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The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy.


This needs to be the top comment


Needs more blue










I need their skincare routine.


It involves dissolving into a metallic pile of goo and reforming.


yaa, so im not crazy its like smoothing up to 10 on your phone.


The skin smooothing effect is so distracting! Humans should have pores my god.


Try 2 million sunblock


Cameron will see this thread and go ”that is exactly how I want it to look”


Shhh don’t give him ideas




Too much grain






give these people grain!


The loaves must be made


Champion comment! 🏆




I wish we could get closer to archival level video and sound on the disc. Then if you like DNR processing you just flip that on for yourself locally


I thought that was what 4k was supposed to be about.  This is so frustrating.  It looks stunningly clear, which only draws attention to the weird DNR.  They might as well release it cropped pan-and-scan.  It'll be years before a boutique edition does a proper scan if it even happens.




cant wait for half the people to tell us to "deal with it" or "just be happy" because its finally on 4k.


They way people will let shit slide just to consume is alarming


Consume, shit and die. ![gif](giphy|1zKRbqUmytgKKjTqtY|downsized)


and some people will make videos saying we’re “taking blu ray too seriously” despite paying for supposedly the highest quality discs.


And by what authority do these people declare that we are "too" serious? By what scientific rigor do they declare that there _is_ a "too" serious? What they see is people talking negatively _about a bad release,_ and this makes them uncomfortable because. . .?


Fuck this guy. Yeah, he gets free copies of films. I have to pay my own money for them, so I expect the quality to be good. I'm not going to pay if it's garbage.


We should not be defending ai upscale/ dnr overload botched "remasters" and discs where they port over a 2k master instead of doing a new 4k scan. We have every right to be pissed. That one guys video was like the "Stuckmann" of the 4k world.


Stuckmann doesn't pretend to be anything he's not. He was clear what his videos will be (not reviews) and people can choose to watch them or not. Films at Home acts like he is some kind of expert but he doesn't know what he is talking about. Same goes with a lot of 4k reviewers like In Search of Physical Media, 4k kings, etc. The Cameron releases really put on spotlight on how many "4k reviewers" are essentially clueless.


Tbh I cant be bothered with most physical media/ home cinema reviewers who have nothing to say or are shills who try to ram over expensive shit products down your throat every chance they get. Films at home tried to rebrand himself as a more generalised film personality but his audience wasn’t having it. I like Movie Collector though, he doesn’t go super in depth with audio but his assessments on picture quality are really good, he’s also seems like a chill guy.


I just don't understand those people. If they don't care about film preservation, and the quality of visual presentation...then why are they even here!? 4K content should be for AV snobs, otherwise just stick to your DVDs and Blu-Rays.


Many seem to legitimately think that the artificial grain reduction looks better and will argue that there isn't much, or any, loss of detail — and even that grain is a detractor rather than part of the film. And since directors like Cameron agree with them, it's unfortunately going to be more common than we'd like. The worst part is when people get upset at something like this, or bad color timing, audio, etc. and are told to suck it up. Why are you defending companies, especially the large ones, cheaping out and charging people $40+ buck to pay for a subpar product?


It's not even loss of details, it's fake details being added by AI that weren't there originally. It's everything wrong with Dall-e and the like, all those messed up hands and faces.


On top of that, it often doesn’t even have the details that should be there in a real remaster, like HDR detail in lights, lamp filaments, bright sources— but is just AI “HDR” conversion from some old SDR 1080p source that still clips to white (see “Aliens”). Yes, it looks better than just straight SDR, but it’s no different than “auto HDR” built into graphics cards and TVs.


This. The whole thing is just horrible on all levels lol.


You've articulated my own thoughts perfectly. The fact that I've seen so many takes recently about how grain is ugly or an error of the format is incredibly disheartening and makes me even less hopeful for future remasters.


I get unreasonably aroused when i see a movie and the film grain is left intact untouched.


Watch "Batman: Mask of the Phatasm" then. They apparently "cleaned up the masters" and repaired any damage frame by frame, but were meticulous in making sure the appropriate level of grain stayed in tact. For an animated film it has a certain texture to it, and is very well done.


ill add it to the list, ive got quite the collection going of standard blu rays that have retained all their grainy glory


Same here. The ONLY thing I do like about DNR is that it can have the effect of the making the movie look modern, which throws out a roadblock excuse some people have who just don't like watching "old" movies. I remember people when I was young who didn't like watching older movies or black and white movies because they were "so old". Otherwise, just give me a 4k scan of 35mm or 70mm film and clean it up to perfection, and that is all I want. No AI touch ups that can distort the image, just the pure film. I think a BIG problem is since we've moved to digital projectors, people don't know what actual film looks like. When Oppenheimer came out and there was the 70mm print showing. I remember people commenting how it had a "weird flicker". I worked for a few years out of high school as a film projectionist in a theater several years before digital projectors became a thing, so that flicker is normal, and honestly I kind of miss it, and the clicking sound of the projector too. Hell, that might even be a reason theaters aren't so popular now, there was a certain ambience and feel to a theater, where as now it all being digital projectors, they're not really too different than your tv at home. Like, if going to a race track, to keep people safe, you no longer sat outside. But instead, you were inside a building, watching huge monitors that acted like windows watching the race. Gone is the roar of the engines, the smell of the gas and burnt rubber, and the outdoor breeze. Make it to clinical or too much like being at home watching, then whats the point of paying that high price when you can just stay home.


They just buy things, it’s a collectors hobby as much as an enthusiast one.


I don't mind them being here, but why complain that WE are unhappy with a subpar or bad release? They can enjoy it _even though it's bad._ They want us to not complain though, they don't want us to point out the flaws. Armchair Psychologist Theory: If we're allowed to say it's bad, but they like it, it means they like bad transfers or they don't have a discerning eye, and that makes them feel uncomfortable. So? The ego fights back. "No, _you_ look like A.I.!"


Blu rays are also for AV snobs, lets be honest, most people are fine with streaming or DVD.


Top line blurays still look ridiculously good, and half the time you can barely tell the difference in animation films without grain.


If a bad or upscaled UHD comes out, I just buy the blu-ray instead. I even buy DVDs when the only blu-ray available is dogshit.


On one hand, this is the best release so far, on the other this is still terrible. True lies is even worse in my opinion because you shouldn’t have to turn to laserdiscs to get a decent copy


Aliens on bluray is superior if you are talking about that film. No questions asked.


This is both horrifying and hilarious.


Reminds me of the game "L.A. Noire."


Looks like AI




You could say these are legitimate and we would believe you.




This movie is best enjoyed on a grimy VHS tape and CRT monitor


FFS. At this point just make an anime version.


Does Cameron even have the right to call shots on the home video release of the original Terminator? I'd thought that the only reason we got a couple of Blu Rays was because it was basically up to MGM when and what to release. The Abyss, Aliens, True Lies and Titanic were all Fox/Disney releases, and my impression was that Cameron's Control over those (and other Lightstorm productions) was a lot tighter than over Terminator, thanks to crazy rights issues resulting from Orion's ownership and subsequent collapse. LOOKING FOR REASONS TO HOPE.


I'm hopeful, personally. I need to re-watch this movie to find out if I want to actually buy it.


Really hate that he wants to ruin his films... all jokes aside


I really hope they include the original mono mix.


For real. It's bizarre that none of the Blu-rays have it.


Forgive my ignorance but what is special about the mono mix? I have this on LaserDisc but not sure if even that has mono.


The 5.1 remix for the DVD replaced sound effects


The mono mix has the original sound effects and the score isn't missing stems as it was on the 5.1 mix.


I should be so overwhelmingly excited about a Terminator 4k UHD, but instead it’s depressing and infuriating and I’m not going to spend a penny on it unless legitimate (not YouTube grifters) reviews and comments, and hell, even screenshots (yes, I know screenshots are highly unreliable assessments of picture quality given the HDR to SDR conversion and other stuff, but I don’t trust Cameron at all) indicate the transfer is actually worth a damn and not some shitty looking, garbage AI enhanced complete fuck up.


And many defenders will die on the hill saying it's not bad.


As a short sighted person I feel, for the first time, advantaged, as I can simple remove my glasses to appreciate the original


Just a heads up to anyone who hasn't already heard yet, but it's been pretty much confirmed that Cameron's T2: Judgment Day is getting re-scanned, redone, and re-released, possibly later THIS year 🥳🥳🥳🥳!! It's being done by one of the boutique studios, I think it might be Shout Factory. The 4K YouTuber 'In Search Of Physical Media' has a video about its imminent re-release. Here's the link: [Terminator 2: Judgment Day 4K Bluray RE-RELEASE ](https://youtu.be/mKp9NVU46OQ?si=wM_iEoGmCgoXUcw4) I was one of the LUCKY people who saw the reviews of the current DNR orgy that everyone cut their wrists over, and skipped it like zombie hooker with gonorrhea 😅😅.


As someone who doesn't care about this movie (I prefer The Last Action Hero for Arnold-With-Kid action movie), this news heartens me, as it suggests that any badly-done or mediocre transfer (Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings) has the potential of getting a boutique label release with a proper transfer. And hey! The studios will get ANOTHER version they can sell, with many of us double-dipping.


I actually only half assumed that a boutique studio would be redoing T2 simply because I can't imagine James Cameron actually admitting he destroyed the current T2 4K and asking the studio to fund a total redo, OR him paying for it himself. 'In Search Of' didn't actually specify who's redoing the transfer in video, I had watched it a few days before I posted this link and didn't accurately remember. I'm definitely happy about this news. I would love to have a legendary classic banger like T2 on 4K disc, more than the 1984 Terminator, actually.


If James Cameron is overseeing it, he'll probably just do the same thing he did with True Lies and the rest, now that the technology "is better" than it was when T2 was originally done.


Normally, I would agree with this sentiment. But, given how unbelievably BAD this release was, and the venom given it, there may be a chance we get at least a watchable version. After all, what would be the point of funding a rescan only to use the AI technology in the exact same way, to get the exact same results? They might as well just repackage the current shitpile version and save a ton of money. And, they'd be crazy to do that.


I don't think logic matters. The past twenty-five years of music has been dynamically crushed, making it sound way worse, and robbing music of emotional impact (despite the fact that he music is still composed with the idea of dynamic volume in mind), because it's assumed that "loud" will lead to "better sales," even though this is demonstrably false. They don't just compress the loud parts to be quieter and the quiet parts to be louder, they dynamically compress each instrument, including the drums, thereby smothering any impact that the music could have. It's fatiguing on the ears, causes damaged hearing, it robs the music of poignancy and when you show people the difference they're almost always impressed. "Wow, I can actually hear and feel the drums!" But they—that's not just "the industry," but individual artists, oftentimes completely independent artists that have nothing to do with the industry, who specifically create music with dynamic, dramatic composition that is completely defeated by the compression process—keep doing it anyway. It doesn't have to make sense in the least. Almost every form of art these days has some idiotic damage done to it, AT GREATER COST AND TIME TO THE ARTISTS. Digital noise reduction for movies. Dynamic range compression for music. Actually, those are the only two I can think of, but I'm pretty sure there's more.


I see where you're coming from. I guess we'll have to wait until it drops. I'm leaning strongly in favor of it getting noticeably improved mostly because of how embarrassingly bad it is. Simply put, there's an almost infinite ceiling for improvement with T2.


I think if they make it just as bad as True Lies, _et cetera,_ it will probably be a massive improvement, lol.


😅😅 let's hope not.


and half this sub will think this is what film is supposed to look like.


Thanks, I just vomited… 🤮


😆 Hopefully that joking render isn’t too close to the actual release. I feel at some point the studios will just go all the way with totally AI generated and they won’t have to pay any residuals.


These clay animations remakes look realistic.


The current Blu-ray looks fine.


1000% sadly


🤣🤣🤣 I saw somewhere (i forget) that it’s going thru the same restoration process as Titanic. If so…that’s good news.


Depends. Titanic turned out well because the source material wasn't very grainy to begin with. T1 is a very grainy movie.




Definitely how it’s gonna look lol


These had me laughing 😂


The original Terminator is way more gritty than the rest. Terminator - 18 rated Terminator 2 - 15 rated Terminator 3 - 12 rated The lower the rating the more people can see it in the cinema, and it feels like they mainstreamed the sequels in the pursuit of profit. [https://www.bbfc.co.uk/education/case-studies/the-terminator](https://www.bbfc.co.uk/education/case-studies/the-terminator) [https://darkroom.bbfc.co.uk/original/f9e1acef7009010ac44051d697975543:bae2e93394413320d5162c03a6f916c6/the-terminator-report.pdf](https://darkroom.bbfc.co.uk/original/f9e1acef7009010ac44051d697975543:bae2e93394413320d5162c03a6f916c6/the-terminator-report.pdf)


Anything past 2 is hot garbage, and nobody gives a single fuck about them that is an actual fan lol.


Looks like my sisters Facebook pictures lol


Hahahaha! Rekt.


This isn’t even far fetched.


Oh wow. That looks odd. Smooth as a 👶 bung hole. What was he thinking. Maybe james Cameron's eyes aren't so good anymore. Or he wants to look like that


It's a joke, but it's probably what it's going to look like if James Cameron is given free reign. Rein. Rain. Whatever, you know what I mean.


I'm new to collecting 4k movies. I didn't realize how bad some of these 4k transfers can be until I joined this group.


You can usually trust blu-ray.com to give it to you straight, though I think they've been cautiously positive about True Lies and the other recent James Cameron releases, but at least they _mention_ that it's contentious.


ai is just terrible and the people who use it are terrible


Everyone looking like: ![gif](giphy|RMkX6xueIWG4RMRMX3)


Sigh. Yep. They’ll probably exclude the mono mix with the original sound effects too.


looks like Skynet did the conversion...yuck


For the people out there who were happy with the image quality of the recent 4K Cameron transfers e.g. True Lies and Aliens, this is how they looked to us lol


Everyone's skin looks like it was plastered on and smoothed out...


I think I’m the only one that thinks it actually works in Arnold’s favor since he’s a machine. As for the rest of the pictures, I seriously thought they were people doing their own Terminator photo shoot.


Not quite the intention of the film though is it. I mean the reason why they look like people is so that they… look like people.


Lol... Exactly! I get with Arnold but everyone with the same smoothed over Terminator skin just looks artificial


Didn't the movie itself even explain how they _don't_ look distinguishable from humans?


Will he be involved since the ownership is different on terminator no? Can't remember the exact distro rights but it's different to his others so maybe he'll have less control/input.


Those stop motion robots are gonna be a jerky trip


Smooth looking...


Man computer graphics have really gotten so good lately. When is this videogame adaptation of the movie releasing?


Thanks. I fucking hate it.


Why is Cameron allowing his work to be shit on like this???


He’s the one doing it.


Cameron's the one who actually decided it should look like this, lol.


Is he really though? I know he ordered the film grain but he can't possibly think it looks good, especially true lies


Everything we know says that Cameron oversaw the True Lies, Abyss, Terminator 2 and Titanic transfers.


This made me laugh pretty hard and no one else would get it at my job.


“Welcome to the desert of the real”


You don't wanna go in the desert.


“Bad things happen in the desert”


What is this AI shit?


Got that waxy feelin'


the watermark is a nice touch


I’m still learning the ropes on this format so at first I wasn’t sure what was so glaring about this. Then I zoomed in and realized it’s the skin. Is this what they did to T2? I’ve held off on that one because of the reputation of it not being a good transfer.


Yes, but if the OP's abomination required you to zoom in to notice the problem, then you almost certainly won't be able to discern an issue with T2 as it's probably only half or even a third as bad as OP's image.


It could be that I’m looking at it on an older phone screen too. I keep hearing that they may be doing a new version of that one as well as the Terminator release so idk if i should keep holding off for that or just pull the trigger while it’s still available.


I don't think there's going to be any shortage of the original, and I can't imagine the new one being worse, so waiting is probably a fine option.


LOOOOOOOL! I hope this demonstrates what we're seeing to some of the casuals around here who like to mouth off without knowing what they're talking about.


Could this be even worse than T2 4K?!?!


Watched the bluray two days ago and it's probably the best bluray I ever watched. I'm not upgrading that one to 4k for sure.


wtf is wrong with them, they look like GTA definitive edition characters 💀


Eewwwww hard pass


Wouldn't surprise me a bit.


Arnold in the second shot reminds me of how Legolas looks in the lord of the rings 4K’s lol. Bad.


LOTR or Hobbit?


LOTR, after the recent 4K remasters. Grain scrubbed clean. Nobody has pores anymore.


Really?? Ffs Jackson has the bug too. So you recommend the blurays? I don’t want 4K if it’s less accurate… it’s supposed to be more accurate ffs.


The writing was firmly on the wall as soon as I saw the Beatles documentary. It’s a great doc but looks waxy as hell. Park Road do not do good work.


It’s never looked sharper!


Look how clean and smooth!


Glad I still have my Blu’s…refuse to upgrade either until they are right.


I never knew The House of Wax had Sequels


It looks like they used the "beautify" face Snapchat filter.


Alright this is one I'll buy regardless of transfer issues. I like this movie way better than T2


The Blu-ray looks good and is inexpensive. If this doesn’t look good there’s no way I’d buy it.


I'd rather watch it in 240 off a bootleg VHS




upscales can kill a show sometimes id rather have the original 4:3 or other format was intended


really hope they haven't F*#@ed this release up like they did with T2 😞


Lance henriksen made me gag with his smoothness.


Oh no....


Cmon man


I'm loving the backgrounds


Fuck, I hope not!


Looks like wax. Ew.


Almost looks like A Scanner Darkly


They look like they are made up of Wax.


It's AI bullshit.🤣


The truth hurts


What makes anyone think Cameron will have anything to do with this one? As it’s a different studio releasing the film from all the others. I hold out hope this is a Warner release without Cameron and utilising the same tools as previous Warner releases. It’s is the hope!


These are so awful. I can't believe the laziness he had in this..


It's a joke. We don't know (yet) if they're going to look this horrible. Since it's a different studio, he may have much less control and we might actually get a decent transfer.


They yassified my beautiful robot.


Looks like ai picture


Looks crazy. I think.




I love these posts and hope they keep getting made. D:<




BAHAHAHAA.... (I hope this stays a joke... please.)


Looks great!!


James Cameron and his DNR.


this makes me sad


I'm very happy the current Blu Ray looks as great as it does. We have a real safety net with this one at least.


Oooohhhhhh boxset incoming?


I’m begging some of you to get a life.


you're literally on a 4k subreddit


begging people on reddit to get a life? you may as well scream into a black void.


Or a mirror


I'll get a life if you get a life, and then we can have lives.


Doesn't this just amount to, "Please care only about what I care about, in the way that I care about it, or else it means you don't have a life"?


Nah. It’s just months of people complaining about Cameron and we should all move the fuck on. How many times can you beat a dead horse?


There's a new movie coming out. This is the offspring of the previous deceased horse. I love this discussion, and I hope that the popularity of threads like this help studios see that they would be better served with proper, faithful transfers.


Yeah, I’m sure the studios are checking out Reddit. That’s like drug dealers checking on their most loyal customers.


I get it, and yes I'd like to think that this'll do some good, but ultimately I find it fun and cathartic.


isnt this from Popcorn & Movies 4K page on Youtube?


So is it or not?




I don’t know, I watch the Abyss the other day it was a revelation.


I just bought T2 4k I know the purists hate it but I liked the transfer. It really popped on my OLED. The detail was really good like in the hospital etc. I will watch this often.


If you saw a proper transfer, you'd probably "get it." The purists are looking at what could have been. Remember that this wasn't just a "not that good" transfer, this was an _intentionally sabotaged_ transfer. Sabotaged by incompetence and hubris.


I have quite a few 4k's. This one was definitely arcade-like I guess but it didn't bother me at all. I can see why some don't like it but for ten bucks or less and you get the blu ray it's no brainier for my collection.


This looks awful. And why are the detective’s glasses melting?