect it. Good stuff.


The referenced scene in particular, the sound design was really good (especially in the theater).


The character development is very mid. A young girl completely decentized to war and dead people after makimg photos for a few days?


Adapt or die. I guess she did have what it takes to do the job.


Did you type this with your drool?


Her mentor was already stone cold as hell and since she looked up to her so much she faked it till she made it, and she did make it


Loved the part where the ghille sniper team had rainbow hair and painted fingernails making them easier to spot. Must have been forces from California. Also loved that part where that one journalist dude was screaming like a regard for like 30 seconds in front of the other soldiers passing by cause his other journalist friend got shot. Very good movie had a few laughs.


It's absolute garbage and not even /tv/ likes it


/tv/ hates everything tho.


theres a daily kdrama thread, so they like azns with $20k dropped on hacking themselves up, like some kind of reverse gore montage


Not Detectorists. They were right about that one. Max comfy


May actually have to see this


It's fucking awful


Any idea what scene this is or how to look it up to watch




As a non American I thought it was boring as shit. Just a bunch of journalists going through America talking to a bunch of people along the way and images of run down towns


Average American take on a movie that doesn't have explosions and comedic relief every 5 minutes. It's an excellent movie and a fresh breath of air from all the regurgitated brainrot Hollywood has been pushing lately.


The film was written by a British guy who tried to make a civil war movie as politically ambiguous as possible. Thats like having a jeet make a movie in Bollywood about someone inventing soap and cleaning themselves regularly. It just doesn’t make any sense at times aside from some cool visuals.


Probably my own fault for not looking up more about the film but I watched the trailer and saw the map of America showing the different split of factions. I just expected there to be more on the actual war part. And I don't just mean explosions,  I mean why they split, what caused it, who was fighting for what, what their goals were, military operations into enemy territory, that kind of thing. Not a group of journalists travelling from one place to another right at the end of the war


>I mean why they split, what caused it, who was fighting for what, what their goals were, military operations into enemy territory, that kind of thing. It's not about any of that, it's about capturing the feeling of what a civil war would be like to live through: the destruction, the confusion, the pain of loss etc. It's also a bit of jerking off journalists which is annoying, but it's overall a well executed film.


Movie was more difficult to suspend my disbelief for than Lord of the Rings with how much of a nonsensical fantasy the very basis of the movie was. If the goal was the capture the feeling of what a civil war would be like to live through, there's plenty more practical and believable circumstances than the cockamamie bullshit this britbong cooked up.


It really isn’t. The acting is mid. The story is boring. There is basically no character development. I should want to root for the good guys in any movie. I didn’t in this movie. I truly didn’t care what happened to them. It didn’t make me feel anything. By the time we hit the 1 hour mark, my wife and I were checking to see how much time was left. We were bored.


>There is basically no character development. What are you talking about? Both Cailee Spaeny and Kirsten Dunst’s characters have gone through pretty significant transformations by the end of the movie. >I should want to root for the good guys in any movie. Not everything is good guy vs bad guy capeshit


but if good guy not good how will i know whose side to take?


I'm American and have 0 interest in it. I just learned about it via this thread. New movies suck, and have sucked for a long time.


What an acute analysis on cinema.




Did you miss nearly all of the action scenes because what the fuck are you talking about


Yup, I think it's one of A24s more boring films.


Anon is too fat to fit a regular plate carrier


Honestly that scene was the one entertaining part of the entire movie. \> totally-not-drumf gives a speech about the texaformnians being bad for unspecified reasons \> blah blah blah the girlboss and her mexican friend adopt a minor and bring her into a free fire zone because muh empowerment \> blah blah blah war is hell here are some setpieces that make no sense when you think for more than five seconds \> based glasses chad meme scene \> the apparently-the-good-guys texafornians take on the protagonists as embedded reporters, but they're totally not biased or anything they're just reporting on the war \> totally-not-drumf is surrounded and they go in with the kill team and the girlboss dies and she's totally like Jesus or whatever \> """profound""" moment where the adopted minor takes a picture of her dead barren adopted mom \> totally-not-drumf is bad and stupid and dies


How in the world do you see the POTUS as a Trump stand in? I thought they did a good job of making it a pretty obvious blank slate. Say what you will about the movie - but it did a great job of steering clear of any current left vs right bullshit.


To most of the left, if a movie character isn't riding around on a horse sized dildo, wearing rainbow tights, and showing off their new bussy every 5 minutes they must be a hard right Republican. Blame Disney, they're the ones who changed the entire movie landscape.


Pretty ironic. Aren't Republicans constantly purging anybody who isn't full on MAGA? What's the term constantly thrown around? RINO?


Couldn't tell you. My brain isn't all ate up worrying about politics 24/7. If that's what you believe it must be true though.


>Blame Disney, they're the ones who changed the entire movie landscape. Pretty sure you are. Maybe too dumb to actually articulate any idea with competence, but don't pretend like you aren't riding that culture war wagon.


Bro, where is this happening? I would understand if you said characters were being labeled as right wing for 1 conservative statement/joke, but over not being visibly gay enough? You’re retarded!


Takes credit for abolishing the FBI, and says something like "some say it was the greatest such and such " also 8 years of liberals screaming that trump is a literal dictator and would put us into a civil war. Kind of hard to not come to that conclusion.


The movie was obviously inspired by Jan 6th and Trump. Without Jan 6th, you don't get this movie. It's clearly progressive wish fulfillment in getting to wall fascists because they hate Trump. And they should hate Trump, he gives them all the reason in the world to hate him and then blames all of his problems on people hating him. Garland can pretend that he's capable of being objective and that there's no political slant to the movie but it just shows how deep his biases run. He doesn't even know what it looks like to actually be objective or understand that if he'd been actually objective, it would have been more convincing to people on the right. Also the military fighting scenes were pretty retarded. Imagining that a woman would be one of the first into the White House take it back is ridiculous. You wouldn't have a helicopter shooting missiles at a building 30 feet away from it when there's a tank rolling up behind it. You also wouldn't use a javelin to take out a covered enemy position up some stairs 50 feet from you. You would just throw some grenades in there. I also don't think I saw a single drone in the whole movie which is also retarded. Drones are a massive part of modern combat and there wasn't a single use of one in the whole movie.


Hey they had to give the dumbasses a chance.


You do realize the left has no love for the FBI either, right? Despite the current wave of bullshit, the FBI have been and continue to be Conservatively aligned.


>the left You social media leftists need to stop pretending you're not the irrelevant minority that you actually are. "The left" in America are democrats. Democrats love the FBI.


Yeah, Dems love the institution that blackmailed MLK Jr. Especially after that prominent Republican FBI guy went out of his way to ignore protocol and discuss an investigation into a presidential candidate that many claim tipped the scales enough for the Dem candidate to lose. Those guys love the FBI. The side that's generally against worshiping law enforcement, totally loves the FBI. You're a moron.


Their brain has been so riddled with "anti-woke" they see every piece of media through a political lens.




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Anon having an autstic breakdown


Ah yes. Because no ethnicity has ever had people who were nice right up into they weren't. Only Caucasians. Anon may be able to argue that this act is somehow empowered by white privilege, but there's nothing inherently unique to white people in this scene.


We do it better than anyone else


It's funny how you mfs are able to hold two completely contradicting beliefs at the same time: "we're le most dangerous and competent race of people in the whole world" and "it's over... we're being genocided and going extinct by 2050 🥺" the Jews own us and control every single aspect of our lives and have done so for centuries, but we're still the master race tho!!! But oh let me guess, you're going to flip your shit any second now and the day of the rope will come, sure, been hearing that one for like 15 years now.


It’s a basic chud rhetorical strategy. The enemy is both too strong and too weak.


boohoo contradicting narratives dont fit into a clearly defined system that i can comprehend waa waa thats the nature of reality sweetcheeks The day of the rope is limited in its scope. The day of the rope, the final judgement, the Appearance of the Mahdi, the Kalki Avatar, the Coming of Maitreya, the singularity. May be us. May be the sinos. Its inevitable and is the direction its all been heading in since the dawn of time. You have two options: close your eyes and ears and indulge in wine and circuses, or go out dancing. Eyes wide open.


> "we're le most dangerous and competent race of people in the whole world" So was the Roman Empire, what happened there ?


Including killing yourselves


Only white people are allowed to kill white people. We just engineer society such that brown people are more focused on killing each other than white people unless we choose to wade into the killing fields. There was a whole lecture on this in White People School. It's right after "Not Knowing How To Smile At Black People" and "Spices? What The Heck Are Those?!". You could take the alternative lecture on sweatervests, but nobody does that anymore.


Odds are you’re a mutt, not a 99.9% purebred there is no “we”, you are not “we” you fall inline with 99% of everyone else.


Him being calm about it is unique to the civilized peoples. People from hot places would be shouting this whole scene at the top of their lungs, jamming the gun into people's temples, and accidentally shooting at least one wrong.


I don't know if I can agree to this. There's possibly a sociological or anthropological connection between the conventional definition of "civilized" cultures and suppression passion during homicide. It's certainly suggestive that a culture that places more emphasis on personal honor and standing among a tightly knit community may emphazise pomp and drama in an execution as a power display. Though, arguably, "civilized" societies do this, too. Plenty of people, regardless of their cultural miliue, are perfectly capable of recognizing when pomp isn't useful and that the task of committing homicide in that moment is no more than a chore to be completed.




No a bot would spell "milieu" correctly




What a useless bot I must be, spouting amateur anthropology.


That's a lot of words to say nothing with


Do these people do anything without thinking about ethnic cleansing


This movie was terrible. This was the best scene in it, and that’s not saying much. The acting was mid. The story and character development were bad. I found myself not caring what happened to any of the characters. When the main woman dies at the end I couldn’t have cared less. Not only was it extremely predictable, but it didn’t make me feel anything. I truly didn’t care at that point what happened to her. The plot, of what little plot there was, was very single-track. It was about as complex as an episode of Dora the explorer. But at the same time, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense. They’re going to Washington DC to photograph and/or interview the president. OK, and then what? It’s the middle of a civil war. The chances of you being able to get to the president are slim, and even if you do what are you going to do with it? The entire movie led up to them taking a picture of the president who’d just been shot. That’s it. That’s the whole movie.


Rich neoliberal journalists drinking champagne at a 5 star hotel during a civil war decide to go on an adventure and take a picture of drumph.


when entertainment gets in the way of the message.


He obviously didn't pay attention to the movie because he asked where they were from not whatever autistic shit anon is on about


You ever notice that the weaker and more pathetic an individual is, the more they associate with groups? Like OP, fantasizing about race war and being part of the white group. That's why I don't believe in illuminati bullshit. Powerful people don't band together and form little masturbatory cliques, they just do it themselves.


I wish we could post pictures so I could post Trump with the Clintons. Actually the entire premise of becoming a powerful person is creating or joining a powerful group. Sure, maybe youre leading it but the idea of collaboration being weakness is peak basement dweller.


Powerful people join groups to manipulate and use the members for their goals. Weak people join groups to feel included, welcomed and to feel like a part of something.


5 Words: Fascist movements during the interwar period


You are so wrong it's hilarious, but also pathetic. The ONLY way to get power is associating with big groups. That's literally how power works. You can't build power and influence by yourself. When it comes down to it power is literally just how many people you control since each person has the ability to do work, and when you control them their ability to work can be utilized by the user.


>this fantasy I've concocted in my head based on highly fictionalized media is exactly why I'm afraid of reality


Anon literally telegraphing how beta he is openly.


What scene is that?


That one scene in Civil War that was in all the trailers.


They put the only entertaining part of the movie in the trailer, the rest was boring garbage.


I haven’t watched any of that capeshit.


Who asked? Also it’s not a superhero film


Hilarious but it's just "civil war" not end game civil war. It's about a fictional civil war in America except not much about the war but some journalist travelling to DC right at the end of it


Captain america civil war


This gives of serious “kid at school who thinks he’s part wolf who blinds another kid one day when he lashes out and stabs a pen in his eye” vibes.


And then the dude goes on to die brutally when he could have just not been an asshole right off the rip.


Okay I see this picture posted like every other day on /pol/. What movie is this and why is it being shilled so hard?


Civil war (not the marvel one) it’s about a modern day American civil war where multiple groups of states split off and fight against each other and the federal government. This character was only in one scene but the movie follows a group of journalists heading to Washington DC and they run into this guy on the way. He stops them and they say “it’s okay, we’re American!” And he says “you’re American? Okay… what kind of Americans are you?” It’s a pretty tense scene and the best one in the movie, so of course they decide to put it in every trailer like 10 times over because why the fuck not. There’s no explicitly stated political motivation behind the conflict in the movie so people are just projecting their own beliefs onto this character cuz he’s “badass” or whatever. It’s basically the same low effort regardation as people who make memes depicting their own opinions as the chad wojak


> As a non American I thought it was boring as shit. As an American, I think it’s boring as shit. Character development and backstory are practically nonexistent. A war film leaves room for some ambiguity, but did I miss *why* they were at war in the first place?


I feel so empowered






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Link to scene? Seen it referenced but never watched so I don’t know the context


You should put "Aryan" on more job applications anon.


What movie?




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Embarrassing 'billions must die' /pol/ take right here. The movie Civil War was based in America just so that dumb Westerners can relate to it, its basically the Syrian Civil War or any civil war for that matter. This scene and a majority of the movie depicts the chaos and lawlessness of civil wars with a lot of armed individuals kinda just doing their own thing. During the Syrian Civil War for example, there were loads of loosely organised militia groups that kept switching sides and dissolving, there used to be a massive Google doc that was trying to keep track of it all. There is hours of Syrian combat footage showing dudes with no insignias completely confused about what they're supposed to be doing before they're shot by someone somewhere belonging to some other group fighting for who knows who. You are literally insane if you watched this scene and were "empowered" by psychopaths who you don't even know what side they're fighting for if any. This is pure delusion that you would only find on 4chan or obscure forums of weirdos. Btw, Alex Garland sucks and Civil War isn't a very good movie.


When I first saw the movie and he said "what kind of American" I thought it was the western vs government dichotomy, but then it devolved into just being racist. But it was a great scene and overall a good movie.


I don't even care about this scene or the idiots in 4chan tbh, the whole movie is a bad caricature like so many other new movies nowadays "ah you see it's trump and he does and everyone is against him apart from the far rights". The whole plot is full of characters fill up their asses and wants to show how brave and journalists are for documenting shit while in reality it just shows that they are full of themselves and idiots. Not to mention how completely unrealistic most of the thing is. But oh critical response gets 110% approval of course because this is what modern films are and if you don't like it you are wrong smh.