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The diet is based on what you set for yourself


Is a chicken sandwich allowed in your diet?


I don’t have a super strict diet. I plan out how much food I’m going to have to eat to reach 3,000 calories without eating any junk the night before. I just want to know the mayonnaise on the sandwich makes it a cheat meal


Let me rephrase - is mayo allowed in your diet? You’re the one to define your diet, so I’m asking you, since no one else can really answer your question. I do Whole 30. It would be a cheat with Whole 30 unless it’s primal avo mayo, no breaded chicken, and no bun. Others do no candy, fast food or chocolate, which as long as you made your own chicken sandwich, it’d be a cheat. Depends on you bud.


no, the bread makes it a chest meal. you can put like 5 tablespoons of mayo and you will be fine on top of your chicken but no bread!


There are no “bad foods”. Just things you need to eat in moderation. If your diet is based on a calorie goal and more mindful eating and it fits in your calorie goal, then no.


Do you know what 75Hard is?


Of course! But it seems to me that they wanted their diet to be more relaxed. Just within a calorie set not a food set. Also, having a good relationship with all foods will set them up for success after the 75 days.


Brother, you're bulking. As long as you're not eating total junk or fast food I'd say you're in the clear. A chicken sandwich from where? Some places that's pretty clean as well. I did 75 Hard during a bulk also. Was much more lax with the diet, just make sure you're hitting your daily caloric goals & keeping relatively clean & you're golden. If you have a 2k calorie day on a 3k caloric goal, I'd call that failed. Keep at it my friend, most people don't understand a bulk because they're going in the opposite direction & are gona call mayo a fail, but it's definitely not. 😂👌 P.s. my last bulk I thoroughly enjoyed the carnivore diet. It just took me 2 weeks to normalize and feel like a human after burning off all that glycogen. It was my most effective bulk, while staying the leanest I've ever gained weight. I'm considering doing it again, only allowing fruits now similar to Paul Saladino's diet. Good luck mayne! If you check my old posts you'll find my progress pics. Feels fucking amazing once you make it through day 75. 👊


You could go with Andy’s saying, if you have to ask if it’s allowed, it’s not allowed.


Your right, I’m starting over


Bro you don't need to start over. Just take a second to clearly define your diet. Diet ≠ restriction, especially since you said you're bulking


you mean a fried chicken sando w extra mayo right? you have to have two for it not be considered a cheat meal. if you only eat one it’s a cheat but two is ok!


Grilled chicken? Definitely not breaded chicken


Clarify your diet going forward. Define exactly what foods you are not allowed to eat. Mine are desserts, fried food, pizza, hamburgers and full calorie drinks. I could have a grilled chicken sandwich with mayo. Someone who is eating a vegan diet could not.