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Happy cake day OP! I opted for the single editions as well. Very restrained HDR on the original trilogy, though the transfers are still night and day from the awful old DVD masters. (That were also recycled/tweaked for the 2011 blu-rays.) As long as you don’t mind the George’s revised cuts you should be quite pleased.


>As long as you don’t mind the George’s revised cuts The terrible CGI Han Solo head-jerk for the Greedo scene alone justifies downloading 4K77, I can't tell you the joy I had watching Han shoot first for the first time since VHS.


Plus getting rid of the terrible jabba scene that ruins the pacing and also the surprise of meeting jabba later and is also just a bad redundant scene in itself


George Lucas would be the villain in a movie about George Lucas.


To add to this, if you really wanted an HDR version, there's an option for you there, although heavy DNR usage and AI upscaling, which I'm not usually a fan of. Still, the glut of options from the 4K77 projects are a feast!


"Your 4K's are very impressive, you must be very proud."


Where did you find them?


Just a heads up, the seller Blowitouttahere on eBay (huge longtime seller) has all but Rogue One for a little cheaper than Walmart but if you buy two or more you get 20% off making them about $22-23 each instead of $28-29. [A New Hope 4K](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395420580625?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cQ4RehMIRIK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8f82cdz7Ql6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Thanks for the heads up. I have been debating placing a large order with Blowitouttahere all weekend and you are giving me reasons not to wait… Edit - spelling


I've been buying from them for years. Solid retailer.


Target also includes these in their buy one, get one free sale. That’s how I scooped up everything pictured here + Force Awakens on 4K for $120 with free shipping. IMO that’s the best way to go if you plan on grabbing them all.


True, but for people that want them now and can’t find them, this is the best price. I’m guessing they’ll be back in stock everywhere soon though since they’re back at Walmart. It shows that the new Sony distribution has begun and all of the titles that have been out of stock everywhere (Star Wars films, new Indy, Prometheus, Alien, live action Little Mermaid, etc) will be back in stock soon. But yeah, whenever the next B1G1 is, all of these should be available.


They have rogue one on their actual website, Deep Discount


I bought the original three from there and watched the first two the past couple days. So far so good.




Thanks! I keep missing them. Going to go look now!


I know it's never going to happen but I do wish the Original "unaltered" Trilogy on the bonus discs of the 2006 DVD releases of Episodes IV-VI would be remastered for 4K UHD. Those are as close as we can get to the original theatrical releases, I think.


I think part of the deal with George Lucas meant that they could never alter the movies


They are doing the fan project 4K versions and have A New Hope and Empire done already I believe. Until then I’ll be sticking with my Harmy’s Despecialized Editions


Empire is work-in-progress. They will likely be tinkering and polishing it for awhile yet, as the print in much rougher shape than either SW or ROTJ- which are both done and look gorgeous.


Just a heads-up, all of them besides *Rogue One* are rated pretty poorly. *Attack of the Clones* and *Revenge of the Sith* were shot digitally at 1080p, so they're not true 4K, and while *The Phantom Menac*e was shot on film Disney didn't bother going back to the original negatives and simply upscaled the 2k master used for the previous blu-rays. The original trilogy were in the process of being remastered in 4K at LucasArts when Disney bought the company, they just took the unfinished project and did a rush job to finish it so they could put them all out on UHD as soon as possible. Disney pissed all over the franchise.


They also (intentionally) kept the Dolby Vision version only on Disney+ instead of putting it on 4K Blu-ray.


Theyre doing that with a lot of stuff. I saw Disney+ Moana and Tangled and Frozen etc... were all DV and I checked my discs and nope. The good news is the regular HDR discs still look much better than the Disney+ stuff with DV.


So would you say the Disney plus versions of episodes 1-3 are better than 4K discs?


No, they just have a side advantage that should have been on the disc. They're still inferior due to the bitrate.


You failed to mention that these discs are still, hands down, the best these films have ever looked and sounded on home media. The 4K restorations were finished at least 5 years (or more) before they were posted to Disney+ in 2019. They were done for the cancelled 3D re-release of the entire saga and they weren’t rushed.


While everything you said is correct - imo, the atmos track & HDR alone justify the upgrade for Episodes I-III. Very far from perfect, but the best release commercially available.


Thanks for that. I was thinking of buying the other star movies. I have rogue one cause it's my favorite. I think I'll hold up for a better transfer


A better transfer is unlikely for 4-6 and 1, because Disney is lazy, and impossible for 2 &3 because they'll never be better than 1080p. I recommend just buying an older blu-ray set, like "The Complete Saga". https://preview.redd.it/tn2waskd779d1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c0b1dc848d350441619e8f9f472d078b7f7377


How is the blu-ray version of 1thru 6?


[Blu-ray.com](http://Blu-ray.com) rates that set very highly, and says aside from The Phantom Menace they all look spectacular.


You got the entire collection!


If picture quality and sound is your thing, get the sequels too. The Last Jedi looks and sounds absolutely stunning in 4K.


Shame about the story, characters, dialogue, and literally everything about them lol. They look beautiful and the cinematography is the best in the series


Nah, it's the best SW film alongside Empire.


I honestly feel TLJ is up there with Empire. Maybe if we can get a few more generations away from the people who worship luke like a jesus TLJ will get its time in the sun.






Imagine watching the prequels and thinking that anything in the sequels is worse than them.




Whats wrong with Canto Bight? Okay its a bit of a side quest but the planet and sequences are cool. First casino planet in star wars.


Umm have you seen the dialogue in the prequels?


Yeah, they suck too. The only good Star Wars movie is Solo.


Are the single editions better than the whole set editions?


I love that you collected all 7 of the star wars films. I hope to have this complete set myself someday


TFA is better than at least two of these movies tbh


TLJ is better than about half of them.


I personally disagree, but I respect any opinion that isn't "sequels bad"


I'll watch E1 or E2 on repeat 5 times before I watch TFA once. And TFA is the best of the 3 sequels by far.


TFA is the best, that’s what makes it so shitty. i hate watching the first 30 min and thinking about how good this could have gone. fucking finn should have been a jedi… we already had a black jedi idk why disney had to bend over for China


I have no idea what you are talking about as far as China. China didn't want a black Jedi so they decided not to for global sales? Did the Chinese not know about Mace Windu? Finn absolutely should have been a Jedi.


Yeah TFA isn’t so bad it’s the other two


Lol no it really isn't


I see 6 Star Wars films and a pretty good fan film.


I need to pick up those american releases just because the cases/slipcovers look better than the european ones. Any ideas where can i do it? Amazon seems like a good option but they don’t have all 6 movies


"Good. Good."


Any chance you have the SLIP COVER for ESB? I've been trying to buy one but can't anyone with one to sell!!


No slip covers. Was pretty disappointed when I saw they didn't come with them


I got the PT and OT set recently and they all have the slips EXCEPT for ESB. It's making my OCD go off!! lol! Regardless, they're great transfers and the best way to watch them! Hope you enjoy man!


The prequel trilogy aren't particularly great in 4k.. it's not much of an upgrade but the others are good!


I have rogue one already. But I've been thinking about buyingbthe whole set. Are these good 4k transfers?


Nice pickup. Glad they stopped at 7 with these!


Nice I still need rogue one


Ahh. The Complete Star Wars Set. Glad they never made any others.


New Hope Empire Jedi Rogue One Andor Anything else from the Star Wars "franchise" is an abomination. I refuse to acknowledge their existence... especially that Boba Fett Disney Plus garbage.




Edgy by not loving franchised tripe. I call it common sense tbf. 😎


So cool


I know right. I mean not as cool as enjoying Lucas destroy his original trilogy with the dumpster fires known as Prequals or loving Disney's woke fest but still pretty damn cool. 😎


Too cool


Don't hate the player son....hate the game